Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Dec 1957, p. 2

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On Hus Bithday Wedrresday seat is Christmas. The dlay rew gucis, of fate, of thie stars abone and al me pause thrcagtrout the Christian world strange signs la the dry. ta cetebrate the anniversary of the birth of Christmas is the seasan of the srapend- the Prince of Peace. Oas mystery cf Omnipotence mapped in fihe past siaty meeks constitute possibly smuddtitîg clothes and laid in a manger, Dmv the Most treenedoas period fil history. AI- inity is almays mîr're ynu le,st exprert tu mst cunstanlye hae led iniunarnut t dil kli wýig lit ll Ilo'uw il lii,ýj ofl Iý AI tihe tlime of tie triti u( je , , , ,drr Neye, has the tfuture beeri so uterlyupie- uana h ieu icuiurn rar dictable, me are nul su mach in a periudofai thereher-e o fi ruiefiinmas a transition mith beliet in progress to push as tan end ecae ai mhuîcetairte mitnnwss art on, rather me snem 1tre eoterrrtg the rnalm 3n eskand hilue eoennnîs.Tre uita sdei ci thn unknumn -The Satellite sitge. tesyadteeeet.Teulmt e Hune yuu ener noticed the striking struction ofi tie morld lins been a crarrer ot fact trar the plitical, economin, and social uoncern lue many yeurs. conditionîs ut tire mrld utt hie imneaur Lord Tirelauerais outtie pat ile, seenr ru mas hure meca uary mach us thiey are assure fha t tnar's destruction ufthtie mur id ocr'ay'i Neeer betore hune tmc reriods ut is nrsmoarre certain titan nuer. Tire meatrs histury been su uile, hune beenu pronsded andci rtiig stands ber- irrirosa dnys tirea msun innnse Na- meen as and tnedestructionr encepr tire r ienalisti i ruel, anrd a haughty Militaris rrualinugaries etiumun nature. lu Rune. WMthttCesar thilre mas a kitrd ut But this is nett iie limtu r despaîr Tire drcîaturshrp wmitch absorlaed rrdidncal ceai bey lu hultday litppinesusu ishe simrple rîghrs. fconomrcaity the morld uftIhut day tact lirai a lotrg tare age tire Sautant came mas dsturbed assnener tefora. Taxatiun mas and arrarrued tl su unr me are rute e miîh excesstue and ayerpomering. Religiaor mas Hier torener Hts kînldo etti. Chiriasîrun on the declitre; tire Gaîtiles louitfaiittr their Hts brrtduy. gods, and Istani trad no prophet. Lite mas Su, Muirn m ish yen ris me nu a becuming a riddln, lîr mhsch sclrîary heurts Merry Christmras, me are mrshirg yen te losi ntan, begor nu sangs and tam chld' successini accoui)rlerit oftttht ie de' trry et ren, bacame maary ot aid culture, atcaîd outhtie Kng ai Serve. The Meaning of Giving "And apeaing their treaures they 'tufer' ed Hrm gits ai gald. trunls.ceseanad myrrh." rt may snem a tarcrcy trom the girs ai thie Mugil te the infant Jasas, ta girs bc- nath the Cihristmaus tran la the Carradiair home, r s a long coud, iadeed, yer the un. derlyrng maiva ut both acrs is the same. Love outis nature cemands sacifice. And loveademunds expression ut iseift ta the beluved- by mards, by bauds, by gis ad reeerof aftection. The gsftr s a ris'rble sige trom the greer of hs regard. hîs atfec- ion und lune tut tire une ta ahua tan git 5s ginan. Oar modern and plantaoas age has ai eaed, and pnrhaps dlnîed, the habit ut git givnîg arChrristmarscrme.But thetrue rcjrtrt icaîrce aftie git reenîr, tire a At imes me riace rmentral yrrcn jtarr o anc girs -baithortse nie gire anrd tireseme recarne Tire brq girtr the euneis, ne gifti ii vantes anc objective. The ber t cure for unr s te rattendîla school Cirriscîr,,s cocertcî arr y a c o concert wmil dieo.rcitri ýe hure oitr.sit, yre-schooleis andcitire fîrst grade irriiln ahen they recerv e iergir r mnyireantrn nihistie n ara de"s nyranyetfr t tire unes themr, un asire n ilensure rit teeli bhar us irît n, an itricrte ette,, ie tey. Frai e tr wit' r" i' vî, r iî i true sgnifcrcnnofciti' A Memorable Christmas Canudas beut-baamn nonelist, Mazu de ru eutthrefi gures nsicie ftrtlier.c i iii arr lauRoche, rerniscnîaarecent articl,îabarit riemrta yari ri 2su trlrtrrirry a murable Chrstmas ahsch sire and ber tem mitercairi id riypa chrîdren spear la Englaud milen danghrer Teaa r 'gu îîeirW Esmen and sue Rene inca gramni, mere enx j h grsarvdiiV,,] sauna and sx years aid.sac. Ready ni s tire crin, 'etflîgrîr nrnud They mare ling ta Windsor, Miss de lu sta,'eJ Litr, r, opn ortniera i jr setityc Boche rails,ad she had decsdad ba t Christ'- utcoutah Si e ialent cIs irda i, n iri no mas shauld mean 'samerhirng mure ta rhem oftac.Pelorvste- il-,a . than Sauta Clans and presears" Sa she asheci When Clîrisic, rcrin(,,tire cirer 'cil hec chauffeur, vmhe mus haaely mrth ranis mimed the -b,-12-,nu re I rîtthe tien etr and denarnd te the ahildeen", ta mahe a thnr y rcser t.I r) iefr'>t r oth ti r Christmas arib. Thea, ou u shoyy i9 rtrp te aeth r a vie tri Cii î ,tir'cril a( Landau, sha ahaacad ou a shop tbar dts1rluy- mth tirtFac yi' rMa(lela Rnchire edrinirsmwiadam"an eaqaisîîe grenpaofhe canis, r sracr'rnrîiirietiittti stantif unî, Holy Famly thur hud baencmade ru Frace".brun9 eut andcai mhe raFigureas.SrTheci. li Inclnded mare tha animais - a lurne ast, a rmu, am grant rît rund mretiied sîrIl el a iamb and a banîga cam", ryncan creran ,ý, r5nnd is cribt T tieri,, Haing emptred ber purse ou preseers, us ta us aider atm ,,i s.htir e',/riif Miss de la Rcheasbed the shap attendant the Holy Sarrau' Diffe rences Here and There As dîttecear as rhe clatIes me anar are thle aays inwmIraI peuple aroacd rIe morld taadtmanaily alebrare Cristmas. South Afis cans, toc instancae, tube ta thie beunhes ta ns- cape tle crimmer heur, and eut a puia iclunch for thair Chitumas dneer lan rIe cares, Sucra braves rIe cueey srreeîs mu lus beauy robes and points thie may tc île etaborure departu ment store taylands Forcthie natives ai Ihat land, Christmas s tIr begrnnisg cf a meek- ong arnnutalo i stgine, danaing and parut. iag rthe strears atI pupe and stria9 bands thur serite lnltrcg heurts us anti us tdaning stepu. n île Nethelands, "Saint Nuhoîrin" Day s heid on Deaembea 6. Oid Niail humseli rab- ed in eaniecnustaal ed and mhite garmrents car the abte rimmed ed suih bsomn ta Amercan and Canatrun iboys anet girls camnes ta toan. Hic attendant lu a yaang Maumsil semvant, "Zwarîn ief', mIa leadu Niab's mhire hurse and carnies hic bag ful ai pesents, This s thie imeahen bmectolb garil et tac gay fetsivny asil al hie trimmuagu, anetthn truclutiraill cce otgiftta nr Grec-ce, tire Blnssrrrg et tire WMutr falowing Eytyutaiyeaonuunuary 6 ipranunl then maut clnnely ralad eenuîr t Chrmaura ns At Nauplua, the Arehbnnhay bhrame a mandenti crossimurathie mtar andrilbt ireshemmer cive and strcggln ta Tances, m, fer Innecrre ruil etons muy eunur ail thie hanse' n tire eillagec and nu5 n a llectiaon, nihirten bruuugu mur alarge sam. Aurd inn Amatira 10h eu, m, hilrmitaundn the asunai echage et gîfta ara thie ardar ni thie day. A tarcry trea tremaquiet mamsii and solamnaorationmeofethrie ninpherta whnirt Jeuns mus bac,,, mnte anse, garery. anl ballianca ai thie murmel's ancralmmi an Christmaus. The canuesarce thut ail but nalnîrdini et hep Cammuriers aceld gladly te any namber ai atifiiai means lac cleener lamas, faod andadppcelI. UCvir Soviet plannirng hamernocsechcircen m openu ta ordinnry folk. Capirelltrn(N.B.) Trun. The Canadian Champion P urbishad cerne Tlumsra ilMîtnîrSi., Miltons, Oat. M eu rut the Aedt r aof ulCnecttitiu,rte 'WSNA. ad te Csirars'-Qrrarc DCvisinrîmC(W.NSA,«Adeccýtrýnrri 'tris un acret. Srmhaaruptîrur.r uuucrýitrh,'rsrurnscc O$:itin mu, tsmt, $4.00 itna ntht' U..A.Atîmîin 5Terut(lusNin Uttice Cepuarsln, COttrwa. C. A. FIit.',Enircs(tut Jaman Cite, M a rtrauss Esîrtor Davtd R l, rît, adaetireManraer Publishe n se rHeurt o a tna Peislise isy lise Dîllîn Peltleg andl Pttillising Ce, Lfelteel BUSINESS AND ED ITOBIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE 'FR 8-2341 =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= For a United Nations ti, ta11Ç i t i, il ,,t "flh-tns Iale 11It i t' SM. ýlI ý1 1ý zýd"Ii i ,,, u i u SetI 1 i rt, ftr ire, tIll' , , tiii 'tdirr ant 1 ': l1ý"t, t'Itl' tirsIatiti,1tr1I unt , t I h ti I dii t ,, I' i,, a i,.,,1 1 , ' c i iiS 'rî ritti is, t i THIS SUNDAY'S CHURCH CALENDAR ST. PAUI'S UNITED CHURCH t' i t r t,,,, 9su 1titi 9 15irti S CALVARY TABERNACLE tA)ititi u, tr-inttn Teu ini 8u, pittt~ n uectY r uttu 'tutti r',,, 2i.c ..tc' tu entr g îtnuîuct ,, , sunt, Tancesrie Cuts'nue -, nî,' ta .1ithtnse LOWVILLE - NASSAGAWEYA ti ttuRttu P.O O E.tJeaîtes, c .,,,,t, lhtE ChineR, a-5a t . t 1rtN5 "iSFyitthiieMC init h,,ut t u MILTON FULL GOSPEL ASSBM B LY - Ahflrlrin'd artS Il' FENTE(IiTAL ASSMBLIFS )F ('ANADA .t,.Rev. N F'ienn TITt3AY. DC'tEti rr, 19C7 10.0 ni 'nu sTiti1,,ti errr Il- rN. Ii, IA"Cx, t n'uni unalcni su,,rle ni Strut Sisniayseraies un the IOD.r Hallt. Nuitsian Ait Are ni',ru KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CNURCH r' C, ti ..t. tnit . t' ni Ct, i 5 mm ' ttrur su ,q,.t. it-17, 11 i)NilSa tC".1 iltior t, GRACE CI4URCH ANGLICAN Minuta, <Asrî TuU0i'rIAC', ttit'iNttC.u 2 15 itt' Cis tCl' t tti Nr, Ini r trrîîîîîî,. .'rtatray, tut'C tIEo arr, 1957, .t titNirY AttithiFtiit 't 't rit tii tli"iI.st T tînt ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH tirnirna C. A. Paeil STNtnAY, t 29C't j!)î5 7tC tý r tUNtri.Y Alvrairr'e BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Mli-'Fe tisînnrB.e. TONrui 0-tAr TttNi5CY. CEEIItM)i a, 1tria cI ntii mr îîsî, ene nS uît ite, tt l, n 'uni and u, tnsîn, iltti.n Sts,,, EMMANUEL BAPT1ST CHURCH TCN13AY. CECENCER S2, 14e7 usue. 'ur1-0 îsm BbleSue hTein 11.00 îrs '« s Il i P. 7.00 ltînt. Eveesag W tirshtntp. GWat t ,sspenae t, CO wiam, eut net' 5 ai15 501 Frr i«.,t,srrc i. R ii, t o futi mrnceus i tins'drs nS Ch ristmr1as~ t ,Il, [Il E I ,,1 1 fl lt Ir' I ,t ir t ilI t insu'ilt, Vr ti"i . tn",ifol.i tst. tic ti .jy 1 Iii tr, . l, r r , l - 555.1 Irises SI i l , rýN ds l1, Lii il h il' a - , ia- t "i il i I ', I . I n h SI tuti .t ii i ~ a ' " S tii l, is ti lsess 5, itiilr th', t'rt tt, tt ri'tii 'iIl,,, tir titi,, ' 'rît, rirri lirrit th aiit , i i, titi' , I , 't tti 1tfit , l t , 1t1ti i I 1.Itittut :1nn,'Oti'ts r' . 1i n , il', pvc 't ii al i t"1' 1 ' , rît ;'t ite ire 1: 1r matiti t ;tiI "s'i " OItis ls gils ofIltl" titi' vrn It' tInMotitilt, c-d' r.'r'cs'i, 'Il tie titi Co, it iii tistrr tîîtait tisrr'ril eaL an eia .tIIrdIrii sir itsrîrr' i, rîl i t teirs' 'il dav1 is îlit r, ,igrrathrsgs-: tistM w i t lils riaittedi n ris , ý,IiursitcIfIisieg eeruceeset ffli krodn rît (c'irasîs,s Tri sA0 ttesr't t r,- If Cl'lit '- BACK IN 11907 TuBes fromtshie Issue oft he Champioejn, Decembse26,.1907. At prescrat the prospets foi, a srtishrsctory sainait tac Miltoîn ftrr 19ru irruýnt b S , T he'n rMiy,,, til,t,ýt ,Ma'ti i:Igvloenititi, 11.1i.1a r r't'it ,n t1h t i. T i littr- "!y .,' , flier 'rr isnt andilt. ,' tit t muil. rsi t.1înces h l. n- inty s itr orincsi e. ,;y5 etabisi-cit ti iei ns u't W thirs I araintrndIII tiusri'a a ers irtîd ii Crtie urtr inl-w ihtt S tis, s'n mrît ine tîcil ',ctiin'rr'tt n-tinS ' niiiiThe ii' cri.n f rît shir-t ýy I>,;I, , tei11 -lo'Fn,' tc ci. iitiirni col".iacdthc leine l- uriri 'Fn' lîi-. it itin i lit t oi tirs no u rt ii f, rîi if tii ii tir, W .] ' tir th cr in>n , rîtl , tr i ..t..tin tiiu t, sinti",it t Ii, h' tti t, t hi'0 fo.îîr trh'tti .t rî M îtil ". t111 W , 1, , mt vnIt,-r M.Ia,,, i r r uît i.r J, tIr ,.tii 'iut s' ,, iuiiTh Wir itrîti , BACK IN 1937 Taisen fro e iIssue et the Cestudie Chamlpuin, DeIl2, 1937. The trcst rneaumrg ofh Crtstmasis tht it rtetruu i irsent Stell surît ,f Guns Cto tankinttd. TIa Ai t 1te, ,t In n inu i r I, u isî r t',It,.u l.,inuit ils' Chuisi il ouirmî,easîts Sona- mueut, r'su'tîr of,îîsu r uni C~, tinsu1 I, t rirsadheaumes oaSrrr-. den trentt n tIJapiaurelut une- rulinga trtmsita mte ,incit iri- srusr.fIisruieirîrru asandento. 'FSc finialreeingr ofahaota c IL11YCasear]wans telin sMitas ur,.u Future ,itart simeahers et'- i n'ui t aeurs NuM Iats.Commuta- iluisit rus u'reecerr,,Ida ficas; Fu'ami r,. t ,,,,('-rus nul ('nrrsuliar ne- ru ruýsit thUIthS eleserrrg's,,olution u, r.,tcrn wh',s'r filstucduthar' htein', b'cast su theconru- 11-- o th agicuturl menutiras of utunrnsctOnîtariouanuthîe ttit t he lricner Itinafitea],ut 'îIfssd itu,çltrs ttrstu,t ,ttert î'unîunst thrn ie DCuia rr,sn Cure utiituttreomcn.nttus uitrurta sîîîîuu rto nacctirte etisting t rmi tisr, i rensuy as possiblue t inithri,. intdicatsuoftshe erra- bn 'ntie. rrerrueactent by eggIs- fii thetnitunernenat et tnt FIs41niuth -CoisrtesahfLres rtan Atntrîcîn,îr"Mtecait us aonle- r uS te Pcu'ri ilCavra- ua, Suna nrtrasntcgr the titisitre n iftriaigtrctthec ttaty -uid -nse ns in t' prvce; tttîeti, ra eusrLcrtnt leruant unrur ,iinSls rsts tutsly -u u ~ mrtrSc rst. tScetinsoe t ILut r ut u iht Lc'îîrnrs tîsnd As .91m is , tint titi u asrunt ri înnr i, uns îy change inetht' II, munt în rin Iitaruntanis. rus. 'initt.theu'itercn.,staisn tri Crýisni r trants. AnrinîFulemrigsuhtc, d a Ici,- uý,n arr 'sint' dîrrîcg th,'aitd- iitrtir 1-11 as a smmnent aan- t inuu,ntient'r iitstfta tune-, trîNlliriieu C u ,us s rdios ru, NMitone asn i. tîn1t mine 5mnte-ialtd i atS urus,;1Iýýof, h îl tru hi auntt 'tintiumaciStt tnirut Caiutlions m1 I iii,.t ni Csucvfo DENtTTAL DR, G.tKN DR. H. F.GALLOWAY 155 M , ' t ' o' titi ii FîE, î' c rîrin, î LEGAL DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS tK y rrtc' t' K Mmtt,t,tAISt 1l6,mtien Tîirrî, ,A. HUSCHINSON, O.C. ti3erT iti rer'tr, Ce GEORGREE.ELLIOTT, O C, irtaTteitN tarn'Pubhicu Ofitrer 207ta re Oncest DAVIS AND BALDWIN Fi198 ire,'nTit.ieti rie,, PHtONE "R 8-977-1 SHAR PE, NICHOLS & HOAD A ., NtC'ItîîS ti C e 110,2a\1 trii otc ir , l i .ist FUNERAL HOME t'IIiiNETH 8IR4"nNariastattr rDAY FUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS -aris ,M)l 't 5 rît .. . 9.i30a ir rt, - ta oo Publiernt,îatttitC pu,, i'11IRiiPRA'TtiR WM, O, RIDDELL, D.C, B'ICNi t'tn st jil XAIA TRAVELIERS' GUIDE CANACIAT PACIFIC RAILWAY Ttandtrd Trîn, Cuise Erint-Ttc 14tan airs, ar32 a.ns duita esceat rSdtrt tan9.2 c-.S Bary otly, Cîsina Westi-.25 a.rrrr Bts5riat. 1.10 ur,. datyexesnt Budc CATADIAT NATIONAL RAILWAY Curiste TaîtS air a eam Ft)m rira Tr -sîtt 0 T i n, MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Miltoes Apsutments TH B-2SM Dr. A.T. fitta Dr*. C, H. Arlenha C, C,. Lnslir Ofice Housn Sc uaufneest oa,'I- W P.tM..S FN 1-4; 7-9 mdiv lis 2.4 ar,,Bzrby CIi,,,e E trie, aad ýdtsse mi vnng MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY CriirCFT nu' Ft.atSurgeon DR. O. EB SYER OttiartrI.me, Stie't Fliîtîe Ti,.TO 5-B6t31 OfceHire airr 1- DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Offic rne Io T B:2 4 - 9p 157Maina Ttreet TRil 'ticeTH B-929B DR. C. M. HILTZ t4 MartinoSt., TH B-6793 Be iee. cTH a-916t Ci',iîîrnnby Aaauin,nnune AC<iOUNTING___ LEVER & HOSKIN Ci,.,,,ced Aaaousisa Pttrite2ari8a EN 4-9t13t 'niCttiiTN To' K rnto MALTER H. POPE Cî"îtîed Fubltie Aaaouasant ('tremiSearerny 39Sîrt azinBS,.CSa.'GeoruownOnt. TIC 7-4821 FARL O. BLACK 'Att,îFREC ACCCCTTAT Mil,,',ot0,tariMain SBt. NEVILLE STOLLER & Co. Acec'sîîinn, &.5 tiditan.s Terue,, is Bisairltte 22urýirt tscrnier tac mritin) tri, nTR R- a32.1 Andît CiTe'rontoCui O R I1r eon ra rnt' j OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON t8i Maint..Rtonît Plante TH a-9mq72tienTHR 8-9678 Taesdaanrd Frdue mo ss6 Evnoinsr S eaaauitanîn WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN Atrîcet,,,d's arr, MNudues FtnosrnTtH 8-6541 ftran uinsteets RBT, R. HAMILTON, 0.D. teatoaetrist tFuemeitl tGatI TitettCreaSt., Ceargetasas Crrue fltt0ttOa-n Bars .mdune 1 5t a sitr. tCttsttrTR 7-397'. h PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRA'LELLERS' GUIDE -i-- - , 1 - -.. , w- ., . 1. 1 1 -------------- i , - ý

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