vumpý BOR LOT ad F UND FOR SALE (Cantinued) WANTED (Canfînuedi- RRUNIc--Mo aî,d icI,,Wttlar,,,, Ob Ct4elîî ,-î, tî,,,d ttt 1.8. t'tt t',,-,,th...t WANT' 11 ,-yphttttte.tttt tttt Bunkof eîPoeta. 1lIt(vce Edet ep.OStalneChcest et 5611140. ,,t-t..kiltlco ,peive.R,,dý, c-,,edIdebibi lile or etllbtty ît, Miton Bradley, Horokyl are heppy 1opRdmlcont-e slepk, Milt8n.343 n good.Ttirc es ttod.'oxelelt îpeteelto-M90.Tkce o-ttacdhent annaencctkaktrtheoIe o trIron l' 8-9343Cheaier. $175. Phoe -r645.îoce29 hclofol le the Ceîtlcnoîal Pekliety Deocehe 1. Mry -fa r nc-29 Cololitee and would le returnlo Deme10 aYMicheli FOR SALE-Dretin and nec the in gaod conldition ailler re-pholo- LOST-1 black Lebrador. <male; occ Ltîncaslcitt 1957-58 c-allp'îper graphtng if nilahle. Ceseplete i- RONDEAU -Randy andLoiseare'1 blaeh aod whte prîngecspen- and WallTex wall cnc,îcatcple frmaaloncold alookehelpfl 'o thaipsoanniounc techof1-1icimale. Rccard.poeBramp book.You can oecegel eîta-lîoethe pitoea. LeaoeaiCampiîan lh, ottaa Ots Pial tonlee67113. e-29 ehoc--rosets, table clhs. etc ., toOffice. 191 Main St. -tf ptlon Decemhec 8, 19M. otcîh bouc c-tllpaper. South Side LEWI-Josph ad Anette LOST - 2 ehtldecn's bokc.he- PtsnitdSoîîpIliee, Noc10 Stde pleWINescp aatd Asocllth e ire ltogito aMlton lthcaey, lî,,ont11-IIb4d, TR 8 9452. Oprn eee c-o JUNIOR CLERK plenc 1 anoeccike hîlk'tde îlîeaîcc Saordtc loceoog. -2 of ababy girl on Deccehocr 9. Dee,,othce1 Findr pleaa phone--S.5 cACUTN 1956 aI Mlon Psioae ospîlal. TR S-958 or- elopn o 10lthct ,'-.e29 1.00de-ote,, ACONTN bcîîgc-tec. c-ll, tii drape.ind t RAE-George and Irezof RR. 1, _________bettdlttoi. Aleeo t, ,lettc anîd Kec yaonic--tori-îh gecd Rorny, aechappy ta aonounce lene l,îthe,îîîd. iMut-tl ,,Itdutittttîtt',tied tau-rloetîrl ADDISON -Ger,,ttnd Ma,eof, t,.I - i te .tttObît creîîc- 'éli , e ttelk Ïýi-ý F R S-%, - 2 t' tc- t c--00i t.t.c-c-t..o, ..î.,.î;, Hi.tttc îehttti tubetd int l'- Ihe,, --tii.,Dîeothn l.198 OK r 951-t- rho,1,, ' -lt-'-29 t ,t,îtt bEil CHARIrON --.1,,],,St,.., pý,t 11r 1Zt SA - - 4c . .t 1 .1 tt dtýt t-ttt tt btttc-t -t,.'j-tc--W A N TED Ots. ett nd 'kb t, t, tttt, , tutti .r l 'I ýý. , ttc- 971:. , \tt c S 1III-111 il rctî1,' tt,,pîî:l Ote yc-,d i. eolc. ReIe ttit .t.î'h Ittî tttc- Ottî c-It lt 9..: . bHlHt tîtî SH FIOWERS 1- aIt -bc-tce.e- DIED 6et GM]tet,-e.iltrtiei, 'te T SMALL AI 1hhom e,, f c1tt--tHott PItmtl etc-c-', daugther, KiOctîedc oIoirît- î tt.îTt1 20 coday. Dececc-er 11, 19,. 0..- FOR SH10 Mtll.,t c- altt, M. Jehoeîcne. hctcecd Icele -e, ruz t.,îisaltTII7-118 cf the lele Wni. Sca-tIn ttlier Olnd Yeac-- and dc,,,,c-,,hee et Muriel IMcus. otuHrin,-e. cF011SALE Ptreeb-t t,,)I*, Ona tMtc- Gorge She,îtdt.-,,Il,4 Ic-etc du, et.. ttt Eiaabeth ITtIs. Robcrt WeiDe,.: 15 Aptc. R. H. K,,c-titttt. and Mrgoerite (tsMce R ' itlîtt'ITR I-962t. ce-21 Sharpe> and Gordoc. t Rei;lcd aet he Kilte g fîlo1t FOR SALE--Bc-bc - e,,,igc- t home. 146 MilSI. .. Waîcî deil. ci't ec-,ecehc-t. TII8.t-16b4 fee foncrel servcecThuccday t2 c____e29 p.mIolrncnICactc elolcy. FOR SALE-Free-tly kttudtu tt- hec Plac-ec-'ete ,dee et, t, TII CARS F TANS'FOR SALE - Royal Ie-peoritee. CARDS OFTHANK c-edium- bloc. $20. lnoclcm e. , ___________________________9'e12' $0. TR 8-2384. e-29 Ic-lbhlcothankc-e fedbecnd FORISALE -t14 Fordtiptîtt netghhcec fat- fItOwelt. ca.,ds f ,t'ce-'.tîtt.thte Apptl, Rltt ant. i I,,,, cysopiuhy addhtod cnotes deettic- Ltd. bt, t,,TR 8-6449. t-2 9 th ee t lof mc-clohec.r,,-r. Wtt. lialo Dtc-ih . ahntd Oe.rdcictit. FORlbS.LE-A.8 ie of - 1ic-tlt t Scoan W,,ody Sehc-elc-e t1t d tmatt-Chattts. t'tt,.t it Mrse And,- EtIî, , , ct nbt, TII bbt.. We w'tch i) lhc-eb o,îc-h Fîtît 8910 ., -îtCI, relativ e es a d fi-etd, ttc- ttthî' -,1" ;., itu- - IhauOhflotee .tec-î î,tîît , , tI.îhk, tR Il Wbittbttt 'IRt ê't7 ' kcolhe-e.Wiliamc-tG. Htil. tt. tt HcHiaI'- Ihank oht, cePo,- It t.r ,ýri slîog c-eedc- c-d heMit,, t t.ndthtk ..t So lc-îîe.,l homte t,,, heîe effitct-G tc- iet ohandilie of ttiîtt Ilttî Il Ot SAH LE Ný,e',e!, Att i. Mtr:am ie,, Ct ,,,t- ,t t..t ., attulF.n,î,îîtt tt-R , t O'thlt.ît,,,k nbc htW , fredc- tnd e.'t..ties Irth- t t TYPEWRITFRS. Addtc g Hltîhttî kmne e. lo .raîl ilthbttes e s .tt c-c-d. ene',. epaitt-ctî $I.,e, cacde of sympt,hyc- ttttttttthe 'I- Ic-ttcîteey n-d Otfiec hoîtpttec- t62 coen e-cc-ee-cebt of1 tt-'htî,,,,,t SMaitoSîTR 8-5562. elI Wiliac- G.1-1,11Sene, lth.n, , Rcc Pow-etl ftor hisconetîeec-tFc-" 0011 - The'1k-tett i'. t'tcisd andted he Nt-e tI d Sout, ttc- lilituieiii ,t fuoet-.i hec-m e r Iî, eIfitc-,et t FottctttLt. handitt ef 1h,, .seie.le'8-8, Mee Geetldce 11tt11tand Fai% eble of ktodtlces. ttc - -c -r I,,%(t, "I 1 2,58 paîhy antd fieraI tIfui te- -î- frcc- or kîod fîecdc c-ndnecg-tat FOttît 510ý4 oý hor dectngo. leeet- kc-î t,. mt n the lec-I"lf., -,, d ttt1,o.oft i,,t;,I c-bîheand grandmoîher. Mr. aod Mers.ttltey Rb1t,,ht.,t ORtt LEt 8Ht O .,. and Famcily.s.Htî, t E. 't t. t -t. (t't t, 1 M ,y Rtttîid t, tîtti-u i AFRICAN VIOLE7 ANI) ORCHIDS R,, J1. ARUSH,.Nillon, <Ont. JUS? Arrived fram Europe GUARANTEED SINGING CANARIES H-, j l c- t , q ,t-' Hetty ç t ht-t PHONE TR 8-9045 SNOW TIRES l- , t t, I- :, ', TR 8-4781 REAL ESTATE FOR SERVICE IN ALL TYPES 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS CALL G, W, GOLDSTRAWi REAL ESTATE BROKER 298 Mai te ., -Milton Res. TR. 8-2233 Office- TR. 8-9921 NMHA, NEW t tlt. t t, t-t th ht -1 4 REDROOMS t t t,,, t--t It3 ' 1c 1 ,1., ,t ,-tlt1200 OOWN F t le-t,tl.,'1111ta' tI,-,,,c- t.,,tîIti t' Il o e I se saeîl ,, HI t.. tth lRbt . awoM t t t t lt.. l-. .f ttt t t t' .. t,.ttt.j- REAL ESTATE BROKER 32Woolo'rd Av, TR 8-4801 Buying or Selling? t TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F t t' TI-ICSERVICES 0F FOR RENT A. E. LePAGE REAL"083 LIMITED 1l Z 0j'Ht tIt cHtt -2 . Tes Branches Draceing Cliens Froms Roth Torntanled Sehombas Arcas SEE THIS ONE Wanted Immediately IN MEMORIAM FOIJ SU t I, d , i dc- .t o M tH'H l 'n 11 tt'l, MORRISON Inli c" e o ry t o" ,f -11 tit' bc-t0t1 c-tt tjt ttc-t ttt ittIt ttj yt dear hoohtind and Lthe,'. Wtt ["tFOR HtttAL E ,l* t,,t -ht 1 298 I liace Morr'îocn. cho ptc-led au, ;';'-v t.1)c ,h M lvILTO N1-sI TIRE 11 , ý'il" !'land\47., oIrtt Farcl Decceber20, 1900. ..Htt W ,11, '" t,..I.,tt', cvrrmmeed bkv 8,f. - an ,d lbb b 8-66SERIC9Hi1't l F881,11, :: TOM BRADLEY daughter Mgrl FSERVICEIE Ut ,tt1,bt17't c11t 5(1W FETTER -In lvn icfcccb,,tct-tSt.e-,ktt-t'.h b - l'l 1,1 tttH N N dca,- eether, Mre ,John Fe,t,' 8,,- on,, eM:t,t iTII H -itttti MILTON TE. 8-9543 ceho pooood acay Deeembteî12. 2.9 -t2 1939._______LEGAL To u.ohhe ha nt coete aay FOiR SALtE Chi, __h, __________1-1_________ Nor, Itassire Ittra etcd for, ttbttt14'19c-,tttttt Sit.tltItt4761 Juent le-d Godtd'oel ore- ec044129-b'Ht11b Ht WANTED Ntc Ceio WE HAVE BUYERSI And leIl lhe gale'sai ir oic' dtrs WR NEED MOREBIPROPERTIES! Sadto lissed h b on il, Winni, FOttItSALE Cb t,,- tt-k gOtdhtîdren (lb c ad GOil.i] t ,,i,-;A f"ý A T A c-t ' t t If ln th, - Itatî .Of Iia ll i, k- IIOUSES - FAIIMS - SMALI tt. a v, bb At tttt'd , ttif - tt .ttt-lhl4lgt, l aie nf the Tac,.HOL ING ct-29:lIItt Rttwt I tt Al t K ttb,.t pl 1 a l MId .l[,ehtrlîî.sîyefu COMING EVENTS FOR HLO. IIS F t,dt - 1'AT tt..,i',, _______________,__Not 7 ht,tet- 2 WNOtt H,it .t- ttttt tht. al-tt ,ta-1 Schtttt. t'ee9btc- 19 e 29 -îtî .9A'l'Ji- e 8-! ,.. . , ttt tH , t, ltt, tre TNîoltgle 8-9233 t,, tt in m'et t e Itt, - t-ot, , 1,tc - 11 l",tt t,, tît FRIEE FARM CATALOGUIE ai98 p.m-. Adols admiotn 35c,.9ec-29, Wi,n 'c-t, I 89879. tttcît ht,, ittet-c-t t.,t- . 14 19 -Jt1tWrite SIed Office ttt. (4,tkc-ti -VI1 5-1,89 tfIol:' ai 8 p .. Thttecdav ,,embeece , 2tt t $1 001tfitit, otiA, i,,t,,,tOntt.'toue .- ttmisiot31--t9tim tt' t ' îtlti toà t 2 2.9 ce_27-t. A Mt-WIiý.tAMHIH HtI,,,W,-t & SO NS Rtce,,,~eFtt-14,t OtttttttI ttltI t9 ' tt HATON POGLTRY 80,PROD ttttbt îcîe Reîc eveySaîtdYtvc-n'oto. 8p-t2J' FOR SAL-'Ltrg gîoseprintî. pCetey ouIo leke dete,.,wtedd P LA S TE R 1N G l4Eglinoton Ave, E.F. Toronto Rames o fr $1.00.1 3 cptaet,tt .Io, f an, staffphot, appearing in the o ulr utmpced lac n 'CIl Pot ol or,, pric-el ct ICanadiao Chamopion. 5x7 iae 75c, 'utte . btPfhon- ,'MiltttntTril8-4401. nOn WATKINS l s9 izee$100. Eoqi94rO ,nowSatl t eR-pains a Spce aly Ilustrated EChrlîistas proetttt ChampionOfefie, 191 Man t_.TN DEAI>OTO<'K rqet-ttt.,tRIet andcael secîetSuoday ee og 8241.e.îtf tîe icbi rtetcitlfeit-e ;Irlitî.i-Y Fer, Etima dtc-peetl $200i.7.34etPm.ehtcge Itte[ PC,,,,$2.T0OseOt Mtt ne. Bats hrhe2,5Cm n tcIi FRLo.1 pEc1 t!, oec e oIde, It c,,. 33 G SON TIGE t clving ai 189 Branle St. The Hallo Fedt'elct.tio fAgib , je' $7.50. -tth Ort, It0t IWA TE llure wiIî hcîd he, Annual Mee-COt Rbno uiesccceg, WNE ing on Monday (eeeoîog, Dc dr itn tl-hnT -57.c2- l etoecasdh rc for edo . 9 iFiv cehool. I91 OR SI " ,îîe ville, a erri. loSpeceal speatker t.,îettdc SEî t-dHy-Ltne ehickc.ta OL) HORSES 4e. .ýjetW N q Bruce MeCulehcon.D dl. Lad-' h t (i tf te odr ettollte icptIýI- FtrreeI P sec etI1l1en 200] ltcit etît ee yorpcinsh,.I ie peodc e ncesc. Prizs for thbeedto,îoad cetteehPrvceFt'c .2r2 O e 03 hzlt aig elt oItIhtHhoIllclIlak 1,04 oý alyadhihyeffîàt eclcodcee,ý .-le SIcePe'tî, t 1îh,îdlîîke FREE 0F The C N DA briitascal >d 129 v 8cmt- now. Writt -Ilr iloi(,ARGEE cetîh ett i ekfarcaîto C N D I The Ft.he O, ehcdo. Erelîno,t'D--l'Il i, The PesîcosteîHoliness Chii-eh Ont,-24-8< ,, Ne e T Ing 09041 8.91 ý, caLc . yies ou 80 bc precocol o Frit FOR SALE-Wýtnhueýet dey cal tDecemnber 21, wcenhey WplOchce Loeeîeeî WANTED --LiVE POULTRY,ýALN CEET w1i Presî enttir oChristmas ît Oppro-e2911 re $1951:acodctstol We cantityA Igehes aofer! ec LLNpLEETS CH MPO tr a he cu chonBrloe Si. cin 82 99 deye e 174.50 ; e f g ote Ao qally. Hîgfchors and aid. SON Dis Prinicg & Publishiî9g Co. e Christotao Store cilI he ohoonrto cI $229,5(l: t leleeec $219.50: hi I icho. Paddy WiI-on and Son Mil. iie on the secen ad the childcenofcf1îsetl $164.01 Fince ' Mîîr toe on '15 8-9902; Win. Deot, Mille,,1I rette SI. S. TR 8-6402Ljtc the, coh.,l IlI tke anactie port. Scopie-y. 71 MIf SI.. Aelc.' ,phil T 8-9150 ce Moses Zcnee 181 ce9 an 2"' odo d a osn -s! MILTON e20PIONE TR 8-2341 MILTON REAL ESTATE (Continued> H. B. MILLS Real Estate Broker TORONTO Noc- ise te lto 10keeif yoa c-icI,1 tctt e n Ktngclctgh Court, Milton.t WE RAVE "ONLY SIX" Itltilftoaleewinh c pen $350. 9Et2LREIi î.î,îc-h syle hongiIîtc-c4,neî- ltI t,'.,, tttg ttcpltltîo , i, , t.tIi ha t'.t.-.. "týl t i.t -.1- lf t F' 1 p- $12,600t.. t'. t f ' t- ' t - q - BAI.55 IIII5 'r.,.tî t, o atu t,,-,,q WASTEII fitt , of tit. -t. t ile1 itl t t MIC ELANEOUS62 Avon Christmas Gîfts A. McCARTHY t -l ' 'ntt,., , H ' PORCH RAILINGS BILL KELLY 1911151- i-Iltc-I TELE VISION SEO RVICEWRRE " NOPARKING TROUBLES " FARES ARE 10W Leave Milton TO TORONTO a 6.140 ac-m. E 5.15 p.ce. b 10. 40 a.,i. bi8.40 pl. a-eexept Sue. & HoI. b -Sun. & Het. C- Sat.eF1Y Standard Ttc-e ROUND TRIP FARES between TORONTO andt BUFFALO - $ 6*30 NEW YORK -.24:25 CHICAGO --24.'5 MONTREAL - 16.40 OTTAWA - 12.90 Tickets and Informoatione SI TRAYNOR'S Variety Store & Restaurant Phone TR 8-5582 'I 10 The Canadien Champion, Thursday, December 1,3. 195$ WANT AD RATES F O R B E S T R E S U L T S R E A D a n d U S E No c a ge f r0 n o c rn . of I h a r a e , D lh 1341aA D Engagements. In Memoriams 75e plus 10e Per lUne er PHON ~ ~ V 7EL 1LIV eoe Woeje'hcash 10e. Bon'U.No. le 1k office 25ce dditional. Coming P H ON Eeoenls-7'5c minimnem for licol 5 linea, each additianal line 10c, Carda af thanhî 75c. Billing charge af 25e added 80 T R ia n g le 8 O A . . L U . L 7 . U . U Ual aunts iflot paid until a er insertion and added for 23,41LATEST TE FOR INSERTION - 1 p.M. WEDNE8DAY Polar Kings Freeze out Chiefs 4 ta 3 in Elmira Arena Frmday In a regelte neduled Mdc et crcd a pcîty gcal:tl l12 13 0f thtý Senior . 'B -ocmetaElsoice Fciday soiddle son.lO oîghl, the Polar Kîngs defeated Milton slceek fast in the 11 tpef- the Milton Pontiac Chiefs 4-3 he- M forcaesmacllercced.The losea pcil-todeand Art Mc:ansnfl ied the 1.ehe Chieff' hances of geniflg ame aî305 but the Polart second piiln the tanding and Kingsweccenotto be deedw lthv ;c:ed nî, t ands 40 t hrce lhcyltook heleadnclelmorewhe tîstîl l hcî-- co-em. Dohhîc heat Shropshire at the 10 moinute mark. Coach Eerl For 'l'h'- ltt.îI ic- cewfrt' mcoglh- yiaohcd Shropshirith e l8gt min- fi', fth, e8~t by tiu- KilceO- e' cf play hut the cemners hune Wtîl 1ttt,1, rltîtîîtlt ent on101 c- e icc elosceneergin. AiM- - ,.,,,j ..1 , t, , Ive Chips: T-,,,, ob B, Este f1 i d!fteteo CI 1t, M, te Chieh. - .d hyhe i t t t '.1t t-P ,g t - t - ' t -- -a top ARTIFICIAL WREATHSi C'Rhristm, Hall" and Cemetery FRESH B.C. MISTLETOE i AVAILABLE ABOUT 4 DECEMBER 15 Milton GreenhousesI 431 MAIN STREET TR 8-9501 THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE Halton's Pages of the Past by GWEN CLARKE A Bright Collection of Factual Stories f rom Halton's Early Days *Clotl,-Bound *Gold-Stamped *WeII Illustrated *An Enduring Gift If You Want a Copy for Yourself, for a Friend or For a Christmas Gift ORDER NOW PRICE: FIVE DOLLARS (No extra charge for mailing) The Canaduan Champion TRiangle 8-2341 191 MAIN ST. MILTON M.- A 1 ( 1