THUBSDAY, JULY 12 12k, 19W. these contrilate la fartisor delay. tic ta behoiaped taa sany delays selrat be erecird in use patis et farsing use aatisaity tisai wiIl takc t lcati anaihor year ia gri funnrtîaing effectircîy ai any raie. Boating Safety Canada is a and af many matois, and il c tait snrprisîng tisai use histarîc spart af baating ehaald ho gaining in papnlarity. te Nana Scoia, boat-bailders hase organized a c-apratise agoncy ta ou lltieir peadacte t.aa geasisg market. On tise ceci coaci people tited at comded iigisways are taiing mare and maie ta tise mater. Ose of tho great pteacaroc lenle ic ta rusch tiraagh lise maies in a powered ceaft, ai skipt alang ilesily te a ailisoat honling sîceiy te a citf breozo, ai perîiapc glîde cievîlin tea casas as tomne ecisded wercway. Fewer on the Road Neariy are million aît and trucks hase bren ieeat ot ase in Canada cîrce 1945, and 'coiic- Ie at pie-mac intage are rapîdly diappearieg hase tise nations iighseays. Caradîne Automobile Ciamber of Commerce teports that 784,000 pascenger cars and 21t2000 commercial nohiîcles hase bort mitisdrasen tram aie itre tiseed ah WarldMai IL. Tise tîguro le detercîred tram aealyeîc oh lîcenee tatîstirs of aIl pravincecstis cotiserioncis higurec on sec scai ec. Ladt year, came 152,100 carc and 16,700 trucksccerie laiseaat oaiusc. Tiaicrars tisai .bout 37 per cent. ai ail carc and trucksc pîodaced in Canada in 1955 coeesedrd la replace vehîs- ltt iaci adbeonscrapprdi. Tissîs insee1,200,000 cas an ad trucksc isrsd t, lacs i 195,Instsîîa sassîs thisîsiabout Bat tisoro ic aicayc darger frnvices, and i' 't d- - yt Y tisto 100carrircc ta abcerve a tom c.cpîo' raîec 25 set cent. aies til te use af baatisg ealriy. Tise tlute basting accdetc oasis yoarc isasy, and te a gaod c avy casec Brief Comment snnecettary. Tiere'c massey beîeg cade osnlise faîcc thece A tom cîmplo prerastians. and a goad spîtisk day s es if tise pradace aftie land doet brîeg Iîng ah casman ontne, mould go fair ta redsceobig pricec. îhistlai. Firt,ot roarto, yoa saculd keam yaa c raft Oftîemander misy tiscoigot are loftion and hase to a iueit belote cttueg ont. If yoau higisseys "Met ai Mark", mises the oîb isas bren donit keas hase, taise along sameonee mis dort, cesîspirird mreisc go. ar dont go. But ave before yon set oast, maise 0 a*i* o sure yanr boat te safe and carruetise proper geai Tiese aro tise daycs es fouscte businesccro- -spire gasalino, puddles, rape, compact, match- salI tise goad aid scrioal dayc misen smmor es, food-in short, tise items tisai moaid get yaa canîiss had na pragrase bsîuct ioalîeg. out af aey emergecy tisat imgisi cop ap. o i a i Tise first step le boatîtug sahety c s ot ta, ocet- Noaays a mas may be lcriy enaugis ta get Iaad. Carry eaugis lit-tasîeg deaices for alli te mrk is mrioa beîsg hist by a machiste,.aely ta passeeget. dsccaer miesise arrises tisaianee ias taises hic Oncie se tr seas observe tie rîîics nitie taisLachale (Que.i Watchmae. REM EMBER A TYPîCAL JULY h an usaaallpie Lest yeat's Jaly being a race ir hcaease a easl onh long. Tht! cool, cri dayc thtisaiaaaly chari cîeîcs nFait5 Lake i' ti lii ccc pocatuis critisaiimportant mi an înaîlîsg place ta go cwimîî The Bible f REV G. P PARSON, Distrct Seretary q Tbe iestsBîbrs ta be pcbliîed inEcscuîsiai 8ycars areeseeofI the pres Desseîbrd as banscmen hiri( as sitvlumse.tbey con- taciinbe Oidaed ENeTestasenet andîafese- iltraais. As n scitintaims e eyera'pîîllsiî rd aib 'tc berdîrasI lits 1lhss1s1uhsPîtecîri h cf sit su;11ltssît Aicxsi', the sitil A il";l adici t hesiisti ci' ic' -o tAcs,1Kr,-issit IthsitNilat ssîhss '334 stucs ssthmst'tl in Nov i ttith t tis. cal ta iii~ ~ ~ ~~I.f tiiftîtti sîîtî ,i 'tti il iit h t h u li, i ti 5 ;l% 'inuiti t ii 0it . iti .f i tt 'c i'i'ie . - , , ii c tutu i irsi tii i ,ithtii hai 13Hî -tri i sthite bîansl.. lits s e Titritihec iciEtssit trs psr- "lit tedIltabcid ricsla'ccoshtr etie This s'as nest he cse 20 yrs agi, îc.'îssettîg aRes Tbt'îdcrr Adi ases, peecîdeet cf ibe Bîptînt Wseid Aliasces shs vsnîtîl] Rstecceot- syas ccli ascilitai u ittaepot' itg iitbsthesstisi Cnvetonîst Otiettand Qt4cin's i emcin BreantfotîrIis rsîtti. MeAdîttîs ssîd Ibsi t reeitiaiis rsbiip ta ths exentof cIciiusasiberty. Scgtenud t'.atis lac the c'eb Ecetias. 1inus7 30-5; Motat. 2SasseIl: i-1;t?.tcssdssv. 2Si 12 1-14: Ws-Iidsdss, 2 Katas L2 i-15.. EîgEmay. Oascaity. the rlis t s a ep ta thee rigisi. Baitishere are tiesî, and yaus nisasd isecc PremîierFtost sains isgis marks ndcrd for tises. !fareGîgis in seîîîsg p hic Ontatia Mater Recours- Cacriesy is oececsary ast an an tise aad. A ns Cccîiss.Lke tise eOtaoHydra cils gaad casy pilais af larger pacsted crafi hase 1aýis'trts powe, thic 55W orajazatîan ciii de- an rrtatseg habit oat estîsg acrssntlie bac af sait (t casties cf crs vasise atnd ppePs ta saci KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH senaler crafi -as avnoyîsg tîisîg. at ivat, and pal s>csteltiiF.v. E iit. Rsitit.,Mnttrr atton dangeoes. Di i i i li './..,shî ik 55 M A I,.1 Accoîdîvg ta tise Osiboard Baîîsg Clabsoai Plit- cic qjhaussof cil> stores ic eci a pîcît t',Mgi .t i ti IoitiMti-ts Acesca tise mot somma e causec af accdentc, cia niof cîy csasci ..Sa hy astt ravkalal -"('tueu iîs it is nsed wa i ard tise tisgclaatch for, are liesas cpssîvg and closcîg lacs and litcitîbuisnss-cdosstues1" Nîînherrc 10;29 i. Taa masy people inteseboat; 2. Falrs ta men ras lhier aineaffaîtc5 Grasd Fsris(.C)sn lc nîccî.îîsivi' beop a sharp iaaisaut, and 3. Spssdînc ai lse aete c1iii attsitîsiii seciîî wrorig ime astd place. oonilîcthtti> ii stsiinut le char, ilbiols dame oteisec of eocmae Theiscî ecasragoeet te rocont dertnîoes St Pau csese and caatecy. tentise United Statos ta bar certain athîrtos tram SUNGAN'. lULY15mb. t1956 1100 am. -sosi g Woesbtip - -- -- -- -emateur campotituan boraussofathioe i easy e- thesner."Thc TcsansparentStutu' Mo're gaîeg an islidaye tao ai tis enmdoatie penne arcount. Andit it sigeiticant tisaitomeo deesixhi eiso h et monts and sippieg tise irsi issue ofthtie monts promotors and roltege autisorities hase drame as _______________ ct Augusi. Tisre are ise Tiusrdays en Augasti ari crttiseasethtie atisietes themseest.-Gaît- amuîmes. moatis IN.S.l FaietPrest. CALVARY TABERNACLE Peateceiîiai l laeo rnuct132BMONTE ST. CiIhr Qhiuabitau (t1amptuui %lu Pniblînhed la the Resrtet ut allai Puhliuhed enera' Tburuday ut Main S., Mitton, Ont. Remiser et tise Audit Bureau of Cirutations, tise C.W..A. and tise Ontaris-Queber iîsion C.W..A. Adnrrtiîing rtes on reqacst. Sabsrup5uoscpeyable us edoasce, $3,00 is Canada, $400 us the U.S.A. Aaibcriced as Second Clans Mail, Post Office Geparsseest. Ottawao. CUL 0q James Gis, Managing Editoe Danid .iita, Production Manager Piblihcd bp the Dlii Prlntlng and Pullihlng Go. Llmilcd BUSINESS A ND E DITORIA L OFFICE TELEPHONE TP 8-2341 Patine, er. Wet. C. NEale SUEGAS'. JULS' 155h, 1856 10.00 n ic Sosday Srhesi. 11.00 .se Mritit Worebup. 700 pic.--EvngristetrSecoure, A Wecse Welresse Aseaiis Vea MILTON PULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY PIENTECSîTAL ASSEMBLIES OF CANADhA Pasice: Ber. M. Chicteccro SONGAN'. SUIS' iSu, 196 lOt0 t.sue Sceday SciastiL 110 ; ais -Mseeucig Wocnhu1c Services se100.F. Hald. Ail Wrlruîser BACK IN 1936 BACK IN 1906 J Talien fram the Ie af the Taken trou tihe lune of thse SChampion, Jia' 9, 1936. Champian, Jîla' 12, 190W. Last seecb nonscecceot wsa Abotd400aeople, cbitdren and macde osdconstruction assise adcts,tokacntbc union encursiora prsvicc. ad wcfattcdtaofind acy con ts Bcseitcgtos Beach on Tues- mecntiocf pavtog the secrocdtise day, by thc Methodiot acd Fiee- rtse Mito ts ActanIs 1 bas be- byteetan Bserday sebots. nea sot oshabit .s'i,, vjItt.tls nIýyatenonaG ttatttt s' , I W, ; to Mros ît'tta jGf at ý0l un-pcdt t 1 ss' sat i iii Tassie y il t' For the ltt st tttcr thia Yie55t thccgbt that thcrassesof the arrid- ssoliestaerbrrsecrinrd oet was abrokrcsebeel, 16 cars doge itlingsgeep is Netso towon- toaded sith lucher and tiosher sip, and thre etaint amoottsg wr mse n aeahg to $27 have bren ftted seth the ple bfwedkg.I acd m odea uge aTbrcsoc otcuhorite.Tueeday serigthat tise tracts Ther is o b a fst rad or wsrteared 6cr traffie. Tbe srecb- trucksbtteenro noand Hame- age, seeratrnars and their con- itonsetrots, wao burord on the sautha ide The strasecrry sao ne h tracesa esdrduelss chic weeband theerapberrytseasno isssewinfultoswing. Tbebay rcp Terenas aveeybhenvyand de- isalfair ore this district and strctve tbcsderansdhailtstormila tbe farseers havec t prctty serti thît neigbbcrbosd on Susday ai- bacrstcd. tereoso. As il was rsseisg cn, the Asdrcm Ettînts, barber, batsby Sncb os a peruliar yettoseisie, bobt the recîdencer fareerly teetattir apperatre and st berame cscd andtitcrcuiicby the titesacdnrb tbnttlaapssweceetit inmose MiscMcnisirBellitS. arisg Vis- bitscc.Teresasssotnabreatbcof tria Par. DrG. E.Sye. sebc cidbutrcedes erre flyîcg an liîtgbt tbherctidecc of tbe tnt't ifcscsnt dirertions, and t toobed ri t.. ,* , î.s T'cii'.tWm. Parise cocrnerioflasers art, ce tbccebthereîgbt be a cyctoce. MiliSttc, is baningi the borseserThere saso't. but thero wac o veey 'nty afraasnta boas tise heat. dîtes. as be eut bud n nese bouec teog sisd. a great dent cf tigbt- t poits.wîtis a noar 90-dogîce ocete in thl recar future. sicg, acd a faIt cf large balsilantees is Jly s s fa difernt ih Frr ycstrrdaysercîgo sebîrrct treeoff thetreesoand c JaI te a fa dîforon mut bsorsigis. deteeyed A. L. battererd negetabtes geserally. TIsE- raciter laie Api. Ta yassg-Chamberes stable on Qcesn St. The ttgtotsg did ne dameage ic tise' emer, hawcsor, and tise tenm- flases alse daseagrdNecît MrPbnit'e teser bot Ctarbses Jsyee's fine' hen sccisol'c claced and tieret bttîîsc about 10 ert amay ons Fattr: bcsb baccnsens borot, ntcsg witb se ýng. ~~~St,and tberooflofJ.T. Hnsat'sjqcaneityofltass yenr'tbuay.a seedf 't.bricbbour 50yardsaseay.rneugbt drillaned ther articles. A pair af a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý fa.'5 .t-.eacr ir e f tfyisg spaebs. bnt the bcrscs wsnt eoed fres the beitd- sesIl bazr ecs isediittry et- isg.te Nossogoseeyu, Me. McPhed- tiegcicbrd brîcre any daseage ws n nset fineesses, sehirb were 4Mdsnc.e trucrbby lightsîsg. Ligtciag itou Ut ./. ~ Wbite seeieg a. the Milton bîlled a borse osesed ha' George 5J U#.E4f Brick yards tas Friday. Al Crase- Fcrd cf Teofalgae, natced oit $100. t lrdofttreeteiiirbnad tbe misfar- ancsh ssod incafield. tipper Canada ible Society tuine tc banc bn bip lrartcred seben Th ok flaigcnrt a brans timbr e frîtos bise He wsns vTment seo ofoy ain Mile- 5< - ~~tabkenta Peei Mesorialbccpitat asset i gig n as c aU for attenticn toc, but there is trouble oc Tbrstitibro tt-tFi- A tnaspecilsmeetigof tbe of- propositioto boulenard MncSt. Thurday 1 hro. 11 1-9; ri-frese the Methodiet rborrb te the des, t Chrn 16:7-36; Sautday, fîriat board of1St. Panie ebhurrisit scbcets Pciics116O1-1.awsaeciddssoaserd thercostrt sulaedo o tr dsrrtig thettterier of the Fruit, grancandnegotables sorh cbcrcb tri MrCieciaod and Ce., actcsetsplans, tc.,r.sere badly M rs E.B. lem nts Toronit, ttcrricettitaiing $1,500.daseaged is Berlingtec by a heana' Gives Demonstration rchcnesrsteeeTcdYae tîî.,ît'Eîtîiitet iîc'îe a tin 111W tic t atnd.tiiW tssîýtbh G 1KROFESSIUINAL UIKECI$sJRS In siiu,'- AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE io tsi , stt ii titit ia .catttf NIDIAL DENTAL t brtf tt.îat scinof the THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING i ~ . Mtt~ti ih t btnt' DENTAL. SURGEON AC i ttBiq r N NanssiflI '-22 tDii 50i îr t'. K. Steenson Oltî rs 9saiEadig5 Mto ns ai 5iit.ict' "t Dr. Kt. Fite.-GrratdEi'ccbAcesen Dr.. W. J. EannaisyAponmn ticti's t t 1)r. A. T. Hanter N-Ras Srsîcc Tel. TE 89702 atiti Mi t i Cittts aici' Ottace aeesietsecst ociy HF ta 1- iîsîias,,le b k('ttige AM s ta12 PM.t-4; 7-89 DR.H. . GALLOWAY f.. a ,ý li ulThe cnicsisi. tie Wdecsdty, 2-4, Baby Clisir Destai Srgeen andsts'iîî.îithes.atticls Saday and Wrdondny sesîcgs, 155cMaict.eonctreet leor tatîtitt tMilton i F r sien Fcegrsrcs oly. Hers 9tot6p.m. .tti"tits't liii siiirs as'- MII TON PEt VATE HOSPITAL Ecrotoge by appoitateot a yri rtii i îtîs i.alaa'cr and N-BAN' -Bey Sernice t, iioincstt A pstuc. TiicrscsrrC P R.andGasltSurgeon TiGlrTt80 Giii tic ithetiGarden, wa t'.rcad byTe.Ofc R890 NiesS rît 15t'dti,dRerports cf tc "B nimtalmetinsg by Mrst DR. G.E. SYER LEGAL an thteilt,îmdubsicetivctîal by ' Phynlelan and Sureorn Mis Robetîsont rts giversOffîre-James Street DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS 'iTestrtcs'e stbtobcd PbonerNe. TE -5531 W 1. fiGE, Q. iis'h'.hd iett"itci t cabe chn fic lîcHcas.t9a.sei1-3 KY.DIGE cari sa uccesThse Wl Geace, 7-sas0 P. K. MeWtLLiAM6 adtithe- Qsessiasid tbc'meintg Corocer Barristeet, Blîcîtors Tiie i tistlcîtcttic n teBsonStreet, opposite Arcan t titi ai stic DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Telephese TE 8-4491 157 Mis Street Tel ysu er ecbaot yc netes GffiselHtunes. 14. 7-9 T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q-C. bisci ai ite Chasepion. Tî'ispbîîe TE 8-9223 Bareiter, Solictaor, Etc. îsîdecre TE 8-298 tai Tbhseas Street 4.1_11-. _______'A___Millen ('IIIROPRA<'TOR TsIýispbasTE 8-6551 WM. G. RIDDELL, DC. GEORGE E. ELLIOfl O.C. lionne cf l'hiropraetie Barricter. Soalcttor. Nalaryt PublIe iii tuti' ii. bittait iîce b Fat sers' Building I3s yAppîtîtîîîîîtîîcîiMîtnîtreerI. Milles tilt NE 'Ii tt 51 X-EA'h' Ticrpiise TE 8-9202 ,A T.CM i 21 Co meial Si trelu l st ,Ii itîst ti i Ri ii.i g de SUNiaAY.l,1 cl, 1556 10.(X)ta. Bibis Ssbmîl. liseus. Mnteii ei-ce.s GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN j Mton.Otario Berters Bey. . A. Poeeel SUNGAN'. JULS' ltth 196 75b SUEGAN' AFTEB TEiNITS' 11.00 ase Meecug Peer.Mr. U J. Waters, L, usin carge. ST. GEORGES GRURGH, LOWVîLLE and ST. JOIHNS GIURGH, NA6SAGAWEYA uctees Thse Rnerend R. P. E. Jeflares, E.A.. L Tis. Sî.NGAY. SOLS' Bib. l1956 TEINITS' VtII St.Joet tise t'toi Maitics,'. Scînîtueand Ciîuu'sb Sciîtul. St. Gsitcgu"aS 1.5a.Maluos, Seetes cacd Cchsi chadl. 55505 a NO I DAVIS AND BAL.DWIN __________________________________ htrristers, Solicitors, rtc. sPltMbiteStbMlutas LEVER & HOSKtNitctNTEi57 'b.îIrterrd .isroontants il ~ ~ F NIis t4Nai 913îîî;1s HENRY R. HOWITT iii îîîîîi.uîTa)rectu i'îsicî', Ss asctoetsc. t~2 MticaientStics r itonesHardseare HORNE & BOOTH TE t -9523 thartred A cr000tacts W. Eîsu.CA ; t U.BEtth, C.A., OPTOMETRIST r T A tS.5Stvno.s RA.. CA. 1 25 Hutg'bsn St. Haseilesn, JA 7-784@ TERENCE H. LETT CharterS Arruontant 207 Geuglae Anc., Gaboulle Vineor 4-3756 SLIKVEYiNG, ENGINEERING JAMES & WANDABENSE SUR VEYORS Ontario. Land Sireea'ri PORT CEEGIT - Cresceot 8-2034 Miltas cletis lease ral G. Waodabense, OLS. Cteebeîso - TAyter 2-0544 W. H. CARR ProeonlaiEngîneer and Ontari Laid Sarsra'ue Ccesgtoc'n. Ostarto GuelpîttS. Pbîîse TRilte7 -3300 FIINEKAL DîREI2TORS MîKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME Fînerai iHone,.AmibuanerService PHOSE TE O-4452 BIGET ce DAY Sinee, CimtemsServnic ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Mais St.. Mlten (Lleyd Gants' Jeseciteryl Phase TE -972 RErs. TE 8-9V78. Taesday and Fcidmy marningi Eveestgs by eppeintiment PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Mssday ............ 1.30 ta 5 pin. Taesday .3t0-t pi. mcd 7-9 pin. Wednscdoy. 9.30 a.s.-i2 coca Theesday .. 130-.5 p.e. and 7-9 pin. Eeuday . 130-5 and 7-9 pi. Sateedmy .....t..138-5 pan, Publir Hultdaa' noai nlided Sebeai ebîldreeshave eenraie iscees TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CASAGIAN PACIFIC BAILWAY Standard Timae Geiog Est-7.36 a.m.; 2.04 pin.; 8.t2 pic. daila' eorept Sonda' Sn- day ada' 9.00 pi.. Gaicg Wes5 9.04 ese.; 6.36 pnL,; 110 aui. Gils crpt Secday. CASAGIAN NATIONAL EAILWAY Gausg Eertb 7.58 a se. Gcîsug Sentb 710 ps. ,-mce on yuur -Oy, -b- -L ...... ýL- -A- ;. ý 1 H er