ain.'str.semvage or musse bck and store as toexeterlor ' i.325to aconcrete monument; ing compssedf prtof Lot34 in By-Law No. 197-50V 'retmefnt ln; and tise uses ses mails. THENCE N 45 degrees 24' E the 4th Concesson. Sosths of Do- ot in pacageapisu t and 4oi Set- Tise lands referred ta in titis 334.37' toao contrete monument in dos Street,.in the ood Townshipoand <Cotirsued truss Page Fise) ion 29 of Ny-tam 193-52, as am- paragroph are heeeby deseriisedastise nost-eiisterty lirait cf lise saîd wctipaceet of iand maybcisec CardatNtoa ala ihended. iiom:Lot 33: paiitiietaety deooeiisda fr as C-aadandNtonls; tuyrg-Tise tonds reaereed tusn lic 15pars- PARCEL ""THIENCE N 44 degrees 36' W ai- COMMENCING auth!tisr pofa o-aasu;agapsare eeaby deacbe asofoi- ALL and Singctar tisai certaiinccIthe iset mecticncd tirait intersctioncoftho sts-wett THENCE N 37dereeeu12' Eoal- sms: eaelcsr'tractfland stote, ly- 3,369.25' tt tice ncetserty cangie cf il f Lot 34 mustiste socui-eas angthe said south-easterly lirai nuo cstcran ndenitheoofh iLot 33; tniof thseKnig'srîimN.3 tise Canadian National Ralway ALan'inuarpionrai ngad en i heTwnhy rilt-fwa ons032" ueor poîcet or tract ftond sitoote. ty- Tratatgar. in tise Conty utHa on, THENCE S 36 deilcees 20'30" 01 assnisson a eepoee rigt-o-wa lads 3720" ore ingcandceingin thseTownlshti oand Province o Ontario andiseing en tise oeti-meerlytlimitcaf McKtissand McKcynt9 sus s tersetion mith tise top Tr'falgar, in thse Conrty fi Notion campcsed oi partsofa Lois 33, 34 tise sid Lot 33 ta uisier-section THENCE N 44 degreeu 57' E ai- of the wesiely bank of thse Tm ele ndthe Province of Ontasis, cnd and3MIConcssotn4SothsofDon- sthoaiine deom pasoliet toithe ong tise soutis-ecstlirait 7215" to Mile Ceeis 'ieingcomopsedofptstfaLotsc33, da Sreet,isstheseaid Townshsip.saisd nrti-estcliritto Lot33 aostandar'dsronisar; TliENCE S 5deeesttl' Et10'0" 34and 35 Concsson 4. Soîuthloi andmwhihpacet of land moybc distanit 300' mecsoeed scsts-wester- TIENCE N42 degces 2' Econ- taothsepoint ofinteasectn ofthe DdaoSieet. in the scidTown-mre ptrticciosiy desoiied a oi-cl-iand ep'odicoilas'y theefroi', isiciosîssi-otiî sautis-eontc-ly lirait f tisetond Of shisicd chicis prcet moy be more tocs: Ti.ECE5 4mding 0'E I- 0'10ongDepsiýsiotcfHîchocysmi tise Hd' eeicPoweCom- pariieotartp desceiised as f000005 : COMMENCtNG ai tise mesteriy ocîth ie s:îîd pcsiiliet isîse tglils in- 1monument; nmission ils tise aioresaid top oi, COMMENCING aithie point of ange ofscid Lot 3; tec'etiiîn s5ii i 11e i515111aO HENCE N 42 deiet2' bank 1 nterecton o th nozh-wsterY T ENCES 4 degees3'E 'il-poitin tie noiti-eoste«ly lbruit oci di'it.inccod 407t;" te tise begissisg 003 deSg65 es 4410"EVt'teto ilsesci-cstei NE0 of1the 'L' 33distant 3.100'Wi i.cie' o. dee isa i t iste said Lot 35witisa dîne 000 soiti-'cuti'y i ra'e iît c s' 04 aicc e ise id toc ci tise biOk.d" si ciîiisitticcitsoiot'i- 4 c :se 5:tc f.3i1iî;E-1 dts'c31 E dnc tse iio "tl.c':Ii,:ls 'etci 60 06.8, 1 ir-i o th t ,.:-, if i ,t :1, 4 ci, I Iet ssto s a c ssiiîs'îi si il s îîîîî, ::11 'n thliii il r pcscS l re- 8 50(.eoiii'iiandliofeticii; W, u -'l- 1, iii cuitf: 1,-it 33i a:1,1: s, ilL.s,î:i, 1100508 loc Ise sid t.o ci rp4n., cci: 1,111 O.4011'ii" ciciii'.d 4Lo- bonis 220W;'. THENCE S 44 delicees 38' E ai- THENCE N 47 degcece21 rEi- o t- iî,7' ctimesue iSî44ciesto- TNENCE SIl dec'ee54W40- W ccc said pecliel lise la ils inter- csooiiisoccsc8'o77E i'iiciticte est'mentiio- cantinig atcg tisesaid top ofthe setiona mitisaýlie jinilg apoint THENCE N47 degrecs T'35 E Lot 35; bank 40.74'% distant 380" oieocoed S 44 de- eostiuisc siosil lie sid l'ne f TEC soi-metcy THENCE S 46 degreees 5'5o" W grces 38 E osath slisetadsoctis- iî'ce 662.69* toca cocete ; tHECîEidisioutoetoi lsîoî rastinuinaaing tiesaid top ofts e -selsimittisocitse. e esiesiy ementaiccnted in the sots-cesterly h adijiglc oisitr iank 405.7e;: angeOf tise sid Lot 35 w0016a imoit o thesaid Lot34; sectison wit ie dossn pai'111 THENCE St1 degeee 5745O' W poit in tsenot-easetYliit Of THENCE 0 44 deces 35'3"'E tiithesid sothi-westliraitof Lot rantînuingaloong tise said top cf Lot 33 distant 3.00'"enesiied S lissa tise at menioed lîssii 5 isan 50' m surdn tisebisk 191.32': 44 degreec 36' E longe ls -id 16330' toacceeemonument cimily n er icual tee THENCE S60 degees 3'Ecai- no-ti-easte'ly tirait fi'oa tIle otnd in tscsots-wstei'ip imt ees'ce ong thegenea eaiei,econtinuins o'teeissanglle oftse sid Lot 33 ofithseKiso's Higsmay, acciden- THENCE N44 degcs3'Wai GOng tise Said top o tise bliks THENCE norti-ectmly siong edoasnsoieonsa plan egislered in osthelast mestiicdpaal ie 559.57': tiese uteid csîiglise tc ils inter- theNResty Offieefor tise ri"- to itcinter'sectiowt th L o r SoNueniuigmtiscol-sec mîslnd'm oiiionrv Division colsf Cotect H(tnTHENCE S 38 egm20'0"W ely on tise gesesat ierinof aS to thie aoesaid ns'tis-eaterlyimit eas niimie246 68 decs'een 5630" E to a distance dstant 3000"- meesured scutis- THENCE N 44 degs'ees 15T E al-a deg tiese 1m05niedlri ai 3968' tcaeiron pipe Issied: %c'esteriy ccd pepedieooes'sioii'sitoetis 'lirait 719.9' the Pointof smm cement. TOENCE S 86 degeees 53M" E tieeem:tl:%cs scssms: PANCEL "B" vontinuingalong tise ooîd top f tise TEC 4 asee 6 l- HENCE N 42 deoi'ees 2- E parli,.orîdractofiadsi ute y banis31.8 ' tc o nirsn pipe fccsdcntisEio,.t 44 m gestîsd cs36' 1'sstliiiOisîitiidt cstWs isi hiîe.c5 iln t isesof Pt nd ip:sttts cio " 5551 1 49,9' t tesiso Oii tis si is adng he1 fonce t.1ilin' to nlescipi e rT4N E S2 sion i lle theis'30 SP i, ilthe Ç lt N ofGlOntl5 runn ot-erti etrl iato h dLtteilO iiî 101 '"'"' - ' clse 27:1,1wav0bof On8E CON 3.0000 T ECloe'et .0S 7't 46 oi 33;l5 0.liîiliIl siicss i l i Pla acIngtheitsiilo ins11,e elle --".l s,. ssi i. Office ad Aac asne THENCES 28 eSil2e 489THEili. H C ilN THENCE N 41ith-s 4' 50- E aitheNl s.. iis..5.sis .f occiscneemoos. 's illaii dis ieiis03.0'scecsan'troll Pl .Psctco:iis:'ie.sA.s ici. i deb ci2sZn e of shetseiss'cMi e i Sssc' 1,lîc îe si'4 5 . "iiN'0 i i is'c i THENCE . ueosS W, 4YEcms al0- R2, Z00" one e,l a I s cii:-'rnsdAutone ond ssesiscdtlseseo f occi.eticoiiei1l'iR.31 ioeoeiit, escoilcsîîss ' l, -I Ip,,I, ilon g iso tho toepi o fecs t ,,c S' lian k l sice Isss " s ls '1c h ;z5 ,15 0 - 5 5 li o N C NI h lsic I l. n sn te soc topeîofeeflsl se ;.,- dsis3oc he I lesss.siccPhonel s. lii i8-9233's544 II: sssîi posin ielogtesieitop sofite il,. s c l.sslistei csl- ih s i isok tet, vsl. seo i th'.Ilsc o ssdchi 's, isus 2, a 'lis Wslhss0 lhed p1 Pîlel'c11e:ssnd ths uses stssirt1ci csfiE os.sst fs'e ecsi- ssdsngIlse. lý,. a thedfoiscîp:i-ile in ho int lsscD2Zss4i0..s0ssIisoriu "'NIli',sss.4s's0s:sssses osomdenCeoesnt. co7DtL500 î'oîîî 'alîseh.oelslss"i iM.diaZone.dtie ss 1300' 50 le. 1 dcisc.sI'si is:ssYO ins."silstsherii: aaod3ia he F i sand Cssecc os il ic î-.sO1Zss ,cs d Tise lsds efeeee ticsls onlIso forti thePs transmils sionî ALL omnd Sisoie ttin ctiit ofîscin et lis14(3 io et c tr'ueo ts ofd itiio s i ls 00,and -itii p-shc ' ,, 115 1 iîsNs1 c ;u'efs so e fei. n e.tni use osso s c eî suj oi _u- . iO hi l l on P 0.5e f ises.o esd sess - s'i licii'isu isr- ' 10'O S51o,, po er iiies i'c cdoci t aded e 1, ssuIci-[- ~ ~ 6 5 75.iii' uî ssiv anglae s . o est su3e5. rds te1rSpa - (0 2) Z oo,-îsîrndîates;il-- 'l'rii'E N 1('g'etlî4 ' ',isiS. lseîforis-e.turoe lmo f Lo alerlecnsTiss' iiY Yl 4 % ins-rîi pr t43d575P 10 0 in teeseotios cuatis c i a e qu'" yo':irIY ihc't,'ra' dLots 33 and iel. ontie su n. Sd S s 5 PrstlesassîIvette. itss i'lise t 1, clsmî to tcf ientre llot' Ra3 - f r oe RushF'Nes etfoNrsi snsc4-4n h""î'fs îtis le tn so f i h, s'ind s-il c irltPeler t ao Il,,&i-ao ioaedoecliseeef e cenre Aneyssdeu-s THENEaOtisIlseul Tshesd tseferrcoistoîl hs oI h. Glad ai Balbsol - iimis:fisessdLier-1 h N C e c u t s ec d i b e s'iI , n , p IIp gI k e ] - 33. 3. 4 od 3 11tis-p1 ,_.1, pIiiiNsIl3I Zone ;etsn iso ,fin rflso i t h 5Pseis osd yof 4H9as ltON TE 8-9501dsHesd Offisesandr-Viich]Office uoose of partii NIcebs372hBoyStroTorCtNTR-3DuRtDpOS.. Born 34itise 35tisan tscetion.,eSuhos;iOel escTE E T G Y tinse Streeetof intheoiemTon 001 ratrtie 0'"Ap -HW OBUcÀB moredPtcs peodcîs ottda oi-5 oseitgisi eoeiddssgste wsepvode on oi Ceaios'soi: tise thdsmouteyYor piple f y o Lot oe p5:c ps'sies i ites eois o n L sd ioilt. oý'atoco ad p m g Grni _________ ffro: sorttxr u o 5 mer - DOMINION LINOLEUM HALL 24"' 200 Main St. LADIES, SUBTEENS, TEENS, LITTLE GIRLS, TODOLERS, BABY WEAR Dacs,Dos, Rver Cotiont, Evrgiaze, ----,Beîciserg Sheers. Picts, Plinss, Cossul C ip Dey vces assoimestins ooiors. "ffl Sizos 1020Oto ftand soit I$2.98 to $19.98 - LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S JSPORTSWEAR j9 SKIRTS, BLOUSES, JEANS. CO-ORDINATES, SHORTS, PEDAL PUSHERS, EATHING SUITS ca and MEN'S CASUAIL SHOES 0 5.98 Biacok, tesced wite, am andi cork ýr-g soies .... $598 1 $895 ]Î.0 MEN'S Catalina SWIM SUITS snstsiped and plais shasies. )N 0F $2.95 t0 $395 m BY MEN'S BUCKEYE JEANS tIDTHS Western styliesmacletroc, besi qualitp sq. yd. sleertîse deusse., .... .$498 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RUNNER OR VOUR MONEY 1 -49c REFUNDED Milton The Reasons Folks Use Want Ads Are Different But Resuits Are The Same, Phone TR. 8-2341 'I WOMEN'S SUMMER SANDALS- Wedges ced iighi ieels Biacok. Panama White. Raogssg is pîoe tram ..2.98 Il Balerinsîsanod Slssg lcties fos tise tees se " aic:acIt aodgsiokfe $298 Ite WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTICI CONGOLEUM AND REXOLEUî THE YARD IN 6', 9' AND 12' WJ . ... - -90C s One Fire or Accident Could Wipe Out Al Yaur Assets Fotrcii yoor insrasce Robt. E. Lawson INSURANCE AGENCY 18 8-4801 323 Woodward Ave. MILTON -ONT. o0) : - a i Phone TE 8-6125 TIME --- PAYMENI PLAN Q - AVAILABLE .6ae EVERYTHING YOU GROW! ticsdwids FOILMUL 0r. la mh8w 32 AlA. sOLTO rp ad bsiatoî vcrtseg y MILTON -HARDWARE' 227 MAIN STRWEETEAT MILTON% ONT. 1 . Complete car lubrication. 2. Chesh Transmission. 3. Check Differential. 4, Chesk and sinon caris., air sisacer an d ignition lreathers. 5. Checik radiatoe and hases. 6. Test lallery aedconnections. 7. Checks maslrr estinder flaid. 8. Resale andi properly int laie tires. 9. Checks ail elestrisal cocnections for tightness. M0 Aim headiights. 1i. Check ail il lise connections for tight- 12. Chech ail fart linerconnections for tight' 13. Tune engins major, ieclading saris. 14. Adjust tension of fan bell. 15. Chesis whect huis ioits. 16. Checks service braise, free travel and adjaît braises. 17. Chesck braise flaid i nes for ightness. 18. Chesck andi adjaît parkisig braise. 19. Checis and repacis unirsersat joints. 20. Checis and tighites ait stesrieg cosses- tisens. 21. Chesk is idshivld ipers for proper aperatios. 22. Checis ail accessories for proper opera- tise. 23. Chenck ail lirihs ands sitshes for proper operation. 24. Checis transmissicn for proper opera- ion. 25. Checis and adjast silsish (if aep). The Canadian Champion, Thursday, June 6th, 1957 UT'S VACATION TIME IS YOUR CAR READY ? KEEP YOUR HOLIDAY SAFE AND TROUBLE-FREE BY LETTING US GIVE YOUR CAR OUR VACATION SPECIAL SERVICE GOOD ONLY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (For prompt service, please make appointment) V-8, $1150 Plus Parts 6'S, $1850 Pus Parts THIS SERVICE CONSISTS 0F THE FOLLOWING OPERATIONS: FREE - Road map with every "Vacation Special Service" ta help you plan your trip. IL. WE INVITE YOU *TO COME IN AND SEE '~ ~ ~ è OUR BEAUTIFUL ARRAY 0F '-*, Summer Dresses e' WASHABLE COTTONS \i PRCED FROM 6!2' $2.98 to $6.98 27" 59C .. avoitobte le 9x9 tlcs 36" . .. .75c and - Fer Rueeing Yard FATHER'S DAY by-the-yord in ttisue 4 types CONGOWALL GIFTS } M ARBOINI ti54" Hîgis Il AN D)1<RAI I JPer Runieg foot 69c Fromi Sox to Ties AI -1l, tS 111 P LINO CEMENT U E1t ________________ols. 49c JUElt Gals. $1.50 MILTON DEPT. STORE SHOP HERE AND SAVE