Beauty, Beards Part of Mammoth Centennial As Thousands Attend Variety of Activities George Robartson cf Halton Manor, rigbt rear, won the tull baard contest fluaIs Monday. E. Zimmerman, left rear, and Harold Whewell, front, were othar finalists. Rev. Gordon Hume, a former membar cf St. Paulas United Cburcb in Milton, was guest speak- er at Sunday eveuing's open-air massed cburcb service. He greats Rev. R. Hare, Freelton a guest. Byng Wbttaker, "Uucle Byng" to tbe small cbrld- rau, brocd ast bis Sm-all Types Club drrect trom Maio Street Tlîursday. Several Milton aud area cbilrn, rrlug Graham Steacy, perfcrro:)d. MAiss Katby Tbompson, 18, cf Oakville, was ceudM'Iss Miicu Centenial at opaning csrauscuies. She was ou haud to preseut most o'b7e yr;zes to other ceuteunial coutest winnera, Fourteen entered. * H r o rm Knigt's Meu's Wear caused guite a -ummor ion lu tbe Mour witn thair antique batbrug suits cf yestaryear and D -r cld clotbes. Frcuî eft izzi, Stu Haunaut, Isabel WVilson, Alec Tonelli, Art M lianscu, Nancy Haursaut, Jr B ceKiihn fandl Bill Praught, were tvio cf cO ;j;80fuhll bard giowers who were choseu as ats ru tbat bearci class. About 150 eutered the f ive beard classes. ilay mammoth parade t to r'ght are Rgo Sclis- lm Percsiu,Jirm Kught. Members of the local Loru Scots pipe baud, iu ual ttire, were [cýien fAor o a f the 1100 a~1~ radcfs . The jrco is b ,wnO at left lu Mon- Iyat teruccu s mam- Oi' Or a le as iliey ap- i h o ItcMaiu Broute Sr. _t itersectiou, led by Ho ,:a>r M'CaIIum. towcr e' t, Nels Prkett aud ic s -)tgy)mery we e r u s;rý ro; M Mpar ades wrtb ths au ieut bugcty aud, ~ I.'rrcjbt, wrcstler Bd !c sni, oo i seu la, e5 au- *cl'b ri' <j fur r1 i n f sb-everrru. b lnuIai-ged lows Ni;I 7î A raie Nrestl iug fan N r I y w ig brcj of tbe srx-clay ceuteur lu au argument wbrcb r'c' at rb cygaudstarsc dur rug tbe presentaticu cn-lc<d :o a srx-mac free- .. ' rw' float carrying tbe Goldei r a!l o'1825. Bottcrrgbt, Holmes Auto Body cf B' wrsie Alice Hortors, Girl Goide Mary Helen .....,o .n, Scout Mîke Rasberry aud Wolf Cub ii.u iYoung were on the local groupa' float in two cf the centennial parades. laI, andclirutIe top photo tbe group is sbowrs on tbe c) f Q recn ro ut badges to five scouts. Below left la n P v.', sel-,' b bas Mýec iu the Crurnningbam fausily ýfCai" exhib;ted this 1909 Brush, oeaof tha oldest