______________________________________ inister Opposing Rotary District Governor Asks Bronte's Beer Vote Pae Goodwill Loua tisan one isour ater coa International Pae Three Even Quit cil anmounced a licer vote would Rotary clubs in 99 countisa. _______________be held ii fait, tise Rev. W. K. throughout tihe free world are um- Siserwin, upeakirg for "drys', an- lied le an endeavorto promote in- i i nouneed tise matter would be dis- ternational underatanding, good- nai s sed by United cisurch eldera at wlll and peare. Tiatwa tise mea- L. W. E M Hamalte C bb s Ophaotse H tproprnet esioemetnr sgoofDr H J Vllnt0fo Bareh aded Cabb es Op ose oi n motion by Councilior Brantford, Ont., Governoro Dis. LCTI 1ev, read tormally iisree timua no suris regulation reverng tise Cabshet Lot ie1h childiais' mua Counor George Wlliamsa, rouas- tonal, to tise Rotary club uf MiltonI and pasaed ai ah regular rouri ieaked lid. Reeve Sisannonu 001onriuio3'lvoe unanimously in lavor of t lis regisiar meeting Tueoday.-*- meeting, haun tiad tie easy pa- 11 dont tink me souid mrry luatise dehale and tisere tise mtter tise vote. Reidents will ise aoked In addition to tise octivities of Contractlnq sage itmagitisave expected. about Toronto. commcsted May- aeemed te coue ac oan ond. ifte are in faoer ef tise estais- Rote y's ,100 clubs witbtn tiseir Trchncaionsssucis as licenesarSit, thM.Harsrepy ihna few asoye e gu tiisment of goveremesi stores fer eo ccecîîe.D atsy nd Serviclng fingeprini g ing I or Su tis ti Me Hurde i tad isann e fo r d riet colas'm uites r.Valnt png drierad evco Idsbis ul the dererdrlsa~le br nl fir.,île n lîdiîaettecîac bi croor slparking liiton 0 oeoesad Iog dcoatoîtcoriaîîîpîa,îî.. as pe t istao$2.Ot0000 i Brant St. ail ent uncisoilesgcd. Couneillo W. P. Hewittsise A specialsmeeing between aorep- Counillors Livingstone, W11 rocent yeos's tisecoghis s program Phone Milto R 893 It wua tis tile queston ut a taxi lheugist o taxi driver goisg arond receetalîve efthtie drivers and aO homo esd Franks Wrighst veted in tsuettlesie ieetl driver s hat tisai came ie for oo pirising up fores dayod nigist pelice remmitter appeoru ehve faver oethtie motien. Ceunciller lowships enohie geaduate atudents mach crilcism anad, et a recent sould weor a cep te g ive a ietter nem slved tise issue. Tise drivers Kennetis Lewis, acting as ciairmon te centinue tiseir studies for ose ceuneil meeting, John Harris, pre- ides et whe bcis. Tise ce seillier aipareotly agreed te recensider in tise aisensce of Rerve Thoemas year ins coonîrie otiser tison tieir f7 Y WVI prietor o Crues Caisu, mode lais sald tisemne point bildbren rais- tieir stand otter ît mou esileised Millorord, did set vote. Tiscre was oms. They ure Rotary omboosadore ý pruteat. beede yeruadt iecas iod lsebols merinfrit ncce o ediscussion on tise motion. et goodmili. Since t947, 834 Rotar'y -on itliehamasended or concel- 1se eiseoeylt ie iYMs. Shersein sid, "I tee tisaItishe fellowsisips have been awarded tu led'0aed Mr. Harris, fo, se- a'lu te-acesoc ed"'otr .oni Ltsr sa'dy cu"50m ni ene.GIVE us AsNOTiIER LASS coedeg t i isss'I cant jet a mas Ms. Harem.,teamiicis lie Maor Co ncl riicisesHsoddtrrrsFeooipodsrvrtetsee FCQIHEL4MO ta-a n. social alscespisere istwelsoo"met" provide omsten 03. -- te wear une cemmented "Il mutlise," "Will M syStet and "dry"'soonicipalities. "A becs'00 ietsassticoungiuntatisetrr-THAT 45000DMILK FROMN w Apparentiy Toronto asea tm- yoa cempensatemetfor loss of bot-. 00crtreeittre lentuleot l ead t te e- Om orldroacd tes ot tfreel- ML ilar clouese nils iy-iam. bt it'o mness s I'm set aisle t e t rdiv- " le liot job tise apiacoaci srs" le declared. sonlitigdess' ofiica ncginaus #ITOyV41 e Pal Coller netesferci.a olcyodvruedcr msowil ere' iss," uel- sepotont. and tsaorrrs cvasd. "I cool ospeas foc tise cisocci hst ieliefs. WE MEAN. isrdly bc impsessei y oosmesy om."irs'antisaed. "botu n Dîit2tîcsolcamig er l nsit O S A,,,,ga ersgtoswnroncil Icitt bing il ieforlise elderscation sricerin510,5Rotary yer.s' only h i olrts 'veby FORS YtiIgfo \Velcomes Dogcatcher to Town mseeting tact scrrk, sstgtiiat tisscissct sssions meetong.' Mr. Dr. Vallenlyne urged tisr lecal ofsnusecUctsu od i rielse sh N w M n mp nd Che' A the .ie te hghwacy tro reete oneer200 Bronte tamîils.1 tishe Rutas't District Conencee mg bs dy I ont shr5sskcuri o oud he sM t h ai atoft. This'vlýs ~vat ir ~l ise tise sec- letisbcisrid iniHamioin eMorri. h wrisskle . .luide iscrut stylisg ansd eouy-goissg Braste Potice Ciiel BarsrvC - Threo ai' and Cr'. Hile bull, Cc. od allempl silic., crace b,'ltaal 11957. He lutract s ke bd tlsr club te comfort tisceugisrosantics trips te the laundry. Lome sîrsed papers aulboriisg kca nt he is i e dîrselof isgis. 'sîr"to itaîn Irgal ocadets i plan la isbc rprroroîd itise 401h tise Humas Soccîty's new Dog Lre\Imsar. s as asc heytad ts ilg ceî rrîda e-! Anssat Cons'ention ot Rotary iI- Try it for yesurself. VouIl sec why the Pal Cenfrot Officer Fran etiMscssm- Lrgs'ret aaiased îhicsoniierancd suid qarc lei,' c a cv toyr.r..a, 1 erno.tîcsil îinLace, c.. Su'itlasd Coller lu lirot choie with weIl groomed mens sight Ott, ta impeued aise asdersg CGergetcoscad eeîlalr the ex- 1 xtMa% orroua Canada. eup inte iselltagr, tises fousd t igAuio'r ample sel hy Ibis lia te.UNLUCKY PERIOD hismof payieg $2 lac tise reteaac Cr. Walter'Gr'ay cvac nicprecard SASKATOON iCP, - George s3. .5 in s4 9, ~Ocpabirei tseRoat eef prTo yo nesicc"alogth11e daY 1 o, aiic liu- - bran automobile, seervionceuravourite Forsy h shirt at lais.rt ficronte oCasadas taigeut departmeîsi culd ca.'lorîthegî'a.cîîicld,,ithe oltte îg day vwsite saling1 95 PHONE TU. 8.9971 is firt asignments'as rne, Ireredtbietsse aidthile poliestation tuîreportthe SpottlerChiseLocs part Pem-uenymorc variytisaitise Cunaaertieîed fat ters!cc'licaiaccident.OR crantatwa mudrrng areusd tise GergeownsRota'yclbhotre'd a eatcsedding nt.i crstie _ _ _ R O SS ST O R ES villages strecis. Ms. MrDecmott thies aucties test week-ed. Rost turc îîîisiig any decî'îce t, ra- On Display O P N I IE severaluier addrve barîta for yosc living ceacte Ye itey J. A.O., OCT. 3, 1956 AI 228 ManS.Milton lise Siselter. Il csas't tee long lie- bildtisem or ti. Es' rcy ecue lu inse LOVWVILLE t - 1fr tise Ciiet îmade as opipear- bousse coutdlbave biscro îîsaî iena uon. tnhos ae ________ îcludisg o nursecy. Tisre ttac a Acknowledge Cards L acnd A Lne Soeos a l.es _______________________________ cas'fac tise garage, esaut caltais________for_____________and____________________________ Revise Poli Hours ts eîîn im upppies From 1954 Christmas REAL ESTATE î 409 Main St. MltonI- lus' tisechilds'esc tavay itis TV TheSr eptembes' meeting of the Pon-J -93 For Town, Township sets eigtrscradios, dishs, AfternoaluBranccisof S. Geoe's.uMPh on.893 Try Two-Year Terms piactirally aertiîg yaa eesld asti .ay. IThe metarlisg petced watis tise_______________ b iiawt oit lectionls - Frank Peins, tise geotat ilt- ed 'i a Bile readng by Mrs'CI openIan dta hal l tio s pllT uneer, gave hris services fue tise Twica fapetnadtisît oucs.'Tro aternoos and ielped is a gîc-alMrs J. A. Stakes ird tin.rlyR AYA LE latac uecl thesamnesigst de- port te maetirlie day susba scît- Reprtllthe dliccleeît nr- eidctertueispai a oeceus. Rotar'y memisers plantsatetees u'rrr gîven I corser, matie ibis as asoual alcaîs' Mcc Datiet cead a tles'îîeî Buider Oalreille citt bacc ils etectîo n011il e Dcmbe 3.ad the poils willlie Tces re setdeona live tîit- ldia thanitiiig tise glace laiithe. opefore8Oas, tac8p.m. Nomin- bey andNelson Hepisroflttîîch.Chistscaetd tiat tieytliataut' atiodoyin tuccusiltibseNovem. srod as thetscbîccvieer. rceved. Tecads'rvestcs'.- O 0NEW HOUSES ber If.le raglgs'.nemsaîon Net preceedu fer ter dais'., c earaand a hall .ig. day iii bc November 19 ansd tise ceifr okwr 0 lans_____ bîuti i, Mîtîîaîr , c eeîîît O M B N AIa t Bscause iîlea Saturday. tise lias rtecc'd ,.t ii,r briiiCAPNT "AP55MSTI t.issip paî.11111 ecty isebcupen o Ptp e Hearing pONcîdra TR 8-632 fm9a.m . u6 .ON R -624WEAR#f« 1 Sorm & Screen W indows Thrao o utn h On Town Annexation Wtt vo ve c breaks, illicite vBRACES AND 1BELT. tle by an oisithsefart tbat Tise Ontario Municipal Beaîd BEapin AT8231 tise Poliusg day o uon a Satss'day." 1 heariug o s3sn twship _______________s_____ IEXIIEDMLON FI esplased townesip cerS Sheldets' tîca ex hces f I BOEHII D A MLT N FAR Featisersoee.-acd tiere 15sn.uaic a tîsguu as bernpspnd n H I needto eepthepois opn 1 tilNovmbe 5.AGAIN THIS YEAR veice of bco tie utlceo halerlli e sefr br9.AlteD A N C E L TR ecisescof cmestcccehe et ctttrdtcdfaC ct A C EFwaw Y YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE itisI ars . a t 'ad un ic is l- c on hi e andMashlltir- eswl edatyar rcîl aird tisaI Brlîsgtc ad e.>Ote te mutso lumsrîel rCoahc tdturaay, September 29 iuestioe isertise elecîcoIte detay. ID RA CMoE E M N W N M L E Okeie cesscil eereohiy agceed - Couplen OnIy DONSr/C - W//NE i to ry he wo earteni n te LssOILnei8t er ent ofCan SLE-SE*#VKE *For Pm. Esimaat« and Informsation Phone TR 8-2353 slaggered yteuc il appraved isy ado's 3.562.857 squaremiAlesR STRDYNIN ofln the sANtis ta ars' ees os tis Lec lse, rîisor cou Collect Cltearona 8-8569 tie tom' s rîtteens. Township ares is classrd ascuid ire reascil pouued a eesecesdaties clorai lasd. LEGION HALL TA9/Mredroa u hy a pecial eccmittee lu consider a taighrttu year îecs,. 9 P.M. Hemever. Tralgharecuascil must dîscaso tise mater wais lise Trac- ailgar soel huard asd 1he public STAN KNISLEY'S ORCHESTRA stîhîties commission. Siseuld tiseat twobords arreta thetme yeae '$1. ..........PER COUPLE sers,, tise malter îrilh go ieforetie______________________________ elertors Alec ssdvyrcossîderalîsn isy _______________GO_____________THE___ Trafalgar 15 c plan et redîvîstus uoMfOi lise mordu. At Presest tisere Arr .MO R lire mards. bal roueorl eel t 'isauid he bruisce tto ematlehes' ae-N ras Should thisot eirousgh tisece, CAMPBELLVILLE cccsîd lbe assise, corit tececier PhnT82 foreravis card. hn R892 BRUNOS BEAUTY SALON USDC R THEN VISIT ROSS STORES (Above Selite Store) S D CR ALL UNES OF BEAUTY CULTURE 1955 METEOR COACH whh vaterdirectaasigcac fin OP Nîised in a0rer y bruwn and icry, white malti lrec, cacrif i-e _____ W er______ ur Children's TUSDAY AND PRIDAY EVENINGS 1954 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, wiil autamaîîic transmiscionensLnereW a ArURND SATURDAY MORNING ieaere, directienat signais. blce and caory tep.1LigreW a CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY 1953 PONTIAC FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, ils radie, Seules', Navy Drilli 1 ,aturoeng PHONE TR 8-9931 FOR APPOINTMENT- directional sigealc. îolid blae in colos'.Iah Ir 15 HVOE ORWork Pantsth Hosiery Infants" l9~iCHEVOLETFOU-DOOR SEDAN milS bouter, finisised O eals'gBFon ti sGrs'26 High Bock Overalîs I Brnd cosGrs26 LUCK CUSOME DON'T FORGET TO SEE THE Work Socks Boysa2-s LU K .uIm KWork Shirts DressesGil'81 D R A W 1956 BUICK Dress Shirts BlousesGil'81 FOR A HARDTOP SPECIAL Suifs By'81 - KITCHEN CLEAVER SET LISTED AT A REAL BARGAIN FOR THE Blazers Skirts By'81 LAS WEEKS WINNER: MILTON FALL FAIR CURTAINS - DRAPERIES - KNITTING YARN M 53. . J.NOESREET DRY GOODS KENWOOD ALL-WOOL BLANKETS ' IPO~VA. ~ moi~-uI Ca The Canadian Champion, Thuraday, Sept"aber 27, 1956 1 ýMi 1