flaTh aadian Charmpion, Thursday, March 27th, -1959 Milton, Orangeville Capture- Top Spots in Four Town Tourney Miton pefi fofifi ittd Oi'.,iigî tfed chtantîpiott.oftif i,înui't f bal ', te'ffi,g ttioit> Gîîîîs îîît iti A tn fi. i. A, ion oî'îîtî G iîii,ti'fii liî 1 iîît iii i v fvetiiftiftitiitiîitt Bras foutîîth f if,,' itis fîf'î"ii Ffitchitt ofif tltii's ba ton,,t e tu', tfi'i'ti tii'.îîîîîfor i fil g ibifi , li, -l, i g o~Ifî and asis, e Id (it, a fut, dui Tfte tay beg*tt vith tifL-t Blii î'iantd "îfîîtii'litîiî sc'rd Bîhzt ti tit fuit,hMl(,ft De ',-O Thuh f iiif f ii' iti ttiofî rifl -t fî io. W Ad'tioVifWallcos Dg>,,di , Ci iigi13- l, *Diii, Mr- shall, Dc,k CtIv',î'i'î.S , ',, te Giffi'. Sti eGs'ii.i,'iand j D. i,.,,,, MINOR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT In ft 'n ffod e,. ,,-,, G, r- to wafh the fine gomes (sfx p on i f.iiii i Ihdte, Ill, vile and Acton players rangingi es ,;l o,.,. A,,,,,n t"! i -0 î,iaicrs r oot oand toffer afo hi Tii', Laiiii' oidf pirii oithe otid GIe'Ii'oî'f iiiii isffii . i jin thei h idî'Kî'... i f b t, f Nit and 'titi " , ti Giiîi .' iil , 0 C11I. ,1, K. a kl H. 00l;,f i. B ii H fi-n, G-r tuiB. tSf cB ". , ito, Pl - tiesfi. t ,, ci i !, e i[ fi,,, f'ii'f i ( ,- ?_-eý - * f- f in 'l",i if ? tsi W , , ;n p enf tid ii,' 'îî.f ' i Iuf i ckl fîdififnifififff p,: Ilf tt tiff if ln.,,,' i ,i 32 m it, ui' f 5 g, if B 'if f.. Kpn lth,îîaîîelîîîAflOt,,' ri, B i i f ., il fi K fit .po it bod ,o s(o n . (i l,' iio ', . , i th, f.;"i if,' s,.,' -' f fin, tii,- i',f iii i îî fii,,, JoblesiFlgur R- Gmitît1idi'ti,'if î5'îîfi1îîtt'a î,'oi"ifii Alf iiii G 'i. iti, t i"C iîi, ,îiîîîf.îî i 'i,,, KKet fi"î ît, .tifii'îiit'f Wi Riit't ft . M t Wfiifi d, ff Ui,d i ffif ffffif fi, A"., lniiiîitiit-Ih-Ii'iis.ti HPPîILO PE ES e Kt. Cî-rîîtfO,,, t j, t fii if if,mî fin ti, ýý h t( Grc Is ltii i , , 'ft fifi 1df, iii' mu i yf,,' inii' ui Ffin,s Iiti WM ifIo su,, ii ,, ', 'i tti ii osi'- f p b iio ,iiit,.b q' i îo Wii f' wtsîîo 5,-,îîgdftr fiuifTf t iffi ii iii ii,-y ii f,g o bn- dl i i hdf in f,î t,,,tif if bu bifi i iffin h ti. . i i fii I th iii if,,f e iy, i Ifîff ', if e 9-îif0t, i,' . i,,, . Bîîtf, ;se d Lb.,d Fiffîii.iu thr 0-g-o. ,f Enhti,. i o -ff 5. I SETHE HEW ILLOYD WAGENI OtIy $1398 Cryderman Car Sales Ontaria i.St. TR -657 3 Tf i'i i tf . 1i.,,,i i fffîfi E' AMY.'I RCP RCi E AUTHORIZED A VICTOR T.V. AND :A WHIRLPOOLI APPLIANCE DEALER 0.yEvJm if 7., T fin Miton Satuîdat, iiteoi hotdreds of frends and parentso prelfmfoarfes and three finals) by Mfltonî, Georgetown, Oranîge- in ages fîom efght to 13. Abote a gheerîng growd of mosify fir 00009 fte stait. om nned Jr. A Pee Wee tfim- suton it o oc akey ttfiittit, Sifuif3/hiîthfe toot i. g oach '3fore fltteam fi an 8Bf, ory HEARTY HANDSHAKE of sPotmat, hip afterMilon howegf ou o uthe Oangeie taioo ite -C- payoff Strday was gîîî iven inills fseoto go pfaîînKeh Speais by Mutlons îipfaîîî.Bîpît, MgGîffe. Miot, gfipped the Georngetowin gib ini fie fiomiffii tfi'iiiary, fuît foot ouf fa fi e Olrfowering GOrangeville visifgis Yff, o efinal 'o.itiped Georqeïîs'wiipeoeîs fortheiifour tf,'ii fîfiii,ý fya 2 f oviifiie ore.fsK'ftftDes'oariifffi' iiiff" 13-b41, î,.htoî'iffb tefivoglsaredisffloftfinîtf,f0-tut "i-th Kt,î,îîtîîsponsors o ,i,ît coaches. an 0 Tl- ifd ,e,î,jf I~f 'I~î,7N ;Acton Zoning Decreasing M f al mjo,22,-'1Y4 Is Effective k' , 864.îta, 329 diiii-, 1fA(TON HI ,î"f . 3 f0.t Iti hfoiî tin-î,' Ilh fi, 8f 500,ithf.'c-f t.('fl'.ifff'î'.ifla 'Cff' fî~tfiiit,'tîf St.,', ~ f i,', .fî,îî If iii î'îîf fîîtiî ui f i f'iiifi f'f iii fi, iii.fif.....ff. T I f i 'fi,,Y ,tffî'ft S i iff,' fu:it,- f "îii f'*f'f Lt f,, f i PROTECT YOUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT AS AN INDIVIDUAL FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT lb Health lb Housing 0 Pensions LET'S GO FORWARD ... ON. Let's Go CCFI. OMARCH I ERY Vote HENR, JAC Hear JACK HENRY March 26 t 6.10 p.m. Mrh27 t 610 & 8.45 pm. on CHWO March 28 t 5.10 p.m. ON CHE Merch 26 t 12.5 Merch 27 et ,12.5 March 28 t 12.5 1Inseîted by Halton Counfy Ridinq CCF Democrotit, Socialîsin ONI.Y MILTON CHAMPIONS of the tournameef oire Dave Bish sK itfOiiftff f00 floof htofcted Georgefown for the ftuîftatwnhtits.Mr. Bioshi s showtn here witht'feam gapfafn KentHiot,î ,Iuftîfiîq tîfiphyt aiîditthe sîfirer inthie ffnal borne Ktty De3,aîgffoe and Crafg Bush. Mlton had tfed te Georgeftown îîew tttail andî Brush soted te overfime. - ' ' ~ is giving away Sharp, New "SPEEDWELL" S BICYCLES ~1KtI for every ae group ý.týCUD RAERSend every purpose! Attltn,, fa e to daoti ia ici, îbcitifoi, 1- 1if, Globe -td Maî. ifiiuit, Tft.faeoieyVooifiiok iight gîte y- u Giofteiirid Ma ifbiictiilb biaioding ibiite îodii tfibiib iillff ptorfrieds gioiiifs,iiii it1 , fiTDgAY-od o-dînoii T,1fthe- batafh,tcfp hl -.Il -,'dnu officlafnohîiipiofîiîîu ,iitfniit,_thi f-t ,ythefoi'fnto-l. Matiiowitithii,tof,tt'i Mm -dt.if',ion t t h-ii to hti'P Y,fl5îto Y 'll 1tuat your bicycle for eau'Iy Sprng-so don't msst a minute! Ycu dc<n't have te d&l.oer eey papers or colleet eoy money! o Bicycle Club Registration Fo,-m SeA NAD AD UN SOlWALK BCYCLES 0g,t , . T-.. ........... h-...... $7'tW aiffy 2 1 - . . . . . . - -f-E- - . . ~~""ONE OUNCE 0F PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND 0F (ARE" t's an aid saying but was nover fruer than when applied ta caring for your car - that preciaus car that can't be replaced far perhaps a couple of years anyway. Pet that car. Take care of it. See us often TAKE CARE 0F THE LITTLE THINGS Yes thse littie things that go wrang with a car tisat is already three, four, *f ive years aid can became serious. One warn part wears enotiier. It's "just gaod business ta insure against thse lass of your transportation byatnngatieslltnsbfoetybcoeeru. *KEEP YOUR CAR PROPERI.Y LUBRICATEII *HAVE A PREQUENT CHECK-UP FOR SAFETY *SEE THAT ALI BEARINGS AND MOVING PARTS ARE FRICTION PFRE.M *KEÉF WIRING AND IGNITION PARTS IH GOOD REPAIE. *SER YOUR MERCURY, LINCOLN, METEOR MAN AT LEAST à * EVERY 60 DAYS. * Let us take care of the littie things for you. .55 P.R M OT OR S LT D. mE R CURà 55 INCOLNiNOL .55p : .M.N MII M LTN 13 1 My Umm