Volume 98. No. 44. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 201h, 1958Seodecin Spring Officially Here on Friday ONE DAY There cornes one unpredictable day Near the end oi winters rign, Whi;c. flic, w/dl nsun nuiits the bard tiglît gr p On the frozen earths terrain; The ice cracks away from the river banks n the wakeofa its radiant steam, And Iotering chunks of floating ice, Twist and nudge on thoir way downstream. Sweet Daughter of a Rough and SnrnTy Child Delighitful Spring - Bar bauld The drifts by the snow fonce are shrinking, As they edge away in the sun And the mud is soggy underfoot Whero the trickling rivulets run; The sap is up in the maples And buckeis ring the trees The boughs in the woodlands are greening As [bey sway and nod in the breoze. Thec air wîll grow cold at sundown, And the nîpht wîil be frosty and stili, Tonorrow thie skies may frown with clouds And the wind be raw and chili Wedges ai wild goose are ilying north, And robins their roundolays sing, Fer God limits the longth oi the soasons And tbe biting winds that sing. Leori ticeîi Spring Hangs Her Infant Bossoms on the Treos . . . - Cowper - SPRING SPECIAL NO DOW N PA'1 Up TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY (MENT GUARANTEED A-1 USED CARS_ 1957 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOORh 1951 MERCURY jV-B Automatic F ýrWth Radio, Sun Vsor, Fender Skits J SPECIAL - $1699. C SPECIAL - $499. 1957 FORD CUSTOMLINE TUDOR-Blue and White 1953 FORD CUSTOMIINE FORDOR-Maroon 1.95 FOD CUTOMINEFORDR-Back1 951 MERCURY FORDOR Green 1.95 FOD CUTOMINEFORDR-Back1951 FORD TUDOR-Blue 1956 MONARCH CUSTOM FORDOR -Gray 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE 1950 AUSIIN A-40, FORDOR -Bine 1956 FORD CUSTOMI.INE FORDOR Bine and> White Fordor, Black 1950 PL.YMOUTH TUDOR Maroon 1954 FORDcCUSTOMLIUL 1950 FORD TUDOR Black 1956 BUICI< TUDOR HARDTOP SFECIAL-Blue Tdr rc v WNU 1950 DODGE TUDOR-Green mi and White TForDCUreeLn 15 USNERO-lc EflL~ 1954 METEOR NIAGARA 1S USNFRO-lc 111E1955 MONARCH LUCERNE FORDOR Bine and Fordor, Green 1949 PONTIAC FORDOR Black White 194FRDMI EFr.1 949 MERCURY FORDOR-Gray 1955 0000E FORDOR-Bluc or, Tan and Bron 14 LM UH UO -re 1955FOR ý,TONPICKP-Bue 953CHEVTUDR Cvdm 1949 MONARCI4 FORDOR Oray 195 FOD TN FCKU Mu 193and BuDO C 1949 CHEVROLET FORDOR MBue 1955 CONSUL FORDOR 1940 MERCURY TUDOR-Bue TRUCKS ITfl 1949 FORD STONEHOUSE SALES TO 12onPcu Authorized FORD-EDSEL Dealerj 1948 FARGO 3 TON Nothincj s Rich But [hoe Inexhaustiblo Wealth ai Nature - Ernerson Spring Unlcicks the Flowers ta t Laughing Sali - Heber