Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1956, p. 8

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~L~POTLIG HTTH Items of Interest gI.an.d f rom the newspapers M ~~ - ~~ PAGE EIGRT ~THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TMSD.API thiB NEWS cf the district Fuel Board Rules Revise Original Esquesing Gas Uines Route Facem wilis stroof objections by Tise campany mill nom follosa toms and tiseoce ta Georgetown. a groap of Esquarsmgtfaeaers ta gas coladsand riay lirs inthe main Thei.brancislitrae tirActiiv teai pipelres cr'osssg tir'feld.sct auiandsrill iissaatsssir-iitlrz(tssrisiee.s iîuiitliiitslsîl angle, United Sabubsis Gris. Ca. 1alîrg cisceîoutes for rigist-o-aIssys tacthea- Lîrl 'lasîCnlioto le bas been ordered by tise Ontario ttraagisthies prapeelies along tise Tssoronto.-fondoniîfC.R.ceaila Fuel Board 1a revise ils original eoute. Lunieht o fom wigte r w plas. Esquesingecounticilas advismi by ietAcofrnthe. Tise peapety omneru registered tise company last meer thst lise The nesa praposal ammwees op- their peotest at a fuel board bear- route miichis s nom lkely ta ble position of farmeens haitetie tag in Miton last mondta and lise taisen milI peoseed front Trafalgar peaperties mould be sdveenely af board at tisaI time oederem a sec- townsip up tise Third Lise ta the fectmi, particularly for future iosu ond hearing sahicis tosis place in Hamilton - Allandale C.N.R. line. lng subdivisions, if gas pipelins Tarants,.lises follom tais linre ta Stewart- angîrd tarougis tiem. Burlington to Pay 25 Per Cent Georgetown Police Costof Nw Neson ighSchooi Force Now Five Men Cos ofNew Nelon ighNelson Trafford, a member a Nesncuiil bas fivers Imaasismicoancîl tapravîd nm tise Taronto sisly police farce foi ieeuon cause fiveryears, wmllibe Geargeto' reading o tas debentuce by-lam tisaI foot road la tiese ciool. Under lh iset h policeman. moulaI split tise cmlt of tise propos- by-lam, Nelsonu ssare of tise deis- mi higisssasrdmitis townsip res- ratures mas set s $90000 Ose of 23 applicants for a post idents payesg 75 per cent. and Bur- i_____ on as prsbationary constable, Mr of tise news ciool, including fors- ~ y.~r, ates ciosen fosr interviem for th( sisingu and eqaipment, mas set at 57 Appi y $2700 position misich ismli boas $1201,100. The by-lam nom gares ta 7aplcainsbv ar tdher ie toms police force ross four tc 57 pplcatonshae areay benfiveat menMe. Trafford mIl sersý Toronta for approval before cecese- recrived for tise position of Gais- mIs Police Chic! Roy Haley asa isg final pasaage. ville-Trafalgar hisgisaboiso princsp- ConabsJmeBlsramCi A deputatlan froa tise Barling- al. says D. J. Wlsan.wiso is vocal- f rae F a m n ces iseis. saChf ton Disteict Higi s Bhoot Board, isg tisat pasition at tise end of tisaobave beendasd tise job Inee, si consisting of Truster M. M. Robin- presciern i.ashtavnerpeein teavb isethli son. HugissClae, solicils-teand 0 f tise total. 21 applications are ils ils Oms force a year aga. G. W Johston, scretry-teasr fs principals and 27 frses vice- re. appearmi befoee coauscil. Mr. pessipals or departrmest heads. E Cleaver presenîrd tise boards case. Wilapasur,~r pointing out tirat it cost $156840.13Wila E.H u g n to rus tise present scisool tout year i withBuringtn cntrbutig $5.-Takes Council Seat 340kM for 400 students. and Nelson Maude Miller is William E. Hîsrigas. misa apensc $M»0.27 foe 444 papils. Aller tise r1 .. a lbm praictice sn Ooliagtotise 80 per vent. provincial granssmere O ut Of P-o itiCS .earssgorecesiced sa elaals deducted tise total sisare ta tis sess is to armer Ce. Frank munîcîpalîtîcu mauld be $34.730501 Wiat is nase isîsams ta inme Dsctrir. sci er'sgrrrvd bis cssros on thsefour peracent20-year bonds. Ouasirecies as'bstilianaires' si-ct reeatly. A fese minutes aftt Mr. Robnsosa d aIl tise papis Ram" mii!. astiistise ext 29 tas cecisM. M.Bos cissed sam wo wold attend the nce saolyears le '"ai mareisosises and mionras at tse eeerstninziirrasl would cme feasaNelson, mnîchi dcage".ssliscthapedcstraof for-meetrirg, Me. iftlîrera.srr tîrsis iad been drvidcdsintalieeezrnes: mer Trafalgare Caceilaor 'sts. s't crisesrrsvlandr'ssiicorrr Na, t. from Eat Flamiscra tatise Marisade Millee. haMaioraE. c WSrîîrlh GuelhLine ad bcamithe Q.E. tsssgetmtsf"cbrsa Me reio rs,rrrr e i a Way; 2 Godaish Lsne ta Teafalgarc uigle iei fiekiw Lnbelow tlhe Q. E; 3, aboc the rs .the ge.rt dseatse-,Mes. Ml nqiedhs vosii' Q. E ts atcpated tisat 4)0 lr wiigtrm Chtams. aNea ".Ye.lrian"'e rlrs'il thv youn studenst ram zace2 maaid atted isi Rsrsis ira been eeae trn nisi tise scisoal wicsis ae-speccid tirop-ri to Ssriatzrad. alsi redrctd 'Thtreorcrlisil,, I)tk fst tie.s snveillt epember. string"-cmrmreer i evepirpc.it '.vc!s' ei." MrvrrSouth. s"Wienwe wet ta Tcronto'ev e recvelr'of Me r. crrrira s il uni luit tl. asied apprrra.l ft reaiscl tr'ac- Zumracrpaaitluured chaisrinrcsai 00v, surle srsrI. rarr cammadalo 6000 siadeati, ."Rite o th hîrrîsîet.stri. lsrurm ic-ssuiui r. si! truiciv ha, insuassasd. -The Dvp'reiien o ilul s criisrll r icrlur i 1r i l nu ils. r i h usîlitshouidie 8(>D becZIerieriee'l rovi. IrtIl,i r. se5 li masid bho tuleissIla i v i rit e ri u l hae c) i1'" 1-o e. l'i chapir trrlrsld 0cru i5 111-t . , !I thari l, i basis taar(,ci tis a s ' b 1,'eues, rl iii vî geansis rarlil ru ', lt.r lt f" ý'ersý*11ý,ý,>11,.,l,,ý,ijt ,,,O akv*lle's Snow --wc "Ili- r. "ri.eur i:CostComesHig[ lrin toiar. ts '1,11.v us.i l r - havilrvur i l -!!;r su rrl-i M.rf i ruang ts rls, h, ss gc_,i l I I, us (,r.Il musseiy.rites Cclri ýc;i , cl ite Irf the Ttieurs5oMtola no sIdes rf itiirsulu'ii niuuii'i' " 5.' Occil Ise casuiciumars. ire uns (lu iri,.lis.!i urus. 'un disluiiaditocs îlvirrum iith( I. icc.stul ui ;IrLI, tA semacsci mc wemîgisi husa pirrrl l ncuirs Mes iSleor i. Oi, refosica tirgo tlv t ssad o lviii"' r' el 1 ....'Ici)iii iitc. !t. 0 Trustee oinsson asssevd v osavi t-eevvv eul riil(,h,Vels'r riicri,,, iicels]ir NewSat., ilbrsgh thcer mas noarscldl..vser-aluusrselterrurîs ,lusrly il,,Igsthou-,s indicaionofstisaeaactlrrcation.tevr.lit. rvs.rs tlrlrvr...... Nelson Desires Bill Rescinded They Reach For Life - Nels on coune il bas decided ta te- Topic in Study Book qoest lise Ontario legiolature ta Mirs. Tam Mitchell was hosteas -rescsnd lits bilt awaeding about 80 ta tise Blair Evening Auxiliary on acres osf township lsnd ta the City Wednesdsy evening. Tise peesidient, of Hamilton clone mith the annes- Mes. Hambly. opened the meeting stian af Hamilton Beach and a mils a pilem, Tise Christian Job, steip of Burlinglon. The action of fotlowect by a hymn and Lord's cousicit mas baued an tise complaint; Prayer in unsn. Mes. James Bayn- of Ce. Waltee Chadssick that the ton led in the sceipture eeading. townsip cosnil didsnot even re- a'hirhscas read respomively. Ms. ciea lettr fromlise gostresment Roger Mahos offered peayee. ;e as.issg foisilesolulrssfl bbe pot 1Tise tapie i.sis-ssfrssstise study ,lt,1 ti ugh>cls, sic osuis uat incesr boo, ClThe ssviforseLie. aas led It tzýi.eabv Mrs. Web, asscîril by Mrs. S. ,Y Sponsord by Cr.Chaodwicktise Cramp,Mrs.Ramssaw, Mrs. Hen- rourint decided tai have Reeve Har- dorson, Mes. Watson, Mes. C. Mit. aId Adis write Hon. William A. cisell and Ms. Asndews. Tise sub- ieGoadfellow, msnister of municipal jeet mas a conferene of women aI eir afasiswarepmbeorte a cisurcs meeting. This wau a very a-provincial tegisltîon patting mortismiile subjeci, polnting ast ta le btrogis tise asora atissisoo!tise cvery membrpreent tiscie peivn- Beach aes. asking hlm toi rescbsd ege and duty as a cisureis member, tise action sabirs tiey saab in con-, In tise absence of tiese uceetary. e necîson wsis aîîacisg a psece lise s.R. Maison gave tise seceetacyns Nelson an Hamilton Bay la theeport. *Reports mere eeceived fram. City of Hamilton. tise melcome and wetfare eecretary 'We id ot een ecele a l-and supply soceetary. Tisere was Wr dd ns reo ec eveael-a discussion on tise bale supplies tee feom tise goveroment asising for onsuggecstions were affermi 10 a resolution to lie paltihraougis. oise tiseisole a tittle better tisant r5f wisen tise goveroment derided tait ilomnesimes bas been. Or maise tise change, and me ccrtainly Tise suppty necretary, Mes. Mar- n't connot understand tiseactsosaf tise tirrpreivngeuecrd cssversmentin patting tisroogis a t. Mers te aningFrseud a nl I lit ilsl of tisutype. taisgfrom one msdrsdedla oni orosaand i Jr. mansespality and g iving ta anotiser,tis e ixdiesaffotinerm aasen t.ý witisoot givisg lise municspalty a il ~5fortis bale. Tise colt catI se chanoce ta disess tis matîr setis i.earas asmredeby 17 ladies using .t tisera. tise resalatcon sasd io part. tise mord, Hope. Tise offeriog was to dedseatmi by singing lise Dooology. ','GIad joli Culture is MrsRams5haws0, omea pgie b l;HotcutraIToi Wisaever Maises a Garden. Thse rh, ortiultual T pic meetsigmwa rosedmwitisprayer by ic Tise eegular meeting of tise Msl- Mes. Marîjîs. saiies mas foltowmi laaaoDsslrctHalscolssralia socaialbhalfisaue enjoyrcjby ecty m-as eldrat tseisigi sacioal ons Tisrsda e eves sîse Mes. D, Dowsse Iertemed tise largoeosaîb. C .ofa imemiser and frcnds. e tLadies' uîid Makes Lvnnanad boy MeKerr eachistiai ln tier sosngs mîtis Mes. A. Galloaay ea, Program Pln vvivprvat teoi Oni Wsdcesday evenrvg, Aprit Il, rc Mr. F. McNives stir,teîî5sest MNI i Stepiseci Ladies' Goild isrld ils is: Sve'tingmisoave.lavee interrt lsii-rottly meetngilthrihomeaof 'clrig talk on Gladioli culture ansd Mi .Joihn Bis-urî tcshoe liielsamr e.ritisttifu dia rit of Mrs iiRissell eiini.ted latiri )M_ Grtiolsand rithie tluiaees ' v riii'vr lir ilie ,rirravlivc te., Co fIlo. pictise ssii ris vii take , andcl aniîls %ies ( i lii ised r ur thre l M, I. W. loitir r unuia o bIreertedý MI icshardsron thsrakril Me. Tlircriiri 19'ladrs pesritand lelS--,il ngan Ir lui.ioptionsof euose ic, rlrs-ourri ofrist.itiIi'svi u- ous hi vsnssii'hiIl Il on 'Il iido-i1.i l' î ii' siwo icn , ii iiloii rofit ifisisiitý ' "le, C(laekeMrs.W. Frdiandvil l,lli,,llt,,il-eiir oirolrliiir .'i 5 %VSteuncer.iOi ii.sire BUYING A BALER SE SFRTHE DEAL OF YOUR LIFE, New Holland 66 or 77 RICHARDS FARM SUPPLIES LTD. CASE and NEW HOLLAND Sales and Service 30 Market St. HAMILTON JA 7-1771 Guelph Highway Fo.t of Clappîson Cut JA 9-1461 LUCKY CUSTOMER D RA W FOR A -KITCHEN CLEA VER SET- LAST WEEK'S WINNER: miss c . R. 86501w LARA HARTLEY King Street Ne h T U N SAFETY, COMFORT, ECONOMY a- 1 f, i. i . 55l îtili I ii ilsr 'l urE5 ' In ilrur ,s 155555 "u i' uîi i Ot lu. r I. \'lli- .. 11u sur suri rgs al lr rurur i r... ils'ssrIn p ng Ail 1 .... I k.rr.rîîrîi.î isr' .srrtiîîand' #VO&-N# O DLARGE'R A1Ae c crote stret MILTONte oniot fhosPho.ye e vn Rp8-6402 thSahHepClRd.OROM, OBTLL 9 P.M.eeFRIDAY, SATURDAT TpLLe6 Type and Scope of the Canvass FOR JHIF MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL In ceder 10 esîse the $600,000 wvive6 s the cobjective ocithe Milton D strict Hospital Buiding Fund Campaign, and ,,hich au1 bc cidsvt- ed from May 5th-May 2511h, 1956. An organized intensive individual face-to-face solicitation of the entire population of the Town of Milton and designated population of the Townships cf Esquesing, Nassagaweya, Nelson and Trafalgar in their homes, pledges ta be made over 156 we.k periods begins May Sth, 1956. Those wishicg tai assist sn this hurmanitarian effort will be refereed to the Chaieman of Ilseir local committee by merely phonirrg TRiangle 8-2376. Remember this hospital is for you and yours. You owe il bo yourself, your farnily and your friends t0 help. THURSDAY, APRM 26th, IM i Rmr9rmmà"9r PAGE EIGHT

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