PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 1'HURSDAY, APZIL lth, mua besl boy because îhcv arc: i. Nexi 10toCS 10inappeariioce 2. Mechanically reconditioitîd 3. Safety-Checked for perf'ormanlce 4. Guaraniccd by yasar dealer 5. Fitîcot valse lfor yosr nonicy NOW! Fargo offers 3express. models! * Easy to handlel * Easy to Ioadl * Easy on gasl ! Easy to buyl1 111..,. i.. r îîeî,î. ingscdLýndvoeiers andfriens, K..'M.,.,.,le- î~ .>Me . aid becs Steward- K,.' Th,- ,c-tî'ary la tîs as hp ecrury ofthe Auiiary and --ladrol.,.. h.'. e.a outre- hr. ori'ook t.) tl,, i.'inmihes.The WMNIS. rn-be h.nored Ms l i'mdnti .uggestud'i..'l'. 11ttry Grar Vif,,,d uon this uese .uî.dlhave'10ip cen. ctipion.a of aicei %asaihday asion, New Forgo 1/-ton express illustrated-olso avoilable with push-button automatic transmission. CHOOSE THE ONC YOU NEEDI %,-TON, 108'-V;heelhase mo"t bas 8'-ittg, 49-wide body. 2 ITON,' 116'-Wiitlbatt mtdei .'s 90"-itiug,54"-wide bdy. 3 1-TON, 1251"-whsibatc model las 1O"-Iong, 54"1-wiiisbody. (Iiipstri' turgi. fî'.i..,es for,î.s .ii-a outIvalu. NEW higher powerl Ther riglt power and'i(> Lis-rgh t ruc a'lsuve yii, tise on eery trip.. 12-suit riî-.'rî.'.î rysteis nîrun fuste-r startiîîg, gre..r espacity for acceemories. NEW bigger payloadsl 5,000 ibs. G.V.W. ho 46,000 iha. G.V.W.; ais ho 65,000 lhs. G.C.W. t Fargo 6's and V-8's from t25 ho 220 hisp. can hiiiiile tisebig liisoitlîruca! Moîre îayiud, nire proiti, tiir tripi. NEW handillng easee ShorlesL turnille trucks of al! I'ovoer hrakes avuilablîi, ai mos.deis! NEW ChaSSIe teatureSl lus- crrumed ,aîîsîity uirisîgos ad asies oni maîîy mîîîels! TUiiv-ou tires .îeuîilîie! Lsarn how Fargo trucks can sovr you noney 1 mot phosne your Fargo dealer 1 Chryoter Larpîuelianîf (Cai.iihi, Liiii'ii WATCHCUMAX EHOWE OSTRS WEKL ONTV. CHECK YOUR sEWPhRt5CeFOl AIE AND liME. ftRfl TDRUCKS... biît ta fit your job! ~ 500LES 5V.W. TO 65000 LES. Ge.CW JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE MAIN STREET MILTON PHONE TR. 8-9942 I two signs that say best used car buy!' W behind this sig n A the solid repuation of yourJ Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer is your assurance of sales and service satisfaction ai ail imes. You can rely on hlm to show you the best used car and truck values-always identilied by the Safe Buy Seal. you'iI see this sea I only on used cars and trucks that oualify as voue Iroosmgioses CsIdhb onfised . i Can't Have Boa rders in South ta omerilareau id' hatKnox Church Evening Auxiliary Trafalgar Homes; to Study Further ailoea wste aeinisOak- Hears Mrs. William McPhadden Did yas kss Ithal Laihîg huasrd- lokstir whî.s h.clsos irieid 1hat 1 eThe April mesetling ef Ksss 1h,,,thins sshail bc added ant er oaTaagrbre ol e mzrln oss 1]d roomaI.g "Ithesld days, when fasilies Chih Eveniig Auliary as held y05s.and "Let yisr ligh sashinr !sit sithe polic e allisg and ask- hiaouse ..eal.. m i sR3 aras, in Mvcoýýreallîjofm Asdsze" us 1n he Saday ahil roai st15,1 huIs nshat they inay se ysar in o aqi riigtelw1Sh Trh'lafalgare. MyrW'la1nero,"he old wvo.kTh meeting look the lars, gsdnss." Mrs. Andersn ,siiluded Ifgyoudstsilh areinelsolslks tosk in hsamiers alter Iheir al apotlcs pper, and at6.30 .rs. hee devltosal wilhprayer. if ysu idnt, ss areis gs ch hur of révélation camne with ,wn ehildren had gsse on theirOail the sivîhr saldvs1 4,e- MEaChhh sîdadte ,aispany, as seither did Pl ice In- ihé esssultantlo repart on hais ta may." Thes hie added philosophie- *.,t,., taa dlié gsiseva er,hoMis iam Mdc-th spelsr Harry Wilsn,.osrChair- ,ontrol hsardisu hauses in RA arsalip, Whst hartsavoas dos, ta any- 'Ou"1h, pessiu.a a esape, hadsa, v sys ailiam MEe-t mansEMurray Inslrr of theOak- 1 as. Ha,esimedaioshad brea 1ý" t h,' concdusîionofhaee a! 1,hatheersiwsgasXilrY. HesE ville -Trafalgar ,Bete Plaiis5h .ahd byTrafalarCssCul. Trafalgar IspectEr Wisnsaid th, pré rssidet o ihaofsh"!at te ais i t inirs ands noard vohaliv,,51 1h EiuNîh Ranasiedid the consuitaint rec- pice hart neyer bres sshed 15 iai, ,,sdicg, falliaod h h ig hsgtpbaig.Oeae 1L-se Nrh. arse dahalutîh raangr urge sissers sf sislgle asoly isg Oth, hyss, Wssderel Lave. her tapie, Whee the Crsss Leads Threuini ai 5 aréguaionss hbcullre,tal- dwelIingSs nSousth Trafalgar t1Ein-Thi..-o1, as o1eid d y a prayee hy' Hame. Fiais eterrssa.yChap- J!, il.' 1,,h hi .....Ph.., i t- l- e,, t. .1... ii.... 1,01 i il ,, i ki e'e,.ii,.s'dst- iggi fi l'hat 1l', ii uIl I>..,,i,'i'raii,Pi aliffis iiB.,i ..î, ..'.i.,...dthi',.'-h', ,_,,,_'l Mh,, .e'hacieame hardesprbrnii ealo, i ogse, tehs mgbo sasdt tT ralasrPlannsing s..', aI h ae --esg iih,,isid lWh isivess hayîcam ,North Trafalgar, liais 5oneiicoeiiiold busa as eid shes the , adTpnhiesuel.uine 1-hbimeina______1.Wlkn i y as siosiirihsof he Ddas iîghv.y, risraeespiedi10 percenst.of the - is May, asd ta haive their articles 2îMy ways ar nat yaseisys. 3. 1 the sonne dids'1 uîuuiv soith uf thei îpsce.If Trafalgar sossird ta heep Higheui issustain in Canada east as hasd. It voade,îdrd that h, ais he vay. Dssdau Hîghvoay. 1 he issh-ah55ced lasdlords usder sf Aberta is Ciqse Msuitais in Aaaliîaey cal,, for he Peeshyterial Thnaptrr ashshts "This is a haisshhii." sddvii Me. srier,, 'isril. hîîrdisg and Lahrador, 6,500 feel lases Ma.alaetngta cstis n 1, aM isd sna i Crist as brasdsta- ai Ceissoa ,adsuumSsal îg as He seared the cross. There of. hritma cads a a eanofmer, ther nihlijal men isentioned, raisingisasey. 1and how they asoo alkrd with God. Repasive readisu iaiiavoed, tah- Thes thi.,, ai us voho are Chrîstians un tiamt'siaîs urasd ive, serceuminded hasswe tss can alis The deeiitioaa part ai the pro-' siih Gad aiîhsagh h,,, are masy geiamo as, tahes hy Mes. elu, An- pitfalls asd distractios.s Whai are dei'aiis, ah.. aî,,s,-d vith asBilhe Gid's'y, I amthe Way. This is verse iii.a'ed he as sppeîpisle' h, Way Walh y, in i.' Mrs. Mc- hyîîîîî and Seiniiinei eadiag. Phadden'tuld (Iiihuis Christ is 1he Thé Ie o r ii M'Aiidir'es de- Shepheeîi asd ieads his ship, ai- eîîti,,,,.l wsThie eeiBii,peinl thiuhh way tthe cross isrought 1ieiluipiiioa SîîuîI .S.aeS - ud îiuîeh ad iîîseiy.Mrs. MPhad- Iauîiigi..i he thniu i.S,khe ldeisen isnded lher address hy a I ' tI,, liKuî9iîl.,,iu.i1iG.,d and ail iiiailY puea esiîiied, Is ihis 1he Rw.hi Raad Hais,"' 1M.s. Haroild Mage, ialsmed hy aSlgig er e rstîtifly as apprsp- Thompsons Honored 1 lit ,,ia The Way af h, Crs,, LuacîlHomue. ITS FOR YOU By Cburch Friends 1 IS". 1) ,exresd h M-i 'undli., ii'ded a.présent- ihansuoathé Aauxiliisyta Mirs. Me- Miton District Hlospital is for pou and pours. Its for ain nS, hiSti'ihi'es eh,.. ..h.l'hsdideni The meeing W,,ason- pou sohether pou are six days or 90 years. It's for ' svuTiu.eiht forMr*eiîded b he 1hsiigigofahyiss. pour chiidren and pour grandiparents. t's for pou. anid e er,eii la BeuThimps.pîa, h, ]] 'idrst cojg ryr rn No other community service affects everyone as much Mai Pi -:r.seaie eahieoeso piieril ,i . il pr ze fii..p AScoronesil as Milton District H4ospital. At a time miten minutes ,ueew on ii hisi' Cliii Hnter ansd Atro nA xlary count-at a time miten serous iliness strikes-at a time Oes, S......diiso Mi, Keîî Elamin sohen old use takes its toIt, Milton District H4ospital BillHi ai.,e.h ,v,'Obssiii Mserves Easter wudsadreadp to ease paie tupooq ie.pie. ,. K. O.Fsie. Charles St. wouldstan andprolog lie. iRohert (I.. deiugli.'d eeî yo.ce .ruh îiaips ta 1h, Afteesson Aus- But it îs up to pou. The contribution pou make can be a oeih i. is ,esraîui,..a speeh as i'. iiary. WMS iolS. Pasî's United tohen rift or i c an represent a sacrifice thaf the wap of thiie i..d.u, en..Me Thîop- i . ,ti ThiîeîdayAprîl 12. Il asdit.uhrluiotiuiighinig oair the Auaiiisry, the Easter te future may be briqiter-that the wap of the fut- h, la'.. Id wvo.d .Soe'si hat lia,.d ahservanceevoeting and the pra- uemyhotd more healtit and more help for those who Lai heh.urh,'h':fil'eureh'nd hu gam maeriuuprepuredby theO- eure issrie.Mmahm pe u éntémiinBadWM..wsta s reqaîe , l claps O eehr.e ed ta.rvoaeshup asd seriptural rsd- No. Milton District Hospital is not being built for sorrie uc11; .S a 'iuniziin.vhurh ail mevohers partue.p- mpsterious Thep". is heinq built mitit pour heip for iOn bih .11 of .11 1h,'-ebr,ýý td MsD T alwygv yo.The contribution pou maise establishes the ctent i Steliilu.oi ii, i î p uied thi.le.adesohip. The Résuretion theise of facilities ttat cao be provided. The tospital's salue Mehn..... lu.table,.and 11 wadd aaisii ep aduilte s oe ta pou s ie pour hands. 1h,. v.' ihîur.'lait l,, it, "sradb .. . eded iîîitheiglt , ilp'oi, odhS"ful,-tiu.u eaitii,liareedeedvwas sssg Cas the rural and antan community couet on pou to ngs %ilV u.,,, i l o Iee hnko v .K. O.F.oie. Mes. Gallo- play poar part-tc, bear pour sitare of sis project? Tho .. u 'i. .1 .. a î,.,î.î,. and Mii F.Hans'sed. W.ll voua e proud of pour part ishen te Milton District l, i MI' G hingaa nesu ded lar the Hcspitd i s complerd? Meia C Ma a, ',il Lvey 4-H'ers Brave F I1 i..ý.M .sMaxwtue el eary -'GIFIS TO THE HOSPITAL WITHIN THE LIMITS PRE- 4H r rv o 09 eMsinEceiieScrtr SCRIBE') 8V LAW ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR Eec 15 Ofies Ih.utDoaniuon . Iuias lSd tNCOME TAX PURPOSES th, Auxiilii 4 ily in -lounute a ief ru in, -t 1des gth ýI ie,'l,î,o .ith,' latas Preshet- Ml... u*i ,I î . h.-il u we, ,llgt, ,edui d y severat nire, l,,u,îuSiPuautls Uited 21 ,,,',., the ii., ilIand Dui .1..,huih partvoeoti.irepors w,re 1 «'«ih ... ..i.,og '.,fi.ff,.,.q tnMneoW R G .ihan.ohoe pasî Il