ïhtti(nbiau ëiîrpion MILTON, ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1956 P.L's Claim Wi Over Meter Cc 2 .2222 1,22 Four LuCky Winner n Hockey Club Dra .NI 1 St M 2222222222 2serving: we say thanks for your patronage - And, may everytbing that's bright and gay, 2Bless your household on ýChristmas Day! MILTON I- DEPA RT M E NT. STO0R E ýý,rCity Sports Columnist Lauds 22ast Successes of Campbellville i. 2.222 . 22 .222222 il, 2 2,,. --l 22222n2 J'il n:1, 1).y. 1 952i2 fi,- ~ ,dri to 1h22 22 22 2 'l, hl-C.' l J.,1.,2 Il 'I2 Il 1, 1 v2222111( h ~~~~~~~r f myvf,2,222, 22222222222 22222.22i f.,2 ,*,f22VAN . 9.,,Li ,id .2 2 222 2,22 22 2,2 f2, f .,2. 222 f22- i22221 f222 12 2 2 22-2,2, ,2 922,22,2 I.222 22 2S 2 222 222 CII 222222222222f 222.,ii- I, a'222, ,,.. .2222222,22 A22 22222222222222 222222 .2 2 '2Chistmas c2f,,,, 22222 2 .2222. 2222i 2222222, rs oir,- ,222-2 2222 222,2222 f .2 e22- or f b. 2.., .222222'22, f'Chr isas , " '-'2 22 222212222 - i2f2 .2.22,22 222 22, -2l'ii2 .,2,,,,h. 2222.222.n fii, 2,22 22 ,,, 'hIl,, Atd ," 1 Ilg, d, I,22224l, il l,221220f212s f2 i 22 ý 1.11 5222 .!2dl22, 22i5'l Il ;I Il, imC2 l2,2 : 'A I) t,,I2 1 Il L,2'2 22 2,222 21- 222li 1 f tI, f(i 22, 2222 "I", .,,f,2,22ifb, .'Il, p f22 22222222222222222 2df,,-2î 2 l22,2 222 2222, 222f22222222 222, 22,2,2f HRIS2TMAS222 'l'O22,,,,- 222 .,,f 22222 222221.92226 O 22222 i22 2222 22222'ff~.i 2.2 2222 or 1U1qU M Elt,,, P,:,;,,. King ,f, te di-d the s 22,222222I, duel2 and b,,fh %vere ag- I U m pi ri l - Ch 4fs 2,,ing s22i..k tf.,.îd -,h n-2iî.2f,,Caron22h22df222'- 'f~ [ 'I .1,, 2,2,,, fi nAr,n ,-, 1 dz, 1,rChips: The Ch2,-fs picked 2.2 fi,,- The P.,I,, K,,,,, il Il2 lit the22 1922penalties2.2 Th22 ,fiiyrd 22 . I li)22202 .'ti,i f , ii ,for Ili-iii t,-' 2,22,222 ,e IUI2. 2, ~,,'2,, .,if,,,,î.,1, , iiag ... Tiddy Hu.ghes r f ,I t,, ,n,i and Ji. , l, 'itn2,,,2.,eIdtop lu Ilet Uf.,i- ri ri .,de seovera iid-,mgirni V-112,il 2lo 2o r-h- .ll 2] Il, b, topped hy the ...2lit, lo 1 22l 222 22 ti fi l f,,.,f lat Hurlef2.2 . . îi2Car- ýAsk Unwrapped Gifts il hi '1,2 anKd2 ,2 ,i, -11 ~ , Ab Martin.Il Hoga an For Manor Residents 1'2 , . 222h,%Ie,,g2- :-th,, .î. .îîhCi-h rI,2Fox pn afra F.2.i'-i,., ,- l'2, !,- .2 2,,,,l_-i i , it) -h;2ogvi.fone probbhy will If22 .. .,2 '222 h,2;,2Il-22 22ou222-22 22 ,il% 2ri2 th2,2> Ion,îote ,btk ai fi,,old ri; , fi2,2,î 2, ,- gil 2., l2, , 22,22-,, spot.22 fuga u2,ghan 1 i ll Ili l"";,],. ,,~, i, h 22.ltilics ,il D i, h22221,222-î9ging '-2.,1-1-22222 f22222 22ighf.2222f2222 uch sf2i2 asfMac Gal- ., il, 1't'- b- 22,, th2tir i% I iliir frec nt s fbufhk at . t2 fil., 1.fd2,foi2 222 f222,2, 22,2,the' 2222222of, thhe Brampton sx. 'l. fi22:i ill, - "f,'. (' I ', ' i2,2,2I, I 22l oIIo 22222e.2 ( ,, 22 22 2 ni.2 2.22 ".2hi, 2 iOBITUARY 222 22 2222 222222 2222222~2Vetera n of Two Wa rs A.222222f Long11 2222222222222222,2222,-,,-,22'd 2 2ber22 ofMilfon Branch 136, ho., 2f2 o 2222f o2,222, i222 2f -Candiae Ls'gin. acfnd as pall- h.ne ni--2 222 22 lir,22 'ir s aIthe December 15 fun- fvfcirait of Alexander Wilo fîe 1Sue- nihawh pasled aoay lasI freek in HORNEY raf Hospitl af aer afîngering iteCanadan Armyin Winnipeg ,Hornby L0L. Holds adPtww uigbt ol Eucbre Party, Dance Rev. E. Orsoirn eneducîed the '2 l,- 2,222.2 .22ý16522 fiel-d a.2 . f22ffin Eerreen cemfetery. l'l I, Io, ;odP.filbeare' r re Roy MrDowell. ,Il li Il Ilf22 E , '22222h R,2h22f C2rrie, A. Maflussi. Bert f2222f 1-1 k 'P,":li tel 2-22.2222Gddf2Of, Ken ShuflzafndCharlie r le andMr.Wilson had bren burin in -22222 o222222i22222' f,2fg2 12, 1 heM lo litJuer, 1885. In 1917 he of2 222222222222222,22 marid Mafd Agne r fagg in 60.2.,, 22. 22 6522 thef22Toronto,' , w22h22 ff2w survives hin, in 22 2 ,2,2 'i,22i".on22 DUGASR OIVR fvilow ,,nia. Af222 r,,222g are broth.. ýDOUGAS lt. OVE2&Wll 2 Davd2ofMilton and Robert 70-2 f,22., w2E,2 22Mi- Dol,,i, 262 has been appoînired Bell of Hamiflto, and nisfers Mrs. J. I .22,2ohnE 22.2,..,and22,4 1 Telephone manager for bis 222222 E If ena (Mar'y) of Cedar Springs, 2,, 22i, 22, f, succeeding George W. Har- Michigan;2 Mrs. R. V. Bingemnan ris.Mr. Oliver has farsd,2rion .Alice2, and Mil. J. J. Metntesh 222 ,22222222222f22, .222222fOv hPile companyf office, rn' 2Agi,2c2i. oh of 1Fo21 Erie. Ont. 222222222222222222 22l2222.222.2222 2Mlton, Bronfe, Clarkson, CooI GO BY CALENJIAR - 2..ville, Poil Credif and Oakvflle. WATEI4TON PARK, Alla. (CPf W,222f,2black bear, aplparect- 2122go22b2 2henafeedar. 12221the w v ath efff2 Desiteîf 40 aed 501 degree tePrlu's elabove carmal 2221 2 221 02222 22fo 2hernat- LET'S GO SKATING I0I0.2io.2 Pî',(2î222 y heî hChampion le rend d rea th'd e1,Chamupion la boy. w.ýc TR.*8-e7e 393C *RGE e. I -) Il Volume 97. No. 30. Second Section FAMILY STYLE ENTERTAINENT MIILTON R O X Y T1M1- 01 MONDAI -TE'ESDAV IDE<. 24-25 Thv pi -,.,2., be- ,f th,-i., 2 HEIDI AND PETER in beautiful Technicolor nihanu.dded STOOGNi <notd,2and tARI GON WEDNESDAY TIIURSDAY D(*16-'27 CiLJVIA Iief-AVILLAND .12212, 22112'l'îE THE AMBASSADORS DAUGHTER in Color PlusTwonCatonsm SPECI'IL 'MATINE BOXING 1DAI' AT 1 FRIDAY-SATURDAY DE(18. f29 WALT DSNEY S T 22,, . . , THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE ,L w, gEESS f'ARKEfI COIIEDY - (ARiTOON -CIAI'TIR 3 of BA]l MAN THE 'IANA(2ENENT .WISHES ECIfI ON'E OF' IT,, PA.TRO.NS A VEI2Y 2fEfRY CHRIfSTMAS22 TIiurs., Dec. 20 Friday, Dec. 21 'INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE SR. RB" HOCKEY HOCKEY- Two Games Brampton vs. Milton Pontiac Chiefs Sat., Dec. 22 Mon., Dec. 24 PUBLIC SKATING PBI SKATING Afternoons and Evening Afternoon and Evening ARENA WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY ON DECEMBER 25 Wednesday, Dec. 26 PUBLIC SKATING JR. FARMERS' HOCKEY in the n thte Aternoon evenng-two games W,, 220W 24 havela22wlound 6 15s2222and good îkafng music 122 make pouf e2220Pm222 fore complefe. AIl skafîng officially 12p2rvise2l FIGURE SKATING CLASSES wili be held FRIDAY, DEC. 28 - il a.m.-2 p.m. MILTON ARENA