Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1956, p. 11

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fie ftuabiau ëhlkampîon Volume 96. No. 48. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1956 Second Section 55 Compete in Amature Night HORNBY COMMUNITY park is shapicg up gradujally as voleciteer worisers foi] c their spare time gettieg the landl rcady for a ceauti- fui tree-ined commueîty centre. The top photo shows a bulldozer pullicg down one cf the trees whîch had to ce ,oced. t the Iow- er phcoo youcg mec are shcwncuctticg rhrouqh a felleci tree mîrh a power tam. Mac.palaticg the machine are Bill Thompsoe and Arnolcd Howdec. The park wiII be 12 acres ie suze Inteie1947-54 tteeîed tares iing The dtteceece eni elitctiCe- csts inCanada ieceicd b47 8tc'ies L.kes Scperir andErie is percenot. priees of equpmetuand cty 30tet.e'hile the dtteee eateras used bytcarmees iserec h'etseeLakesEre and Ontaioeis est by 45.7 per cees. 327 tees. PERCENTAGE TO DATE 53.330/o 50%- 40%- Crowd NeE Neson it',ît (,î f A't,,'lliltlllii coi et Agrieutur ile, c grand suc- u ss nthse -ce sîtf citîi'as s c cerned. Heid Fridey night ie Fair- rien' coce, Lowiset, tihe eenieg prueîded t hese ss'tchieg sith c stloetefu 1 care t etofpregrate ti atista'lfet frntage s xteh60 Tise progagece tes rii'ed sets, Sttcnitatli,t'ci iltllceandiit gieg. aed a tpeccî.îtchistfor gectuptsi ttceorrec Etteîs'eîeri'eitted tre, cîts f penrot,îqs, e t NetcsontFeierîtîî, .îîî,t it Di.' ideîîn, ceaity prlie esit, s',cits aifeit'sos'lddtîingthe tictelits Clîttîrd W.îîte utf L,îsccitte ccted as Mîcter iii Ceree,,iis. The jîîcge ,,ere, hIs. Ltî,,îd cr,.str, et £Xispettcitte aid MB, tt M .cie- te the'jutsior cet.î'.'or hie licciii, eas andttd si, t hî el Iciniig Wer l iiiivi: in. teeetc ,,Dit et. 1, tlcette tteC.îtne dncean instrumietlt, Cîîîdy Parker. tBor, 'ieeetowell icile anded cceît iot. Bre,'da Cottieg. Sesu,,Daisi. iRose- "l're C,îttig 'tri','alid Stiree Iithe'itt'cl'tlcastcr i,,îs 10ttoit3 ears. cîeserss'cere:piaîno Agnentttose, Chalees Ates. dli", and instrumetatl.ODianectDawesulant Steetse Keett. Rth tîUmetti,' sittgisg ced eteesîtîse. Karen, Tie ne fad iae Wt'î..tîlîî ttîtî 30%] 20%] _____ ____ ____ ___ 0%j BUILD FOR HEALTH MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITJ ta serve MILTON und HALTON COUNTY TOWNSHII DONATIONS AND PLEDGES TO DATE A Neerman Asseton Acre Ateeeaft E.WSF. Anesysseas Anasymeus Mr. uand Mes. Kenneth Agnew Cart Il. Asojngh n Mr. and Mes. M. J. Brawe Me. and Mes. Win. Bisheidge W. P. Itaite-y Mes M. .i.lîey G. C. Browns Bath lederut Ltd. J. Cuitas M. and Nis E. B. Cteenets M. anest NesAles ('sets Ceetinge Beessery Me.,lDosgtas <'tuek Me. and Mes. Llotyd tDavis A. M liesjaedinen Me. ced Mes. Neit Destin Me. and Mes. Wiliam F. Dukeq F Me. and Mes. John T. Feasse Me. and Mes. Thom"sa uel Me. and Mes. John T. Feasse Me. and Mes. Thoemas Faut G J. Goutdlsg Mr. and Mes. David T. Green H Paut Hahn Mes. NoashHusitton HawthornerCotetion ,Me. and Mes. Ronald C. Harets Mise Zetta Harris Hawthornee Lsdge liesnlitrhrnck Dl>ud Hlsses Me. and %Mes T. A. Hutrhtesss .. W. Ilaris lie W. lassals lDr. . Lleetsp JohtiE . Htllt Ass Jankeissre Arthur .Johnson JuioiseFeeseres (tiatos) K C'. Kennedy KinseirCl'tb Dre. Leslir Ring L London tifr lsseeanseeCe. C'. M. Lancaster Mur MarNai ansd Sen M l>î,ssu %I(-Iaughtins Me .snd Mes. l'euek MvNive T. Maesh lr- ansi Mest. A. Martins Me. cant Nes, lDes Meeitt Mtittons Hardoare Mo'dees Atptliasseen Fart Mogussv Miss Miegaret t,eotii Lue Jise legg Mr. ansîtMes. Nettes ilkett Dllgas IPoesI Rogcr fil Ptsicy 1.,I. Robiertsoîn Nlg. <'e lts. IL Rotary ('tait Ramshase I taranre Ageser THIS IS AN AVERAGE PLEOGE 0F $77270 Scotcrh lock W.l. Mre and Mes. Arehie Service Me1 . and Mes. C'hestere Service MlissFrunres Smith lie ted NMes. t'.K. Steveneon ti r. ent Mes Gearge E. Sye Satadu Tes NIer. and Mes. Arnold Siervice Stafford Foods 5.id. Gleorge titater Tor rnt l-t',L'isitei 'lîssosere Mushtîeîîîe ii. ltd 'Toronto l5ieh Uîtei Brick nd'avsi Wnrees ot Asîreire, Local 793 l'sdeeesiiid I.td. l'Uiedst ,uirhan GCo '. W Atseet tWallis IL. R. iti 7 IL Wehhee Art E. Wils INCLUDING TOWN AND TOWNSHIP GRANTS, ALONG WITH PLEDGES FROM INDIVIDUALS, BUSINESSMEN AND INDUSTRY, THE AMOUNT PLEDGED IS 53.33% 0F THE TOTAL REQUIRED. a r 400 Seetç clno Ariene McAi,tli ce.Sesm Fieter and Aeatiee Buttes; dance aed issnstetlFrankis Belc, Gordoen Nixon, singise ced ctcc,e- ioe, Margaret Wattace,.tise Appee1 be QurterNotes. S Program .f leiîe'lic scjuirpiies. toi îlsdeeIlyears, were wonhy he Ceuson famite and the Johestoue cirrus. Tise SairveesRhythettes woenthe senior greopprizoewic the Caespbelleite W.t. takieg sec- oed prize. Season Sta rts Satu rday Angling InterestGrows impatiî.îfent utictere ccaiiithfîei,îîd inthet.îisan sde ms .î """'" îitîý,' sec'if,'t,,,,t sv. a ,iieith iss'sMter ,aeeiti iOnti,îteî h'tîîcd'î.A pet "a5i.lfy "eofiliiite" iii the.îsgf licftc E.Mîîfeî.,,î.,t"cies "rs Atii28,. lifg ile 1\1iiiîco'tLandsiu andtiiiît,'îic ,tt.,'t tiec'ised tîeitasthcesm'in, rijeî't- tir '. ti'e tit. sport flstiietiiive , wt'siitit.'lieentrît, Ai,,sei i tti .ît abiît tsrecie tîs l,1 trîîît acni Kamloopeîs taot. casr'v l,' it ,iîdtest ,ýlisfrîtt. Ooesî,tîîic ir Att.antic s.ît,,î o.Tiseres iàlihce ttraten i S eaN g-thof nteest i tîrheC,,,etý, îft ttliiisittce teeeAI) SteiIcci t ttce if 28tri 0 t,,tct'e5. an ne,îIsti -Prvice is c tic' Lmt,, "flc.tch rci," ,Spî'ekli'î th Fieae iecnetifceit lie- t ouitît o e itan edsttinesuin .ieiseit i i utfit shistg ic. l in he; glgiii ic, tig ic ddtimef air i pobaly oretisce37511(jt1t fics1itpeends ex"cpt in Elgin lai er hug itnal fiures fîr Middreus d Norfolks refntîce' Tisr*anys anî incicat ioa, lide th dditii nie e ,'tsrtei'e.itodr i.îs tlttheugg'e'g.iteeisnei orîteenlfe tegc.îuaîtg ntrstusintî.ntîieepccedeî Rut lesStc ts fine îbdt ieofthe a tteve incises. o-bl an ng ondtion ti be Browns treet. Aseea rutet. ils Ccc' ce Kamesisî treet -fiverte iledieîtics iscc sis cOuananicher',Atlantic s nuis ,neeins,ne day I fîrsi fins taises,. tLaise trîîcifiverinoedas' fosesio ,îîot shali eut rec'ed on-dItes cth.,',cthis mt, ir tsdfire,,, tp "t hetîf île ceîd i,., tîp if lii'fîties e,,,,îpretsed. AnPhgtîg ireese f,','saler.nn cesîdet, foiitr eit elsi, scsc rt".îdeet 'Proicilt tarest ieî f225. ,'î,e f 'f aitoa,tî $325 ýlîsîdret. escîfît etîder ri e f ý 'l'ri rîot-eideit tietise îge ,it 17 ,îî.îe'îv ete l, ih,îî i c e c %,ti, î,eîep.îied he i eenîer l'f lie tintf i C,, istîtît . ilc n e roi, Il t, '.itî'tio iietcti eîn-r,îîd- ,ýtteiîî'ii,de nl,', catchs 'f the 2 Ttîîîd .morer than on ee Tiie,' ,s'îeds rîeord î'htt tt tel icin ,,,,tise Nîîîîgî,en R ceîgiscd IL, pcîîedc The averaige. iseeris tees tisan osec pcîed, e.ieticrot'ey ite otetiere ert 1l.eîigh tc',î lid tisre-petîndeet circ nt cnnim nn orus e t ctsernsparts tf the Peecînre Espeeienreît tefers say thrit itt Agonqutin Purs. t6e cites cnts of Tort,eîne oseetOnturîo sfaner- te fîthtnstsi, tiseepeing werri. ed peîîtife teeldsidte qaiteie numeseof teîîeituhaen mrigis' esoreiiancapsaed tedaofese ,erris e ir. atest doble tisut weiht. 13 Grass Fires Whilesii ct teei s sa huer ose toe Milton fîrmrs ehes j) riiess te ieokiîg atter grues fjres tisai et ciii ef iscsd, ieeresstis e ecS mus hibsy tise fer tîremeesiiresgisooi ALtis oe os, f ther ceunis'. Miltes firesen repoeiedtece tiers. us dîd Georgetown,. and Bor- Jitnegien isd isso. Ouhvilteo ced IPS Trafalgar tes. Arien isudocee PROUD LION made tomne 60 yeurs aqo le one cf Ceespbellville's lucdm3,hs Strccfclîîq thse lice je Zecîphie Goîce, 14. The picture wass ci naSauerclcy feature sn the Telegrues, aiccq mîtti a short s tory c t 1e cvilage. Children at Play Vuinerable ta Street Accidents, Cites Safety Chidre tp Yac pu cetarti.ê h leal isre ccidets,ace- 1iting iîi'îthceifhte 15spet- ldîîeca,t-.rt1îrg t,,tise AttCaada, hl1 1hflîî,ti' bci'î 4itaut.igitthe entes î CO NE1 tf;11l ftit' th te ealitet possihte bat zt oie ndatscoo., TIIE POWER 0F FRAYER Ac*îîdiîic t" eciets eperts. tise Th.t"-s-.eetiig" ehicis hepe you lîit ttateîtte î,ethîîd itsuis tog rommserdîeg away 'îîîîdeaiti"istsetcths'parents.Tisey Fîsîteati proerism hirisenter 'ciimenctItleetolite, sng prerauti cecelite l'isIsteseFaîthis testcilii) na guide t, Crousestreeeiony ut je terte t- focr acis day les uandcstee'isrensigealtisgrree.Te relace t once aU Inward 2 Altwa' ,îs okt,, eisht acerft etrife. tîctî,e cee.snstîr eee t. sr e ecefg tIus lioreeelTise,'t steriey daye serin te teasen 3, Bee sîtîip ce oe cff eseefegîi sor jes', ý,chiles.Jst errait that prayer iaught je cour youth, 4. Neeî plat cehisd parised Tii eeret citriais s'eue great Talus 1r1iels o cktes. deroy 5. Wateci cu forcaferrur tre-But forrîr fisclofîse te Godas ieg corerseoreestng oetioftanes trutis. lied drivecavs Tisatia tiochlijz 6. Nevercc cseisacbhitor ther tes' ic, tiesretiec. COMBINED SET-UP ti. Be iiet caret lceosieg LA TUQUE. Que.CPt Astres sterte e i n et or etippry eY stier; twoetercebilding le under crn- etrs ecqîtîe greter stoppieg disi. eteoctîis er te houseait district cncieise rouds are stippees'. effices o erderai goeccest de- 8. Whcrc tiseer arr ne nîdeesatis.putteete wa'iiis tcieg ocoesieg tcuffi r ut_ _ _ nirtît cares* a fiasttigist or nsoe otfadisrton nop- readlv-isibe wite bjet. ution etftthe Irdecci Departmeetof 9i. Wclkti eand fenoisoot isy National Reveue, tise tuerotteet- if, rert reuter, cern if it s tise îeg drpartmeet. isestiesatedaî$59.- isegres.se06,000 n tise oesing s'eue, te 1939 f0. 05ey thc policesae; 5e is on tise total ces) cf this departesent d,îtv te gurd voile utc. secs $10t.1660.iii ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON PRESENTS IN PERSON... THE INCOMPARABLE GRACIE FIELDS IN AN EVENING 0F OLD FAVORITES MILTON ARENA TUESDAY, MAY lst 8.30 p. m. TIC.KETS AT $1,50T EACH AVAILABLE NOM FROM ANY ROTARIAN, OR: SELRITE STORE ROSS STORES S. A. FAY & SONS NORM GUILD MOTORS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR LEDWITHS F00D MARKET McKIM HARDWARE MERRITT HARDWARE MILTON HARDWARE MILTON DEPT. STORE PARK FARM DAIRY CANADIAN CHAMPION TRAFLGANELSON ESQUESING NASSAGAWEYA TRAFALGAR ESQUESING

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