Lights! Curtain! and itfs fle èuuabiau ëbîamplon Volume 96.-No. 47. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL lçih, 1956 Second Section Play Time. MAKE-UP IS ONE of the important things in any dramaiic presenia- tion, and the above was one of the last-minute scenes before the Milton High School Drama Club presented feue plays on Thursday evening. Rosy Rigo, oeff, and Gerry Homemooct, righi, are shown applying goo f0 Leola Davis. COLORFUL COSTUMES acideci touches of elegance and comedy Io the imo plays, one a melodrama and one a comedy. Huddliug ina staiprlot, corner taking a last-mieute glance ai their lies are Kay Wickens i REHEARSAL ie the last few minutes before the play begins was her maids outit and Ray Archer, hrding behind the blacku bearc. supervrsed by director John H. Walker, English teacher at Milton Kay played Bertha Blain n Carse you, Jack Dalton"', and Ray acted High. Shown going over their lices are Mary Wood, left, and as Paw Juckinrs in Corcu a round the Mounitaine The dramna club Heather Burne, centre. A good crowd antended. is a cem orgue ruairon. M PERCENTAGE TO DATE 3 8.030/o 90%- 80*%- 70%- 60q. 50,.- 40%- 30%- 20%- 10%- BUILD FOR HEALTH MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL to erve MILTON und HALTON COUNTY TOWNSHIPS TRAFALGAR ESQUESING NELSON NASSAGAWEYA -DONATIONS AND PLEDGES TO DATE A Narmsan Asertas Avre Alrerraft E.SF. Asesymees B Mr. andris. M. J. Bromn Me. ad Mn. We. Baînhrige W. P. Baitey Mes. M. J. Baifey c J. Callan Mr. andi Mes. F.. B. Clemens ,Mr. andi Mes. Alas Ceep D Mer. andi Mes. Lleyd Devin A. M.liesjardines Mr. and Mes. Neit Bevil Me. andri Me William F. Dukes Mr. andi Mes. John T. Frame Mr. and Mes. Thoemas Fana G 3. GouIdiot Mr. andriMem.Davidi T. Grm H Paul SHahn Mes. Noah iHamlton Hawthorne Colectten Mr. adMem. Renaîri C. Harrin Miss Zella Harris Haswthorne Lerige Ben tHitchcock Donsaldi ttlmes Me. andiMes T. A. Htalhieson .1. W. Htareis J Aes Jankelmer Arthur Johnson K t. Kennedy Kiasmes t'tsb Dr. King L London Lte Insurance <'e. C. M. Lancaster Mac MarNariranri Son M Donna Met.aeghtis Meý andiNMes. Frask MeNives T. Maesh tir. andiMM. t'. A. Matin Mie. and Mes. lien Meritt Milton lardsare Madeen APplianees Earl Meegease Mis.s Margaret Morton 0 ()iKeefes Bren rry lîren Jane Pegg Me. and Mr%. Netson Pleket Doeuglas Powsell Rotary ('lub BReushase Inarace Agency Slch Block W.l. 'te anri Mes. Arehie Service Mer. andi Mes. thester Service is Ceance Smith tDr. andi Mes,.t'. K. Steven tir. adi Mes George E. Syer Salaria Tea 'orntEsil.evalere Limiteat Htaroldi Trimble Taugoere Mesheoom Co'. Liri Toronto Brick Albert Wallis INCLUDING TOWN AND TOWNSHIP GRANTS, ALONG W ITH PLEDGES FROM INDIVIDUALS, BUSINESSMEN AND INDUSTRY, THE AMOUNT PLEDGED IS 38.03% 0f: THE TOTAL REQUIRED. CURTAIN CALL at the close of the comedy Thursday night showed aIl the budding aciors and actrees- ns in some of therr characieristic poses. Shown trom the left Pre Indua Davis as Maw, Eira Koski as the Sheriff, Judy Thomas as Sleeping Daisy, Gerry Homlnmood as Zeke, Milree Wilson as Millicent, Ray Archer as Paw Iseated) John Black as Carey, and Heather Burne as Hortense. This mas the first pub- lappearacce cf the drama club. ýd "CURSE YOU, JACK DALTON" mere the mords directed ut the uillarn cf the melodramna by the same I amne mhen Milton Hrgh School Drama Club presented the play on Thursday euening cf last meek. The cast shown abone mrth the directcr, J. H. Walher, are from the left, Rosy Rigo, Art Covlbeck, Mary Woodl, Michael Rasberry, Mr. Walhee, Mary Morley, Catherine Wickens and Ralph Foster. MiLTON HIGH SCHOOL Bs Donnsa ('lemens iis . lru i'rlrt e.thr'r Burre crt orithe tir err' srde. ee ire apý StrrWrl rur. turne Blarircr nderi ar.redrru.rrrrnduýet orff onsthr lialrrrri .Xr rArhr' Thir ruttahccsrde et the staue. Thie rr-, c5 .rrrur'r'tur'plainrrrtr* luth'. urrrtrc rrft 'leue îrtac eu'rrv direerteri by fr. ..edr'-ukufoi*r' h ur rrr i,rrl 1cr Ozrrrk 'he'lrtbacrundonîu .uertjiraduîam rethe r rs rr' fial ý,ýerretanrd they ar]t i.fyedruhîv.urua brgunecesa. Whilr urre'ihlt,rrurandWrurre îrtrrrd 1 r rt elr11Wr arrcrl trîl tilbreuuiarut actng, wrwould ike l.auerruruirt Zehe Beers".er Ger- te reegeatufate Mrfdred Johtnson fun er rtrrrrurrreurdtrrur,. lrerr'ud drd firerri etuer d RrtosAstn fretir eîact- crururtre ri s tirrr urrc tched t', Drucu.trdkrus" rrr.tav ing inGuerlph onsmirithe twseO rd Imu unv.'rur.Tlrhu rruiirrcr lr'r hrius.Betwee nthe plays. Mrrrrthen euesamurds. for Wes.,rr'st.Crrrr Donnc r eWilon sng'Blrre Star." trre irrrh trrrrr'. arr rciîr crru 'OureSerinu Fermali s an April '. 'Tr'nr'nt rî.rc Curse.Yeu ack20irrm 9tel1. Tire theme i t'run' 1r"lCri Crr tcie Lrsrr li e' rrir hrrur e Mre1'Black Maure" asd me hope tu tinais: ThomasuCr' ert Weutrrn 5Wood. iRr:u'y Rigrr Catherne Wrrk huve a ucrese. Try te attend and red tin ru rair.ttte but Wr' t ruru rarc lph Erreter. Art Caufbek. maire tirs pessible. u'rrr euiirithe rmhrcruCrmreeiofr. triraelRrrsherre rd Mary Morley Th igh Scheefcs nom busy ereasnMerrrCr Harl red errenaCC ur.rset irte Dlo prmn nwt Oe os oigu nh Westee rorýre thur(,rrir turuetere firr'Nr'w Yorh.Tirrre mas quirea drr. 27tir ef Aprif und wr are havis1 ,Wetensand frrr Thoumue. tire brir reree tirhe sereryr ireth a beys anri girls tambfing art. r'st eer M.rr Mrrr'e ndurr hirue %cahsrrarur r e eerace play Tien coemtheMay exats onow ThrrrmsWrctrrr'u tram cerre uiruti rosirre irurrtryrcu tur taire theire he rtime te get tireseibeokrs oper 'e Lers IfeuirrG.rie Andersurrr. nvu.rrrlov rer. RCleirFuel e. amuyeery nîu lt. teiriaruNe.r,rrrii, GlirrrPurdy, Erra trcrrinhr'rCaherrner Wirenet. O0e Ser yea Orsi merlu mitirArt. ARE YOU DRIVING BLIND? Kosuh. Marr-rnziit. cr, maineincrdent wniretbreugirt a lot mjrd Sturu t.rrl heTir r ls crut otiauirerfremîthe audireewas n "Irco aru ohen Art Coulireri mas on stage Firsi Plav and hiretruekre us sfucing oat Onc iisiv tr.ulrApuril'i2 rt 8nl() p ietues tire tails ethie rouf. Ili MuIruru111Jfrair l hirrt hrr Inethe sumerplay, Mihael Rue- tact drarrrrcrrlrc producrtione ot hurrcrnhohrrd thepart of tuig C'rrcn lirrrulttur'Mrrrrrtrrre" in ru un the s iares te juif, mijen tl,,. <it u(,situri 't taltherrr s ausrorrrr.tuutter frem "if Yoa drive sithout proper inSurance Protection your des- tinati on je trouble.- Harry Hazard the wetl-known danger detector dencribes in this space in the next neyes weeks many types of mishaps which can cent yOU grief . . . not to mention the many losses which can grow out of the operation of a motor veteicle. It's hetîeio matir and mear oui your fret If ycue auto inoarance is recomplete. LET OSSBE VOUR RISK PHYSICIAN RAMSHAW Insurance Agencies PETER A. GRIFFITHS, THOMAS G. RAMSHAW, Parees MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE TR 8-9281 -a 1 1 --L- ils p- mir Ir. le le ce )n ýt of 'il is to id ;y le ig ýt. w m 7t. MILTON PHONE TR 8-9281 MAIN ST.