êùftab au MILON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1958 Year's Photos Show People in 1957 News In Milton and Arec TWO CENTENNIAI. CHAMPIONS who made the newsa oanid the end of June were George Robertson, 74-year-oicb esden of Halton Cente n al Manor utho greut the best centena beardH and 18yea od Mss Kathy Thcmpson utho won the ltile of Mss Mlton Cetensial. Mss Thornpson dide' seem too unhappy to have the seout-uhite growth so close ta her. NEW KINETTES CLUB utas forrned le Febroary cornprrsreg the ions nofrnernbers of Milton's Kînsmen Club. Charter rnernberu, lefr bo righr, mers Peggy. essert, Dorothy MoLsan, Marg Baley, Dorts Henry and Audrey rush. The club hou nout underiahen the Mothers' Match of Drrnss prciect csring up thîs rnonth. p FAYE THOMAS, o uroudent ar Milton higli school, was crowneci MAs MHS ai thn schools annuai forral dance, the Citder- silo Bal, in May.M s Thomos utas choses frout nins pretty enranrrts mtheti te THREE MEN î<rthu tst it I ttihe "tutti itor Lolfhao, i trcit ou oi t Qîhur trprrttt eetor i. )tA Fishcr r cft, or E, W\N Ct gcos, ho ti rtestýistifNul sntownoshrip.r lît uthon the mu oti, muurrtr ttrpal Eoudaitrs cototo c f sut. ONE HAPPY FELLOW ii,,'t wsRobert josrettp rih r mIro t tire uge CI u c ttosths plucsd fuortîr rouiîCf 100 entranns ru the CNF. baby showt ru Sutrembîr. H s parntsuarte Mr. and1 Mr Gnrry Adisout Rvrp1lac Cesucenti. \XAI n I MISS JEAN PETERSON of Horsby brooghr honors to Hltos this year uthen she uton the itis of Ontario Dairy Queens t the Canudran National Bhbtion. She also rade seuts by becsring the first lady 10 open Milton fatr, nom e inis 1 OSrh year. She lu uens uith Roy Curtis, presi- dent of the didritcs agricultural faits, and How atd Arrsrong, Mlton fait president. w.t- enoei "t t Il DD'DDDOCttDOItO' De De e. DC" Dec OYDODO bue HION SCHOOL STUDENTS whs made nsws mers Joasse Strsud, RossSinclairnd Shirey Bron Rosb 1o st op Gade13 student ofthe yeuiarwsas aledicsran at he Novem be ommecesntand-nthe schssiboard's porOrsncy shel.MissSoudreeed the orii for serpartint d cama club, mIis MissBrtown wutawa led the Rosse leacdership JIM M.cKEI.LAR, vie t t, atritelttorMiiurî' Brocs Sreet or rt ritiru w irtheliruiIrçîit spelier of Mliotî s pulic uhort riiiMarctitultr'ti 17ota tiuiristctrteretltfhe spoliug bee liic ,, th hcihsfi roluiiorirum. Thte coureur utus a ANDOiffR IRST for Halton Counly mas achieved le Ociofont uhen the mut Milton Area Fire Committes utus formed cornprîsrîrg front rom, lfi ttrirglir, ît Costigair, Aies Phillips, Archie Seroite, racE tout' toron Laig, George Curtis antI Chantse Wilson. The coîomitee rnerged al tirs fre cours of Miltonr and portions of the fout surroueclirg twnships. ELLEN MOUNTAIN of Miltonshuoomed tIre mes op mîrnrif cornes te fihieg chores, uthen uhe laîrded the Birut fish lu tEe Cueudras Championsu annual tout contest. She caught her speckler aI fise o'clock ln the moreing of opeeieg day, and it weighed oser a pound and mas 16 inches long. PLANNING CONSULTANT P. Alan Deacon btoug lit a neut zosrsg by-larn Ic Milton this year, and it has receised tsmnpotary approsal for opetatios. Mr. Deacor, 1sf t, explains the wrokings cf ire by-larnte Mru. Mary Pett, planning boatd chaîrmas, and Geotge Gibson, ose of many 5aepayers who aîîended public meetings on the bytlaut,