Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Aug 1957, p. 2

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=M THE GOOD OLD DAYSE The local horticultural society bas been an active groxp for sorne ime now bul evidence of is commaeity work has been je greater evideece laely. n preparal.alî for thc ceîîîeîîial last ycnr, the roup 0, skeJ92 i 1 1111,11 ,'2sistane' în îîîî3 1119 some local imîprvementîs. BSPlapi 11,1 ficwers then andl laler lthe lown s nom a much more attractive place and someheg thal mîght be remeîobered by the tourist. Acng cee entrance t0 the cemetery from Ontario St. is a 2229 atracive border mille furîher eorh on Ontario St. a2 the junctiolo cf Manî an isancl has been tranformed int a riol cf color. Thîe 52221219 rey 2000e of tIhe lomo hal This meek's issue is the first from a receel- y insaiied press in 002 plant. T0cr usco i producion fcilities me have udded the pcssibîlity cf running copr in the 1102115909r. The old eqxîpmcnr mfoch mus preiously uscd la 911112 the paper become inadeqxate dcriîîg the 9022 fem peurs ihoxvertime mounting ru meer pressing production deocl. lînes. In meeieg the demands of the corn mcnily requirements il became imperulîxe thuItOch major expansionî program be scder- taken. New modern equipmenl aed lalest pro- dcionix faclîies are powerful fcels ie pro. For many eurs it seemrs, from reviewîîîg history, the busiîness of store hoxîs as bcen ove tOt brngs immediate 002229 mhen change is su990212d. V/e were ,,terested 10 rnud the rescits f a socle hocr scîcey of Ontario tomos con/oct. cd by the Ontario Citamber of Commerce. From lcoking it over il mold appear thîs ton s obscrving the ors of the maoity in ils pCpcltcn grocp. n the 4,000 ta 10,000 population grocp, 33 close on Wedeesday afternoon, mîlh five losiig Thrsclay after'noon. The open nighl s Friday nîght for 33 and Saturclay nîghl for f ve. Of the 231 Ontrio commonities respoîîd. ig, 171 observe Wecnesduay fernoon clos- i29 as ugainst 21 ciosing Thrsday aller- 20225s. Orly s22close102 ail day Monday "We ssocate and pcblicîae the fortth2at large aîeas are th e scenes of murder, crime and vicn - because of publicity, the 2.29 mucerers and g0c2men re portrayed as t2- r rors saling by ighl, bot os me lonoaI stîstîcs for the past 28 peurs, w2 fnd in tht t perîod there have been 2152 murders commit-l ted in the Cty of Toronto, or an average cf t fîve homicides u 9201, and/if me aclyze thc modos operandî, me fînd the v,îtims have been shot, drcaaned, beuren, sabbed, strangi- ed, aed posoed,' mrires John ChisOolm, 0,ref Consable for the Cty of Toronto, in the càrrent isue of HealrO Magazine, officiai 4blication of the Healh eague of Canada. ,, ,Then mve have Ihol modemn piece de te- selunce, from 20e standpcinl of nees, the cWIcd sec fiend, mho, believe it or nol, as logen responsibie for te dealhs cf only taon cldren cvder 14 years f age en 2e same A LosingP ArncncemenltOuatth2e Sun/up Teegramn v4uld lbe dscontî2ued shortip is one cf in- te2est in pulîshîng circles. - W,îh ils inroduction, these colxmns pre. cleeed for il o short lfe. Ils predecessors in tF" Sceday field had also been mthoot suc- 2 singc.d 29 Otario readers 20InoneSun- djy mor2.ng hubit of pîch.ng up a paper or gtbting it ath2e door. MOle me mouid liîh2 10thirkth 1e bm drlt te Scvdaypa90921by readers mas one t otmoral sa122a iv protect.ng Sundap, me also came in for some relief with atractive wjndow boxes reliehlng the drabness cf the historic building. Iîn front arouîîd the mater fountaîn in aeollîer coloiful rea cf atractive- y brighl floacers. garons eiloat have bccîî so 9,2 îîîlllclllly heau- 2fu tl lîs pear. Thlîa ork i10,1 s îîîolved îiî keepieg aed pîeparing gardeîîs i ofteîî quite laboîlous but prînate gardeners and the horli- cultcral 1021219 nîcmbers c202 Irewxarded with the prîde ,in the excellence of their saork. Mlton thiîs 9202 lîas mnyîpplaces of beauîy Ihat caîl be eîjoyed loy al. Il is 20 bce lîopecl thlal rIler 91291222 alclîgthîs ice may be eîjoyeclfor yellrs lo ccrle. ducng a liv commllun 19 90921 0aîlews9ltl2 that cor reule 1211109 pcoint to wîih prîcie. We ai theClîaîîîpionbeieve thal a 22022 90921 is a service iisl,121,,7 1 lre îîolîlîlers are fully assarc cf îlîe'î respcnsibiily i meet- ing illîe îequirenellîs cf tire& 103,1, 012andI cacnty to the reaaîlcs and adverti,2c12 MîlO the 1more modernîî't qlc19î12111il il 11212/ a 112 21121getic 22w 913211î10 may continue c e pub- lshecl. Diec îîs'alaiî,cr cf tOie n11 moem 12 wiii cale hL Chaîmpîîon oo 1110,19 tlîîîgS me h ave oaîte o IO, citlamore fully serve lfîs Communl,îî ai,îî..fo l22j2 alîcaîl of ' pro09ress, The Oid Mill Stream The Week at Ottawa Government Cuts Immigration Il . I 12 '~ c0,,î,,/ 221 0,21,112.0111 12, -i,xh2111211 ,1 ,5 . oi ,2 cO ll"" l' I 4 ..1011 whesfixc ci 11Icî'. 2" .1 dy ci 2711i As for te iî oe vgî , îî, ?2 îî" ' res reprî.cvoifirrnlîî.t'ICOf'.972/î main ofpen Ficay 222, :j i 21--105 o2 i Saurday evciiiilis, C11.3 5 -c i- 'i[1l,'ý- ported that 112512 .2 .1 1'I crie ,igi)i n thîe 21 " A 121ferer ice l,î Sa tt Jl j1 1t i) î w022c912 sed acî 11'L Cf21- tlîon 2,90 c0 1211 12111,itli, ril "1 7 ,, 17fo 1c îîay î gît. The crily radical 1 ci aIl' , 11 It.2 i. 11.21 sore h12ca200,1 0 .i t roductionîlî ofI ccî day ni9ht pefiinuLi I 1'21111'il 'Il (j22 heard a0y/120 ions so11,2111 , 1'e i tii erly. We doubtit, Ihough. 28yp e-jdnî 31I n I2. 1' 2 î . proim-iteli35)c.î'îîîî' J~ i 9201 00,h.ve 1,122 111iii acr"-'t mosi/ fj icr 111211lî î,"our 15? mudr n28 yc Il', 21111900 p. î- logo batalion22 . iîac2 1 ,, .'î ll a .' tafi t c- ccdntsin ovr ctystree't. an ofî9ci. tmern 65 and 70pe'2r0on01 1per l, HIe pointl out t'ý,îl r ri . macd ' v 2à aii' îj 21, aI , j3 3e /. I .1 possble,ibutrthv -tijî~. i 1 ben mdnl, 'î,tîîî.if behiî,d teîi. e l.1 I be co2t o0'î"l.' aî,,,U , andd cy towarl-,l 1 ,i1' 1u, I' pam rount (ld1 ty 01ih 2îî .t f- devulop- ed iff, r caIl' 11,112 2,,,y1 1 l / OlîlîlO reut nhigO oay and.l1.1 '111, cluded. Proposition hesitote Io a022pt tOhi-,îii frà-,rý,jr ii pirteiy II ý5 more' 2 1 ' l h I y i, . no short 22li 11 II l. i, i î., w îj people 12 look for a papîe.î'î2.Scîd.2i1 Ilct ainly dir] . t î op <jîorritî ' '..î' competitil n. tii.cugft Aîî. t of 1't t he 11 Scrtday Tei2grani 1 a' iîtîrll,iily fîo.îîl. (i loy iggrr ditio.ts irII t. 1.3/ '1,'i J th'e CGlbe orndMi 011and12'1,.to , 1' .2. haae llîînne/ off i iîg1ht1in thef ' îîîîî afîi if the iclcriisirig itie2 .îiîî' iii f2itimer.' i ît hem 12 0 5Io pport th iît Il i sI'I 11 11 ilhey wil i I in n tl A Thing of Beauty BACK IN 1907 '101122 raee the 12142 of the SCha<ojelO'August 1, 197. Oc)n Tue'day , I pîy oxltoîîn 20glt th,' os , 111 ,n OIO,1111bil,, I,2 18 h 1) 1,0,11 HamiltonlandSK .ltfrt î,î il ,,'rcclîî 11î' l i'î1 :12 III 1 12 11111 I 12.1212 th,-. I - ,, > A 1.1î1 r vIl 'I, tuyg l fi ,1 o a11 1 -r, ,iîI'Y . ;"il hall ',uI n, II 1111 ,îîîî Il1I d1 d1 III Uî l iii ' h Il 11i 1 1 and11' iî I ~noi Il ' 1' I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAV'ELLERS' GUIDE 1.I DR. G. A. KING nf'11 ,,.In 11al îî lli. 2, ilton Sl. , "I i ', 1 0 -976: THIS SUNDAYtS CHURCH CALENDAR GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN O '11.Iîc 1 A PlîcIIl 21 h' îîI dîT 11 UC ' 1 I .wIi 11 I I MILTON PULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY IIIN III 0. IOT I. 9 I11t. 01, 4' 5NAI>A 'IlII Il Il 1 11,11 1. 1100 I"M , 1.... I Il 100V 111 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH RUS'. JE. 0RSB1(RN. Minietec Dr Zîîîîî,î t. 2.,nkoe. MA, 2,1 c-'M (,lIl.t ,1d ('0.., ' M tîr '('.î.21 ,.îl andl -12 -11I d 1o 152t Ntc1,I.. I , 10: . AIL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH 02 tît 121111. Il w11 I SUcNc2Y. AUGST th. 19537 713 Ah'TFII T2INITY 1171 t.a. malt,, M. U. J.. SI. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH .1. 113' ht 133 A.IB' 1) Al .US .112. ,î 1îi ..t' j SII 'l'l i. 2 EMMANUEL BAPTISO CHURCH 21 ,11. ;1.î 2 ,,1. 111, . 19-7. 11QP . II.I 111. SI CALVARY TABERNACLE 120[MOtNTEI3SI' 21 .113 1,112A I st1 , S-I '", 'I tII11ý: , Il I2IP', W A,. ....... Ij Y-1îî. tph-,1 122111 LOWVILLE -NASSAGAWEYA 12NT Rl I t 2 N Il l Cî....'I 3lll:,,,2h l'a .î I(îîll np .;21 in 11 2'2 f11'1122 1121' Gt siffO i I, (L. MS , dIlIî t 1 .N t I, ,131. II 1h, l.llI .I',l, 1 q ulîlîî'îll U, UN"'I I I I ..." N 11 î,I 11, I st un c se- ý. l'l l 10 DICK, DICK & MtWILLIAMS w2'1. 111(*K. (è C. K. Y,111(1 P. K. 21rI,I.LI5'21 T. A. HUTCHINSON. O.C. lkri.,21'12. Seliciler. 1E2c. Tf,,,,122' 832,71 GEORGE E. ELLIOTTOQ.C. Iltr2isîrr. Aolicitolr. Notary PUbiI uf1212- 2017 Mary S' 01,22 DAVIS AND BALDWIN B,îcleîe2e. îellitec, te. 2980 Minîîst, Milton PHON FIE T 2.8-772 SHARPE, NICHOLS & HOAD WV. S. SIIAIPE A2. J. NICIIOLS A. tC. IIeIAI FUNERAL HOME I'îîîra l oine, Ambulane rServce 'III riN'IE.TII 8-4452 NIGIIT or DAY hlc2.1,12,lISernîce TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 1'ANAI)IAII 'ACIFIC OIAILWAY Stan2dard1 Time Gî,inr KîcI -7.12 am.; 204 Pm. 7,2 P.111 daily ex52"Iî1 0,1, . 05 (iIîO5,1 0 904 6,î.380P111; 1,10 a , lsuî', n'22'1 îî 2'ANADI3AN NATIONAL, ItlIWAY (7îîCt n ,îîlli 1111 11n. aIEDI( ,L THE STEVENSON CLINIC Aîîî,,îîî eîî2eetnTH 8-2323 1>2ý C. K. Stct'enosa D'r. D . Il . Aikcohcad Oîffice11,,,îîs. xî xxpointinecîonly KM. -912 PM. 1-4;7- %%î,du,îa,2- 4 pro., B.y Clîsoe h.,1.21c,25 0nly. MIL1TON 11112.11. IOOIITAI, X-RAY Cwione, ,cJ'.îîand iGuol Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER I>hysîiianand Surge Ollîr, Jlnî2n Stree2t 1'11,-v No THI1. DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Offiîce Hlîrs. 2 - 42W.m. 8 - 9 p.M. DR. C. W. HILTZ cff- ours --1 2 p !cî 'to 512 0W 71111 11111 1,, 930 012 (1fice: 14 ,Ia1-.111 St. ('II1R1I2RACTOR Ian cr of('hiropractie WM. G. RIODELLI D.C. 10111112St., Milton lnc Ai,î,,îîntint 11110ONE It 81-69e231 X-RAY A(,('OtINTINC. LEVER & HOSKIN Chartered Accuanltls Phones:2478 SM 4-9131 51 Main St. N. 44 Victoria St. 1h 0,20122 ToronoO WALTER H. POPE Cer10 ed 2Publie Aceellctall 0'li.t'îrc'd 022221,122 390 2211111St. S.. 212c2021î11e1,n Ont. TH'Il7-4821 EARI. G. BLACK B9 ('.îîîîîR I.A.. C.A. CH1A11TERE1D ACCOUNTANT 182 12,î,St.. Milton, Ont. TERENCE H. LETT Chartered Aeell,1I0f 207 Douglas Ave., Oaheille VIctxe 4-3756 OI'TOMETRIST ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Main, St.. Mltonc (loyd Dav 2i,î.s' .2ox'îllryl Phone TII 8-9972 Res TO 8-9678 Ecc'îîîîî s b pîîietienlt PUBLIC I.IBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Monîday...... 130 o 5 P- Tll2day --1.01.5 2>11 ced 7-9 p m. W, i'c11121î-01).31:0 oî..12 ceon -' llîls 1,30-5 pcl uîand7-9 pfll. Fir'duy ,1 30-5 pmi. and 7-9 p.m. halu l,,a112 . 1 30-5 2.i0. Publiil IIIiâa'ys tnt fineîufc Schoîîl erfîdretifhave 2224242e Taken fee.e the Ieoae of the (IChamio, lIly 29, 193. Wowesl lradamaino yur "Be- 102211111ruNut- blîî.h. 1l0,1su 11,14in Mî 111,2 on1Mondiry 112 Tuuscld.1, J1ly 263 and 27, 1937, 1hir1 tI2hi-r21î O, l'i %0122-i im .,,i e , îîîîîI l l'l ..th I bail- d1r 1Id t 2k 2d , ,yi 2,2 îî Tu*,l1, .1 221 12 1 ri2 ur- ;,l .rl , 111ik 210on 11ri21 11- 'îîîîî.11,1. I nc(l rrow -t lu ;l uLilbUli 21 y 21l 1 I 1I- Add Mighty Goss H ours Behind the Counter The Mounting Tol The Canadian Champion Puhlihed r.,ery Thurdeiy i Main i. Milloîl, II Mî'o of the Audt Bren Clccith, C WNA and 1 h, Onel 0.90202e Dvision C.W.N.A. Ad, isrgtiýS ) IAN reqO2st. Suhmcriptixnpayable' 2in iid cî', $30)i C "ri ,oî IN$400 eintheU.S.A. Ahrzid asS.,cud (tos Mil , 1 Office Departînor' Ottawa. 1150G. A. D0412, Edîitix-Clci,. sescoi D, Mn. g so 41. Daid R , ill"Prod ucio Minavc Published in thellerco f HIltlc PubilIhed by the DiIIî Printing and Pe,l.hing Co. L1.ie,e >LUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR 82341 wmwaim mot J, I C. Où

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