---------- 1Mils, Hasselfeldt, Stark Lead List Schedu le Chalk Up W ins vh scored Buins' two. View Canada '57 Through News saturday Minor Hockey Scoring For Int. Games in Minor Tilts atos" nag yJc lr By The Canadian Press tee changes of Communism against month walkout ait Arvida, Que.,Gorge Mills with 17 goals and ·r Following is the schecdule for A weidle range in scores was seen vin. Brian Hilson ILco't , twithubaga Jan. 8-Former Progressive Con- Normnweebased on RMCP re- alumninum plaint. (ne assist to his credit, stande lat LETTER TO THE EDITOR thec Milton Pontiac Chlefs' Inter- at Milton a:,ena Saturday morning, .swered goals to lead Clevelanvie servative leader George Drew re- por wI RMCP had withrawn Oct. 5-Strike by United Steel- f.he top orflthe bantamn league in mdat-B hockey club home and December 21, when Pittsburg, Mil- 2-0 drubbing of Buffalo. signs Commn et, Jan. 1'7-RCN as unfounded, wvorkers Union at Gaspe Copper Saturday morning hockey with a H 8 iPeet away garnes for, the remiainder of ton Department Store, Ledwillhs. Geor-ge WMIll - Rcerqc fa o aircraft crrer oo tr om a 2 W ekaeo C i-Mines, started March 1l, ends at .total of 18 points this week. lintflche IS est r Sen thi eseso. This schedule does not Detroit, Maple Leals, Rangcrs and Springfie u'Ptbug eld Dec.9 found on mouainnea at Otftawa makies her, first live telu- and B. Starkktire tied for* top spot tokyAtedne eami which hans cd.opped out of- the minoir hockey. i b i'hgm.Mlo eat Feb. 21-Ontario budget forecasts Chilliwack, B.C. visioan broaadcast, Oct. 14--Queen wvith 10 points each--both of themi The Editor.leg .• In thc first game, Detroit breuilment Store blankçted? the M#lton record revenue of $594.000.000. Feb. on s new P.ahamnt. Oct. 16- holding down louIIr goals m six The, C:madian ChI on.Al home g:ie, wvilh thle ex- Boston 5-2 under the> leadership of1 Hardware eiew 5-0 and LedvWith's 28-_Ottawa a on c Iles plans for June 1-C:aia eneral ellec- Nr the.0 rn 465-foot span of112,200-foott assi.'I1 D arS'ir:'l l-, il, Fl') tu -MM M sod f urfr lmmdKnighit's for a 7-1 win. aiifto 2.00 British and French GLoi tr ns [il f 1,11) L 5ý M AIlska i h ybi dg ve he at, u >t;n i 1 I ..t To.e ii nso M!:.'.l M d r yso m immnigrants. CCF., 19 SC. six oher;une vote Rvrcl a lat Tylr, B.C. Store Is, 'way lot frontinI the mid- . Dou kno htBulirB ys-M m M ltnae Marh 1 Albrtabudet . l de f uerred. Junee l'7--Louis St. Laur- Nuv. 13--Fartiuhar Oliver. ,53, re- -et Luague wirCleveland lasis better thlan Mening Men? Mach1- lbrt bdgt elde et rsgs prime mninistership,signs as Ontario Liberal leader'. he bantamIIIs just twVo points ahead s eueple iln ilton do kowHome $20 oil-dividend payment for A- John G. Diefenbaker sworn in at Nov. 14- Prime Mfinister Diefen- of the next onIende:". his, and as a result there arre 200 Friday, January 10-Stoutffvill,-. Milton Plumbing and Heating bertans. March 6-Supreme Court Otawa. baker announces $125.000.000 Plan Saturday, Decemnberi 28, Kigh.t's boys plaving hjockey in Milton Ai' . Friday, January 17-Or'angeville: of Canada, nullifies Quebec padlock Jl -tafrO t Fsia o o e eeomnsi Mari- edged a win fromn Department ena oevr Saturday mlorniing, sup- Friday, January 31-LeFroy. 150 Martin St., Milton law. Edmn t haoni w m ane PIs 1 prad-n tim1joe.Nov. 22--Landslide at Prince Store 5-4. Furfthe wnn rs. Dog plied with uniforms and Letiu" -ip,-,edaiy. February 4 - Stouff- ian~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ie 1uin lhnpo hpIlrhopn np eoiiilysRprB.C. kills evight perýsonjs.Kelson and Ha.milton scored two ment by local sertvie chribs and ville G R O D & PAEFR A E tiaeda 6,5.00Jly3-EWRsiain hockey team beaoten 7-2 by apiece while Learmuont had one organizedl and led by prtiv:ite iln- Fiday, Februariiy 14-Bradford. G R O D & PAEFR A E changes fin personal, corporation fr in e i1,6000 ul 1 D W Whitby Dunflops. Nov. 26-Domiin- and twvo assists. Forbes í-romn Bai- dividuals wlho :Ire glad to give Tus y. eb ar 18-B3cetoin, com ta rtes rarlio ne osit ffca pr-ion-provincial fiscal conference at ley, Slessor fr1om Forbes 121 and Ilhei time and itretand ',n >w- SHEET METAL WORK April 10--Parliament gives final to.Ottawa ends with federal offer of Ham,.elfeldt unassisted ounted for how to your sons. Away reading to proposedl national hosp- Aug. ll-Maritimie Central Air- granlt-in-aid to Atlantic provinceýs. DeparIItmen"t Store This is clean sport, anld the boys Friday, January 3-Stouffville. OTELLO SCLISIZZI ital insurance plan. April 12-Pear- ways chartered plane returning boosts in unemployment relief. Nuv. Ld it' whipped Milton Hard- get an xclln trainirgn in elf- Tedy January 7-LoFroy. i' o son tells Commons Canadian gov- tromn Britain crashes at Issodun. 30-HmloTie Cats wini Grey w 6e -1 in thc second ga,,n, discipline, fairoptto and Thursday, January 16 -Orange- [ Residence 389 Broadway St. Phone TR 8-9258 ernmient had no0 doubts regarding Que, ait 79 aboard killed. Aug. 21 Cup. when St.ark score-d fOuI rigals and sp)ortsmnanshli, (When 1 was a boy, ville. loyalty and integrity of Ambassador --Prime Minister Diefenbaker an- Dec. 6-Cuts in peronal njcmePrddie and McConnel pikcedup we played shinny on vacanit lots Friday. February 7-Stouffville. Norman, who committed suicide in nountces $150.000.000 loans program tax, ato . excise tax an uncd ne a efor, i,,- nner, Thoni- o skatedt on the, Thams Iver Saturday. February 15! - Brad- :e mmtcett mmtcCm tetuttfiiW tttM nt M M Cairo April 4. Parliamencrt dissolved. for low-cost housing. Aug. 28-CNR gt lu.-Prime,, Minister appoints lis from, Nelands accunted forw-th little eup etand n u-fordI.y celcion set for June 10. April 15- train nmail car rolbbed of $60,000 at royal commission onilprie spradsithe losers- o:a vsin)Friday, FebruarlIy 21--B-eton T 9 8 Governiment House at Victoria Woodstock, Ont-r fr nd fseisproduction, It angers w ith Z sam sore11Y0ou1, an lvtv a e art fin i a-d usa.Fbray2-Lfo burned, $1,000.000 damage. April Sept. 13-Sidiney Smnith, former Dec. 11juin ancovrvtrprv nd am ns a a lo o d y n n 16-Montreal Canaiens wvin Stan- presidient of Univerusity of Toronto. Sunday sporL. De. 16-ErkNi. hnD"n Currie sc;dInr. mi v ur Iýboy a r tmspe nt.~ WELCOME, Mii h r il - and MýIL ,ýIIIk d lla en vcn I v l o a et N LA E B ley Cup. Apr il 17-Pearson dis- swvorn in as external affairs nminis- son, Porsie Conse vratve, w ý -4 ý ACtNDn -rmJon-d i b hee na at avm8n closes that U.S.S<nate subcon.t- tel, Stpt, 16-Strikers end four'- elc dinY knb-econ - yM nralu . gtowth orsn ph :T is.1 A GOOD AND PROS- . æ n - -»s, - as Clevelandand Buffa.lo fou ,,Iwl mni mr n ann-j-,;yPR US YA0T L r'utl toca fou r]] noneinthe --uth wodscan epesdon-t :askeme OU KIND R ENDS Native of Halton 2'mew thIbisn 1 cK'Ill « Ikowut ii- ueOR I Ra an el oigal hecunm frOn lbehalf il.1 Mu y ayAND CULSTOMERS. AKAEETJ Retires from O.NR. ci, M 13 h 1r and 21 THE-E -T ll i Archie Frueeman, a native of H-al. Ken T -p-nscrd for the Bi3-S rrel bu the ton Couinty. retired this week aS " y" gene:*ral manager of the Onta-i prnfe ye:iy kncd11 Noter ala."" JWu ntttunee TO 1957: M .Fý 'reeman, ho knlows-, vir-- bec kna1 eog -',ls v r A tually all0ON:R. epoesb orgas;dDu ons ih OEC N VR NGOODBYE, Continued from page Twlo because gas and oil were dnam e i l btwn:orth ayl nd "l,, '40TEAD TANK4FO Energy Hearings factors inithe Canadian economy. .htm-es Bav,0 N-has serve:and! wH"r meAN" BEIN SGODT Hearings of Canada's royal cm-he said. mnth'mr1ha050yem sstn ;d Mphloa 1B i BADLY SO LL 1 mission crn energy are toioPen in) "We have coral, nuclear pow,, He lhas he lpe tg'row fom l up 4 adIc be Pnr n Yn the West.' probably at Edmn to,n. water power, colt gas and pipeline mlinol. road srigCobalt 1Hi _Ken o er o n:bedrfoIS R N E AG N Y0 ie Their* subject: the country's oili to study." he said. "I think thele bu r ;d New Liskeard tl o lhe"runo. D k y % natural gas and pipeline industry. cm isoesare, of the viv, ew n utl l dollar fem o Cy et h14ruhan. Plans for the hearings thefirst could not u sef iysek eviden-cri sme20000 sua e !es of ter" H PPYy phase of a stu'dy to wor.k out r- >ll matters ati one tme" ihest ternry in ;m da 1 A" VV commendations fur a national enler- H, addod thtcm isjnsecre- Mr. Freeman, brn i Halton n bt the Il :wk Hawk ood bealtand good x gy policy-were outlined at a press tary J. F. Parkintson and eIU csl Cutcm otenrhas dkiC y d Gr NW YAR em nnn nnnan nnnefonr conference last week by comnmiss-1 Arthur S. Pattillo would hold pr- junort clerk ini 19(YZ rl.T HmmoLya ny g ,_,heco in NeIYa ion chairmnan Henry Borden, Llimnary talks wvith gvrn etKirkland ILake and N-ir:mdtha we g N w eu 9 The commission would deal first heads and industry repi,,resetatives yet Ito bc discovered. The hugr ri- n tri "with all maittesonetevithi in Weern tlCanada early cinfithe pulp a;nd ppridustryw-S I11- WhnTOWN OF MILTON the oilgas nditpipeline indutrIy", new ear*, know -he-wnt.tu wokum'henakrL -E M maai,,"IvELECTRK "YCh istmas Tre Mrs. Mary Pettit Heads March H-An among e poeswo w rke i Campaign Plans Now Under W ay fl"c-ent---M_ 4 *.¯l ic - Mis. Marvfosterd Ierte..1st in, Irn reevl- ur4 21Contraching P c M s May S. Ptti, Milton's|crecieprcdueproviion orf op e uklP - e sa ha Put!h1 r1 2 2 0 4a dSrii Chief Ma rching Mother for the apliances such asa braces' andi hel hoed wouldnbecome anothA March of Dim es "Mothers' March," he-carjob rigi n a 1skll or m- M traff i l:th , n annouinced today fthat pas for* the o. pof sin uitable tth ie handi- , __ _W t tem t, G- P O E ILO T -9 3 giant one-hour "B i ltz"ucmpaign capped person. During fthe past two fedt amd StarkMOr.,hJANu 6 are well advanced. The town has.Iears. 598 porsons have boeen r,- $12,000 Error.Made..... been divided in to ,4 districts, each ihabilitated by the March 120of Dimesade and . 7PdtKe5 eah - under a captain. Between 7 andS 8 at an average cost of $623.00 j-On'No. 25 Overpass TF^M ST NIfSTy o'clock on the evening of Wednes- patient, she statrd. TyINLL ART1OFTOW day, January 29th, every homne in - A'rfr eg f noe. fhl community ill beý visited by a "Sriysc stoedvlpd ps erB rigo a otO t MacigMthreahowhmbthMahofDmsrentnotx>yr$2.0.Bcue6K4 Please have your trees out if at ail possible for this will 'visit from 10 to 1.5 homes in ava labe fom 'any "other sucthe ero.the ovras lpd m her, own neighborhood. exce pt in, the cas, of the Work- thle wrong drcin special pick-up. moren's Compensation rehailitationl The r ovnc- chie hgh a E E Marching Mothers are asked tosroe o hs hs nuisegerW .Caksu etr N A E ET I t m enehu ths ah.have býeen caused in.the corse of day the isitake hadt bee-n mIA .M O ETOWN OF MILTON Ihe*ir jobs." she tte ." o te b n ousde cnul; t I a atye!ar«,an army of iovpr 100.000 -uceo el xsts f 'or herup disCove red h:e m n t a'en . :dMYCa!sIlote N U A C Mothers marched fri, thle March 'of physically hniapd adultsicontractr eo m or a e et. lnfa a t noi h of Dimes, andminaust one hour rais-:ow cetdfrrhaiiainTeovrascrisNo , naeetofte-din.. CAMPBELLVILLE S LS uin n-on - -m aaa ed sufficient funds, to carry on te poeu y t he M rh ihay. liover h uen Eia ileilEueM Ehev-on PoeUstr427 enIre mdical ehabilitation in D m s"sh debeth Way and ispart o poffiJhn McEl ....ne, .;mdl the hoe LTD. Ontario, for- a full ya, rah ytm o he1uhntn MrdLEbneyo ilo.Thclmm m mim m m Mrs. Pettit named her committee "W think that moiney spent on Skywy he eror did not di ma r.ig w tk place Janr y .. members. They are Mrs. Barbara march of Dimes patients is a smnall consruc ionofte sv a. M 1,15. KeE E Durnan. Mrs. Margaret Bailey and amounit to pay in making these ClakI. tiutd th ror)oto - --- - --- Mrs. Audre Bus, andicapped persons indepen-tdenit )t b t e who wS %west T eAlni nnrtrsfo Volunteers are, asked to get in: of public welfarec." she said. *Tu and] what Iwas est.1 therse'. a rya l wayJt te rve y toc ith any miember of the take a physically disabled prn Before the onree asyun d ItsIrth 0' leSR E I G Kinette Club. an -mkeIt possible foi>rhim tu we detected the rr', It -' Mrs. Pettit sitt that funds a ean a living for i m lf nd hs n ar torie helv at m uised in'a complete program of re- family is not only a wonderful endo-ii, I.r'.c o l c and lowerIit t therothr.eThisa habilitation of physically handi- thing for, the patienth ims l iaso ivye owseofcn eeoa urfin sW xed capped adults. The program in- makes ia lot of sense fto the ucom- Pasfrte vras rl ursne90 ihe o cludes hospitalization; necessary, munity." ay ndai·mpadbenlub ity, to department engineers as Is W 'joyous Holiday Sason. EWi ;gsm m ?? m3'T utmaywth iah work done byr, Manufacturers of W consultants and had been approv- HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS y OBITUARY ed.DeparItment engineers r s MEMORjAL ENGRAVING unalvj anly concyene ihstui ELPOE 08NORM GUILD G. H. Lantz, W orld W ar 1 Veteran rtae l :eb.Ide : 62 Water St., North GALT y MOTORS LTD. Iughand whether height l lw Dies in Sunnybrook Hospital extro l, t e oa I A veteran of the First World Acton Branch of the Legion as wel] building up, th, prah wt Wandt a resident of Acton for as many friends gatbhered her-e toin ,rc adloeigit atth Cement Blockcs many years, George H. Lantz pay tribute. The Legion conducted other end. Total cost orfithe pro- % passed away on Thursday last ait the graveside service unde.-fithe ject is about $2.000,000 oIfwhich thec WELL TILE - SEPTIC TANKS *n T nr edrhp o o rd-asicui,' Sunnybrook hospital inTrnolaesi fCmae Halmilton overpssacoute for, $150,00)· BULLDOZING - TRENCHING afiter ant illness of the pastr six Peal and Last Post was so undied by »mmmmImmmmmmmmmmammmmmmma weks. He was bornl at Linwood, Char-les Landsborough. FATAL, CUIRIOSITY Edgar Howden li«t«*«« n - "*«« *«e a ston o1fithe late Henry Lantz and Pallbearers were Messrs. RoIy MANYBERRIES Alta,. ri.- Threa, eis1 er8o7N ve be Brown, George Smith, Hill Lasby, Culrsity not only killed the( ca-t Ph. TR 8-6258 R.R. 3, Milton Jh a brEiM sesadA-11t kokd (ltfo e. t hs1 Since his marriage over 50 years heo.g 1 .-Wà g bine m manag Ve auy.as an Kirknes. Interment was in ago to the former Miss Bertha Fairview cemetery. Gamble, he and his family have resided in Acton and district. For many years he was manager of the FARM TROPHIES Acton branch of the Bell Tele- C -Mdl.e phone Company and up until his LNOOt retirement was with Beardmore onybac fth Hlse- and Company. Fjs. soito rsne Left to mourn his passing be- .. ndBlG-icftead sides his widow are one son and sr iht.he o h rn cour daughters. They are Stuart ofý Guel'ph; (Clara) Mrs. Sta-nley Coy " ,"ca r o of Willowdale; (Mariei Mrs. H. C. 1tebs ý, Sutcliffe of Dearborn, Mich.; <Is- abel) Mrs. R. A. Gordon of Toron- to and (Grace) Mrs. Ross Robert- son of Milton. There are also 11 grandchildren and one -reat N U A C grandchild and a brother, Jack. of Toronto. Many friends join in sym- pathy in their bereavement. EtbihdAec He was a memnber of Acton Branch of the Canadian Legion and Knox Presbyterian church, and a citizen who took a keen interest in R .F R his community. The funeral was held on Satur- MLOOT day with service at the Rumnley funeral home conducted by Rev. Phn R&ge 35 County branch of therHolsteon cmbdapwrpole to ras fr eand in a flash there waýs nopower-and no eat. vMILTON'S Teen Dance ' Milton Town Hall EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JACK HALL CONCRETE, CINDEER. SLAG AND SILO BLOCKS . ean - J. COOKE (Concret* Blocks) LTD. NE 4-7763 EVENINGS Milton TR. 8-6365 4The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Decemnber 31, 1957