12 Te Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 13, 1956 FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS W A Itanristie leixurewear shirt that Fie ocili really efljoy yrecetvng and wearing. The fafcrtc is particularly fine, à surf pît" ~perfect int weight completely ocasitable A JACK< IN THE BOX had a hard day Saturdop at tfhe Sattro Claus parade. He kept popping csp ou't o0f aro $10.00 the box aend th rowing suckers to the trutdreds ofd cildren lcoing the parade route. George Penson, left, and Don Kttcften, rtght, wemm the clowins respoosible for keeping Jack popping. Pete Griffiths, centre, mas Jack, on the float sponsored bp the Rotaty Club of Milton. IttlI( TESTS Partnership Dissolved !New Office Building i*îT ii.ct îtiC OtttiU'îîî Itt')T he art-x li'ciii' ~ ~ i t~ tc * 95 Ilsr tVIy tto"1 cif ilittiîrîr " -0i io li'. ha- cf' i." nlu il'trr ! tii t 19 , . Deti 1:t it ' f "i r i,\ fît i leo t.'itt .t I , ' it, th t' car. ti rI, SWEATER AROWSHRT R 1111 tA'rîtttt Y ttt ' it t 8G rCaschn î c ttat irt..csrr t r ir l'ublit I'r.JI "t't' Fron "d.9 t'", 't11 le SiRT: ofOSi tI! F:0,t $4 5 F tal:,, n ', M _'I d R.STSg'ffIieadquarte Radi spdi',ua oas'e 'heiî G olnmia iont yu Ysh-o can geln y f-! Il t9:1 1 1. ,o ..ve them "f hav -'iyooceo ,'"' 1 59 WAISTETC ti'rtt Ct c l ft tt'r iatl ttti r tr lttoicl i i Ihu c3fr.cr Destgnshan 'w Frnt $1495 Ift fîte' titi to b abtut ht 'z tor MILTON MILLINGate CO.'r LTD. Argylin anies. Masseyriaio yo Harriso -a Feruso Diiio Hat fate wecm unf items. *~~~~~~ ;UN oU ki1 ï,î Il u $5 93m 3 -l Cati TR. 8-31 g 20 MAI ST MIL TONl 'à~a