Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jan 1958, p. 1

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-Nome Jim Bell Chairman n p si At School Board Inaugural James Belmwos named ho umn nntract. The sehenoolceaker ma ad Fran De he t ie-ch- tbe alta onstrc-ia J.boxe-t$luulte~tt-~! mnac when Mil'n PbicScbeol ucund.a oehydratu nu re isUte0 Bordhedis inaugural meetigus ineessryprier a isngi on Monday enening ofi ih e mc. in the sprc-ng. tthaic-mac Bell welcumed three Board membees mec-e sioc-led ta Volume 98. No. 34. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th. 1958 Tee Pages-Seven Cents. new hbord mem bers .ACoeie, W. le on tha a euher employed by G. Riddeli ossd J. W. MeCuceon the bord ie 1922-23 and pui E L su r en is M~E e-eled - -t.'lire idbythebc-e c--cTh ee odn t Il, . I. ui, Cc-. dl of Canada's Largest N ew Tow n Mis, E Rzeld F lDei-huci sp--eule o u e-cd- clleN-, bel b bo, l1H11dcd l 9 8 rit L lýcen es tv 'I' i go te ietons ,d bcc l et c-o':d iy und F. McNiven u tcc-ud.oe- ltauuselutcluual-h-e- ll-on I c-, Ickliteeccceel.c--t-8,Iis'e te h d onfce. J. WOs10e.aJ.1. MiCLeS b097tc-l tolfcecuntly eni-îeî ouf dc l'ete Msleu iv'uece lit tireSo Mne e t m r s ve '5In u u l Commillees nuedin, $luded or le- tl Conv nee J.pr . er , DJ ee. W. Ouc oard merribec-e ugceed lua nee- J o f t H. . Mleelto, atthhoni i e mdIcI Iiý Rcdeicn - n-Auelc, teueule-ucucean rtht e-o c c te-care a MlonVilhal h hecad-c-e-r elontwnhp ndprdon f d'f- ar treHE.SrMe the l ce bou ilcto cH optaloc-ee M W B Mh oy w- as 0-0t si mt choe ut thedt ehlc-ut-el utcoc gn lce elccch wM nduy ulscs e CausiPo ice H eaJu hlleltdcdandtCcbaccI etoc c--nfecdo ecc icne ttum ee ot-el ecccnt dc-- ca -ccc-rerla -icclle un dctcclc-c-c--ec ne-c,55.c0lu00a eel thceeu thedme teu ut e eec c M tte enruh-etencc-o utescc-vnnec-sucy. 1cin ct lct e cn Fîticth, ccl cc lcecth firccsttu- sctlgldh euu-c etenCTcoln celct 1h 1 J. ., etn uhutnctuOcuede - 1 e I LthtIt-cc- te-cne -n e--c ctetetlce rcuh ettc nc e d o e t e a ahou-c-cn ac l m a i n,-IYs A n l ca hu c cise O We.ouShIu nccOuand d 'r"i p ca etn s lin l sr ie a o tehe e s," cecu cenctcnu cu- ..ihe . *-.ever Ringof thC ue Polc- ic-ce H.c ch,. e MtHec-oe adaloreine uheos rm ecced. oc-ceil Huegn di cheoeui-r nmd a h ps trog te de rGaa te b n sw r eev d m nh le n cssr. itrc 1tri rvicalPImieutit.ilcst i e taunfo oU iutes hgllgne he iau ual W lla Cdcrl nd c loumcr teDee be lBel. o h r, n hi nhgra isdes a n i c m le c der n e th e r of- n ta-,c ue d -dcc tc e te ce - cIldcld e tc pt la - t', e -e cI eeln t c- d cl th o c-tcc-hh e p e - R y m n r a n r n w r n , I C e k . M u s o d ct d t e sa d " h s a e w li l e r c o d d a la i n n t e W . D c c o l ies--es f ot" s eur-sseeon for wpenpierly cc-ce-, oron Lacn trantcer tc-c-oyStei g-imdlrehoy uc--c-uc-eteno. bleone tinthe nist ,y o M c - m hac-ne c inncccc-od b c cci - c- e u ihipd li e e s -gisss d mcc cel e t d n c ttc-ctho vc- -th e c -e iunet- - he-îccc- thc- -c- c l to n n e nis o r s g m d . h. ;eeeAs oci ti nci-cc-ti - h a u-etv e R n g thee -e-ar a h , aoI gv e m e t ile eca - wemec-- he e cl- s t a e m b e n t fful ib e bou - t e m t t î î d c a lcer tc-tt. 1 1 lnd iI" '-e . () t b aS t - A c-c-ceDy e r f s l a n s , c k a k n g insus-o nec- dc- ce e e c--cee-c-ctat ue lelnepermitoIheimeeer c A latte l ite h _Tu _c- t et S.o, iltonsseentelîy decld c-- cc- hre wDttItc l Ijrlluto e i th heCe mue o ton sbed clficton c-c the- tvele edltugeteridofisec alit machine Poliee-ce ae- ,l-c-edthe tto cubete -e- t ewns ih.e dey imben e t - --uc-ecqneced 1,-oct-c- c -e eocfe.Ts nes ecee et-ct-- t-lSorry lhce etl be ne boun encs onde Kicgletgb Cocurt iceo et -e- playee o-m îoild fess itanlIs el s th-e uelt-cc-ec-ttceece t ir)et e oulcemmnîlpc-ta ecoI. Dckechnl oard mc-mbc-c -e c sleets and lnleresed buyees ttc-ec c-t c--ccc--scend-nfe uee n e pou e-c-me ec- t diccotcd the uulc- probaetye ,fcct keis c-slice souti SoInsday. '-We Il,, ,Ii-, ccc,-soin,, carc-c-e-chue-beonpolisi h rpr m re rih-wyWUdb nuàil ýcosidiave slda do.en <too VV eei teaiers t.clce,etitc-ti eeîtcîcedtccrnent a eh of t he tiaesucs v mib s e lecn t e Bolh- ceu htu is cd ntoneis neep ofl th e O ttinena prcute Itha mli ce- esofl<te C rr O Jack qui iccc-attentien, bie ermocicd a Copias -sf c-tbec-tc-cc- c-h uc eh- rersifie essls ha1 con casset " '1 ' ' -' j -i;Iceu eed t-Ctd-alp -o p-- il ac, uthecoeutc-c- ee cc-cce c-- fros the 5owst tarketpioee tccttcc- ii,e c t.t . cýk'.; JIUS1 eswlvpe onf l 'l rm. a teet ee u mt d piruo. uuthoceecngchargc-s luc-beh e tdl seaklin 1 tise Chamipions. teec lýi ,- hte- c-e e ;$ 00trc kcceetnideanIlct n île-t Sof eec, 'ltî and -tc-ec-t-h, c-Th c-c-ccnec 22 c-t deuulbn. t.-eet leghteng, e- Ilptt-t ccccctecc-t-ilc-ce-cc ci- titc rteea ed Labout! punsion ofl cnteoy ond flea. pelice eh.c..;ni ýh 21 , i -tt cal., ,, Ie,>d.ucca nd leutte cservceet. and Ilol Co-Operation, Planning :ectc--e ec -dt ---. ccctec-ecccc-c- truee-lenCoetmthae tee-c-c etce-ttc-tc-c het- ttttl Ccttccecle ivisiccon, tcu gaend at t r1ithe Stressed by Trafalga~r ; 'I-',. -c-cc--I l4 eteeuAntherjfr iehe t958 Mcourcu Thcs-sac nd c- -ilt C.cure ie fopn l i,'5 Meelce Stretc-, eueld ha the cstablishmcen o n ' S "Iltu-c ed e ecd e lc- t t e uuge ee-, ndente-cal pelicc, ts of il aelauce nte h o te h me e c-h and the beNet ehrc etned Cr îlee-.Oc- tulin testta ite municpal cmi- hoa c-i-nuh d e thect ai leýa d P, h e-c-c-tiun, n pont o rdr tetcr N.d.,,Cndlocc-Ihot e-c-ec-cuttc-the tnteg.-tionn aommit- cuenc he Teuinuttrl e eti g utyS-c-vFe-cctt-e-tc . edeeeae d ' l-te-sta lation Q a te sCHAIN 0F OFFICE foc-the ayor-eonfthc-e nwtewn-ofe ulcugeen mac pesnntacl Mondu-mec-n- tewihhssuidte mre ueehedtnu ee-t eecct ec- Marc-de C iuehJ e c aer Asa on 1 of, cclmoneeepuîc-ecs sonin os ttc-siirs in he towenship hal etec- ulureCUc, lo ttcc-cinct e t-ece wH i g en Mayoc- John A. Luehast, cetrc-c , eueecced tc-b -ou cite fiedt meeting. Fdl M.P., Itbclelo. and fernco Icl--Oucc. cceceut .c-c--aCnd. EH.e- tetm-c- ettc-etcSince 1912, Lodge lias iNew-Hau CA.SneBc-.ltpCeteînt-nothetiebuCmuc-tComc, hl FcmenysiE.HgeCc- Ino u -eetlin ett . P,-ecbedJ H Itcc-I ee lcccW-atrW a itnciyM yrLodD.Jcsn iht c n e. Elgin A. MH c-ris, Lloyd D. in eleeg the c-ttrctc-ctu oneuof the ltult-ectowshp eoyec tttce e. c I.cst-- tccetc- - Jm l-n-t- uyclly Jcu-gc, t-nkc > Dcngt,. Geoe,R. Bac-ii, Nos-mon Reuna J. AlecePhîtteps auehed toc John Gc-y, teenshipcie lck-.b S A. te-dete, dfIte-e o t . ( -t et c i I: cc-duc--; O C ro.K.E-c eeu. e e re Bocs- c ed.ic Mess Inaugura sueepeec mut eonc-dere lt-dlshececcJ ecu- 1te-anddc-eOtec-dulaiet tctecc-c-c- ce, W-.-cctcc c--cBc-"tt-,I R. MVý t ecnn t w 138ceol e-aits cc-e c-l lo v r r hec-cct.e-W,.c1c3t c ttcI--ccW.11-* ccId Adhin ee e-C-coef mhul mastfoc-- ilc-. te tce ttîtetueepl-ri -c- I ii -rye lsNIon township, Maon- thoflober. he pceced-d et-t-tcc--'W Occue. Ecc1't-eLcloydEc.ctJacestn ttc, 1kt 3..1K ag the utur,- ie W Fod, M, D Cou cil kay Hel onHosptalW ate Hamlto, latcccr'c-c-tn Curt cee cny tceeu-peo tucncete 9cct-etce--ec-dtcct-antc- t.outc-.î. --. ec cedli lls- I lit Hcele.b cace utn en eleenngheceetde. tcceteet- IIe-tectt.cWdketcc-t - e tc ctct î.î c c .Lcc-cteitc ttî,c-,-c ctt. .Clan -c tîce ccc -ble - I1c Wcuoe Thm.1Mtlacei p euni cli c--I cdc.tfor t--c--te-e-c-oc-ttcJi-çîckce-c-tct t'Ic ýt. IlC \ !,0 III -1Ci.- ,,- t c t ~ c ec lccce e.ttceet ccle -VDe -eneJcgRbneuc c gel e-dec1 i,, cnec-cttdttttttct- t tee-t- to C i h cee-ceti,1 1. ot$9.4'105t i, P bicSh.1 t elc-ccc- h mc- stuetc-y Buti tec-eeend dcduotc-tcet et..ce- utc-lan, ctc.etttBni, tttct e c-c tct e - - - - cl.-cc-etSi,-I:ll. ..ec.tîGt Itcc1c19-cct;Il, - ' 'lI . itt.ct c-ettcc-ctcc-.tte tanleyc-Hall. tir eter lsaet tccd t t Il lc dli I lc'11. ti-c- t -t ccl.,It J tI. 1 -- .1. i t- e-tS- .,cIheeetttttht-t-cc-ec-e-l tcc ncceg d i e at , emtssc l eRIt-c eJ cec.N-. ,Il t :,d -;lit-t - tecIt ttce ccc e - I- - I- t..tc.cth f .h' 1 hI 1ldln A CIte ccctte te -ocICt' A ieonlioLhea nI nfl - tt -e t te r cd i -tc dIcetW 1.etil ttc-ag ttcI.t .: ;Ie-, l itcil t , tpla ni Iftt do a d w i e-tIlt11 echic-Maisc- Silio, t . te c c --.cc- t -t- ect . d it on I ce tc ct t.1'.tItttK. t-t t . tc d unr d ecd- poe rtan c- ce f e t ce- Ic e lt -cc tiedF ir'i C7lF e f D a m a g' c c et-- .. -ec In cîcfi, t cc ccl. c.tIIt. i IL.. cci.c--e.tce Ncttt.ct-ee --u c-c e .ecTad suac-ce, te m t ingu Be cteet-ddtec-cc-ce eotde-coltIlandeeceme-citentelrainttrYdto lah ot i fe c - t î ce tcti neaîlaîtuottc, .ettttill , etcdt t tb"' , $h.tct1 c-c-1 t c-Iccct tîîct).cc 1 'il i,ît Sc 'Iîîttc lttc- ngth-c e iee e ordc ecucn tde s ue eha e - es c oe e nc te c c îccî -- ctc II t ttee c , , c--vcc t hc 1Il . 4.c , ecind c - .cc.(cî1--eFi,;,, , i l îcî;t....... c I h r- Ih -eî îî il - 't loi e-I'n-te îu- a pr r ,hîto lre W 1 t k P b i e-tj oc -ee dd et n et I he l e nu-ta cece-le t-c- l,-ici ec--le- - tcc dn t, ccti c cce ttet ee-c--eil ci l t.. o ; .ý 1 - ti dL jtoc .o ttc-ede-eret un oeil eo'k, elo c-ci-e-tee-ct cc -t e- t te- blcttic , c'-c c-t-c c..- .c: - .7P c- l-ci t Dec lite-cc-te -tee, tacc- facmi.,, cnniIý A el],,lc-c.c-cy ,ccl*,-IIlb thcccîc-ît. -t ScIe-. Ttct jec, he ecsio w ll rom in1 I[ lI diy ondlyF- an lstu nîc cecl c cc - îccee .. d cc-teck l ct c - te nc-c- r d-d- t- lt lu ccl -ele -t tt- i thc- Milc -to Il te cct cl iet e-c e soc-tIiîtt-ltttd- ( t i l , t ce, 1c-- kt,,t ---ti l T, . i tc cct c.- I ccan - i le atdtctl tc- t e of leT .,tct- astIt , fttttDa-tIA anc ccIc. dl-t Ieet-Se liec- ,e- -n'y ce i. et l to . l c c et c-.til tas thttd ilatli 't n I ee, ct c 1îî-1 t-11 11 cc plan ct ce -tett-c t l c, If hcl hridet -- cte -t cbucc- nd c-c-c-lt c -l Ier o,.c cl tItI t tc-- er l tli _itsosy h tc-vscnclon conilc-tcce 141 îok oarhi- ule acRonloclee tss u e.Set MEM ERS0F OUNII.mniTeoedu- eeneg c th Mec-o- e ccgh. u-e.Rneu tlelcct C totc-tc-hum Dancy-Re feMrc. Cete-tldectItotec-lst e-edtece CoucilChabecc-,10 egi hoe-oc-cuclnti-. e-eor ydee- uc- S.Pol, Cocc-ilet ActutDecuc-lcî-nCletio Misee sid cl C Ceccîlce-b teces tc-c Lee- d ntcontlai 10c-ihiac- dceie-c-enoFre J.Nea, ReneFhili-,1a1 cenclerJosIH G. Cild, oo lbosone- ie Me-o-e hai to- ie tc-cI leue non . Soces. tucdin utc-ac- ie ott de-k in osigac, Oese l end ttteitled Pc-e-c bi Welentt tut-dic-g loi t rigi, rc ogeillrs . L Cod, ac-in roiher Arhor1caock ihe e-r t pc t he ci t h to-tc--. ii im ot ae CunilocJon ie--le, hrle oetonsmdRbei ad. Wc ooe urec.necie So-eIl,,duBlmr

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