Il - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Budget ned help? advsra about family moncy problmu., ce 1.SPr,<a cash loan up ta $1000.00ne-day servi=e I A /Up ta 24 months ta repay. Whather you r nt«l moncy advioa or a cauh loa, yo are alwavs mettante at HFC-Canada's first and foremnost consumer finance eOUScempany. OUEHOLD FINANCE L G. Cea., ...uago, 98 Coiborne St. East, second foor, phono Victor 5-2845 t OAKVILLE, ONT. LUCKY CUSTOMER FOR A -KITCHIN CLIAVER SET- LAST WEEI WINNER: MRS. MORLEY RASBERRY Main Street TR 86501 h ""WABASSO"'lSHEETS " Family Qualîty p " Double-bed Siza 99 R 0 Reg. value7.95 6 . PILLOW CASES Choose From " Wabasso 'Family"p " Teeade 'om"K ad 0 Reg .value 1.79 CIRCULAR PILLOW TUBING *42" wide Reg. value 98c o 8 9 C BATH TOWELS stripe designs. Sîze rud wt ooa Shop sonly for this item asc quantity islIîmited. Reg. value4 79c. A PIL L OWS Well filled witfi slerilized select chickee featliers. Good i quality ticking. 1 . Others at $1.98 each and $2.25 each TABLECLOTHS Ideal for kitchen use 9 9 0 Reg. value 1.69 Unique Quit Show Displays Pioneer Art The International Quit Show hing preparad for he Waman'u Wortd ef the Canadian National Exhibition will offar a historie ex- pariecca Se visitera. The display Cc an attampt ta unaarth and shows Su Canadien wumsn a unique colect- ioe ut patchwork qaîtintad Sed ceserigreery crercctthe The dislay ii iiaiiae st situa! prizes nnisig C.NE. quîltts nilr giseS and traditîonsetpatt'eca.sbtlt ctagsiticrst rarty Canadien cîiitc, a elstaseanestnamhsr andinar- îety ut bsd cuneriets, esusy quitit- cd, truie ausieaey eustries eSt unes the mertd as here are distinctive rcultures. Abouet1ie top actries in asntional nuitS euetrst miSS Step Se indîcate the becSt fodays Cen- adien patchwork quilttîg. Patchwork quiting in the snty Cecedian pioncer art hat bus e taîîsed o great druS ot poputarity as a ica furie throogbuut the puh huton era. An înterestisg tact ss that patchswork isnost a temaSe in- conaSies et ail. The Crusaders dis- coesed a furie et patchswork wlîich is the accantor ut sur pre-. enS qit, in India, in Persia, and in Egypt, and hrought the dîscovery hock Su Europe. iscs hes5e ncieS tieses, eaeh country bus in its mec tashise and mith the matsriaSs et its choies, istsrprstsd the dîccos- e. Mary Stuart Ssrned the art ot patchwork aS thc court ut Mary ds UPHOLSTERING COMMERCIAL & DOMESTSC Add loosd comPfost wtb skitSed ra-styting. Yeur fue- siture can ha handuame as flac "gain Free Estisates One Wssk Service Phone TR. 8.9741 CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR PAGE TIIRTEEN Madiel; Shakeaiteara gtvea eti- meny ta the hat bed in hec bause mith its 'fourniture', hat a, patcb- mark. Documents et the marrioga of Maria Antainette mention patch- work mode aethe court et Meria Theraeet Autrie, requicing ight yaara uf mark, Patchwork Cavltad qaickty tsom theaerietacracy as the apeople, cho amployed maissiats et tester valas, making quiltoin mhich coSSus bs- caemoeeand moe geseralI Sis set sueisasisig tisai sîilisg cm tsi Nort h Ansismaatise crîsîg hcnsîght itouth he. Soneefltise quiSSe te appeer in the CNE soae mosser pie- es: Mes. Nîchslls Huit ut Toronto is laing a qit mhîrh ottîrmuis lit the Victoria and Alhert Museum n î London. England, comsidar te ha the sideot esampis ut mbits cru- beaidsry. t as.. mpitecoenrd mîlh dîttecent emhrsîdery stîtchas tesmînt the Trees ut Lita, as in tn- dian pints. Macy more enampies ut qited hersisîms iii Steshswn, înemsding hrea madea le the early luthceatry mhieh are brîogosent trumi reiod. Aiso coming truie Ireland is a quiSt truie the taienss Icish deess dsigner, Cybîl Cen- noily. Sucee runerlats ara movan, partie- oiariy thosa truie he sothers and oriental conlees. A narisly ut as- otic meanes truc Indenesia, a Raenis eth truie Ashanti ins the Guid Coast, and semae taion mueks-uns truc Calabria, wmen and tutted. area aeng ehibits. Mss. Elsa Jankins, Manager ut Wuene' Actîcîtesa tus the C.N.E., sacs. "The shom iii hcaen ont- standintosuceas, isdgîng truc the excellent resouse and heautiai quils alredy reeeivsd. The show is ils rctîrety crut reprasent millions ut heurs et dil- igent andoiong ntilsirs hy wmucr and crattsean ail one the merid. The qoits ieay habc en nthe We- siens Building t the Esxhiiin Maistisietes s utue eiaidisgin dinim i i siinel'Ilof înmvnca ecciiiPriînae EdinadI s land',1 Saiçahseess und Albeta. Burlington Starts Supermarket Considering Legal Lake Rescue Service tin o Reua ofPr t In lne uilh ichît secm o el cioStee u l o P r i t1îicenhiore pîlîcy thîn sumer, Bec- Omnerso ereonsIGA ntniagrtdtoronlk on a ihedapri cescoesecrvccrccntty mhen the suopermerbet are cosderîng egat ns recoîmsendetinet the Gsorge- Buriegton and Neson sPuswes Boat action ogainst the toms onSsss a tomn Planning Board, Secausa it Associations lSf-t outbtoard buiding prmt ssgrantdtfor an modesontravne section othe croisr set out rom the camp OC extenson atthesrsar ofthsir No. 7 prepued zoictby-Samnow undsr the fent ut SpencerePhr. highmay proerty. discussion. The building addition O5~ msatd tubs the store te the rear Thehboat mîth a 30hrspomr At couneiS. aSsttsr wan rscsinsdpropertynisr. hîSs the aunief mute, beiocngite50AdoOS5ebPosa- trousamyeMaurice Mandsrsen hy-Sam mnsSd csnoîrs a 30ftout nde, m as taunched" in thq maOrri- rspcesosting .G.A., in mhich bs clearance mhîeb semeday might he sg wiîen Chîst LeeJ. Stmith, O saidtletaSaction is beisg considsr- ussdtfor aservicesruedantrascs. Burlisgýton Polic, and ChiatMHar- edouniess apermit is grantsd hy Couoeltrnd the mattsr ovar vey Hast ut Nelson township, ment Augutantht. Cc the tomnsolnicitor tor an opinion. fer the lieut ride. ASse ins the triaS patreS mas George Seaton, presad- OfSbe 0 fh.unietttlgt scse n ~55~fl est ut the Burington Satsty Ceas- ciS and Sgt. Kas Scott. The boat bad I Seen haiSt by Ms. Posacad. M ayo id ae a e s Rg Ths patroS miii sorieatty xtand M y r Fn s m ae a es ilîî trous ths Canal te the Pig andIIau EI.,s'J A Trua Whîstis Inn, mîth thereception utfIIeI JtJ3IIInII VYs3 l J'.Je5.I I/I th stekl-end whsetheaboum- For thestbîrdmssis in a rom, tak it upmwith thesiayor, sitehad dariessmers truie the Guelpeh Lise Bramptocusil heard about that oaîd. te the Casai. This shore distances Fidey tlash flood." A fsm mssks mec introduced in ordere Scone agu, thers mas a deptatîson f rno n hp o d the more hîghiy eosgesisd areas GisSsdaSs, the cest maek hers mas a drputetiîîs troc the Craig Strset i w hp B n aa.;onast wsss-h s Maorder- il erraself. s" rsmanas- Par Perm t B rde utaion"of ne-te MlorwerPari ýIsisympaibstie te ailtChe The tender et Mutas Spanse and IndustriaI Zone pol fth ono Brampton," Co. Ltd. ut Toronto for tsurhie The Tratalgar-NesoJoint Plan- Mcc. Hormoîd escimd. She and 5100Taagrtwsi 0 ring Board rcenrtyoagreed tere- her hoshasd reterced froc heir ., ee stres, att$96.50per $100 plus accrusd ictsrsst, mas accepted zoeindontria 1iaentrîp threcîoar- hnida toisd tbirhbasemect hed hn-Taagaccunsi tastmsshk. Inns et i mile long steg the bcco tinsded. NesS day, thec Ceucil as cetdtefr' tosîsîhîp boîrd, -,.înnrhed. cicusisu un the mess. At- 3 55 ptone ucsdthetret This d ecîsins the nitcome nt tes cî,uocimeting at mssh sheS-dy Otn eprhs h e rn.siiîeeations htwenr the smo toms- staird. "Thc tnsch îs stitl thcrc, maitsîs $u69,i064.16. The debsoturea I snîtî,îîlinî the drapes on theu: ir 5 per cest.istecest.Gsly oSh- hipm seniî,rîire iîi.iciisc. S sgi-dten s iititasm e tnderrceined mas rnes Wood, NIsosu etîntîsî tn lo eneissen us forbtustisa el-Gundu and Co. Ldt., Toronto. îndsîîteî,îisituîon iun ide oethe lir siieriî,idcnntntedhlir, r2hr -___ St,,îîiue tiu,îîîr,îcpied. YnuSi hune te o IS n ~ c TEXMADE SHEETS " Homestead quality " Deuble-bed size P9i 0 Single-bed sze R " Ceg. value 795 PILLOW CASES " Ful sandurd sze 0 Type 128A 0 Reg. aue 139 9 8 CR IRISH LINEN TEA TOWELS 0 Large geceroun size 9 Highly absorbent 0 Reg. value 69c 49 e DOUBLE-BED SIZE____________________________ CHENILLE SPREADS FLORAL PILLOW CASES White grounds with multi-colored designs. Made Made of goo qualiy cottes with celorsd border of fine baby chenille. Reg. value 9.99 7 . oey i vr tîldeie.e.vle 39 FLANNELETTE SHEETS EMBROIDERD TABLECLOTHS DOBEBE IEPILLOW CAE Many designs t coSu 0 Size 70x9O0A Ideul for gîfîn. Made of fice 109 p from 1 ultycton w* atatieA 0 S7 52x52 8Checked Design 4.97R cSSe it atrctve2.67525 design.R aS0 Ceg. value 2.98 228 MAIN ST. TR 8 -6021 MANY OTHER UNADVERTISED VALUES DURING OUR AUGUST WHITE SALE MILTON Now in By-Law .n.îîae caugîht imeeprisg with Ti, tfl ,; vr ic %-ers hyd- lat 1, bo hi iard for a mîeth and ti-nd ha$20 iaa it e ut uaby-law ia'e adt c uncis ic sanS meeting. *Thzai. ithe furt timee re put a hi ri no a -law, sn. ti ;a-addsulail naDosnald Buth. _Wr hatise powenr tuduo i," rfIsmd Ros.e Ruhert Marshallf, -i shî,id stosn ire utthar rrepurted msses ofitise tusaunhip*s hadruets; hi idesir\e havse a vaterushurtuge Nearly 100 Lodges At Derry Day Parade A Smo miSs luce purude, use et the iîcgesS sn Griliia hy the Black Kiits and Ladies' Crystut Chap- tee Lsdges. mus hrid se Saturday, Augusi il, Su commenmrate there lief uofOera. t tes miteeserd hy Shousaedu et spetaturu. Nerry mue odgsu tries narieus cî,usties. îeefudîsg Hallon, ware melS reprsetrd.There scere rip- seards ut 5u flute, truespeS, pipe and Srass haedu. încluding an ali aessrdîon band troIs Toronto. Ban- cees ttuttered gtsriousty je tha breeres. Thera was no raie S ar the dyfor the rhesrîegsromdu Shat iord the Stsets. Film on Safety Shown 4-H Club The ifttimetinsg ut the Naissn anîd Naisiaginse ua 4-H Truster Maîîîtecu.sîreClub hsnhetd Thurs- dus aS site garage ut Wss. T. DaSes, Duigifthe husinssu meeting, the Aciieviseîiat D.iy wsuepSssed for iitiiida,îa.Auust 20, ut Lumnitte Parkh Theecuity Cair dîsptay aed the tî ltor d living cuespetitioat ths' CN.Pstridscssned. Tue tîidouts, Ross MiSse. shswed .iîdes us uit. cuutîîîg systeesa, stututa and ires. This trac teitumed by a its us Cacter uutety. Pamphtst seedistribsted. ihîr. Dates serveid retceshmnsts and George Hume tiianked the busC. Thickîcg ut travelling? Sf au, se- meeier She arue 44.000) mites ef suituuy tine sud 30,000 miles ef pved higliseay in Caeada. -S E ae THtfltSDAY. AUGUST 16th, 1958. ON DISTRICT qLiP7TLIHTH'NEWS Items of Internat gI.aned f rom the n.wspapers of th. district