Ou Merry Christmas Always [ There are an many kinds of Merp Christ- jmat as titere are people. Let leave oul whaî Merry Christmas meansto tote in oter Iands and confine ont anaîptistob ont Cana- d.To te liGie loIn mito are itaving their first Chitnmast tiis peur it may matttr littie. Gite a few yetarsadti l ,ris hoît, h îop, t tîk. new îoytat is pethaps tht gteatevt af tht mitole npan of life. To the leen-age group Christmas meant other things than revelling in the mysterien of Santa Clans and hanging np tockingn. To the yonng married couples on Iheir firnl' Citristmas comen a different meaeing lte familiar greeling taI rings ouI from every Anste familp grown and al lte leaven are put intite festive table 10 make te Citristmas gatering take in iln limitn cornet a dilferent meaning 10 te VUleide greelingn. Remember iî ite ame old Merrp Citristmas. Oîlp POU itave citanged. Once again a dilferent meaning becamen applicable anste festive board nitorten and yoU nlart 10 delete lîom poUr lifgreetings tome mita are miit os nom only in spirt.t pliasos ai it. Its thte ret,.'atoitt a h empitasis is almays on others. il's a ime witen self n tsubmerged loi gise others itap- pinent. In a ime witen yoUr pleatUre ntoup- prenned in pour lenîre 10 bting te Cap oi itappiees 10o erlloming for titane yaU love and are loved by. So an me appraaci thie Chitnmanlicle eo malter wmitI our stage ie lifen spanu no mater wmitItecustoms of anoter country may mean la pou pet, me mîith for one and ail Merry Citristmas n te broadent tente ol te familiar greelîegs. I Or -i 't toi'.,' An k k Thte fitt of te refugeen lrom Hungary are arrivieg aI variaun points iv Canada. They miii be ettled aI varioun points in clîtie, Iomns and couvîries throughaulttis broad land of Canada. Public acclaim itansîrengt- ened teitands af goteremeets ut vuriaus levelsin ea nitivg refugeen la, mahe tejaur- nep la Canada possible. Titesne ee Canadians are dtawv fîom various malts oa ifîe i inter ratite lands. Naturally tey are test fittd la continue in te profession, trade or raliivg ai thitr citoice. Ontarious doci î vecoriîtpayer a pat for eucludivg hrtpean la" tDs fîti rractls ing in titeir protince, toports Thte Fîîan ai Pont. Ontaria Cal lege of Phiysituens ant Str- geons itasnontîfînd ils membets tit a aer lune 30, 1959, it miii require proof aI Britisht or Caeadî an cîlîzevshîp tefore anu v'.alîfîed (full license ta pract.se in te province ouIl be îsued. Sînce ite pearn' residence is required for Cavadi an ctîzenshîp, titis miii practîtally cul off te supply aif uraptan docttaîsno malter mitIqualifications tltty tan pîadtte. Pîttent restrictionst are itased vît prîîîcipIe ilitImmi- glavt tiactaîs' training te trîval tla Caîtdiait trainivg; Ilrge vumtets" have ittitiradmitl led mthutl Britisht ut Cuit dian itieshp Tht atm plaît upytaîs la iîîiîavlce anetm pîîrinl teclv ed slîop. tîtry 'iolt s, i lori 'l iii 0i t .tl eap rýjit fi- -ii uiii 'liiru thier trsi sitarvith t iotý.t ii..' tait1 tes t mefi rît loi a i t .. Ni iuN' o p.layt i ui partl inlie, vol l toc-t- tri.'v hariesfl a o'aititg prtod f f, tri Twenty Years Ago Taken feele the lueeofnEthe Chamioln, Denember 17, 1936 NoieUntît Iort'tertnoticei,titi pe-rsnstîo liibhexepentnU lt shntti the snio oppoite-ttiutomit tri-t etntautwe hati-nuit aI lurtiunt crir ouhmnt tutreliefrto loktriihiun (oootitt ufsrt tlr i i id ' n gu'oifrî 5roi have te owl uun tir Atloaltriswei-titttnfinît ini Gtulp NfrîrGistotatu2 ndsa hortrouhtecty aual he.tut,'rt.ttui Kîuîtasîthern u iir.ttio usrit atut tt ieet NN erc pra t .uîî..î.. r . ' W ile rwingfc fo i Fifty Years Ago Taken f.nm the lunue of ith Chamtpion, December 20, 1906. .Joîhn B. Grant, ua dtetivttC ar- ptîî,yed hy the OtttntaroCtltige of 1'harmcy, laid tUthmttinfeomtionsa agaiît tBisteitshopkeer$tutU aat wpitO A. 0. Fitaiotrîtlt.nsetttg ;I ,oti. tuIifta Jo Ihnt Wtt t Niotî id N iiW Il Oit. s tifl tjhtit $2() tL'eh. Eut y totThuttday tavt-ng Of lt atst e, the îaretaktt î,f thte tîîîdthe si d doorpen aon the t'. oa htsteflthetwtiuaregist- (-sithe lecture rvvm .Later iG was fttd tht he had hioken intt tht hhtbart, turnetd thîttgt upsîde don, andtgot aat stth stue ivuuvtht had htttuu It tintthe auttl - ofthe tahlet Mttuîîrifr)le httvtue eiv ta tu itiilthe thuto etttert itth tht prit ita t t..htte heen t y Bshop Lawrente, of tt. P-r.irirt FtiEýcpai thieth itf th, taN.tes. aid a wmmmln t.tttuII) trh (itht e if h, iJ-., rut tî.tv rd nn Pi.t.ii.Pshvjp Latteitte i -uinhttuuîtrit ttîtThote ,f t si. r at. ,xi ttMerry Christmas"t The Week at Ottawa Conservatives Plan Big Bid As te 9meaI Chitmlas Day approautitu and teIfmoaIofhit smas turds ber mes a uitIle more sleady perhups il moua c teorl 10 remember tituse Christmas seuls Ival prob ably decarate muvy aIfte navelapes. Ifiyou ite in Hllon il iv pie .l1î'!ytatî pou received pour lwot sieets aI seais fîot te Hallon Cauvly Tubrctlusis anti Heulli' Association. Bat did yau mail taI envope back mitit a contribution, large ut smull,in ide? Anste accompanyieg letter paletsouta citet X-rap strveepaIfte caunly is planved for Apil in1 an effortt in id al lte canes ai tuberculann istatnrend attention. The biddîeg iv getting pretty brish for nem induntries furtons ivOntario. le Lis- tomelite Kismet attdte Rotary clvits joined farces en sellieg tcets oit a Cudillur car. Im as part aI a mate la taise $10.000. Wilh tat moeey tey îteed 10 erecî aninle dunîrial plant oI same 10,000 square feet. Titen, if ae industry rame la Livîomel lootîeg for a planttey couit offer a enm building, on a Imo-acre site, ready ta mateit tt Manp oI an remember te nid tutus ty- laws litIuedtolaapply le Ontarioîndatte reasonstIhey ment outiamet Muey lva te' callte planand public vpirit wmicit thrac- Ierized te briegîng oaI enm edastry lenlots. Seemn tite faîlaren of titese plats frlut uas ber te naccennen le our rncllectin. Weve snen maey small plants, itnmever, nlarl indepeedenîly atd enpaed beauuîfutly miitot local public assistancue. Ote are woue dering, ton mwhat surI aI factary $10000 miii but mite stiool tooms are ntimatdta conl $20000 nucit But if pou must havea Cadiilac ts nnn ay nI tryîng ta gnl att. Mapte a smaller type of car ould ft aur circumstancen beller. ledastrp lndap s o nal aten lornd toaa commoeity by tite aller of a nen building. Bol hitory itas a itatit of repnalîeg ilseif tome trougithlie pears. We have ofene manderet mitI ur feel- ings moold be aller peurs oi puyîeg b usineess, th lrýit . fi. ., t ii or chtifir l,' tl 1i . i, i wictiînoî.7,î i ,. fdo, î -,tr p t iii r ji i .i, r u Taus s ar i11 i I 7 tintll taIt titic vt itL.Haliaîî Caaiî Tubnrcuoss andi He,îliî Assv aiai Slip il i inte mail raday building art lard tIxan ad rînoori asing or receting an y spe at'l"'aicu a' trifrotilti ton, if te toesfullt tnt idru Ivo utunîand help estublit aitler sit lut idt u iil iii'f ton.Oet o uit mavî lîtnly el t ut tery frustratet ant i dîvourugedrthtuttIetirai o us su eus ily forgolînt for te nrandatunv- Dam mucit are me otîlîtolupuy lar tite netoohîsîle tati v bing uggrrooîivey vautlitt byrevnry cîlytueur attdamielu Hum profit- abl ititmiiite invevlmenrl fuia ctacrtit tas I to e todledito vIanntmatîîtga a lrt? Brief Comment Tite maint litîg iv laenvure taI lit ide- malts are ta tht gînalevl possiblen tatet, tnpt tieur aI no . . Il is bettiitaI same tuttltss or thougliîîlss cîtizen siot Id bl in-î et tarit litIsame prIit vitsouit stîfaîr sv tous att puvsitly permannt t lvury Treton fOnt.i Cour ier-Advoale, A meli dînsset mîndow dtpîttîîîrjtilt Chitvmas scent tan do math toatîracttaln ut n tti s veisutuaf liii pour att îrîdtîîî' all ycue tedure businesss . . Clrîstîrîsth ime aI peur mite titi-eitnîg ai gatd isll siiovit permete in alictirlons Hwitiliir1- dot fQue.) Oleaner. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERSi GUIDE THIS SUNDAY'S CHURCH CALENDAR ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH CALVARY TAEERNACLE i i .1 5 ti A ii EMMANUEL EAPTIST CHURCH il-i Itiui.'ti.tmd W , 16'ii it il ].5 piii W M N tr it.,ttiiS MILTON PULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY Affilia.ird'. t htti t' IlSlFtISlAl SSEMLIEltllS OIF CAiNADA) SltNtt)AY. tiD!'ltEMttlttl 2.iî1956ir 1.l .m - 7 tutti Chrtîtîvîîvtnt- tutt' Guruitst b iB . l EtitîttoItvettrttîîtttBibleieCoi- leUr, A ttnuîth toit n n tetîhe rormt. Prei'enttt mat'vhittutuintiltht.ID G.Fý .-tli.Muin SI. Seretngyoto'aîsttri tuni-do Ait Are Welcome LOMMILE NASSAGAWEYA SIl . t,, . ..i . i GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN S '.iN t'IAti tiUliNt ON'N 0h01NF (I iti . i t'i 't' sti t) til KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RE1V. E. ISIIORN, Mielele titi ZututtitP. Zairuovr MA. LL C M iifnuî. t.'t4tui- Mutut uIt. v ut'. . N utti tit, 10:ii CHISTMtti'NAS tUNtAY tit00 i' tî'îîî,rî thruu. W tuit t Mt titi .u tt i îîî Wî tii rutti Iltitp, tul' tittt ;d rrui t tu i tis tut Itui't choirast nt'ittbits. aroli S;lttit u. ltcîn, î 22 - Juiori Sehour rpunîtI-net 2m. tt 5 arn.; PYP.S lnlorrît uttat mîtttuti' thctýh t 7 p. Sandat. Gt'ttmbt't' 0 -Anntat W. MS. Stîtitv I . i ip NI ,li :i i I . . M 1 . . I i I I. iiv t~ 1ll, 1,.l it t t .. ýI.. 1 .fi1 ili.1 Ni1 li.i1 i i Ni1i. r i 1t.. i 1ii. fl12t 1, . fI i - . 1 , ii i i r. ~ ~ ~ ~ I" .ii li i.it Iailert ihI. loci'I, 1 1 Ic 1 i, I h . m nn. I t' i ,. 1, v Nu pli .îi v . ,',l,1I il 1, , l , . l I li t"it ti'iiia i.it 1 t Il,. bt u ian II I A tt. il. n.Il 1 uitt eit iii mates itlUb It 25tori a 'lip i topal l'y i 'i u .iiiiii ii tI l 1tuut>., îîv v t;Ifli ,til înr.d;îIiiîi ile surit theîdpartî, th t s'l II. it tiI tii îîtîîîII tî v t ;I 'tu ,jt l 'Nîauît, îîrtn d. e o of ilmîtlimitr e ontiml thîth.f CaCffl mîrithere PnofTtreIj THIE STEVENSON CLINIC ,î Il, N ui Sur tii DR.l W. McCUTCHEON tiltf, il1-- 4 pai t8 I- iiiî WM. G. RIDDELI, D.C. LEVER &HOSKIN Nt S!î o N i Ou,icoia st HORNE & BOOTH ttunenU ttit-tes ' t i...i .h i rrit, CA. i ii ,îi i tîî îîa..î.NE 4-585i a li ..îN i,îîlion .1,57-784h TERENCE H. LETT (hartered Aeneeetaet 2017 DougasuAve., Gubsîtte Vitu.'4-3756 ARTHUR A. JOHNSON iii rit i titt., . riii igt i ty ieiii..iitii.ii INSUIRANCE DOUG U. KILGOUR tti'iiitiiliresti vicet PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURI FOR ADUITS ItI ni t --ut - fi l , 5tr pan , 1305 tutuand7-9 p.t Stîîtîîsdiav i9.0ii , - t-2 nton Pebtie llalitt.tn et ienlnded SttIlItii i havert ottsteunate h.us ltf\I Il DR. G. A.KING lit NI 1I ' tu t' 76 DR. H. F.GALiOWAY 01CK, 01CR & M,WILLIAMS %VK. I 1KQC I' K. IIWILI.I S'Ils B: tý . ,:. en p. .11. i. Ttt S-4491 T. A.HUTCHINSON, QOC. Ilurri>ter. Soticitotr. Et GEORGE E. ELLIOTT O.C. It.îrrttr. Stittitor. Nelary PebUci, . DAVIS AND BALDWIN fitarfitr, Seicitere. etct. -'98 uiS .Miltoni t111tONF TO 8-9772 HENRY R. NOWITT Tiit 8l9.53 SHARPE, NICHOLS & HOAD I. S. SIIARPEt XuS. I.ICIIOLS A. C. IIOAl) O.riiikirs. Soliiorsueand N.t.îtîts Pubhice 14 l ai nt st . lîlutrî Tîîelîaîît ieTO -Uoi FULNlfR.SL IIRE(îTORS MeRERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL IHOME tiiii -)Fit t44m NItIlTîlorii IAY TRAVELLERS' GUIDE SltndardtITiete Curg a ttit 9a.nit ;f . 44 tîîîîray;. 24 1,.-.Su it .11, tiillaWest-125 arn î'lots; «64o Pi. daitsý; 1tu10 tî -ti-,et CANADIAN NATIONAL GiietiNortth 7.58aU. GomieUSoutth 7'lie 'I =THE GOOD OLD DAYS-- How Broad is Our Welcome? Remember Those Seal Enveopes Wh at Price for Industry? The Canadian Champion i blll nte ll. M,11-, i d v'yT'ý,s. t M.,dSi, (un,t M Otitr Dî-prtot 'Ottawa. . A. Gis, dî,tîr îr-Chet James tDitis, Maitutet Editvn Dtaid 1R. ils. IPeaduttuin Munutv Publîshed by the Dii, Printtng and Publshteg Co. Lte.ited BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR 8-2341 I.