THUBDAY APILSh, 156 HE ANAIAN HAMIOrI MITtSi OtiTPinPAGE NMti MitnPlumbing and Heating: 150 Martin St. à GARWOOD & PEASE FURNACES SHEET METAL WORKi lit lIttUliIMOMIiIii OTEIkO SCLISIZZI Residence 389 Broadway St. Phone TR 8-9258 Two Shows NightIy 7 P.-. - 9 p.m.-Matinee Sat. 1.30 p.m. FRIDAY-SATURDAY APRIL 6-7 Two Big Week-end Hite MOONFLEET (in Color) Cinemascope STEWART GRANGER VIVECA LINDFORS -also PHANTrom STALLION Starrng REX ALLAN Hi KIDSI - BIG SATUROAY MATINEE AT 1.30 MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY For Three Days Only APRIL 9-10-11 BATTLE CRY (Adult) n Cnemascope and Color VAN HEFLIN ALDO RAY NOTE Owing to the Iength of this picture, show sll start 6.45 and 9.15 THURSDAYFRIDAY-SATURDAY APRIL 12-13-14 Another Two Bg Week-end Hits SANTE FE PASSAGE in Tehncolor starrng JOHN PAYNE FAITH DOMERGUE Also - B013BY WARE IS MISSING NEVILLE BRAND COMING in Cînemascope - KISMET oaASSYNHARIS 555 FOUR FABULOUS NEW TRACTORS, Rarin' to go! Amend Act at Fire Inspection Course, Chief Clemrent Attends Fire Clie AE.çieoent recet- E-ch mn uttedsegead pssog iy attedrd the Fire Ins.pectson tis feur-day courser wass warded Practice course t the Pire Mar- an Inspecrs Certfae aet the shal's ettice in Teroete. Chief cension et the lectures. Clemetlea oneof 66aendng An imporant anendmettote theceure, where tsre chiets and Fsre Marshalls Act wae passed Cy iedustial plant tirensen toek lect- thoecattending the course. Deal- ures andpree-lîraleeresses in fsre sotng wtistheispection et bud- istpectiosinso r fetire Cacarde the aed- The grossp isperled taclres cet ivesea set wlopcmeenon and hetels. and psssd a esst ta theto otrder a re-ieopetion Cy thse H. Undiieds-s-sîc-cn lsntoi-l-t fetEPC tststsntstsi-,tl instlatiosndtt wtteîs e Regtss l'a'îî.tî 1 t, ti- tit i - itn ibrstlsc-Jak, and Frasnk Asm- coteof sUhn inspectîionythe srongtttaecrlsegtonsAlt Peaeck Hysresveld bc bose by tseoess et Neloeand Be Wlstrcetfte or occupant oftIhe buslding. ~ **~ Eelgrass Packing 1 RO ER ~ font specdboates erre shippe te aUn itrd StIreexrhibitiosn isytsm ctiloadieees Aerseas capital. MARSHALL îI va s ohlhs urîsse- ecllsst. Il Lu Pointer and * sure t diathe bpatstssr cvts à Thte tîrn is h ai Boas- S Decorator bldetlts d austPbio * -Free Estimatsx j Feit n-sits inte teisstl tpersnett nuted 1o11 tclisent-tedelcsnst Phone Milton TR. 8-4487 thet ets iets of5 wvtstt arltcttsg -:'LI1R o FOR BETTER USED CARS And Reliable Automotive Repairs You Can't Go Wrong at NOW SEE THE TERRIFIO MASSEY- HARRIS i'Dz3l YZZ99 & 7/IZI for 1956. MASSEY.NARRIS 444 T ip ' ý- t1t w- ail ing for yout- inspection, is-it, h is is5d 0wlit ggest tbirm jobs you can find! Fmgrei it s-e îtUttoi-s riglit out of tomorýrow-- yeir-, slic-îd in poîwer application and implement con titil Corne ici arid get the tacts about the Massey- Harrts 1Powc-r Line for '56 -the new Massey-Harrjs 333, 444, 555 or MH-50. Don't delay! You'l] agree, theytre terrifie! MH50 "lYou set the date-we'iI demonstrate"' iEY-NARRIS33 MILTON MILLING CO, LTrD. NE TR 8-2311 PARTS - SALES AND SERVICE à2Vreffl - * L =L motrroAcietand CM OUse No. A12 Ci ALIFOItNIA styling nf the mont meticutoon and luxuriant type lu evident throughout tiss Shomte. Stop fcom thsefliagtone front terrace ioto tise eharming foyer that le separote irons, yet serves teo ccenteate, tise magnificeet 27 footepense ef living coom. The eermoun bow in. dose affords threcespesurru, and tise commandiog ireplace dominates the etice inside seal. A sunny den off tise living roomn provides anetiser 10 fret nf de1th te the maienere. Close ity, tise dining rom naBords a paoeramie vies sf tise outdeers anti optensenoyour roc 1patie. The spacieus kitchen se the esstrîsl peint of the e- tire iosue. Rightnett ts ilt is e laustiry'arcre,. The besirssm wing connsi, ts ftite ieir seme î-'»rnm with amptle stecage siace anttitts oireIai-5 i osens. 5.550r teataresc ttt se a tul aitttomcst, 5 e a reerralions rsîsssand seerkihe1 and at roomy l For theeeonenienoreadees who ish to stdy Chie houserin greateredetail, wethaerpred a remplete sketch piesnxnhich ras he shtained isy eending 25e n rein te Motern Plan Service, De- partmtsct M, Lincoln Building, Meunt Versos, New York. Areot 2506 sq. ft. Cubaget 25,200 cu. lit PSTPSOtE ARENA rre siHCnr -ornby Cerealettes" s-st ti re.At CBe- test tltCentd e,:llý,,,ist ti - For Older Persons To StudyGood Foods ilittenuisi;t r-iinil ted lstedshp cete4-H Cubths helrd at therhome of s ,tuat1ntwttortstniorst-il tirs isepltseecd bShir-nDowne n eeSauday with :ielclKisenclub.Abouatthe 20 esers presntFeor he next l vj(iti-t-nttf utetohshîsit. evmossithe 1CrirIesetllCe 's t1;i n plitttss t ls..t 60 sustdsingtauniet csltcdThe Cereal sfigt- ,ht teld tht- lcaders viii Ce Mrs. N U AN E Mt t i-G. B. ntt sittnsCh i, 1.DoDiiietatd MsnS. May. ti n pa tof urso t, t hettrst Te i.itP-scndite e st titi O e -tinte-ollo ed.1 sî ofitsitn- i b n'iîîîtii lt i it ltis Dd tef v'ss ice sttnesdeisy Zn F s, te-tisc in pcst,Pa ai iii t -ini Vi, *:tti e r i ii tin sc iet.pals R. R. FO RD ]>o fîtoniiiui iiitc , ,t,'iitern MILTON, ONT. - "lonb tisÂlte.s uid iCul euch ii uil ii iti ii itt "I il ,oiilci conetstitn O25 e rre- Phono TRiangle 8-6357 1,1' I n cnt it I b i I nf u- m eig.t y l b titsounîteais, tice.isCet.corn ad titit.Deîîsrsstîoneemsuring di* yavd itisdteuccedsntsu nd ale onte iiceLsetof cse ere gtven Cn Mrs. Detes. e HrlCuBruckse and BrcndtsRobinsoen. Evelyn Mac- ,Kayan td bitrgarci Stark prepaced asnd eeehcd spplce otmal squaes t'a rccspc toesd se 1Cr Memhtrs' Noecns erre iscs osfood natue et tCe dsttrccnt cerruts and tht hoec ssigomeni esas ta bogie re- cordCboheks d oledy tht cereats that arr nrccssury tsar good heaitis. A lenelytlunch seas srrved isy 1Cr Cestesand lunch ronemitte, Anna Pracock and Caret MeCar- ren.Tise ocot meeting setitb heed ut 1Cr home et Vsvsun Fsis Add tooks and comme t erIte okitled re-slylsng. Voue tue. ettore con Ce handsome an new agate Lo.. Ceet Fret Esismates Ose Week Servict Phon TR. 8-9741 CENTRAL RADIO REPAIR TOP QUAL ITY Lasit Week's Draw lh Winner wae MRS. HELEN PENSON Oak St. MILTON M& AGED WITH THE MODERN PASTEUR-RAY MEAT TENDERIZER Shop with confidence for quality when you shop at RANDLL'SMARKET 219 MAIN ST. PHONE TR 8-9221 FOR DELIVERY ANNUAL MEETING THE PRE5IDENT anîd BOARD 0F DIRECTORS of the CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALTON cordiall ne allc ens of the County te attend the Annual tsAeehng, b be held in the SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM of ST. PAUL'S UINITED CHURCH, MILTON, ONT., on uesday evcning APRIL 105h, at 8.15 p.m. Ouest Speaker: MISS LAURIE CHARLESON Adoption Consultant - Province of Ontario DR. H. V. CRANFIELD, President. MASSE' PHONI * Government Inspected t F TMMSDAY. APRIL.Sth, 1056 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONTARIO m à * Home Killed