Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 2

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Appaientiy you might bn asked this ques- tion any day. If ail started when Mr. St. Laurent wrote the broadcasting compony and t seems thtt M. Frost has also been giving them is opinions toc. Me have feit like do. ing it lots of times and its just theer indol- ence oni our port that wn bavennt. Most of thn opinions we write are pubiished for everyore te reuil each week andi vcery so ofren people foke vocepti a theni ci wre adtelu they approve or disagree. Osrs, cf cosrse, is a privore business, Wn get nu subsidy frorn any govemnent ar any level. Wn pay taons t au ineveis and if tome- thing me do iriftes or opsets or readers veey vilentiy we hove known them to cancel their ssbscriptions and me just have to carry on without that revenue. We'ue neyer had a letter cf cificism from any heail cf govern- menr le ail the yearn we have been express- ing opinions or purvasying nemo. Under the came cf ibhe Ratail Merchaurs Associaftou a compoigo is crreerlyin opera- tiou to estabiish suie cf Ieer en thas refi stor- us ie Ontarso. The goueromeuf of Ontaric is being presseil ro changes ifs Liquor Control policy. ortuoafasiy. Premier Frost has aary sfrcug conasctionas ou the mtter andis oot swayed. but those mbo boue the iereresfî cf Ontario and our young people ai beasat migbf mellii e ihm oeilgive bciog or thia fame. Everynes Isomas fulwnii fborthe more sale outinfo for ony commodify measo greofer soins. <oryobonkoms ibaf the more bondi- ieg the greafer the difficulty fo retain control. Was alreody uom have more acohoîisoiteOu- tarie thon wm a o proparly casefrol. Put beer iu the stores and me gion opporfoniry f0 more minors te gef sfarnd cen the raadithasoedas te alcobclism. Reccrds shcw thaf ibhs spro- vnce acoholism o oun the uncreoas. Eeryoue ksoms the difficuiry f confrol of sle of se- teaicafisg beanroges s greaoer and ider as restricticns are rnmoved. Put liquor inretasi scres and match-arer itis roco tasthe T- create nnfeas-age problems. If bas baen fioaly settil ebt on Jue f tb the electors ii go to tbhe poilsTu Cana- da f0 cbasse a goverumeet for thes oeuf four yeaos. Thes meehas ahaaimil finil pieuty uf platormsandoilpromiaseas presasteil. Ii 50 h00 prioilsgn f0 sit nor cniy friss the campaTgu materiai but from performance ovur yeoes prevous who cou bast serve Canada in the years immasdafeiy abeail. ifmil nor 'ce a task for oa sap decasTon on houepur. Thebasig thieg tas remembae s the siue of the asks beforas those mhom you seuil f0re penînut you. The 'cions sn thes ast budlget shouldil sf11 hofresb in youe mandas. RuouTug Canada from a hosTons standpiTt To o rock The aster s0050v muons maoy iiffereor thiego f0 WOOy pecple. To aul Tf muons a ru- semai cf neemhope. oasm ste oeil maybe euiy sem asothes. Lke Chrisstmas it may berome a bit confasssi, or if may in some maasure beaome oaer-commnrciaiizeil. If sucb latter instance is the case Tu houe indiliaiual tban'c isg ycu aras uedaubrediy misiuf the reaa siguifiance of Easfer. If Sata Clous is the centrai figurasin heur Chrismas if quto ieiy follomo thaf the neemEster reggnry ss mre pradcmneatas te yeur aster peogroa thon the message cf suffersog. sacrifise for urburs anil the giorious resuerectaun aoil the hupeocf nom if e. Actuaiiy if is sot neuessary ru sacrifice the plaasuras of une phas te gef thes gruar mes- sage et thas urber. The important tbTug To the Mbot is happening fo the boom? Pesent evideece, soys Michael Brkmay au Thes ie- ancial Pest,, s so coeflating if may 'e misas te takas a caufiass mW. Soeaof Ottuasresponsîble euoeomTsfs claim that the boom passas i s pea'c ast tati. They s00 me'uas huneona odomemard trendi ener sineas itbouf rnaliig if. Yeu an fard others mbo 500 the boom Bt since the CBC is ssbsidized by the goverement and largely paid for by the pub- lic pursa, jsf why shouidn't they get letters from everyon mho confributes te ifs spkenp? Juot why shoulde't Mr. St. Laurent and Mr. Frost Write in and give praise or commanda- tien cf their actions? How nise wiii the CBC and its officiais juilge their programs oeil public opinionuif sbcsy duouf ous afrcnro risa public? CBC shouid gut more leffets and rhere shouid be no curbo on who snnds them. Ev- ery citizen costributes te, the upbeep cf the Canadian Broadcasting Corporatioh and if those who are elecfed leaders do sot have the right ru correspond with a pubiicly owned concere, democracy is sure sipping in Cana- da. Yos omo them; why shouldn't ycs tel them? Jusr eep your language on o purnly cultural basis. Tbe usoaeoeeio the soferasts of the 'rasmsg ndusfry alose. The motive is for more profits oeil greafer sle. Me are dobiouas thof thas retai groueras as a mboiu are in favor cf 'comiog 'crtasuiers for fhe familirs ro mboes fbey el thur family cososilsises. Wr admire Premier Frosf for lis resistauce fo tbss pressure grasup tisai so offebes him in Ontarso from su mauy angles. If houa f00. aras coasero ed or their lafuaf moue to gçt more beer soid mete to M. PFot anditlleuim so. Let him oed iss coleagrs kboom thof there are groupo and iedividoals in this prc- vinces thaf put thas welfaras of the province an a mhoie aboyas tse profsts and ilegradlafsoo of our youfb. Tell hsm, fao, thaf hou upprove of uriler su mbsuh ypuapacu if ura If nsac cotis es cromiloutrthe gretmesaugeof Eusterandl abiteratu the sgufiauce cf tise sacrificu of Christfonilthe gioryuof the resunnuctsuaî lana houes TO a boiiumCsterilu If Caster hu' nies, eggsanil the holiday spirit ceomils ouf of your Easier aiT thuught ufthbe sucrifice gaa- en fer yeu ru eail ap ttheibo icianil hope f n ife anil the resunrecncîusfrom tbu gaavu, The Estur paraile uf fsaery isuneothf igb' fhsng in this suason. "As o mun thinhutb se is heoet, suiss bu" Thoreis uo onthe Castur- rsdn but if the tirsuhtas andl symbois arr in peeminenoue undi the toue muaosog ss muade subseruteut iv your msils anil thoughis, bue meai meausug of Easter isas usg lest ond thu sacrifice mode for youa sas uuîing. May yours 'ce a truiy ohous Eastertilr reay ba slsaubaning off o ltre, but is asel a 'cadi0 soodeil modeeafing of o breabanc' paie. Yt cihees smlt tsar ibat the summur moy brsug aimosi as greut pressurn as 195h. Rgbr easm.in tact, you uau gef nu dler or unousmouas guidance tram the ucouomiu experts heme. Spring s noe, anil the pesent confusioun cf sgns ma'p tbnn bu resuiveil more uiuriy. The Canadian Champion Putlsiobd curry Thusyat fMasn S. Ma'Itaot. rfMuru ufthfO Auadit Burea efCircutosfe, ith' CWaN A asnd fhe Osiarsas Qubru DivisoneCWN.A. Advstsanraesuon reroocsi. Oebucrrpfaonsupayable is uduouru', $Mce asCanada. 14.00 n fOr UtSA. Aufbaeinrd ai Seconsd Ciass MoaS.,tPost Offiue Départer' Oftawa. uîF#G. A. Di, Edifor--Cbint JamsoDif, MutagigEdisse David . Dîttu. Production Manaue Puliihed le the Beach ef Halien Pebliehed by the 11111e Pehting and Peklishing Ce, Lieeihed BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR 8-2341 =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= BACK IN 1937 BACK IN 1907 -j Easter Service bis stand agoisoft iquer advertisisog sunOun- The Veek at Ottawa taio. Wn bnoom bat es geffissg penoty of opinicons from the ober side for msdur sle. In thes a oys sinuce s uof uimoys golden. The liquor suferesta havas thes golil ou ibeir side and aras uot hestano use v t to oquro thatr raquires the bast ablty anil caprsuocu you sou fiud isu Canuda. if maglit veu bu bept in mnd, too, tist ooy goveomeot s auiy as stacu g as thu meu hou sucil f0 Ottumu ru forsu that gosausmeot. The ilte bus beesut. Tise maclsanury s nom in opuration t50 fJe~rlh recordI your shosce. IT osoca csus lau caidures bave 'ceeu chosaso Youeu eiclctoec cill have ample opportunith su exaumin thisr si s ofor fisc uuotfefum euLa hae uhoic f tbu ma as hy ou l govue for four yca s. Trade Minister Howe Ter Campaign Smear Propos B'a ROY' IaBERGI' l"ttii'5 I'remSa 'sCi IO iSer s'a sMliMsA i s sssI v dsi 2 1 s ,,,<,. 'ai,, tassa. n 5 'h s s Ils t T h'.T as s "fss jT. ac1 as), STssssi' a1 T t f' W Jun 0hl s Ithe iluy acnd aie ocsssT1 ifor THIS SUNDAY'S hour sicu to ha heusilý CHURCH CALENDAR ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH ia-'if'a1'l ct-fitf 'sSitr '\f IST iftt i'" - usa t ni ' f5. 1, 1, omn5 n O. s NIas "ai ;.5 us GRACE CHURCN ANGLICAN t-cuas 1) u fiA -iIsc fu00ait ms l -fiai 4. uas' MILTON PULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY PISNTIT('iSTAI. ASiISEMILIES if .tr tait cas Masssss Wsi sî 'Ch T10 - 0 ssa u s a u scu . 1' r a, ac t i f fiait. M'snsO 55 tts i siic a c v Si aasuuas.1- s rcs'100.F ut., cta . MMc ssassu AitAsuWs'ucarc ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHUECH Mi srto iigssbo rurîsua tluufor OD. A.tPoell OUNDAT. APOiS. 2lt, 1957 EASSER DAY 145 p..--Soedau Oscoosu. 230 Pm Drain Coumasasasco. Wcduasass, ft4 tsessAssass TOaasndaay, f30 P.M, A.Y.P.A. KNOX PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH hI 'b E Oli'BIIiN. Meur tDr /assO, , i sebso MA LL cm a, m at .i ' suMas fs titis it: 29 suisa u Iasssa 'a 2i5 % i'itti. " 157. sas ct. Ou a ss s as C' h sa i . S ,55 , ' sa tasshasth. "d 1), Zha EMMANUE'. BAPTIST CHURCH S59ITNas aiti. 5 957 'itt at s Oîc'sst 5..as asuas'", 55 tsc a. Apsui 24 Praesa ' 'as i a au tatsc ofaata. O t rl l*M e'ar s.la le'ra'aeeî aio lOtI1uoNîtST P-tscisss" f louatasaa fINit[MOON~TEftSTa. S T10 c.00 an, i 4a tas. its us' tassa . ssa Pacîctu LOWVILLE -NASSAGAWEYA (ANGLICAN) liesa u ftor:R O'.R.P . Jitf.su'a. fil 8-9832 Sfit.'a AaftfStu. it 430 sac. fiari1YB.sisisaaas t St. Johnaa'usscef 2.00i.ias sac iatuCaranoîsss id OSrmon. Taken fom athe lIsse ef the Champion. April 15, 1937. tRaio iassuvuoro hune ofurfuil ther rounds inTorontoansdwe ia- .ussu tOry mils bu about oas po- ou oas apoliceman in s Quee City drustorevon a uday. Abouai2.30 ssm Tsvsfsy taofu stuoe. Daag ssssuovurcd s',rsr's rouarssnomthcd fisc tuz fars orchd hme bfcore hedyscovere- thutaiutas onafav fOduouufthe i hallan tumtbefreurthessrsas O turned. The horse tfs uniuuOssis obassaf softmitu ortbatiron, uIT. u rrd o pre Outoshbeisuasueurdt tientrustenrs andsiupolitsou st hraai sOsbtopdlru hoe-aornu rssrsud Thuh1aluuas Tshorde B cutsa aithlisal on t cy us l r f, fss onasns'chscc tcss' Cssoou sa a.coca,srd pthe tou th in' tsteicuts'and 20ssssc tasos sstese.si ncI ,,ss d -Pht.by th, Tyir socs usssi'ssl -,tsrs nd vilage asst ito .ss'.s Iss orss's a 2 tst hsssss ss.s . teas, nde I.- sThem-ssa... it sl200oss sasl, icsh ' t h'.ss'îsscs'st sa rm s-.fossussstcu fa isu asusul s'ai os a rrO c an ns'tts'csscc Mss . -,'t2. i i sd[ a1- m th, spsr jasa R.III n iduig l'igiai Si ss. C C is, fi Ts Tss'ssssais"fs 5 5.5 il li s ssth ais issss I TI.-s si T l ss.dTi'l a> ass luta.sIf- TaqI. h 'I, of t 's . 1'.Ili' ss>,ii 5 fiirs ' 1,i1t" , l'sss l s ", 15 Il 1 Il ts5 ssss sss Issa ' sasssMTa, isas1sa . 1 is t 'I ... 1 asM Tsl as1 i ta' i iiss i s is.ss'si is t ' it e fais i '" ' s i lTTs 5 ttaso a tas 5 s.a Ts sa s' a at i s' usas fi b u i c sts' su an sassa il s.,ss i ,s oas'ffsath'.v isiiMu Kasau u ai lr s55i hs t Mi ss ilr sassai s '55ff su- 'i s sd , t tasssasfifls tis sa sssscu'ssfanA . V.asasa St,-'ie incorieun < ogo t isassa ..'5 t 4 ivr'st 'sas sas tisa' soat,- ss itsa if' oss i sas, ss no5 ais,' i il 'as as, 5sf555to sacW s, Thesi sa,. Osaai ssa asa as, vas t isaNs'Ma N k sassasassa 0 14 ssu sss isil,, O i Osacs asa. ta a bsaffrsssralnsandil, Coniasau) Tatien trom the Issueofet hec Chamapion, Apri il.8,1. Lasiesbigtave coao curs00f tff fOe truck oe tbe ssding autiOn GT. R. statioe. Ouf nadagose sueuf ms'cfiaesed mus daac, coir wmuthiO tftcsastcs ,uapfd. L.55ossuorStu-'Oc 'hillStiO. Mit- sssssisssssssssi'5'sf isi.s uisasia'Misasor auta S.OBsailecy ut 84 Oak 0f. Torocto. Tlsrrrmsllbcueuryc uaes ai f0hecssu uasszes, mOsub milopes Justice Trnicri Tberroare nias ncil cssererd or tfiaf Ou tOn fudge. Me. Brundone.mbo mas dulisumang raai uvfruday a turasoon, lmOi bau frum for o tem minutsmTOny Or- caetrsgtfusu dustfartnd up VictraiSt0. îfrsisg s pest seau Joilcu Gaubumi .TOcy brobe rom tfurotuastssftheumaon,.furs- sasutheacurners f0 Jomus St.. mbivO thfO ontssow îss Mai., ueO er muocissuforcaplau tua msas idam se testtsog ruom o etio Haet Mu- Gibbo scuasorgeuuPaffznsoe couil douftsail utchso fheoufat hosse uby ahes'rss's. soccuuded ie faustu assuthus o fsslsis, TOhearss su ta ssno -ysutured. Mu. Pot- 'aca rila ss suhcrussistuoubs5 sss'eocacilstosiandltasa'c It is tasib hicasthesOusi an himsavu 'i assosf Ocas ugcsasscu- asn, thessc Csors sf Haissasafor dassags ozoaaa'u othesiu oun cdfu-sing f)complt,tshe acachasas sf thc pias ossit' ssss usasa-sitr tor .ahousco rughetdhusc'ot cfsarit. Ntahufasso tac ibu uft netcsaef os ouil Occu yrsfrduc Or- soucn iSic Cssophclt pistattas 'siscu. uviandthe commaffase ais- pia tuitlooksabafterr the sui. If;s sssseicsassssslathueu pars uguend tv crass emacumut hofaeemuai On sbisstd su ohrialusutodnde atss csosctycsorcst Ofoarfiala use met anbu mode. Thes average ises cameef pur tub inne pisstainud vauspmef fOui . theu.averageuostf trtag oe ta jl)in sas nuoaturinusin sasCn- adass sail.s smaru thaf etua fso ucil dollars. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE THE STEVENSON CLINIC 'Apîssssit csU< sTti 82323 lIr. R. Vila (ieafO lie. W.J i Ilnah Offisce if sassa' ty apuc1t iuu .osT A Mf 0s RtO - \Vs',, ,Aas, 2-4 psnras. bOuhy Ciea Oufaaass aid 0f'tsils.ry -susus MITO'f PRii'VATiHOSPtITAL isassahtii ail Oaci Osuaon DR. G. E. SYER DR. J. JW.ioCUTCHEON 1,usai,',aN o 'rît 8o 5,531 DR. JG . EIDDLL, C. O fc l ifs5 2 - 4ip"5.5i 8 - 9 f siiONc Tto 5asSTR 8-9A2 LEVER 8-H298I 11rt t Sia i 4Vufro S MLER &HOPEI ('ehatie'al Pblie Aransli Ci1sSi tu. csf Osca at sas . WTERNEH. PLET 202 OoaiedubleAr.obtte Vicieedsare 375 :1 aRL G.. s- LAC t IA TIID7AC4821 AN tu t Mssu Or. tnta. sa 20 itoug s e.Ous vl OPIctTRI4-75 ARURG. BLACK PUBLIC IERAEY OURSAN FOR ADUL. M.tS nt M TH 8-5562u co.n Wlss'asiau.8-9 aaa.-5 8Aue8 1Thssrsday and Fpus a * dvt-f p.mg Frsaay 130-5 pu..urd 7-f pus Friaday .1.35 .. and-9np.m Pue liolidayuset inluled Scotausildfasid av 55e urparae DR. G. A. KING DCENTAL SURGEON OfficeisuRoasalildssing, Milton if asuas 9-a X it.ou Orsacu Tut. TO 8-9762 DE. H. F. GALLOWAY Our.1SulOacrgon fiaS tatunSot0f 'as streetf noce tliar, f fa 6 pWm Eing uos bhauppssastmeof X-iiaySeOrvice Tut Ottacu TO O-9201 DICK, DICK & MtWILLIAMS W. .DICK. Q C, K. Y.EICK P. K. %IeWILLIAMS Oaa stsafsolicutsrs t1it tainuStarent Tf'ioeTO f-4491 T, A, HUTCHINSONa Q.C. Bael'islee, SoicitoE. e titi Tisasasas StOreut Mtona 'iti'a'Tia 8-65u1 GEORGE E, ELLIOTT O.C. BarreterSoliitor'a, Nolu.y Publie. Office 207 Mary Street TcsisauTO 0-9202 DAVIS AND EALDWIN Barriolere, Soliitos, e. 20f Maie 0f., Miton PUIONO TO 8-9772 HENRY E. NOWITT OususterSolicitor, etc. 225 tM san0f. oaarrMaltisseHarsdware SHAEPEa NICHOLS & HOAD W. S. SIIARPE A. 3. NICIIOLO A, C. IIOAD Osaresors. Solieitoras and NosaisrPublie f46 tainaSset., Milton Teiepbcasu TO 8-6071 FUNERsauL DIRECTORS McKEESIE PUNERAL HOME susuerail Home. Asabuasere Service PHiONE TO 8-4452 NIHT os DAY OSsuuauc. Cossa rusiService TEAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN 'ACIFI C OAtLWAY Stanedard Tinue Gosiasos sftif 19am daiy; .4 est dasica 0832 Pus. daitu nuuept OSasdua 9.24 pet. Ssanady 05fr. cocau Wrasf fît ont. dity; 6.40 s.m. dustas; 1.10ast daim aurcepu Susau. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIf MAT Goaaag Nrf-f.i3 a. Goasng OSls h7510 pm. bid You Write to CBC ? Hel p Needed for the Right Just One Day to be Heard Frst Things First Which Way the Boom ,rl %Àl- -1 . e-%.. - - -

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