W0 &iuabîau voh- R -mý.11,MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1958 Voum YB.[No. 31 roe MANYNEW HOMES hae poung peinMltn dungthe pastfe o sxyoc ad ery doebedthe populaton sne t0eirbegnnong.Shownhen e r 000 eof aout 20 r10 home eecdor cnredldureg 1957 icFallogboeehsubdivson bnging he toa o abou 80 homesin hisditrit Total 1957 Town Building Permits jMajority of Forums Opposed To rProd1uction Restrictions F ,orums dis elord eone thench eeralIetof the $ 805,015 Up O ver Previous Year ll1îitin o .n nygrouppoiied otte ol îîlhi'ît ohi1ba- a -intzî ThnBok ceNdiduring.1111c yea1"r 1 ,d1n Lîîoî1lnn eel'- ldtenpnîîd n tiv use whn pop- prt s 1C1i.l' eîg thenIr 'o P LRobertson e totonSadditlion WnarI onl î W 11,,4iow.andk'hether they 'hould bc n olnc i e lse s n temeeit itt s i,hed $8o5,0,'5, mt $1973M5 mo0 tre rethe biget itenmn fer Septemon e nI nihe, !- s hl bOzn o mi, niI Y O iono tee, y and tocce ee10o. Mocly theeght teraeo in 'bliîî leloa o 1 95 an d .te r. and in Oten 'theînneî t the vinur OfBel] andtdnlII<înlti-eîn ctagi nt prducntiîo ni- tieetofsurlusi eîeded asin l ni liodll ars stnthrtetftho e în îced te,'the thee snli- nn tldhîeîe. oneetetcîoelrcNe corc tion 11110 relth srn e deed hoes nc eFoiliegbioestî K îd îh ,,n, sle ,iniflur, ,, 1tcr n Iý tneaî,$000.0 bus trtS.î. eIx vil0 m lty I tefrLm Cr npepelinlî 100etOen ngetiuneet otte j~~~~~~~~~~ein, tn th nioncîtt00.ehenn'll îîlleîIhntdît the use et the queo t yntem veht FialjlgZ1fo 15*s12mots asiud inNovneer,and thei oe q ey n t mît etri pctions. "ybs rvd . sucsfl oi th a I-:in Decelohnn.pî'net e'l'gîevneci'î'îî.ndtî.eeî'..and wl i l ydîîîî,î11'î ' e lk eiînt Janlii . nil eOntifor'10more'nhOnes. aefull hen,'ctThe Ov n lgvn e that h., OI 0no Li i hi a lare' ,e,î , Whîe sekd 000 thnyobetoînld w t y 5,8()10 Lee-Cost Hecentg uîlîî mdehllfll' c îeodn et - t fhobbhy treten n d cd In- teIrnettl'lne, oeIt fthne enun Mi*h'. 5,400 Whl. îthere W,ennnplojet eeen- ecînln, clint Notînnn Eehngli - r, e.-d testop ]leny P_ letil, w ou Id eanraeoecloetiode- Aprit 44,600 ten nin t957 th.te'eilct moe, cenll'nidll' havetîpartialtbas- du tion of e rm edue, ilio Pendennoead thernngh toennde Ma y 7.115 the n e e fe n tnîctthe n tet , menet.The thir lî'd 10111 e ,,0tde t Onc, a suplue, aed ftre, 11" het te gnee'. Tht dttînetîy ie ter- 3,1'1.00 Peort c ed bthe dneecon(f btîîck, ncd bh o nI, eenel Att onin ieîdteloicstatnd they etd Iel neaeplaneand the high not J, y '209,tIlt nee n t , all.w the tîî ,ct thn hnlnc Infl On 10011cenn.îtely eîleg pî.e.Ofettttlg t ep aed cepýrînlcng A i oîlît4,80 let1-cnue y tni-dcttehd' IlOencs n s qcen tee',.iolî lnlt v40 ft 1du,115111e .,trtîîntîî e eheds e. TOn ch a pIane celd eekn e neh p o.i,- hnî't,nî î'î t19,()) Falttîngroehaeean epner et On On 27 tntf Inl t, f eig.lnn n. hoiî sd nc.e ec, h I tIno ýMonyofe tth. neormc lit il i ilîîlî Ocn 0,1011 hoîcîer ,'niMîttevin lo ît hî l ccl îî 0cOl ht y In t-Urtecoe tencc n Ohnirltîe e enid ul 13.000 idîid eci .1 b t Il ccdnsavn pe lei te üi 92,000 -3.000 Sc e ethnceninIdleltl Or Staîti11.11' II e1111 y istmPerpidrni thcn ntîn îenît led thîr eîd I ,î îîî 'îi in 111111,hould n ly ltllîîl o '10t111 .a .11,1 il IcI' III 'lltlllO c e of,,eîc 111 1 " d Milntnît t n ,lîlît . n 'î l h. as îlt ,v, g 1 anîo n t acl. tî îî 15lîl' O K I L icrcp r e $îmh01 .l5 tO n, t e tînpLîî,îa slb id idnmrn of a, e,('11p"esttheuin Dol .1111 ' tîîdn. îl 4o 5.0nt înoî ',. ,r boii Dit ehnîin ct ie ed Oret w [y -vic thelO-I -ar.y 1 i. i bg e 1 e, IlI tin' II .1,l P 'c]1îîîîîGarag, n, 11 1, ai . il tîîî'maOin stîîîîc I at u t îîl th,'î .... . ......lîlîll.... . t. ... e .11 i tîî i t , î' l oî'c sîîîîîî.TA.în 'o i. , 3.1 i .. l .î, l ll, î' ttîd o Il d f,.,tth', w '1) c.1 à anc1'.S. , 1 ,1 l i tg n'd c tn HARDWARE Authorized Dealer -Dort Mernît Owneer TR 8-6011 MILTON, ONT. * Fieusi sir ghE SSTOCK *afOSINGER5we EaR " Dpendahie SINGER worrny ed .ie Yen hor npo h o nsnoe-he ch nes nird arebnutnnn o nyh etol i MODERN DESK models nainOne Don' eal frn nnon nhc n yn tno n hswnodo ototSNGccoER atomfior Tisnsaneunonnin pportnn yOurocnk is LISERAI TRAIE-fN e EASV TERMS - e tle as Oum pet weuic et ype ou ese SINGER SEWING CENTER 172 Kerr S. N., Oakviiie phene VicIer 51172 le MilIoe Cal MR. G. STAFFORD, TR 8-6611 LW. EMMS ELECTRIC cetractiflg ed Servicteg PHONE MILTON TR 8-9731 '"ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON' .....*Athrs NHue Bew- Rn on îîroccthat you 10 i purthaboall our01mcd- cine ltndhnithoaidc heom y cI pfiarocîcîct ton thece îiportant 11100000 Fîcît You oare coter t1îcu our ntohiied îtrainicg 110abls u Ioptotect 000 second \ Ncchare rio Muelin oobd and var- i1.14 s t 0 dnosite tic,' tc îlot c^e gîce o moto ont- TI 1 I f i c t or ces Il 11,1/tîîeîîin îîpuchsesn tu kiep pen 011110maey ou.Log aottntmoct sicires cloen, yccî phor' i i fi lt a ry thot you soîecd olîlln enty medi- (inclîlandtheaittîoîd ttom yor îî ia cist? YC-)IJR PHYSICIAN CAN PHOCNF tRiarîin 0 86971 or TOR 8-dd475chIt P 6c. WHEN YOU NERD A MEDICNE P . OP,,,,, na e, M o e exracarge N. L. PICKETTi CHEMIST DRUGGIST 22 Maie S., Milice TR 8-6971 n îîlîlîî ty Sir Arthuor Clîllyl 1601 1 9580 1b cOotin hetene Christemae. Shonti, kee,crAi MaeNah neid thtoiîn Christmcas. Oakoîlie Huc- coce oncienty etoptoyent Ocre Onen dnct'ynoanoe ragofetfine dent dniy boneght t te nheter Oy Het,' cd tOci cocyoyfetthece dege nîîîîd havebnnnotcdîifccti-dic- ltee noocuein s ,had honmacde anîd treatocnot Oy ac eepetect cet- made ecatn,'cierl. "When tOîn Oî îog thiîînpneste us. it et- îîily tîolte tîî cone tOene," On .Mr. M,,nNa ontsout 1thot dic- lenorn nocid bhncio eniinetd have lusî.petsinoeeciatnd. Ht cnîd 10,11 co.sof cthcOn negr dogs woul i cO n e paed if theîr oece, ers wooîd kncthn troncrnin- cîcg ooenon"Thndanger pnnîod in tîeî o 010tîii aout tOneciddle et "Lellîog dot.ci înlooe în odan- <,to,,lier edded, "nînt if tlîny are nimmullne tonhe dîceace, thry 01.11ccar'y the gernnîe te ther dcge"' 957 CONSTRUCTION IN REVIEW. Showco coin ore thnne oh fil ene s emi-deteched twe tonny homes beieg erected in the ainconsrucion rojcsooderiohen in 1î957 mîîMiîtte .Fou sghnrotîe subdivsn asocn exnperiment tetowrd ot bm 0 U per eftpitur shws hecrcutot hîîîdetgcrins ,itle W. oisoc g. Gectiy aooe ic the' te ns en sewnon trenoment 1.Dc col negtOo unit te erve chilîcirn rItleicpicnt ntenscon mi chis cbeing enected t otthe ptnsnet ite norheri sctin o th ton.Upper tîghl 10 00011 tîe t ofohfItise piant. YoU .ARE il-E 0'Z MOtU ANNOT BLýUFF, ESS O. 'rtIU KhOW WHEN YOU SERVICE, H-AVE -IEAT ENOUGH- PHONE TO-DAY ~ e~ii ~ FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS BRUNOS BEAUTY SALON (Above Selite Store) ALI LINES OF BEAUTY CULTURE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MORNINO - Closed Ail Day Moeday - Phoe TR 8.9931 fer AppoieemeeC Milton Plumbing and Heating 150 Martin St., Miltoe GARWOOD & PEASE FURNACES SHEET METAI. WORK OTELLO SCLISIZZI Resideece 389 Broadway St. Phoee TR 8-9258 Second Section. Coronado Deluxe 30" Range " LarOn 0 Gou SEocy Vîn Over " Compintniy Atomol c S0GOvn Tmer " Lotrge Warmnîg D01010SOvn igltit lb Eacy -t-se ic hîenc ONo Fuses 10 Rnpac ONLY $25895 Easy Mentily Terems - 10eý Deece 1 a Emite-d. Fir ®r,