Velma Cronin Wed To Benny Ciprietti In the Cbucch of St. Aotheny et Padua en Saturday merning, Sept- ember 15,'oreddise vaws.were ex- cbaeged botoreon Velma Theresa, ae. daughler et Mr. aed Mra. Joseph Ceunis, and Benny Ciprietti, non et Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ciprietti, oith the Rev. C. T. Maseuri ottie- iatisa. The bride and groom are hoseymoesing ie Atantic City and Newe Yack. Te leavel in, the bride store o beige titted nuit and accestibeigeand black. Her î corsage tieseers store yottoor roses. M.Cronsin. tormerrty etMiton, 4 gvehie d.eoghte,-ino toe, orFi tafflio gne, il edoo i ~ late o lisîeaeboat eekîsr. The t t t otteta with lare et the tris. With ber jeoretttd headdroos, siebe sore c tingertip vit Os tbe ctuster eorite roses aed tepbee- t,,s wti . Mis Gloria Ciprietto, et ebrimp eryetotetto, the hodice sit bot nehklie andthe skirt inltz lrtgth, wscsesid et hon- o.Her lieaddress wscino, estehise shade and ohe torrird a clna houquotet of eltese crnattos. '0 N Iridesmaide in toriieie th, r iaeForera, Shire ott e -Staff Photo Miss Carolt Spoto,tese tth TWO OF TOMORROW'S FARMERS get together to di scese tht tomate and ptate f rst prIZte ittts brido. Gi tooras aed ceres ites- cf the agricltoral fair sn Loseille Friday. Bllie MCrtsey, with thse toratots, and Harold Thomp- enolîcely s ett Meesrs. Alhert Bis- son, sith tht potatees, (oued theor to be worthy of tht ted ribbos ofter careful conssultatios. ci. Frash Catetini, lIanBoittilee- eiad Daniel Cronin. broier of e htht hride. Mrs.Lacis Siiiiii as- i'eesiitîiid the cleist, Mos. Walter Abouest 30()uess atcisd t5,, iettio sin eSt. Asthonyet 5l1, her if the bhieîblaiei, atcostuei ot liý,ti hiet eith touches e of îthlackad ciit,Mie, Ciotietti. mothtr et the grooms. ovs.isoitid in rite ;and oies, s Theirecorsag lowesttare taîsh Mr. and Mrs.CieetIti womîte MORE MOOSE REGINA iCP) -Tht Saskat- or thorn as corahcse sat eshîh- sh twosnew htiiones tor moose tis ycrbecueofetc sbarp ieoso sibotheineese pop- Wbes iseos breca, phone tht Cbampioe.TSI8-2341. THE MOST POINTS aI the fir stere weon by 12-year-old Margaret Coserdale, left, and t3-yeae-old Robert Nesecil, right. Hrs the happy sinnere are shosensith Margarets beautiful f esters, lest onee of several entries she mode. toners-cp orere Lindla Gesby and Densis Sinclair. WARMER HAVEN MONORED WORKER ORANGEVILLE. Ot. (CP) - GANDER, Mttd. (CPI Mrs. Lot- Pollock and Woried hy tattîco attetdotto iti S lie pstmîstross et Codrot, wite, ffciisaiOronUntd uet f onr t rcetin Campbell church are ctting ai tht est s o ewss tbie tettlte thc trouble-o emoey. 40sycaold atîthe Grsaed Obserner Corps til-i1 Macotattocers ef teenace. Mrs. George Watsan, 7n, ter centre hbret. Mec. Scoror. i HtHGRDéMMRIL is leadisg c tesd-rcisingcg tmpaicionîerr et tht tonîlîce oroînobe- H D MEMO EGRAN or a ieetofrtae.e setercrps is NetsoniindLENRAI helde tht etý.Nenttdel turiet- 62 Water St, North GL A rcent tesniemestcted thel otcsding wrseiih iithe Scctesit Tlphone 2048 a sothtc. hec tbroo ehodres ced c Wrld War. maid worebetd te decth orbes _____________________________ liigtsing struck their Newse Jrey busse and hersed the Iseo-atocey mansion. iremensasid the isse pr- Smsere ropped behîsd atomis- 5em Stocm icdoors. rhîeh espocd- ed fram thtebcdet ftht blute. la the tîttt sic mscths et 1956, Cassadot toreig tade deticil, h01 ia thte etes etimporta vr x Ports. ceaehed tht cl-lime recrd higto et $547 million. The ted Nations estimts that 150 milion faniits in underdvecleped arcos loch edeqaatc housisa. Oce ansorer is a feomeles,, build-it-yoermelf hause dsigsed y Caaadians ofCanadian lus- isum, t sctds noa tnadtiee; ie non-corrosivecand sermieproof; teasulightorcigbt hast s packcd incartonsscasiy carrid byplane, jeepaorcscs hurea. Tht Cetombias aaoroimcti ku eedred 3,200 et them Sa betp reiese the sheratee frural hessith Shoutah Amcricae country'. t ss st seprisiag, w15k alamisus Sttraelig se fue eod dama ta mech, thal Atcaa Io agai increasite tls smetiae capacity in kesh Qochct and British Columbia. ALUMSNUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) %«? Budget need help? 0 HFC cao help you today wth practicel advice about famiy money pobl. M Up ta 24 montlu to repay. Wbether yoa need moecy advice or a caah ban, yoa arc atwavs melcome at HFC-Canssa' first cnd foremuat consumer finance ccmpasy. ýJIOUSEHO0LD FINANCE L. G. Cr,.,,M-gOa 98 Caibaffle St. Base, second flaar, phone VItar 5-2845 OAKVILLE, ONT. Look Here! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TALK TO US BEFORE YOU SUY A NEW CARI lv Au Autharized Dealers far VOLKSWAGEN and STUDEBAKER vehicles, we urge yoa ta buy where yoa Ca. 90e initial valus and tap service. REMEMBER: NO OTHER CAR CAN CLAIM THE ECONOMY OF OPERATION AND LOW, LOW UNIT PRICE THAT VOLKSWAGEN CANt SEE US TODAY ACTON MOTORS IMPERIAL ESS0 DEALER Phaone 17 Min Street Actas W.i5i siceTOP iERVCE,t555 er o00z -D L T I.e-*7* * e-, , MLO Review History Mt. Union Days Muss M. Hosto presesîed ber tepie-Tho e rs etthe eenlury et Meuntais Ustos memsces-oI tbe W. t. meeing beld ai tht borne et Mes, W. Dates, tn ressostitcisg memories ftrse ibidhood, Miss Hume mosiiesed the osîcemos ot sommer and ointer, tbe conditionss et coods ansd herse ond buggy Ira- vol . Thal, the speaker mentiiised. secs o heme-stoyisg lime, a lime te sppretioto geod lilerotueoacd music. u Miso Hue -esplîoced tsat i 1874 th, o o..iia ,îî 000 t'-, Sti,0ilîîii oi.o coul îlot Net Applict-t io ocsmde ced permiossions grcsited te tht men et tht tom- orosits' te hotd Sesidot' thoot i tht chueeh os Setî's Rocd derisg the sommer moos. As ibis secs a unicon, tht same MociteitiUnions ores derîseci. Tht supeteistedtos et t Mes.Wl Reid, Loch cand Peter Haetttey. Mentionie sailsmadeoif Miss Meeccret Cartwrrightî. o wsthe oaiceist. Tht Christian teeehosg et tht Bible oind tht tel- tshiof uthle cororesotores a coatraedities, il ores nsed. Tee mreet ings sett e nssiteletta r. Thecooîetheusinesscoftthehbraceh wes deoli seth. Tht resolctîoîs orhoeh ae t tsi e isesesîrd et tht AteCoinentionet Guelph wr reiad and distiiootd Mes. Hadty oa ned ased,,iitsgoite. A dosaIon, oueinds toi iithel t oi taied- ,di thildtn. CI5ECKING Up GRANBY, Que. (CPI - City' esuseil bas oreocd strieter en- torcemest et a hy-taw requiisa att seor publie buildings te be ticoproot. 0000 STAR? TRIAIL, B.C. f CPI - The Teai and District Sesior Citizeca Villa bas raisod $U000 Otowardsa o$103,- 000 houslng proisct ttr elderis' citces. Itlai prsposed ta bulld 10t single and St doble hoasing usita. As thias was the Grosdmsthors' meeting, o quartetteofstMesdames King, Hoodhecd, Hcdley osd Mer- ris madecep o haso bond asd toi ereiiug hi 0,11thit granid- sîsîhers pretesit Mrs. L. Dises as ortesy tes- vnrthcsshed the hostos,, Miss Huîme. and att seho eestrîbuîed te- orcrd mcisg tht pregccm iteroct- îsg. The meeting osed oith the tiiegitg et tht W-1. Graro ossd tht Queets, totored hy rtrehmrts. E. B. CLEMENTS Insurance Fire - Automobile - Casualty Manufacturer', Life te serasce Agent Corner Main and Martin Sas. MILTON Phase TR. 8-9523 Be.. TR. 8-4793 By IVAN SLESSOR havotesc;,, abt ithe c, z-st htnPascabt drivti.tscoot ahoutcnd thte ytîhreyaon-ee tastt oie their hcrs. Sonsnhave bee r senesouot dodgostg lbe coocastheit eostastty hteoting kccss heieg musictuleaotoucist'a cors. Belt thet battittoIt in Paria e terrible ound a ltttîr orite ogo tht police deeided that Paris drivter oetd ho hettor oft teasicg en their braksaiatead uftIheir hernsa Thrt aoecd tht htomlag oet Ikme tamoua hars. A latiof nscoale tlssacht lbheueide rate ge sy ane Alter ail. ii, brs. btortae. yva .5es ne aewbab" l es Bat tht ceei-hem rdict hadtoasetcdettut ettect.ccd seelsaps therrrare sore tessons ui, ut for uso eet kee. Athooh the num. berofetehicets iParisors intreasig by amost 8,00a moesl tht camber et accidenits clter tht has-e-btastisg dropped by 25 pet test. Thct secs tht aterage figure toc aUl kiitds ot treet accidenta -the numeietof acidntstt temotitic s ntdoor by a pheone- bal 32 percent! 1Iwooder it saet oneethise te Stars trom the French. Hocsocndhbt't acoth esetil saet devices bt 1wonder it oi eof etsaso ld BrakhthiSlHoHbitand Use the Brakes iestecd. CerWalsy. euh sac mcsd cors ysa tan always rely comjslete- suson he braking sysiu. Ssai's oeof the irai thtngu we cecek ber a rar sez oust onthe lottaorsale. S taotinig yase "e when vaacherk the Painsand ashalttrr. batt Ws vttaly tIm- partant, ane af the usues rstras of service tIsat gars ltataevery aotnt Or ar CP OH 1956 wlPo.?O.MOTOCRSALES L.TD. MAIN ST, MILTON PHIONE TE 8-2W1 SERVING YOU BETTE£ ..COtTING YOU LE8a YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND A SPECIAL PREVIEW 0F The 1957 FORD WR WOULD LIKE YOIJ TO SEE ON DISPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME THE ONE NEW CAR THE WMOLE TOWN WILL SOON BE TALKING ABOUT 1 WEDNESDAY,, OCTOBER 3 GIFTS FOR THE KIDDIES REFRESMMENTS STONEHOUSE SALES LTD. 409 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. The Canadian Champion, Thcrsday, Septamber 27 ,1956 TUES. andi FR1. MORNINGS EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MILTON TR. 8-9972 OR TR. 8-9678 184 MAIN ST., MILTON In Lloyd Davis JewelI.ry Shop ASPHALT PAVINC CO. $01t r-L-- Driveways Parking Lots FOR PREE EST Motels Service Stations Road Work IMATES CALL TR 7-3751 * EMMANUEL BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL Two Special Services RA[LY DAY - SEPT. 30 10 AM. CALVARV BAPTIST CHURCH, OAKVILLE The youngstereseuil take charge of the entire program HARVESI HOME SERVICE - OCT. 7 SPECIAL MUSIC BY OUR OWN ESUNDAY SCHOOL PUPILSI à PARENTS AND VISITORS URGED TO ATTEND I w Show_____ l 7 p.m. - 9 p..Main»Set. 1.30 pm FRIDAY-SATURDAY SET AU-4 Two Big Mita Toro shoss ightly 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Doors open 6.30 JAMES STEWART CATHY 0'DONNELL BAMBI Trhe M an JOMNNIE SHEFFIELD From Laramie in n Celer and Cîcemnaccope Safari Drums NO MATINEE SATURDAY awing fa MILTON FAR 7 MONDAY.TUESDAY FrToBi es OCTOSIR 1-2 FIRST TRAVELLING SALESLADY Two Big Favourite Stars GINGER ROGERS and BARRY NEILSON Also PRONTIERS TO GUARD and COLOR CARTOON WEDNESDAY.THURSDAY OCTOBIR 3.4 This big Attraction Two Days Ship Thot Died of Shame. Saarrinn RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH Supported hy BOY AND MIS DOG and COLOR CARTOON FRIDAY.SATURDAY OCTOIER 5.6 Big Special Week-end Show in Cînemascopo THE LAST HUNT n TECHNICOLOR and WIDE SCREEN ROBERT TAYLOR and DEBRA PAGET AI.. Color cai.. BIG MATINEE SATURDAY 6th OCTOBER AT 1.30 BIG SUNDAY MIDNITE SHOW 7ah OCTOBER AT 12.03 Pau Kelly in THE NIONT HOLDS TERROR Camlng 8-9-SAFARI sn Cinemascape and Calar Caming 10.11 -I DIBO A TMOUSAND TIMES ln Cala, Comlsg 12-13-THE FIRST TEXAN in. 'Scape and CoWa lý 1 1 lý SEPT. 26-2; i- - 1 -i