*The Canadien Champion, Thuriday, Septonîber 27, 1956 Large Dairy Cattie Entry, Junior ASM NIWWork Impressive for Milton Fair A t Drmeg the pasi a'eek enîri es for sharthoras. DaIm by the wn Beth M cEnery, 16 A, m end Brucellosis A c Haitons ihree dairy cattie shows, pens 14 members il be dispiay- w.Ihiîeb are scbeduied for the Mii- ing their illa. In the Junior3 Pu p in '<u e E f c iv n c ob r~ ton lFaie on Seisiember 29 have l'armer bidn ilbdslyo Ansneresineadnwauee- Affecctlievteooee on hsehoewhnhhof1ci been colline in ta the Agriculturai thse 23 4-H members in the isotato1 of the Acton Fait Fair on Seitem- ciatsg ail feesale caives inaup- calves between the ageS aiftour ieig a ttal af 269 Hatan caile On tep ai ail this, entriea wauid1 ber 14 and i5 waa the Centrai ervsed areaa wii bebrne by the and eabhtmantbs tabe vaccisated. had been enteredforithe Gars- indicate that initheiter-clabhed-1 Ontario Pismislnn Cantesi spon- iprovinee ai Otaria. The Brueei- Hawevec, caille oa'sers shouid sey, Hosteintand Jersey saIws. ucatiani secions, there shoaid be1 sred by the Society. Lst aprisg basis At, 1956, bas brea peaciaim- eake sure filatihe veterinarias aof 'hile there have been mach upwards af 30 educatioaa club the Society, aa resat f pubicity ed and wil coe ita force an is hice bas an agreement wiib larger enries in previous yeara. displays. aid irons Çeorge S. Athica ni the Oclaher i. the Miisier f Agricultuee, ativer- Ire ihink ibis is a magnificesi en- Il gees a'îlhout sayicg thatas CBC*affered ta u ppiy spackuge 0e tuai date. al townshbips in vice the caille orner wiii be hiable ley cooîderisg the yeor a'ilh -iciale ugricolocral ceereseolitive of upinhsaed o ls4H club whichbyiiws ws-ccp1acaseduderifsthi-e stlOflvaccitin sinchfîlîcersae ha bd tic ccliiA Ait Binett ini cd A. T. Wsdiee,I bhScescre hoîysd MropelC.iiW., 1953e fisll cîiî e"ipeî i' IcI 1iIl z li-t filoîci> i oid da t - ii edîh- l, -.' ili Ii ede - ---asce.cao. Hallo cony lcetcccr, aile- eilîci-icl tlie hic i ciii or ing conditiosindicaes tbir loc-bacc imeahad of hera theenid As Ire usdersiand the ooy, oaicaliy bccoccc aoaupeevised calesofithe prcpeage l cevac ile- l o theirerespectiveebeeed and of tbe crrect a'eek. tali f 6 seb ppictos cveearea. Under tbe oea' icisiatîco, cîoaled, eoders loch caile cîser ci'baid aise a eeaiiaiiooihai il Olaser Aeieremest Days receied -onne frocs acroos the muanicipacooacis are ceiîevdcof liabe tcbe cbaefed witb aio- pays la adeertiio. Asa'e weiieihisithe iesberssof border in the US. In acy erersi. ail eepooibiiîy ino cosseeclîofenle aoder tbe Act. In h10corection, ire 'ereein- Halon'sFirsiYeae 4-H Grain Club 12 yoanfpeople eohbiited t vi hi is administration aod en- Geelyeaicringc,lihe degris- ireved i acomment made rcc- siîîbcepicig teir esriesaiithe eîssssctb upis tteActasfreetti biaigtene-o csnt osno aywt ii y by Prof. M. W. Slapiec, cf Georgetowcn Fair. The Actes 4-H lair. Wben the iudging Iras ceis- esity for lacal cocmiilers cod the age liîois aescrîbed for vacthie animal iioobacdi- di-paciceot Gais Clab mesobercwo e reeor- pieted, isludiof the seigieg, twsi npcos iain.Hwvr ..atoiisai thic GAC.Show elle aa'ardo igîcaiiy sceed o thave hirr ec., the ed riib a aa'aded As pcevîiîcily iîidicaied,'lice ctcisiac siiciai vaciciec is oarocaily meas Ibat a breede car Ahîcîcoccli Day aI the Actas to the puapigoewad exiblof laccioatiiiia cii emiale cic ic c avseles ccîîîled cilbî the ages secîce 1$M. oore per bead for icsl'aie, arc, csiîc 10 the laîr bar- itd by Bel MeEnery. i6, f Bai- Lite Octobe illiibc bocrce by o sain îd eîghi ansclaTiiece- curpai beitero eci, holding it ai a later date. iîcca satative fîcat, der- the pravince oet, oiicia Eccr a, cîcîîcîc a'bareclîikey labc Iîîcîdeotliy. lue veic-caîc. s-ld sc.led withibhei12pmpkcîssand Pciliicinidîeercarlîîl uill bc seigcliilole for ecpacishladaar aafeepcccibiFlLn cllleragricataeapidciadofcigreina oîPPcciiiiyla 1 ic ragto hae tbeircales vacclci atmigoftBramt,yeîogbcaof- ON FullEUnDeR&f corse beacîsa tbe Pa ths niii iis pcageaoc. HSoweve, a aiteid iceî itîlin tlb ccc a e a Doîlcincfheselcin, o uil hCOCE£ ID SA Qee, as aaeatureaf teicos- Pl' .itioncinuîccîcerccinoan - Thcelcsatioicalsoaeiacid Hoîltin riandaoWni.Brachs of B LO C K S sai attractiveelîîeîlachparade, aremetlithiibhe msoi-islcOilcllati oclcctheiovc- Paiscîin ae îern e i. el es-île le iii oct lbe eigîie tIciendt o a ,ilie iris licze îc,îliai clieci 1r vacienaionseviceston falic ecc c-bspcan o inaeiic, LargenJunicr ShbowJAK HALL fron theOntaio ivesock ran i îi,îcha liof lle oisolsli sI Te 4Hecccwiii ici b calouti66 Te raPe ku R e n on at o heprviosBrc-HîllîcI îcsd bc ccli idvi'seci t1 ifulliforeIc.ral clbiwrs-b111cc Milon TR. 8-66 ipyis c o 15. ecciii cîlîle cnct hi-î lcl etv cci inlllelil lore rcatoacl f 92 iiciiieis 5'euhAient for Ter eku y i ius ify theveteinras-ie LMdIioniofficeo tetIc (ltîsioHlcuci, svs-cwi-îh Gticiicey,' J. COOKE (Concreta Bloks) Is W orthw hile Dpitrniioiîrcltn pirliiiîaalJesys 9 ih ter, i .i~~~~t aiîîchciactîaion. Iîuîiîe iîcc îhccdipisianid-îsixcîii ______________ Wls rcielaia1ecilicil Iitaîeiardltheiattec pari afIi ciisidccing. liiiiiccîii~iiec laaia'eb.On thebeavieecsofic in N. J. Thoa'ca,s-eilkccccfi-s o cartîciar, the lsommer ic1isaecliets-bec ,iin e nicyihc l i cciiccld.îeiscdlc eeecarated a'lith rve iiccrday ofait -t eel. iniliiid --iccceil-iulcf eicilict ie wasidpreelîci.taîie 1 cc îC keal,îiiîcd vacnt Normaiiy, ire lîbe ta sc arr ttioniTeresPetbss ryesraîher tlc ii cheal ssa'a sameime beiaeelccea forelste eedila.Mei. Thom-' Ilis l iosdciiii 11-1icf- Sepiember 10 - 20 îib Septembere ascgreir cIme oas bc sss li ri î îîI )ý1l deac s nhe sicliec ilc 2 asoabouithefinalidate. Weatb- 195 adreprai Iedof Itl ic le adc s ice cgcsueclprss ereconditions peemiting, Ire ex- tIsthe acre He fstber quaeeacar ail daîliîes, sebiies. acd ail adîi petitosee a gaaddealaofa'beai ivestorh aatbsrclesial alivulbul iiatation.as-ca'awuaidcagctti go in the fîrst partioethie carrent upiale10 er cet.ai thedairyrson- sacredr cbuntheisshouttsor reerh. Failing thai, perbapa lame renleate may afeiy cansiel sf rye isciher delail "Dollars and Sense One of the best ways to encourage good sound sleep ln 10 have a goad soasd bssk balance, Retula; savisgs cas make lfe a lai pleasasier in a huodrea and ose other wayc. Yau may Irani the dowi pays-cto os- f yorami, aTV selra car.. perhapc the childreo's edacalion s an yasr mini ce a leisacely retiresîcît someday. Whatcer il i that you waat or necd, yau have ta lcarn the secre af patiîg sameing by reguarlî. Puy hy psy yot store away tht money except in emergescies til you rrach your saings geai-Ibm yaustsari salisi fcr the ccxi one. Why cal apen a Savingi Accoat witb us fada>'? Milton Branchu C. DOSIE, Mnager THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COM ME ir iii ' RCE Georgetown has 5881 Residents GearfelowWss population barus- en by almst 2500 ic the paît fier This weeh,' the town ceanril ieaeced ai ibeir meeting that thse 1956 dominion censas shows 1881 residents. The information ware iayed is a letterefrocsthercensus bureau.- The 1951 dominion crensttali iras 542. Ceuceil ceeculaîrd os the tact ibai Iscai populatioocay 0051 be icer the 60W0emark. M LOOK OUTI 4\\~\ Bradley Insurame AouIcy I M , rThomas Bradley 51 Court St. Mile. NOW's FOUR MHItN? TR 8-9543 NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES THE MILTON ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADUIT EDUCATION IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE NORTH HALTON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING NIGHT CLASSES ELEMENTARY SEWING CHILDREN'S SEWING ADVANCED SEWING SMOCKING MILLINERY METAL CRAR CROCHET AND TATTING PHOTOGRAPHY ELEMENTARY LEATHERCRAFT BEGINNERS' 011. PAINTING INTERMEDIATE OIL PAINTING ADVANCED ART ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID HOSTESS COURSE SHELL WORIC ELEMENTARY MOTOR MECHANICS COPPER JEWELLERY AND ENAMEiL ING ON COPPER Couresc will coesist cf 12 ts-a-hocr leccons commeecirg Taesday, November 6th et 8.00 p.m. and each Tursday folosirg antil Decerere11 th, recommrncing on Janurîa p 1h snd uetiaîiq le brcary t 2th. The basic (vo fer ail coeîi s $4.00, ove dollar of s-hich s-ast be forwarded with the application fera', tle bcalance of three dsllarîs-aust he paid et the firsi Inîson attended. Sapplies oeta A a'inimum- vasber of 15 applicaets malt be srcared for each clasc, The Cern- milice reserves the rîght te caveel or carry ary class il wishrs, Furher information pertaiving te ihese courses mîju be altaired f rom the folios-- ivg Ces-milie-: Chairs-an, Mes. Velma Nerris, Miltor; and Secretary, Mes, Jams Johnson, Milter. L SPECIAL NOTE T FARM OPERATORS - The Hal.i Soil and Crep lmprosemerl Association is planning ta conduct a serins of meetings on farm business management.l Whill _i -thsewsill rot be in connection s-ith tht Nighi Shool Classes, lhey scilI be held on the same ecnnings. Prher details of Ihese metings may be secsred fros- the Agricaltoral Office en Milton., APPLICATION FOR NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSWORK Campiele asd mail BEFORE OCTOnER 9, 1956 tu: "The Secretaey oa i SRb Clauses. Mrs. liasJohnn, ?Btie" iPtease Mr. itate Mes. W hivbt M iss .................c................. ADDRESS. PLEASE ENROL ME INH By milingf yaseapplication erny you as- rv. urchaires cil sbtaisiig yaur tict c eice cf coures.c PHIONE ..................... ...... l............. e specitie isirbaîice 2nd chaire Be sure ta enclose yens registration inn ni $1.00, the balacce et tees lo be poid ni thr lîrsi ciass oiiended, 1010. VELMA 1005515, Chairman I M DISCUSSING THE MERITS of plates of peaches aid appîrs t Faîî vies Schcicls agricalturai fir Friday eveeing are thaes-wo judges, Principal H. A. Speers and Agricoltural Represetatise J. E. Whiteloch. Thny praised the fine worh of the 290 stadents i their 800 displays of fruit, segetables, flos-ers, nînodwork, mealcraft and collections. À WN T COSY COMFORT, MINUTE MAINTENANCE, APPEALING APPEARANCE? FOR THAT SOFT, 1 SILENT, LUXURIQUS FLOOR, INSPECT OUR Patterned AII-Wool Axminster Plain AB-Wool Hardtwist Carved Ali-WooI Wilton Rubber Backed Viscose Nylon PELT AND RUSBER UNDERPAOS WIDTHS: 27" 9' - 12' - 15' Prices: 6.60 - 9.95 - 11.50 - 13.95 - 14.95 per yd. 20 PATTERNS AND COILORS PROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Home consultation and estimation - (if desiradl FOR HALLS, LIVING ROOMS, BEDROOMS, DINING AREAS -at - AILUA SoN HOME MacNAB& SON FURNISHINGS 254 MAIN ST. TR 8.5553 Psi Fi yo fui ail 409 STONEHOUSE SALES LIMITED MAIN STREET M I L T 0 N PHONE TRiangle FO HE ES nALE t .D A S N TUK 8-9953 COUNT ON THESE SIGNS ý