Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1956, p. 2

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PACtE 1 wu H AAINCAPO.MLO.OTROTUBAJN tb 96 - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --. What's in a Namne le thren of the provinces oh Canada, ledanrs ment lu the plls last meek ru select legilators. Gunernnîent s roîîîij ii nlni thrne dîleren tii-tit us mero chuson. r s sîgnîfînant thut n ouch ase the goverement in pumer t the ime oh dissou- fias mas relrsed ilh approsimately the same majurilien. The Cusservalives mon je New Bruns- wick, the Union Nationale je Quebec and the C.C. F. en Saskatchewan. Il mas qaile evident thal the valers decided tis mas nu ime for a change. If would appear Ibat the present prusperous times are satisfactary lu the electarate. Notice- able tua mas the dlaim thal projocîs menu under- woy and cuuld besl be fulflled by coninuing the parly presently in office. The ime may mdll came, if il bas nul already arived, mben the name cf any party may bave lisîle sîgnificance en seleclîog a gocrnmenl. Fat disappeaning are the vouers mbu dlaim bind ai- legiance lu any gruup and apparenîly mure eso- phasîs is placed on the conduct uf the party and leaders mile je office. Passing ara the days mben a fem meeks befure elecian con baose a flood of oratory Ibal milI smay valets' decîsions. An en- farmed public of the mbale record gives a mare soand faundalian apan mbicb decisians are made. Valers bacc discavered tua thal many of the pre-elections promises are raîber emply and use- fuI only la, gain elecîjan. Il wauld sees performs- once ouants, as il sboald mure Iban emply promis- es. Resulîs af tbe last tbree provincial elections alto show tbat parties srange ta tbe local situa- ion ilh jast a different name made litle head- way and thal nem parties je provincial polits have litle hope in spreadsog their influence bu- yond Ibeir present boundarien. Il mghl be a bit cucfusiog if Canada bad tee kinds oh plilics mithin ils broad epanse and bu disastrous lu the mble Dominion unily. A question that migbt well be pandered is mhal is mrong ilh old nam- us or mhal can new names bald ouIIa etr Going Barefoot Back je aur buyhuod days mbcn chuol closed for lihe long sommer uacation, amay ment shos ncl sinkiigslfi enaiyl.rySSLÙit SnSly iii echuol reupeeîîîg. Tho barefout boy mus tbe carn- free boy for sommer. Wben il raieed the mud puddles on the ruad bad o suft bottues. There merent any broken boutles un the streets and the idemaihs mure sbunncd for the green grass micb ment up belween your fous and felt coul- ing an the sles cf pour feel. The girls seldom shed shues or slockings je those days. And there mere no sandals mithoul lue s. Theres been a change indeed ie those years. The barefoal boy fsods bard surfaced roads and bot pavements. Broken glass is oery hiable tu bu unywbere and wbenn t mu least nu- pected. But the urgeuin somrmer lu guo ery close nc brofoul bas broadennd ru include btb boys and girls and thînalens bo take n maoy uf tbe Came back lu faîl days anîd tOneemas aI- nays the struggle lu gel back inID thuse shons dîscardied Ima motbs' preuiously. Weve oflent uedernd if the scanly footmear cf îoday reselîs in the bruised lues of early days. But folks are persistent buys and girls. yong and old, and go>- iog barefoat, or as close as changed conditions umml alow, summer days are akie la summer mays. Destroy Insects lies bothersome aruund the bouse? Mos-ý quiloes makng îhîngs uncomfartable aruund the collage? WelI, il could be morse, and il is a lot morse lu many less-favured lands than Canada. Fies and sleeters are unly Imo cf the insect specîns thal spread dsase and damage on a ousl scaîn nn mony parts of the world. The cntntelbaIlle agaînsl dise use-nurr yîng iscete n yîldîng mure and mure succnssns ic Ths Month ofslun This M nth ofJN/n ' be une i-ide prugresu. sentunur pFo- Ils quite uppruprîule tht June sbould bu de- grrss,- su/s Pruf. Macdorald, prufossur ol tropical s:gnaîed us Dairy Montb". Wiîb the pustures andi medîcnte t the Uninersity uf Londun. But, he grass up lu the body uf cumu and cuntnnted dary watnnd me a rnnnn t BBC sun)i-wng-up, il bas been berds al alung thn counîrysîdu uny day me lunen 5 the fruit onia asîtum ui nIfasnînatîng utigieal o rnmndler of the daîry industry mh.cb îuday con- nurk ancd thern mu plenty mure lu came belote tribales $900000,000 a ynur lu tbe Cunudian me can on back un il us surnetn ng etinddund ncanomy. dune w.ih -- But tbn Diry iodustry duese t dnpend eîîrnly The must ecenl successes aru In tlie field uf un tbe ou-af-cdoar countryside alune lu crry the mamuria. Nnmîinsecicides, dîsconernd uaîd prunnd importance of Iis induslry lu the consumnr. The inSe rcenn eurs. havn led bue Wurld Hoalîi As- methodls oh tuday and the marketing uf ils pro- embly lu dupt thie ambtoun tragel of Ital ducîs boue advanced and gluen leadership lu oust riiminatiue. nul mnînly contrul, uf maloriu fîum tbe cburn fruo the fores kîrchen and the mlk de- enîrn couintrîns aed nded fromn a uarge purt uf ivery fraie thn days of putîng the fomly quota the murld. n an open ug. I Tbn ffurt mu nul mthouo Its setbunks. Onn Milk production bas ncrnsnd by Imu blloe ureous dîsappuntmeel mou thn dsnunry n poands durîeg the past fiee years and il s ex- Africa Ibut o purticular inisecticide n fniquent use' pected thal Iis ynor milI estoblsb an ail-ime dm0 nul bll Ihemomut common malaria-carrier. Tbis production record. led lu mure inItensine researcb me the field and Flumd mlk saIns Iis year are runnmng aI more 1îbn laoratury. n Afina and Europn, befure thie thon îmice the ratn of population groth. j cause of tbe falure cuuld bu learnsdaed tbe Sales of butter, process chense, lce s-ems,id esîrnd ffect s-uuld be obîainnd.Tbms nn baporoled souk and shîsom mlk pua-dur duri 'ng tuncenmsa d luoue put Afrinu fine yeurs bebind the fîrsl quarter also eucend those uf lbn same Insu rosI of helbnmrld n Iis resFpect. peiod a peur ugo. Hre me Cunadu tbe prubloso may nul bu suý Nearly une-baîf of Cndas mlk production grune, but t i mua probîemnevnnerthule-ss lu pubi- s used in tbe manufacture of butter. Ascrdmeg imallb And ibe World Heultb Assene1bly's mollo bo the Fedlerul Deprîment of Agriculture. tbe -DetonIrloipts mu equally apîplicable. former recemes 77 per cent. of tbe retuil prmns- of butter, tbe igbost peri-ontuge rrtiirn frum un BifCo m n larm cummudty. re Co m n Flud sIu accouels for 30 per cent. uf total i J uni hias limon rîuîd luis yîar for i ank nI a production, obeese luknu b pur ccnet. s-aported1c,0pf ravlei(-in pasHoeJy mlk and poaadered mlk 5 pi-r cnn- and icn id nî upfrt tiSi- Iuný creamuabout 3 pers-enet. /5minn nijanibc-n.,îmi mn Teudairy business isbig-jbusneîss and lu o nmbIl ulcecîunouni rni-i Iilnî buost consomption s-I ail ils prudunis tbe pîndon mm-om ,Inmd ijiwn)vys arcriont îaîi- Ir a-i ers und distîbuturs bund lugnet e ou plan- n non nI t i-mli iij beas-bos dangrot oiC-. ned aduertmsmng ued kceping tbn public canl n-a * furmed. Junen mu Giry Munîb. iPublic skeuîmnsm ruardinthe smîsonse. Bicycles, lîke ther nehîci ns usin g the ruuds, shuuld bu pruperly ftted for sufu riding* Thut1 includes adequate ligbts for night riding, und a knowledge uf basic traffic rules by the peuple ussng thnm.-Trentun (Ont.) CourierAdcae -1 190Puhli hed i1"of the Au * OnaroQu $400 n ti * s' Office Dep IBUSINESS A ND E DITORIA L i sesîengn ugoneteruent beullb nutanne--.i REMEMBER BACK IN 1936 BACK IN 1906 Taken tram the Issue et Bbe Taken tram tielue outhej Champion ot lune 25, 1936. Champion, lune 28, 1906. lB mas 8 yearn ugo un Tuendas' Robent Tagganl and Chale hus he nilmuy frumt Turuntu Bu Playten, conn mIe contractera, wr Guelph openend BuCoffin ointosos on Batunday tuukingeg Sunîn s i-,Bwl--n te t he 5rtrs us-bresdornuth une ton llui.uî iii-iumng pailiono si-i1),ii nniiriiiini Wenusdiy nieNt thai part ut thn Milieu ahiNd nou ctnie light fleurcouitupsnd. sinon Bundun evenng, mhentCen Ms Bybil Bennnntt, Pnlsonesî shaft of the engine attoched Co the wonsan lamyer, appeared in dynamo wansprng. ttmanocarted Brampton poliecourttfrerfinot taBrBanfrdfornreltir, and nay ime on Wednenday ut tant meeh. he hock by Baurdoy eight. Jodgment mac ginen ie fanon et hec Acten miii celebrated Dominion client. Day by a firemanns demnonoîration. C. Osmond, aged 76 ynann. mhe mhich promsisen Bu be a big evne. has heen main carnier on R.R. Nu. Amongthe ean eoBened je eue 4, Mlton toronnverai yeann. miii ce- feom hn Milttun fine brigade. Thn ire on Jane 0,andMRolandMorue- mennarebheanien thanBthoseetony tain mutl sunoeed bim. former Mlton eama and thny are There isunu dunB flying je Milton enpecBed to mahe suioh time. They ihese dupe, fuilemsng un application utue itend lu cumpete t the on- lasî weolsofocalcium cbtunide Bu sual demenstratien ut Provnial ail sieet of the teme tîisseuma Vlusteer Fîreneose Association, plousuno su rîdo Chneufb the toms. mbhi mut lbc bold is Auguot. Ac- and boide, peu sus leane pour ion isu iîbnlpte oompctn then Cee. rosfiOred sith doit, thunsua Ce lm as usp. thsisaou oteboo'court- Thnoouno ousoil mut mort frot d o p n a d n t h v o r a d s o l a e a o t a di. T h o or h us w cl d o . t mo n ro . Th e prn cipal business Mss Aloostfslponmuasnisstisg -mît bucthe eilaliznsoe et s rmOiii. i. -tbblieîesctr, MnsSidneyPage, ment, fixingthe oootprate and WAB WFTHB ad ate t th yungr eonaton um Wyomief n en the mwek-end. 0assiflg a by-laworfanthe issue of WARMWEAHERandwale totheyougergeneatr . fio1w Whlo rtursnc Bu toMiltes os Mes- $4000debestuoelu pay fer he mel rugethor, whetber it drîoking the liqumd or smsmmiog dun. Miss Hlpnr badt ber baoh aednd ma oahienrp boeght je the pat je it.Fuen bhis youug miss figures ber duli bas ta beat the togs ijaned mhes Cmu CN.R. Cmu menthe. beal and heme, sans garmeots, thn duli gets a dip le the mater truies olidod at Guelph station DnGmad rsndtMiBa to be sburtly follomnd, more thas lkely, by ber young mîstress. segnorisiatbud ri. hsFnsdap MHe intendn Ce peaction Thner homte e gou strabere s profession bere. Dorneg hie or. ~ ~ ~ ~ h h-omeumuoetoOsnOneo.OeuOfltti-NaSW pruotîce ie Barriembet e hehan arre om oomssg se qasse plestitollp hbe ith Dr. Smith for a year, be aisdmh. ma eiseseme runed himnelf a clener practition- in dvn cilCosalead r er and wao a fanorite mitis tbc The Bble ad4g rsPneioiaeCoe nofedMtonmedcal meanellathe gee- ThelpuBiblehat5ecty hveraund REVT G.P, PARSONs, Upper Canada Bibiuley the Duohes etRchmond Ce attendfsedseBriacdiguBb District seretalY. the useeslssg ut the Vimy Ridge memunsal te Canadiansoaldiens. Barrie Examiner. Constable Cohman mas mouuded The Mlton banebal eom menC te badIn in Feasn durnsg the war Bronle on atarday and theagis ColO rushuorbcargeniltpli.ssn *and mas reonntlp dshaeged trum haediapped bthe absnce oftheir is eneuais onss-ireeiurbbusines-sîCristie Street henpsalsinToronto cather MurrayCampbell, deteated itrossstrin eCanmada, but ne'- Haltones Orangemen uhoe e emas Cnated for mue in. the crach teamof thatnillagemwho, prsof tenar To Celebrate i 2th dunsg th mar untilthe sgssg plyed this seasonAtkiiss, Mil- Cm-sous on i Iieiiu is reli h;t ~Aiu hsVîe Munor tJoeph Gibbons pot bud 14 strihe-ousu Bubis redis. s--sis- tîh 6W les . vo.th r hiOnar orutomu' e nom rneuensul nbin50Il Ne eý l dîî mb ia ttiiiî.Ori«tg-i,s unît nîeeate ligitiufnnutnm seminoouperatiemnS.But- Benjusein Disraeîs: Justiceise nkînn lit-1d iii0--r. 2anî t. u hnmii u in oAitNus hi e prr.the uiii.inoiuibebashoiensactone iii insinis-tee u-mw ii iiibs --. 'i -nt.îhîîuplaserons Stur- i ..sSiS. . IMIiii-lîn' and5 Thtl 2 u i-i ,îîi-iît ,l ;o, isi, i -1 li Ati ii m ii ii.i.l. .....pl, i. Sfni iii iimul 21 n"4, in i-i . I s1-laIS li n Sii i, lii i iS Carnpbeilville Man In Mti-ii li t-t st iiFn Ss i nii thii .:.,t oi-t t N-e1 .-o. ii k.Aiiîi., Nî-u t Fai m., tiii lnu K ig imd L Si-luii.ii , N.lîî maii.55id,n, and fiS ti, -m- y KN-OX PF1SOVIEtIAN CHiJRC- ils. Zom... .i- n M A L1. id î cc eSlnnMi udm I ummu unl SiSc.I i n ,S - mth(lI -un ils-il-il V ..,.::,2,.v,;:x 1./m .- lIn M'.' t theiii li li ILIl hNI mm nîiith,,m .îniii.m1i bn -Wîluouand Si- i .15 i- d. m r-i il.- lb95vilpro- i-i umi nus- îe-i-iin s IPROFESSIO'NAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERSt GUIDE n ni - '. eimi usiiath5 h. i--l-i THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING Matms nmem ml i-msmnivaes Pne m-en DENTAL SURGEON ..t sW.,, i lIt lh ic j. GNîuisn. I NîiSn--si N u er N-sTI 8-2323 OGicir meReput Buidng, Multe» j*.i-lin ci.-u0 s-euhplass et! lin,(C K. Stevenson Hooiss9-5 [ it, NiIth Ammmris-,M r.Mi- Nls. lit. R. iiB-Gtmatd Einese pusm e 1-. mn ofi-.i mthîe-publîir t. W.J. Massais X-iu S--vc ie Toi. TO 8-9762 s-uns- i iiitiim et Os-;- Dl. A, THantre _ mn-.. i5î-kottN1h-s--r-ene' Grier ttmurc. bp appottmreî erntp t -h A M. 9-12 C.M. 1-4; 7-9' DR.*MH F. GALLOWAY mmmi- 1e- d-mcri,-dml s em ipii-lssttcm -rcsdap. 2-4 p . BaNp CIlneo Giniai Surgeon mi oii oiai- tr'in9ea stclblusb. Susdup and Wrdorsduncs-rsungs, 155 Mais St. onstseet fluor Rei-gesies lp. Hurs 9to 6pes. AAN MILTON PIOVATEHOGSITAL Es-i-inge hy puppintmeul MIEET AANXORAY X-up Servie NIiXi..E imsN Cii issCiii er. CPS .and Gaut Surfeun Trl iceo TR t-MOl1 SN SI So nes eui-i l ed 475,350 Od4.0Miii-ftmoue iiihmiil.sNaus- DR. G. E. SYER LEGAL t tes5v thesvould tien n osto- Pheirion and Surgeon i .mz.mu mittNin dimn Ofriceir- Jameis Ssiret DICO, DICO & McWILLIAMS n,-i.,i-gm Si-mnt,-n-t len the CimitîrNu TO -5521 W. .DICK. Q C. Galrîorsget3KVY.DICK 7-n.30pm.P.« K. MeWiLLIAMS Coroneir Buri-sters. Soliiors Nu-h mi-i- Nrmeg13Brown-sStretopposite Arena iinni1i2 m arec- tmnit igmm- DR. J.W. McCUTCHEON Trirpisuse TO 8-4491 The ita' lGttmi-i-oi Ili Hum-e.1-4, 7-9 pes. T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q-C. lii n mii mi n is-memi mSmFi,- Telis m es0Tii8-9223 IBarrister, Soiitor, Etc. nsa, a - i Ommmo per-i B- s-i-sr Tii 0-9290 131 TeomusStInent tîmî-mmm i-- iishlioS liii.. g l i v iOn ,Milles - C5IROPRACTOR Ti-liphunerTO 8-6551 WM. G. RIDDELL, DC. GEORGE E. ELLIOTT O.C. liontar of Chiropractie i Barister.Solicitor, Notolrn Publie 3rtIsm Sît- lN ltuu OfGicîie nFari-em Building Oi- APpmut-uum i-mt ManIm Str-it.Mltos 1iii0Nl- Rsmm.5:,j N -MAY' Tn i.pliim TIt 8-9202 ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCN - .5tOUNTiNC. DAVIS AND BALDWIN L, BLAIR. ILA. B______________ laeisine. ,Sliciters, etc. erîsmetrr-ii s 1 i. C1.AI. l1Asel Nm nSt.i-Ntltone Siý,- s--i- MiIl ;"4""înoi- LEVER & HOSKIN 1IIGNE TO 0-9772 ATIN I isrerd .ccorruacis dM51 .~1'l'i: 197N -.'t4931 HENRY R. HOWITT mmm niOicninS iSn im.mmm.lniTîmi-.ntu 1 llimtmmr. SuIi-imm nie. ,11 i5i loiio jli125 M SI.Sd n-i tHtardware H ORNE & BOOTH Tii m-525 EMMANUEL BAPTISI CHURCH W cft mî-mmi-.CA; 5 ,ROm.iL.oohC A, I Oi>TONIETRIST 215 Cemin.l'h-i i T A S.S ieO A. CA. reantnn. Si-ni--i-ssiI Soms F. Sodi-oJi2t11ii mt St LioisumIs. NEI4 5851 ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 2 ighlims tt..mmamilieu,.«JA 270481 184 Mass St.. Milon ijrownm Nr aenny publicnouosubasnc ole-Sm. . .)\ . . y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~10 unaeoerosiimto b ihm.Pte IO u i-Seis eWsi- r mpli SINiI.Y. t-li I. 1950 ilmonithe enormo s cost of t-il--rteluRathe -myi i btOlelm-hmm bhe kind uf sernice Ibut peuple aelkely lu gel 7l1) us. eS Si-ndAelmu alNp uppeurs lu be tbu majur objection. Campbelllon CALVARV TABERNACLE Wndisunm1ýl li ui 4 15 Psi5i- IN B.i Tribune. Pesterosa tlilase .-siible tSuudo. 132 BRONTE ST. _____ ______ ____________________________ anluir. Os-n sosoC. Niair GRACE CNURCN SONDAY. jUL i*e.1950 ANGLICAN t IlIlI i mes Suedmmn Brimout Multes. Ontonio 1".00cm.-Mriing Wurhip Rectrsom Bm D.A. PuwenB 71111 pmo, EvneistiueSrvice. A Wrm Wriremc AmatsYVuu BUNDAY. JULYitl.1996 t'uebiubedlas tt Rest et altesSBUNGAY APTES TRINITY Ptilised u te ear etBalonST. GORRGE'S CIIURCIt. 8o(e().m.Hotp Commsuniun. evey Tbusdoy aI Main Bt., Milton, 0C Mme LOWVILLE il.oo a-es -lip Communion. idt Bureau et Circulations, tise C.W.N.A. and lise udNu Suedun ScoieorunEvnmg Si-r- ýues Divssion CW.N.A. Adnrtnung ases one ST. JOHN'S CIIURCB, vire durng Jutp sud Auguet. lmbsbernptocs papube in s dveo$30ouis CunadaNASSAGAWRYA b-US.A.Authensd as econd CmsssMuiut.CsI Oor: TeORnereed ROP.E. ipntesee, Otama. Ji-tare B.A. LTis FENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES G. A. Dis, Ediîor-un-Chuet SUNDAI. .tUîY.vît 1956 0F CANADA James Dlt, Masugusg Edter ,PiiNIlY V Cmmtunm Orn M._Clrsmetner Danid R. Dili, Produceioin Mansafer Si.Johns 1000 a-e, .MuSisanduedroun ued SUNDAY. JUYlslt. 199f by the Dillu Prieting sud PubituietCo. Lfimited Ceuchs-n Beot 10t)00 mm. -Suedap Bsueto. OFFICE TELEPHONE TR 8-2341lîSi.o. George'Z s î m e i.())e.i Mreeg Wuoshsp, Il 1.15a.m-Illy CmmuionandSenrvieuuin 100OF. HatlMain Si. j1 s- i-AsuAuiuui-suro miii Cbarteced Ameouetout 207 GDouglus As-r, Gahemulte Virtur 4-3756 SBiRVEVING, ENGINEERING JAMES & WANDABENSE SUR TE ORS Ontarie Lanrd tersapers COT CRDIT - Cri-soi-st O2034 Nisesn ciens eprau cust G. Wandobes, OaLS. Clunhemîs - TApton 2-0544 W. H. CARR Praferiosal Ongineer and Ontaneo Land lana-pur Geiosrgetows-s.Ontario Guel-pe st. Phlonec TOmosgtc7-3300 FBINERAL DIROCTOOS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME FueraI Ilomne. Ambulance Service CHOGNE TO -4452 NIGOT or DAY 1 Sincrsr.Courtrous Service i11lsunTO c8-9972res. TO 1-98 Tuns.dmu-undFiiduy mings Evrisu y ippoielmeel PUBLIC LIBRARY MOURS FOR ADULTS Musdap - -............ 1.30 Ce 5 pua, Tursdup 51.30-5 p es. and 7-9 pus, mrdnsrdup ..9.30 a.m.-12 noue Ttsnsdup 1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 ps.. Fidap _. 1.30-5 pes. and 7-9 pu. 1Sauimsdup- - -i.... 130-5 pu. Publie Bslialays net Inclsdrd BrSutol hidrc has-e separate heure. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN CACIFIC OAILWAY Standard Time Geuse Eoet-7.3f a.es.; 2.04 pu.; 8.12 pe. O ailp enueptBSundoy; Suas. day enly 9.00 pe. Gosing West-"i04 .e.; 8.36 p.ra.; i,10 uam. Dubn romept Bundap. CANADIAN NATIONAL e OIAILWAV Î Gussf Nerlis 1.58 us.. Geung Bosus-7.10 prs. Lý ýcýuîicli ýEws - t , PAGE Two E q ' 1 Sermon and Church School. All Welcoine THE CANADIÀN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1959.

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