PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIU THURSDAY. APRIL iAth. 1868 LOWVILLE CLEARING bredd je Dec.; 1 Holstein row, bred 'pitures; hanging iamps; heaters; A IU ION SA E nriJan.; t Holstein cow. fresbened cook stove; copper and taos tea si Feb.: t Holstein nom, flot ttred; kettie, over10 yearn od' lijens' Dr. Hockin Spent ,2 SALI hirte cees; 3 calveo; t emes beddingîs; kitchen utensiio; anâ 20 eas n hiaf Fiendoe. iuratre Mahlnery. T RA CTORS. IMPLEMENTS, A P 'Of~rieTICE: If A0 Yembr t ies mtse . , Ts ndrig- bsreoH. 22 tactorwth 3pit ýu""" A aumber tfultdies from th h nesge a eeived in-,,nower; M.H.'t 2-furrow teactor Fart machinery and liistock eiti UJnited chureis atended the W.A. stiructkeieonsM.fr1-pite ito hosoid firot. bhousehotd effenta ap- meetig at reeten onMoedo andMELDRUM STARK 2 driilis: M.H. 6 fi. Clipper cern- tre vtteyat3pe the W.Mg.S. Preshyteriat at Miii- To soit by pebie aesîiot hie bise wmus motos; 'Ford Ferf eton eTRRS Cash sttiement with giove on Taesday. t . farts, toi 4, con. 3 fist btino, Es- ractor and 2-ferrow pines; hyd- cirk nday of sale Th ...beli a speciai service ., qeeng, 14 ilaetis north-eaet of colie Fergcson dito; hydraslijo R rseveas frlaio ood. TheMS'Miton. on h uchet for Ferftsetn trator' 2 rab- Refresismonts under Scotch In thse local ciserot last Senday Blok-Ldie" ' Fute KahrieHok STRDY ARL 1 ber tircd wmones; cetivatot; set of BehLde'Isieo morsing mis Dr. KtaieHc-U»y""" bob seiinb; harrnws; scffiore; HER M. REIRHART. in of United Ciurcb Traininfg Commeecîng ati12.30 oeie ebehpper; 'ann tw mill; set ofsaî Auctioneer. Scbooi, Toronto, an speaker. Dr. niap ts EIom e;s teet land rafler' beoondr boute; Sl~grooe, phone Victotria 42r2. Hockin ba had a boad epriene, COWS AND SHE P-t Gornee dipping tank; harrels; chite; et- Gm o.urre, clerh. b-3-41 t cgsen 0vir samiso-evideeinJune;l1HHostin coa.cctrte bronder; fers, ohovele and teasing set 0pand at _________________ psnptrlersu- Eucîîre, iDance """ 1'1r"l ' EducAid Hospitalente runaub- OUSEIiOLD GOOS Whte jet 'Bsoadeting Mitionary Hoiz- Tor namel kitithen range; large texo- ng-Huig ias ons" in a vry ittseretotf and frac- T i.H sptl sud esias table; hooheaue; giase cep- Laig-Huiq-Gaa moue massnes. Tish etunqotn Iitttîrhld a tard; Congoieemrefru; odd tables Fill - Toptoil erh sattd datcenSlewarttoesn nd ehairs; dressinf table; feidief tien. Peatbernlone Colisi, presa- J. V.LUDGATE has been appott alo rSssrtgsihieo d siu te ee nrs dmentiseeAfterstoon Aoc ara- alonFiatcein ih r- ed;3ratstele dareîs; och aised in tiese nrvice. Thoise n-ed hetad of the Municpal tonds credo lfor teithtlttn Ditrict Hto- Wlideresscer;andsath a; rs1 dreS oatsmises and Mrt. Swailoes tranci, of the Ontario Dopant- ital, re; 2 loche; 2 roekers; 12 dninf au inpreseise toto, esblch weree ment of Hghways, aonounced Ottor u'ttterstire tcu ctchr eres haire; odd chairs; ettee; ciser- Ch .H.M t el adtet. Mss. Nelsttt; omeMs.lIai-sp telS suitr; tideboad orto mac i kepîg siis its otoioi-by Hon. James N. Allan, Minister Pshet. Th sltteby epot dance esas 'Êtets; nefs; 6 iaonps; ottitu asy sericer. of HLJt-. Mr.Ludathas w- hi; --e--"'tbl.bay CAMPBEIJ.VILLE Dr. HocMs Ladgate gu.. ofwttttuby Ms ....oMta Lltyd s-of-Astteal atoe; gto;electris 2- ade H. . orbin 'andthefocet f 1 becsn incharge of Municipali tcLtcyS,, ,t aoc ibussorriitagt.'ashing machtne, 60 Phone TR 8-4892 Milton RasSection of the Chief Engi- werus't wn yMr halshina ea teoto r n;rtt go; mttts; andtir. F Coltn an faiiy tnds trench and thts Section L Rce.o s tt MsChtsl yisiîtst an ir ocs: ;mts;s r Ishas Sow been insttuted a tep-1 BrîtI lWA.ttnd WMS.riS dthrtr TheTred I 1as/to tranch ic the Deparîment, Apttittrrtttg ,t the1hltoe tf Mrso osgantzattos. , F.ftsuo anSMrss Alred Hall, Mss To Chiropractic IalveFahrtnp sddfi h se llsg? WyIou,-p L CAL NE /ter i tthe s t, l usiness' BU ILD IN G FO R SALE Do You Know ? ttt'td tn-tttttt'gtt -c,_________osed______ peiple base utoleotant evootoois e Ittil> tvt s tttttenepsayerr afler eeposse to ceertan foudo -A tttcttgishbcng lildttt the' tu'ilt haittttttttttttlgtntOR RENT WITN OPTION TO 8UY dsspllenmetc.?The atts'cr te rac fri tre hy the A rcstCotmtmit- ttttltt t,d,, ' , , h,- t, t tîtt, tiatheir indistdual nervots sys- teto eterninthe tttstfotttr at-tti'tt ht ttttt te are endeiy senittive to thcse it,s ofttit' osto, MatttgtiAttr ',t , ,,,, -, taknth,tt tMis.O Eftt gtck ad hlc trttsto substances; hc- Hggns satt d tttut ttht theit s B li Rît Ntttttt'ttf , u-gt-, ri 70xtt'tttk ad blc cntucin ge tofâdo" n hspersnsett-it ptssthlittt,tt t'ttsttltg totoht bt, tt-'oN andttt ttlMailec . Shoow ottt and todequttpatktsg space. Etus «hv epeb rie ü! te stsoc ltghttgts o [II 11 ill i tto ttttrs b,0 aerts the pc1ctpr-t,'t-td Rt'îotre.too wth bath,, mocdern opartment about, 0,1 c tta tc hy- s ,, tîdt,' as htttg marie ltttu tt itstl t, ,,h tt Itmtht , Mt e tirl uona , Locatsd on No. 7 tl ohich do not' ttmc1t ,rto thi te tîttOnfo no A tn utbl orat hefthtnpolettfocrtsh. ttsttp'ltttst ___________ toyor auto pattol tototsfatm machttery or an is irtto agnt hlo a, Pollock a dlght stattufacturtng butsittcss. n o h Asthmi,.be'llt'llt-. t it,, l- l o h Ha, F ,ot, r.C,,,phst\*il,- f,' gru W 'Rlddel DC. Hr dihv Fetz- tt.,mtd rrtetd foti, t'eulltti,,mp el orna Hîven retc In the î,-'. M'toutatusersot peope tred toascrtattthe of- Siicettttendtt'ttofcttftl'ItI fesding sbstance andS cilitttt Ctatlt d ttlttt'l ttto' L.t HIOH GRADE MEMORIALS EDGAR BILON, 785 ROCKWAY DRIVE, KITCHENER fronetbetc daiy lîfe. This isofoteo fourtbilhontollatr' ttitttt.ttt't.l MMRA NRVN t IiN ti5 vey difftcuttand may storl tdttofnrettt'tttttPtttttftttPttstj. AFILEGAIG110Lst594 rettriet tise fssodom atnd enoot ,ter c,,ttntt,'oh,"ett,,til î , 62 Water St., North GALT ment of itfc I06ttiOttttt ohttt Telephone 2048 ______________________________ Tise Chtcopractur u oic Pt' tht rig "' tti ""'eer- probteco more dtetly. Ho tr'ie' tot fistd ot toPothe patetst rvu systent ia ahtoesnatiy snsitvt Fx pertonor has oPtons th.t tht ti mot Outlrttdue ts spnalf oudr t- ation otsrts g îtst itotoot ti numptetttto îoi,t ,,oatnd ,o,/ Och tir'tttitctotttht' ttttttt tesn.. andS I-t It, olftt'u' fît t pleusatttttotttî tise patit , rtot r,toý d,t.t.ttttt.îtt il r tcst Best performance ii i(s7f ... 173-Hp. t. 225-Hp. V-S fil Il h I 17t3-t11I, Io 11p., l, ti,,' 1- t1 bil, 'i I't FORD ATAC HELMOaN 13tCAAU WOANT PFIND ANV MIL A E L C TR 1 For romp andCIAL 'T~<'t ~o t tstotft to~Ttftt go ~ Smart est s(yfing ... 18. 8m lImtes insplmed by th. Thundrbird '~ . 'uaoJ Any way youilok aiit, you can sre te 5" unioisabie tyittg-inspiraius E îof 'ttt'n, t î s in the '56 Ford ... the tante lontg, tttw, liltt- silhouette, aise itit the look outoîmsnnts! Attnito' big, roomy interittrs feature ' irn n dmo ,,till trtt that are onmatt'hsd for Onatnitos and, ry-ap,tt1... ail of thent on pratticai and hard-wearisîg as Iht-y uto ls Ford ie thc famiy tar tht't Thonit'ýrlhisti-itvrio tt-,i-ao ut Saifest car111/in /(>Ifwith «I the saftY fectmr:sof Lfoguard Dosigln tFljo'd iîlîitollandt'uttfrly oIlir a'f'ctgtriti oaf-î itti l ti t,, s t', plsttutatîs ttî rits ltli-in salrî'g f,'tres. mo l i p itrttt- siunitrit p v'tan ittttpoer oIvii and owe:ti loot~a-to -Wl INVITE YOU TO SKI VOUE FORD-MONARCN DEALER ... TAKE A DRIVE AND COMPA POER.8-9971 STONEHOUSE SALES 6 409 Main St. MILTON CUTO N o S SG-IFO E B VLE LIMI'm ARE[ TED Tr. 8-9953 Iron Porch Railings BILL KELLY TR 8-9880 woShows Nightly 7 p.m.- 9 p.m.-MatineO Sat. 1.30 p.m FRIDAY-SATURDAY APRIL 20-21 Two Omys OnIy You're Neyer Too Young this big comedIy hit starring DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS Alto Short and Color Cartoon HI KIDS! - Your Big Matinee Saturday at 1.30 MONDAY-TUESDAY APRIL 23-24 t s here at Miton-Big Special Attraction TrRI1A L di GLENN FORD DOROTHY McGUIRE Also Cotor Cartoon WEDNESDAY.TNURSDAY APRIL 2S-26 Two Biq Days Only je CINEMASCOPE Strange Lady in Town Corne 80 the Roxy Milton and ses her GREER GARSON DANA ANDREWS AIS0 Coter Cartoon Coming 27-28-Two Mits RETURN 0F JACK StADE je Cinemascope Aise THE BOWERY BOYS Comins Soon-Bici Special Attraction-ABOVE US THE WAVES "duo"By IVAN SLESSOR -l', ik ant ttd step on it. iltitip, ou1rssutdcown tl 'l , %,,'t il ,toi,tt\\lien 'tutl ] t go. Mi'h h i(.sr,' tinhtthppttto when thet ofanaltrobI,,t, nne compreses tihe t faotangstl ttt tttta tight ltttlPspace t,,,, i. tutLn ,gitttthast htpscom- il, -n tý, Il-arii-dtt it ure ttttltghter and thoIt zo, g . tt , t rgt, iottpt t.'. tt at i o in tus cars ,tot, ttt,tt'ttli ,t oes ,f air antd Ifuel oas co o- ot inchbe'torttftht'-pak pltttt tnitscd it.This ;H ,,, It tut' t".lu,osrto 9 to1. TFhis inerra.e s important hereose high-rompression engin- r. K1cr more pom.rer front a pound of fuel than Iow-comprssilo eogiors . hch rompre...'ioo Ingine givet more pick-up and K rrair 'perd btiai the sntt- tinte offert the erming impod- tiljt't of Kraterrestaontmy. too. >]ot11tZc,1,ttt F ttpif tt tt,,tt' tttht taIustutpiston.rtngs or l',ga, kot tttt'tttttttt tttthte cat otif fsthe advat- ttttftt tttdtgttttgtt-t',ttt astttttttdestgned for SEF THESE CARS TOu41Y AND EVERY DAY FROM h AM TO 9 PM 1954 OLDS SUFER 88 SEDAN with automatic transmis- sion, etc. Beautiful teso tone paint. Big car in a Iow price field. 1955 FONTIAC DELUXE TWO DOOR, a ose owner unit wjth 50w car appearance. 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN. An economical opnrating unit wjth attraction appoaranco. A REAL GEM je a 1952 PLYMOUTH. Everythin in umn- maculate condition. Very reasonable. 1949 FORD SEDAN. The boy of the ynar. 1951 CHEVROIET HARD TOP with power glide. A meaI boy for the sports-minded person. 956 ;tSALES LeDp IN USED CARS AND TRUCK 5 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIU PAGE FOURTEEN THURSDAY, APRIIL 10th, 10M TUDOR victoRiA i ýý