OThe Canadian Champion, Thursday, May 16th, 1957 Town wntkmc haver tuent bard ai worh receîîtly maing changes Charles Sreet in Chares Sreet betwren flueentand Saralh t het.Threrinhank- mont n bring fitird in and ther niier i n f be wicalried cotnicint- To Become Wider ably. Srarral tres lane berît tahro out. Active League Seven Teams Enter Softball l enueths ea .M.Ste I -kyr - eagu, W'. C. Eves President pitid thi ncek îîih five truini, Tit,, Haltttn R ual hitiati tA tti, 115.A.pi t -nf ui t h ti it- incouding PLs iriiiSttlCan- artuitioniht-Id f i nitit inetit i l lit-i llobou i . t ttus ini adiîn etro. Caittdian Logion aîîd n taghntiuittiionuitpdnrtdit tif1 tht1 iii titi titi tut Hall,,,, Sm it and Stoneprepringuttttui flottwerkSevnnteuntshaionrtt-ichinpinhip. est. td the iatie nhîrh Wt en Aipresritithe pians or liiihontnrrTtiradit May 21.WC.Evoo lragu aveinti ea Po inatioid tof fliagh -s lituirrid prtident. pnî oh - 1 v ~ ith fiîtihPit uit Paerrone ansnuviFOR YOUR teams being adde.prreiîdont iJohn Witintitt i gi taino rino ddrd rtrit-trtltttrr ai Special Work Transi cnrd arr as olîttîîon PaernautTafalgar Tansitit iiihor Halton Juniors "..gievilbntFRPAE fiogh. Hilranouttr. Hitenhit -Liiit PATIOS oune ilPr piao et i* Domnae Isu i ucay ndFiidat The othdilîri FLOWER BOXES Domilaeed o. datyd5ý SIDEWALKS Of Junior News! 't ,oi a - eitttuniritrersacu[lyCali W. Beyer doninoird ti nthinhisue tf the TR 8-9481 Janior Fariine r ît ina aaine nr i1t îîiî. iiliid -tit-ta tf thti1 t ritoît P p ai f hie ot ttt tiii ittis .a a fetîti ii nitîor pictitîti tf tiCattitti1 Gulph and thei Itrth Ineitit- iii graip htldia niîopI* tiiin V iulu-i \tIl ind Pilrnît fiOtn t -, a tii f ý, -toitpîîîîîîrhîîon îiîîîîîîîfiîl anid Art G iito -te i i-tiii ttti-ii hi I L ti ýili 0. ait diitituti ii-p r i Potr.Anth iri fat- t th'.(, bel-gitptini l Ii it io-I ilhli tl.p tn Juniýs a thýr -- Il b nqu t i til, t i ii, an î ilo 'i hallî,îceit-atiPi-,m. ! t Onth p titHtîng, of th, -ue Jlir p t t it t t h h a t t n it t h 'eit at il' t intt t to itht-t thtto su' t- i ttta te ttsketch .ohr h Pnth actt iv, .1i n t ,toiotiti î,t ,.,as--Oti titi' Lt te Pt tt I ht t pad t ig th thti hettîti-t. ah d 1 t hiîy 1ati clîh titdtt ptitt. htt tht C'Itt s ttltttt Yt -Tti eni b , W iln - n t t o f Mtan tittibout the nnPItitît ohttt tif e sfit, ix i a t ,- o tf htt attdr- Sdic uttt lhttl t -hI titi ,hai uelph A ri .totîottîtttitiî Gitutionte ' ltîtî oti Qcs httttî 'tni Td ith th iltnJnos Buildlon onterbts r, tohforNWHOUSaeSl. ati h plybuRte lNtoVAT ioS ok th bs payCARPETR FRAYeroL te su AN plTuRe r'8xw-6324Jricý. ti4 itt (itiru', - h ý dI l, "titti HatIftr,rid, i.19y57 MliitPir ltto o10 MILTON MILLING COMPANY MOFFAT FRED MILL "Healthy Respect" Neede*d for Gasoline SEs smart tOnhove n gond lomtthy rspect for gaonio, ony Fier chief A. E. Cirmont. finit naonli amant otf this imtportant fuel to tottipîrntinliacanne n terîrieam oîîot of fiery destrtiion and on- en njiey and dtth. More and morflk arcr tirî- inttandiiîing taiolnoî-onnîrpd nittinî re-tiiiaploti, ouihnuipd nt.-ittiîathtip-piipitt ii hi-ut ,gt r,tte otutit tu ie m t titiand gaito- tili tititt. bu ttt itrr tîtîttîneaiiistttnit ittîtît nili- i iittu utfL iaii l i -ti -tga age. ti hi-t i tît-iti " ilitiiin l-grti-i --t., oa" - are it titii-h utîtt-lît: ooi et oeto the ourface Start Building "'clwkld"eoiea xeln bchinh wnud ipte frid nce llert F ire Resea rch oryof thebuitding adarltvl Headquarters IiinPgth vrosNinaRe Constutiionhasotted nt fit- togs , with onty a rltivty short tta tifathrritiîater milion rpih oftunneltnthellBuildingtBc- doita iFirttesearch Buildinor seairieoCere. teiisioin of Building Resrcph Thr thrrr main inactionsi nithe tif te Nationtal RrnttitfiCiuneit Pnuiding are: (a) fnutnnt tîd- Pltne fottti îrpioption Pt-ther itieson tcombiutionprohirnit, nistorl tsti- n ofLtiogtti-duînnt; tht of tIii , t tt iih iititt I i iiea ph i ,,iih ti ii-v ]i mt h , i it i-tithn-iiithii-ptfitithA tit,-tfttntiio-iitdf.iipn ni t :11',itî nd-iiutt iitittiit i, elt,1, o tii:-, iiiuiii-iinstallatit it ,Iltto i n of e tigjjIin ri niiivif, th ti tth, î-,îttndî,îîh BU lalDOZiNG TRles, ,IN ititi ti-nited i tdi iaion oipo ta lehîîing untî intif ti t- fileîtît titift, ,. Id aH w Piotoitit tiof theiiiiiiiia r t - iilii Fl.T 865 8 .3 Mlo jt ascosno i,, runs - Àwl ' 1 ERY ud PS W-AVE OIL ON HAND - DONt LETSPRIN6 POOLYOL> T f4AS OME DAYS TWAT Cl-IfLL AN-D COLYCU A&A PHONE TO-DAY FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS amieO Nowo flie finît iii ivi-tiai it-ri-f-t- iiinre rfnît-nîîîîîîfi ---Mtiiirsîf-iegi uri esyf iiîttfîtinuff-1 its e fil Rin ie .tiiiiiit il.- New,npiied V-i8 andî 6 tower tii wiikpua ual rh ~od . ~NIAGARA Si 0000SEDAN if tiitoV-8., nliiri-nir yvint tîîfîtgoi ...17 flong. tiomdl tidoen f exi-i-llt-incll ti nbintine te Mîgiititif i- it pieti aslait th l ist itheiilte Iîîîo fild.ii oi viaif yîîrn îarfîy Mi-rtiucy-tlîîi-tlif-Mrýtriir ufn-uîero-titw. lDriveth te Magiinfiirr itMetei-r for 1957 and dride by the ride! SEERand sTOP ",,la V-Sor 6 with exclusive Balanced-Ride CHECKI VOUR CAR-CHECK ACCIDENTS NORM GUILD MOTORS LTD. ONTAR1O STREET SOUTH Phone TR 8- ý-2393 BRUNOS BEAUTY SALON (Above Selite Store) ALL UINES 0F BEAUTY CULTURE 0OP EN THURSDAY AND FRII3AY EVENINGS AND SATURDAY MORNINO - Closed Ail Day Menday - Phone TR 8-9931 for Appointment Evrgreens PriveR Hedge Rose Bashes Geraniume Petanias Alyssom Marigolds Gladioli Rollis i ORDER NOW FOR THE BEST AT 431 Main Street MILTON TR 8.9501 Meteor-the surest way to a f-ulnfihled summer i OFf lm, The eusiest storting, simplest operatintl power mower yoa con buyl 0th., ..sluie Leý-tiBoy Deltie. 2 HFP.. ted.1 th..-H...iegins. Laatn-Boy Deluxe 18" $89.95 Lawn-Boy Deluite 21" $97.00 Homo aemnstratOons glaociy 0ien Available on Crest Thrifty Payment Plan ~'~à±HARDWARE DON MERRITT, Owner TO 8-45011 Aotttotîood Oraler MILTON 1 1 1 ",.EAU FOUR-DOOP SEDAN