Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 1957, p. 1

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&uabîau AtNrhHloJUbnFsia -, Hundreds Sing in Georgetown Iheast North Honauto fou- huecotFestival ,d O t,-1 Solo d îtetf tou h, stt - M lt,, Aeoe o, ,t ge .....îoe cetd t,,u, u i tetO 01110 f or uto,î mue , or a li H,,l,, *c Li- 'io h,o i , d,, od B, dT Puptu t, sco lu Georgeto wn C a e ,eMilton; Go,,, Williams. t tecanualH orthid W ton ute s d Seorad o r,,, six,,c ool ad Hok, a,,d al. Solo, du l, t Gioe iiîu e eîeAî uo eoB t't' N,,'_alilton;îe ucheoteergeeown. -1111L1 UGM Qrs rgte. 1,1 the Ge,,,otfrm o ys',î o ir, t GeLorgMc,twn iton; t. e o ,-,ght ,Iltand,îd,,. M,,, Ceclenlal mnager esu Pacce e o,,,. l,, os-,gî1 and,î BrucGe,, i lt wO v en~ vo seceti Mr Eeao, oKerareshwo Attt. ros ViocTa utMrgr D 1do StretBan er oolie fcisie tochs o ie Setreet,,,,,ci,,,,,, t o, o,,,to i ch os, fdLfley Amilb, ofl ulu - i adN e lpblsh .olcoe te. A,,ttt-,,,,,, and Me i ,,, I,,t, oI Board OffersQuTwo ChangesGDepit, et,-o-If iLon, etlott and Suloîe,- Proposedn inning By-Iaws a,,d0a'D ito heîd ~ ~ ~ ~ rv Teeslacs-Ilo te Oemt,,v, hoît c,,, l,,oc e Sie 0,,,, 10, flulfceooeeothetroteotoo c fochctchtOuauotittttldtlt t,-,. .. --.0-t manager o ,,, ,,,,.oandX, )vci lit o esitý,-ýT e t o t Udr the scedlcof nîlîetitdwelllng uloO.t000111110fi, mesor ecatsigle ftuitly detached toit e.ettiettgof ti 0 dmefîughecu. icuo-otcey e'theeeotig floor acca %,os chaoucd fec a. Pr-uposue Resouuffa standard 100W square feci Theone .0,iiot close t,, an hîo sdooo,î.1 ruisg soc thati f the home s tiiii to h ttops as ilite colt,. cite hedroem hoaethe mnimum tI ofn-idt.iiy.ithe futturetof t- i 800 sqaeefeci ofloce 00000 otî hotitîg inMiltîont:îîoîî toi Simlaly, to bedecîte. SI0()citoot -h-tîtlîtlieo titi titchttlitioe' o-hcdeettm. l1t150Votlte,,11iotitilit on hit. Chuemao Petitl.Pcluieed he. ploe indu ir1, tOtoStuart. Moîcit changes wrm adc e tie sit -o.,o tain0Vie%%-tDrite.. îlt îot 10r i peopte a; rcieed cupesOitii00motionte futte h I(i«)ii a item home wth ta sngle iedromnlusehcc.teîh it, e,,eîîeîîo Oltîi o o for tsiutc tc . îîot,0 o ua-foolhoioolit Cfs.ify Garage Requireets Ofu I ittîtit 3).ivlttoii, f OtiltO oarY-to- it ttd 1i.tîtie. etc hIit mt.i The second chane % _oTh tangu0incfieoiy in building prival ,- -- ,1 1 1 , thl]p o jy ho toîtllI , d-it Touday, acococi Frank lfoN co O h i lte t i planing titilit couuîicrBR.C. Cunntoihamei and -t- imo Norh Mltone Steeooei'Ats- eil KiegslcoghCortiandithe sa- rodîg arca.eiiedcitg a orv ou the poshliicofotgatracer ione. Planningcu onsultant PA Gecoooocueedithatttome houe are s,, locted on the lotso 9oit ugc car, 0e aiticed ta the hcný andensomcîoistanesi lit Pos- sile for ahocie ta hioe aodei myconless heyecomhbin eýih th ocghhcr exct doo. Thchangeccccdo ht 0e guartues may bc cooitrctcc bot lS ihao týo feci fece, the cîde line o the loi, prcueddther tre t lt 15 fcci from the reero f the diel tugch, ceritin lotc coahie to ce W ple itih ths reqateemei. itheccm msitecon adutmeiii mty ir Name AI Henry S Kin President, Milfonsus. flautu fours.uecef -uail deposif fîîî.es f,,eued aunstie tines f Ki fejgh Court ansd Maretn Stf.,Couert!Si. and Woi uaetiAve. Bruce and fue SfS. anil Miles and Biefl Of. IX-ftaule NVilfiafu faudefl saif tuaI uthesai l Ius; iKigtile in use Tueslai', if ut!arage msentsfhasve leen cusipltei. Ilu saltuions uiece eng smacfe ufîs iieek. vtiiusslfl fie mulfe au 4 p1.. aily andf sfafufory'fluifitas, cxvept foir Sudays iiflcu Iflee ,lic uno pi-k sf. fia Iflos- sevc, I simakefthe icIflecftion, If uiIIl lafe abotu2.30miues ii dopt hendue he Ill o bo îtl - l 1 o-1 lit t 2 1 li lt'l0 O o- Mitot loîl.riîîooîîitil.Wo r l, V 't loi .fXl,- toi toto I l il, o ilth, t .il tt 1 0,1n.1 i i- , t -ilt , atoi il ,t l , 1 1 toit- County Lawyer Hired Tuesday -o - 7 Volume 97.-No.47. Twelve Pages-Sevee Cents. 1, . *-7, È 1 -; , i [il, Sliin Plasters Out -e Money Ail Around w Set $6,OOO Maximum Approve XtiootttoottitO I illootti,. toto-i-il îlot t 110,' oltil oit .110,00 I-t toto- 0000,-t b îlot i ittilit lt-to .00 It-otto t Xl t, toit-- I oo~tt t-o o. t tII 00000 t, o o o. 1,-I to il. o- 000ttttttt tillot il il t. .1101 tiot.~otolot t' t-toi titot- it.o i o t- i toto i OIt ittttitt I titi', îlot loi -t. i o. -t t il lot tittittOt 1101 01.01,000 il-t- t-o-o 0-et to-I ti t titi --t- toIt lu-ut titi 1,100 Il 0,,-, oIt t' .1 o toto i 10000 o S.0 i ttttititit il o lit lt-t, Il o 10,0001,1 il t otttoOti'ttlo'iit t For Annexation, ag vrSbet C::- - eoîoiimet for ,,,,t 'Ra gelv r t Ic 'Ito. ohýt,> ,tootioîîît oloti H it Big Es lir lt ttii I V-,,ý Sponsor Patrols I ia The Mtitn Kitmee field thet c ,LolieILtil oîe.,îeoeoi c - i regulr metgcen Mtidiy nechi o lI:dotîtI toi ilL. :LL a td etecicd the ofcl retiithc 1957- Ii, V i-it A 'Iltofto ;Ltoit 58 itao. The 0cm otîitil. mhc ,oiîfl tL.'L'nt,oe , ouîî t îîîî o, Oit ttl1.l li,, wi11c i e c h i utLs i Ii1 'g I L t-I'- , lLfti -lt o, eme arc ta, tltoi] .precuodet A] tto1ti ot ooîu Ho 3 toit-t ucs; trasrer tLb- 'I Jo-e Tor'o il; ioh Lc tol ccocFrak t oit , Itot , 0l0t001 tto-, , li oî 000i .WFr Kyî a rtdb r 0 Keg- o, L'to t to i, - ý o , ei î0L îtL,01 f-ý pe-e- t tt- oe Le ti 1hphettoîceot e'd utoo ttI 11,O , lL 1Oit. ilv n m , Il _t, I the reirdid oiId,,t'otas ociati n.iL",t.t f;h 111tiLtLjt hoce C n eioctiooo i.0 haîlidîlot'ndK., I.I', t1, -1 I l o, iîtoo.o ' . o AI H ny.anl Dot ttu,~l O kvle ae t465 Prec eeig ti prdIn h lubi'tut,'At Rotarv CI 1 lub i tlii-o it- huongiheeî.o,,.iillit tO0fil It'- lliat Ta --fooalg a're-îi tlooi.oto oRaoto.t e 4 5, îo l tt h .ai L hallotîtitioie e-ti ,toititoottot17 t ttit fiii5afltais - . , ,,,,, oi- Vote tiitoittt.'i-Iliii itîît lti il , lte- ie'telt.,, ti.',, oooe',,' ioîoîoîot io,, îoîî'îo ti eoîoll ' ,oî-,,î. - - - , o li~oi, lto, i.,,,, , L; Lc I tete o hk ing i fth,,' andi 'LLoll'-il10h totltM e etli'iin g o, tti i, o .ioi.ii tl - Lo . îoîe ,,-- î.,î -o- ,, -1, ..,, ,,,,,. Ot it oho oteli o.ttt.ttt îOaîîo , ottio i.titot R ait et-to 4 6 .57tt tot îîîoeîoî et rfect , ,. 'î,, , , ,. , ,-, ,,,-,,I Kin,_foto o I ii,,o se sions' l ott at,î îîî e tel o t ,eî,îîi lieeîot195'7- lo ,, t u,coî l itLLLtl l- tt htoeei oetilîle.it'io.tt I ol,,l'î,ît 1 f S4,50,18ou eîît.o.,oitiOO iA tittR t o t r îîoiîoî o. ii ..îClu blt' .,,.î i. Be Ie t-t, oin, treL tl t- Illl'it tii lot f;,"otetl ee-0 -, t ent . î.îlî tit ttt.tl,. îoitot îîoîîeoo o i,îlt' itittti e î tot, ioto' tt -to oo, , t 'ti ittoo , soîte s Tht-111 em1 It ml 11 iii p,-e o fu-12.42( Oiit11 ed.t h ot eioîl 17eeth', teo he',rmeec,îm)"t îi,,î.oot îe Itou. ytofI-ichSels ldiio et'tas ctlby f085ai.toce1tc. 0eoi"fiitetitototî tee,,,,î tît eo teoi 01lentot-ettiIî.'etoi'ileehfe m e î e r h c , c t u ,l i l O teilO i tt o t! ' it t 'e T tr i it o t tt l c, i o o e e m i ti t e it i li t it t t. E ti i, i i, , o l it t tt t N I I O V t' i tt o tt t ti e 1 _________to î,reo eo, .1li tuli e i,- i uP te i tecute ete IlII t, u 'ngotont u'. eo lte i,' e,, ,,t o Ittttu t I LIt I L Ou Iretti -h T he patîicipai c de e-e ce cte ceo 0 2 etli ltth eîe .2 ttto h- eeett edteLe lttootetll 'inttti'd - lt lihe tt'teIL e-i cafoiie tSccT actorcorO oteah,.)m"lc l fIorthehlee atSITh-0'eethle -tIL,ot't Vot1 totitt Neuu ftti cc i l(o,ttiite l lil telSotout ote rangttrC(mtuo. 2leli.,ietdS mottic iueeîee-ie;"tttoe:-t ie al- ttc d,',îlod h o lo îîoîîc. lhteî, ho,,. o'îaeu j thîo ltolit I e lIt d ho ac uit fh t, $1 (f ,, îI d a toi,n idte, c stîlîlît ett. h , ltt.hco e-t' per- llt JIl u'to ocpli, tto'd that (tic>,,sub- f,,, htneîte' it, i11 otiîtth,, h - 011,11 t AVotît dttg lît the hbuiding hy- ItI lt, îî,,,t. itI, uttuo îtetIed, )Lttt ltttt 1 t,,i h11 te $100 ftoc lt--l td rould hbc, sd ctosg hî tir 200 t,, regaineaeue Iltlhtî.hooogin heltol cost icil,,- II î Ot $3w0ruo. hooîcurtrl)al[O,,Ktoîy oîîoîtplasteîs .,as issucdltis-oocek to Fr,t ltt-tedlecso«-io. Ottca -totet,i,3,anaerhoRo Peenhotomedially puoc tocirocul- ia felo)t.tle-1- ottottodofor thehboc 101 ,tcîcolaov is oAudey Hocico, a ioool boih coployee, i ttof $P5S.000 orllctr-tcitions 000 1 ,dîli,tt,1 cozl îcpnesco rctîcc a l t ho I ,tIlItti of tîihe W 1t Gîck I ol, ll 1On,. Gî oeued o t oe, til Il 1-t d Jthatlthuo ntGo M01,0', a 1t1t. , zI ,d had c tîtîtîtcd the W ~ater Test D riIIing lt ltWiloBuParikoI:dAîî loi; , li', ; i t,,,:îot ttto . ol t ,tl ilttt, Gitooo o tcttmestfHtgh-. îlo tut t tfott I 'Iho i 1l and i1.10t t,à oth -t ae t .tg e,, I t l , 'u, It i;li - t - .olloott 1 1 - u it ' fi ttoîlIhe lied tt. e ocr li t itr ov .îîîîolil as\ (1 îî,a i k ditoreo riton a sugesution 0000Itit oi itt ,ilittiioii,,i iilitilt, 1ýtltailh thecode loiý 'dTe'rdlndoti p 0b l M , ,,, ibt treport irom the Gepaci- p l oi ,or oî î'pîtle ,1 tîo 0,1 'ii tol uil '10lituit Ot lîl ruet oit f Ht'ilt case ofti hs. Be lotît Iit-k th',ion-tM oto h o uttýxind tttthtat a lliduice -'i l t- :.r un o ilu i i,0000 V'otiotiio-otouloîd iio ('to> -isb ig e t eut Ittohedispos-. io t l'i elitit httii..ti.î i. b.- e Oie iitecd h ,,otoc s ue 'If hov tal, foni 'l'u 'l-ZIcar bc luialid (oi f twn.1'u tiv ;ft,,,, encht e rtue cin the squesing Development lt- ,toqil,'iltutf o itn . t1 po --uit foi,-I.01 t u-l ti-etl .1,,po-loti- 1,,1tt tti Monthis - Denyes School Iown oBli r ailt, f3, Choir First Iroplif o 1Iln it,t l ", ti- , titttt-mtitit- lttlt.- mth l ýftoi arotui t e i~tdtoteeio line. îould hc $6.627. Titi,,, ioeemoit ias give-oper- tmissilotittc piotd wtthhcoe- etrction of iio edeti dO on the tecîl sode lof thre cclt offce, ausithe muor tvtat, i 1956. epuiy- treco-Ceeeeeîghiaooeie-d obhectton t,, Ille muoion.c. eeidou hut MatinîOit-et soîld bh i-cdned f0 hu cIl ub ffMainiiStreet and tllo,,îptahkingco t t a tt o catiteo At.-3l voee crîed the tîîîloe lDeîe.,touueîuîtelf Htih i'a itcic lit r lî,e ,,e,,"ei-,o, tathl o f, t it'io lOto nd 25t.titotO il1ciitontPaPeît-c 0< to"\'Moi tIotoiet eitidtooc 110 Countyi Report ,1iIllTo Recommend Per Bed Grant todCu g huni hs at a w h eh ll( o ,tlsp - ed ta ot; 1. o mr, ielO f.1ueîeîune -e', i-il e ,ubmtOto e d tî oti,iiicnttoi, uii,.tr ee in tr, o ftg i..00p-dp-Ittecit edinaythe go tcc oiei ee'utd u e seocolmesi feulita iiiGeore t 110 e o ileý, tdcth-, debettir ti irbaa Gloce,12, RIh Ate Sn r ito e it-iit ilmethioit it ofu chieh Iepcosiemecnt lucegme MILTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 1 8th, 1957 ~IwLpio Munci Establishes $100 Deposit Fee o Insure Agaunst Damaged Servies SHome builders in future ettîl de- e' -posit $100 per 0lototh the a so a * u<~, eheu they purchase thete hobuidig . Optermit, a nasrnethut oloter sI,,-e, Ottehes, ettcertu and side- G tlceetointiisetiy c,di îo pî, ompleî,uof the build- S ,,c,e,uc,l decided Mcudy eight. / The $100 0,11 he refcsded tu, the h,,,lde, ,-hcoente ooee,,,o - - c siio-tdhe ne, as well as exislug ha,,, e hen llt in pi oe Thým tio etc-m d f, cm actate- 11,lt i o o-oî Bruce MeKer t 'uld ,,,t buht, $1.000 te i,at,t,-hut-oîffs m Kings- ItoiVo., ,,it ciooe Ho od i i îtdy b,-,.,,dîg oct and ,J. ..d uHoy-u, uld n ,ýd' i, odth, m i,,î t u fI,,,old . H,~, oh \ \' T R- sic Pifs.ttesb

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