Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 1957, p. 14

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14 Thse Canadian Chompidn, Wod.. December 18, 1957 BILL ROBINSON R.R. 1 OAKVILLE, a 4-H Club momber shomoti his teer in the Qeeens Gineas ai the Royal Wintec Fair and en the sale follomîng the tians the animal mas pacchased by tire Milton Milling Ce. id. ai 26 cents a poand. Halton's Debating Champions Recognizedat Warden's"Dinner Oine ot the many pinaseng fi.*___ ta et eft he pcegcem eat WacdenaSrs Tom Min'wards banquet hcîd ae trs Action lUrge Owners Petition flakeite oe Toideeonni un lve, a terccgtte To Assist Sales In Favor of Action ttee chan'pioee dbetns e am oet Iltee oth et t ret tethueo ed etr- etererfreeayc utete et lite tthe15-57 semor. aliie rnnettapproee c et l , e torel tie . at l" Ai te lts nhon ne e ire Cnts 75 prvdeeg frthee ILesebteh ttttd etlitete Aitic eneecettse e tootetn 'rîîtteniteeeîreAles Ct.t t t te et eit C't edc Conoenet.__po melt tetteofeB.tiell no eiC rol tI iet e i 11et1ttt otefir t.tc ll feec that the mebceeiofB ttttrexcttttC esti untttttt ci itttltlhe rit ettet t Cun ty C on c tr ts bc coin- tttf iJt tîit Ire ethteJs i Il it i tt .,CCtt terî t e mened oin t heacton in pitneelt- ilttteeteeet.ieteeeOei, oinnettte1ltettfstIll, îttt !na Beta Wl-ire. John Bacek. ete, iteIlt teh, bled teted ,i- I - e . l Wrilem 'etreehal rend Beereet erIleeittei teii, te iret, t tI tIl tiete. . Cee tI i !>' Ruddelii ttth gtItireitf. te : -te net C i, tee eI,. II,ee ti t r r ire 1,tr tr n-i 1 rPlan It weilbo ttteeledtt te -t fouttt r tlnditl,'t11 11, t1ltCer, e . i n.lete e,II', lier' Inter te ;11.f Yeung Pei epi e ntrtd H eil. t, ettttitt tit i teritt C ire rt ti o te ie e et thc J itnter it OîCCC Int. - itttte i e i tte re f TB e t iC t tthele i ,ee ier Chehnt18fcbel y e beg C n g ltetee n. e ietit tt tetaee t et r of ite Cte tethe ier ltiite fCtt paOicO 8 at . re t d heng oetn n oer ti cte d 10 cue rIit, schedleehe H lteequartttletteo te tire ot.Und teeIfIt,. iiatcipted. fltle ncon, tei netftfdeiitis et s e Itee let C ICt ftt'l îtttî , tt r s t tth eh n ai s n s e e aete h e e a it i f e l tId e ittr tttd tC tff , l tr t i tr tt ttt1 t l .i l i r t e r t l e t i t l t ,e te n à eorsm e atc t eCtn'Lot oftt. e. i lnt Atfd lirrrre eet ett te fti .ttîte t h , t t tît ' B toersomntctmhcCeertrryttttiettt.inttiltii e e-accel __________STY etEetiteh t itlet Il J - 25 Halton Farmers WNNPCSS('Pl -T-lo ete e rttit Cettl . h! Attend Open Meeting , ee etert e t, nom: Tw ee k s s srtthe Hallon ttr eFaeeim ti re ,t Ct~ Clr.L - C11 t o Ctv anangnsen' ceri aetf O iie i ii. ,tioille t Ce tl".:"et lime.0-A I ,e n mt BttteCeetin, t hnthe.sui,- itnitti e t terrîtth- trie and tOc Enîorf t etC ere îrJelett vsI-'.i, Ielke One eter Cin.tr. r le re lte l er iet e t itari.Cdi1etIeN, mileJ, -deri at ou r this nmeeng C'aes pr l thco eh tOe press, veroradetoettd y ceirCuestettote, oeif t)5 ltet teomers n'e-e n nattda ste. S rit thseso atee ndancet eot etin terpfetedtastatlItetof et 01cr tOc enpttamc oftrihe US.MeC lar Canadat's su elus teille? flsng t97 Ceneda tsre som 35,00caFrom dual headlight ()m tiret dirfcatt etiiit US. Marent.tt eCeelt t er onnvecy Ha lton etl w etect tCoe n35,000 ead ofrîtet n tw1,ilt w r n'teidCeha hll n rît tt, pnies hCetht US. ni iiIit n alow r ahsoe ed iCIet. It est er' s istilnnrus gie . . . nState o hetCt.nt i i ot et"r pnsCted tvent Ceaiett.en r dlIntielrira rtre ICoobt dmOrcO teeut'ettî is Cotr 1 ,ea.ý il ouid secn ew ntying. lîacheir arers serrsii rnte- loticaetnot ele r i tie d oleth -I i sl e.itilie liyetatrg-w i cle tOc day tis tnltel adetan t hno as m'ombaCeroeviti bt. nIacc agarc.t t lCeneedeen tue wth the exception ofth.oe whieh cîr H re th e f c ftr "Liste.it: orntdeu Eneetîfac it Costool Annas. TOis ta amatten rOttO nls ""cte cs ee cl of fcashioll o tic daicy eatei, perce biecsO grades! Ontario Lagging In Control Area Os oo tettelh tety v coconr tneentcd hot Pre etdord 1 te nd et eireedy n Brue t ier Col trot Ane;thrti e et 7Tri_________________________________ crrunttneaîirf ettire n sl ier cid tNtva Stretere 'ceh arecBeroc- cllis nrsieAreras. _ _ Th'cen anr e anemirofniCent, ti Ameea tiJbihi n Manitba ai ntninattty hit Itet Pirovltt trceo fn Sa .........t. t ltt test Ar e tt dinteadtdition, rVan. - cer stelnardi hc Protine eot BC. is i ts am e' cegtr y, . ... en. eî 71 And Yect, te date, tt hobcstni ec Cn'wledge,inte ieprovineo TIE Ontante, nsetone ntasi ha ken esy actionnla settheic bonae n cdi.Truce,me hean that in at ens Ontaia nsnmber .t clrfeas hrane intimated iCat they are pe Pari oedtak0e actioen. ______________________ FN SETTER AUOMfOILES ARE SUILT 60 Cii O GETTING EVOCN Christmas tiree sad Oc a ideal ime te get even mth soe MILTON MOTOR SA gay ya dent lee-send eaeh oe Or. lords aidoser. PHONE mi'. 8-2355 Roy fltte. Falseoboce, os field neclety end in regios two, second OntrioGro ers pees oethtie Cosedian Beaty var- wert ot 6 arnet Browen of Leem- Iiei, and t. Jack Mcltof niingto, moswas also regionoat W in Awardsat Show lattas on Canadien yelleiw tield champion. Ontario fermers won senerat beaos. Ie cegionoose and six, tor soit top nadsegin this yea atithe John Hagaty and Son of lma prg heatthe irst thepiz- Gri ancd Bey Show lreld -ecent- lyat Chicago, copots the Fried p lacedierrrtinreoais, second roes wnt te Ottawa Valley gcon'- Crop Brnchof he ntaio e 8'x r nd bacley and second in ers-Wallace Bros. ofBells Corn- Corop Bhe t tof Onri ntaur. o-timothy. Haocy N. loorien. fe- nas; James AnderonofaiRamsay- nacimet nI gniceiaro. rcestveie.wsnerre tictin tenatiry vie and R. S. Eltiatt f entreot. Clnenpiennhrp ananda in fieltd and thrcd ine.Rebert S. Sprr- Harold McCueBramptonnwon peasseent t Rabert Jseph Oftow,'Kenb..n as sned intmal seeend inst hite wnterwhat Matiroen en Chrancelorc arety; ticld peaa. Archin Acmuan, Dec- n'eth Jame T. Needhan' of Riptoy ineieltd benste RoeretF. Allen cesotc, camiot in mincd ia- seccnd inithcsameciaso. et Beetri eh tho nown' ee- ocri n d aitaita hay. Teal, fOntacioa acerclooek an- lakvariety andiWilea i. Beat- Sttorlcentnpizents er 1tn50 m oreroocecs toc sonde en tic et Steeples n'enn tht e'y Creb îcrt rrr eraet te r'etlrnneS ua fOli ch; ecete ele e 11-le1t CCeitrCeei.C Ce it teeo eleret tel rer eanyt ties et theU S'A. Be a carefree Santa Claus in '58! 0s- Start an interest-bearing BNS Chrisimas Gifi Account now ifor your 1958 Christmsas shopping now-by ploan- tyousaving. Open a Chrristmas Gift Account at any JS branch. Decide how nuch yos want for Christmas gift gising and each payday tsck away a fraction of chis anosno. bhis speciai account, scith its own attraccively covered îbook, your Christmas fsnd can't disappear in day.to. spending. And at the BNS it wiii earn foul savingo. ont intereot! To gise yosarseif a carefree Ghristmas, open a 195 8 istanas Gift Accosnt at yosr nearest BNS branch- tv! MK of NOVA SCOTIA j- o cil r e i lý irerie-get ta Lerra theati irMilton brani. Il. W. Kclerre . tein.r An eotirely riewnc trepît itcar designs -lire lookr cf light-is years i Baîcb alon. Litre s modertn tlane ptsnied for tlire takre-off, the B-8RBîttr prests a silhonuette cfstnaitg nom amness d senpitt e iemleitgllt. Antd titis tem Birir berstire (e-i ni Ilugh.t, . ettep flic iighreLst it l ertlnnly mitlte tO i2itii -tgitte-.rie iîrlire Intel- sererdnorntlitrs cf Itaick's 0c M itare Ridte plsAi-'aistrSsnpsiarr ... ;nsid -ommarndintntsrrieriece frîrosa item Iliglint 'iteýit )yîterflom i bat îracalr-iy reade yrm ni. Fror ant aliliem ttiniis o f hatly irs motionrt, ve and t mrion it(li B58 Baris kit yorrdeait-s con JEROL MOTO S VALE' WIL OOflR E ýLES LIMITED MILTON, ONTARIO AIDS FJSRING LOWER CATCH ST. JOHNS, Nfld. (OP) - Thre ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) - Cod tederal lisheries depertesents mot- lendiogt; in the firat elglot softlts orship Arctieo. e refrigereted car- thto yees et 298,800 pounds were 8.3 rier, acived hee tatead frzen per en. loerthan lest yeae's squidto bedistributd as bait for seme period, because of a lto wiote fishsoffît h outh-poig and uoooasooal ce condi- SuncocoServicensta. o For Lease! hThirsisawondeifuloppor unty for ho rgir man to egein o busnessfon hmsef andto make hmsolf a horetha a ae n corne Service station eperierîce ennecessary, as full training is provicded ai car company training station n Hamilton. A mage of $68.50 per meek it paid to y05 white you are leareing. Proeious sales eeperience an asset. Age reqaire- ment betmeen 25-45 ycars. Kreclly give age andi phone namber along with finaecial resoarces or preperty omnedti te R. L. MARCK C /O SUN Oit. CO. LTD. Bsriington and Victoria Sts., Hamilton PHONE JA 7-2901 - BEFORE 5.00 P.M. andi BURLINGTON -iE 4-0421 AFTER 7.00 PM. people compete ïn the oil business Did you know there are more than 10,000 people engaged in the search for oil in Canada? We know it. because we run into plenty of themn each time we try to lease promising oil lands. DICo you know there are hundreds of skilled chemnists and engineers ini Canada'S 42 refineries? We know it. because our own technical people have to work hard to stay ahead of the others in producing better products at lower cost. f01 Did you know Canada's oi1 compsinies employ thousands of salesmen to market their products? We know it, because every day our own sales people are competiflg with salesmen froni other companies. Canadas hundreds of oil companies wage vigorous competition. The resuit is increased effeciency, and benefits to the consumer. IMPEMlAL OIL LIMITED rl-.ý

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