Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1956, p. 5

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hdkîne* Reports end articles from l4lton's Farmiands and Farm Organizations Good Judgment Means Productivity Speaker Tells Operators at Seed Fair Iiiiitaiaî ail 0a, SiiiciiiY, Sii.iilciîii.i aiiiliiilaT'r ioi1) huy March 24. A oiiicdaout by the OGiiî oipiî%viîiersicecreGcacgc- chaîrîssat. E. Rass5 Scgwortii. proa Greenicos. s'ilswon tîr iIaitoii ideaaof thret BaonStansd Ci-op Sed Gci*,%,rcaTciipiis-oibirîiuîiîc Impruccîîoient Assaciaion, -the ai tue iigli scoreonii uigiîg iii prioury upofcatiis SeedFait*crilgainiis.(iSaidyBuchananîsiliai i toabriog prople woais'oacc 'theiîigicrceiîi jaduiofa lui. for sale, iîîgriher o'iib hos wlîî .iîd usiliiiîiic;nid tiiooiiiy sriiithe wîîh ta pacobato gand iiaiiity i;iiiM'citnCemiîid Biîiicc Co. liii serd." Sîy. Jîîdgîag (19 the sîictiîîiîofi101 bu- OtGýiiicc .iîciouha. as laiiiii shel lots, caîîdîîtrd by J. A.El- Juiiiaca (Ge'age' Giceiiinca liitt. tiisaobjectivewas .ic.iiip- GergiHone.i oniiaoS)asT. rliii il ishrd. Rigisiored ilots o a iis ald Paiiccaiiî. Piîîiîp Stiî'îîliici:i, Boab at anoaverage picraof$1.87 ciibsaMrcyiiRosAuistin. S)ssiiiiMouc * tap ai $20 far Calvcin Aiikeiis Erne'st Aexanidcr. bîcd Bies.ac lirai prize lot if Rcuiisstrd Nao. iiccic1 -iii Merli', iiic Lacaîi Gas. Co'mriîa'cil Ni.l1I.Liiiîi' Caslior. BilliRoinsonîiaiiiil G ts sodaiii10ibusiiiotitiani(îsliiPuliFoii. R(is- Sii.iills average of$.8.ansd theoiiili 10iandNiMvrvin CIiiiiic'i'il imîier. husislaot ofCaammercial No. i Peter Snlilts.S)iisgNSireLc * Moncalm Brleyr a'i $2.05. Siliolls iiiiBuichanan,î iîîon Dr. SDan iiaoilcn. lîaofîdai i- Joh iiiiiandJoiiiiW. î'încî,Jh fîied hubia:idrydcpaiîiciiat tu i lnt.Bl isnadMr Goiar iii 'iiici:liacal Collegc aila WîlîMsIl.Bii D aiîi .iiîi M.io wsthc fiîii sîlsk il ilheesc rqar ciioent pinigc.iiîi, ereoccd th c.'i aIsui )rdWisiii.iii disappo.ii îîcc f ailoniiianilaniids r for induiaiiil andlhia.ig d-c'ip bete ta znyfctrybilin A reaCattiemen's but1isusppasc tirit c iccrrand _ wec sill Iobiituiipst 1op iiithI'-ha i ro ups <G .athler staird. Faitiiias sall nveo h caah baok sortcifîfoumuîluîcdsîîîu ýJH B cIaissca uircor farssrscîiitiiceo.f inailvii, ti aîcii E ouiisBr .%a hae tose ll ui wn-li5 iiid idg- the pccîl speae itah -tn i ment oalaiiiia>oi*c land iniaipr- I iiltariî,ilici- Seîîî iî-îi li dactîco iigi *,tiaiq a rit lch,-k iii- Need Faons Saes.sansahip linui ,iir,- (lic i 1.i, iîîîl Tho si'n.iid a Chari' ( li li -51. i ii di ll,î Inis, presdeîni t he Ontario theii!ui....j.. ofit- Hoiciîilrd.iîiî,ciiiiii ii,7 îsdaîîîa'lii.. i walu int i ca-c.1 l Iii di .,R- ,i vict a .. 1,:: i5ý iqairani.î 'I' uli 'I' ii hî diiii.te of (,cI1III-.d iain ilîî.iîiîl ' ,c i,îll i 11- Il- Orcasia lhe: li lti n r hci-.i.ll"l 1.1'i havencd uit di.siîk t i s .1(1 'rii. tii M -si iiîiîl. .îîd 'lî1isin i cnL T- hîîtcclilî ii)ii11i.î i. l l "" aao îr5coî and.i iiîi, i iiflN 'i îcilii' lent aui Cla aîl till oii- i i .i i b- I ' cit r t i I ti udrd it,>- Mc a riiil ti i'- ihI-- la. il ~ i t-danai;a 45 (Ir s h Culture Powder Ready For Seed G iira 99o Il b i FB de Ilicîh 'is iiicisiiifiiii and i s îl- Inic1«". uic loiir iii cac'itU-ý la fi.iliiic l'd aiic e(SA.C.ihave brou ci i-psord iiic îîîîodî'î oiiiî, .and il oî ais l ii' .îplid ta (lusý '-liii tho t nv dificîîli i tr10lii iPi ai. Gin .îcid cul- acr'd aliald iii a- il lis 111111asp- sible aiS '-c tciîîîî'iî(jj Th oîîMlton îiiiilkclio'Ille a( slipoifciii. Oiiculaures onliil ii ile 'I ailh, il-.inii al'ico 25c pe-cla'li liiilicillo iiicst( ali-I .îdus siilils liii ai.'cti n i and IoUýt For prompt and coarisoas service PHONE TR. 8-9971 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARItj 1- THURSDAY, APRIL asie. 19W S. A. FAY and SONS LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work F PHONE ITR. 8-6533 MILTON, ONT. AUCTION SALE sro Swtr o tewiatt- c'trie Co' chpers; 2brooder snov- Thi unîoirind bhs05 0c5.es3 oitbarresa quantityaof 2 instrucailons foir'n the Estiftoi(he galvanized pipe; 2 gas punps; set Late TOWNLEY BROCKLEBANK a-f boit dyos; quantity of tools; 2 '1<> uoi by publie aaoîion 011 gates; pig troughs; saspie syrup SATURIIAY. APRIL 14, 1956 equsipment; hoavy jack;: ass, fîîrks, At 1.30p.m shrpai ot 3, on.shoveis. chais, and other articles 5.Wt T2 ono.oshap. o 1 ntonasacrous ta smentbon. CN11TLE -Holistin co, with IIAY ANS) GRAIN Smaii quas- cuit ai side; part Here'ford casa tityof aixied hay, baied; 4001 bus. with calf at sidc; 3 Holstein loi- of oais;, tenait qaaiiy of baied fers. y car anid a biauitod; 3 Bore- strasa. ford hoifors. ycurandaid ait aid; wFURNITURE S)iiing comsite 3 Durham heifors. year anid ahlaif wiîth irather Intti chairs; hait iiid;i1Drhamatsr, -oa knd rcand sei; writing desh;ilarge lii ld "dis, uns rrsr:studio, coaciî; 2 bedii with aid: i ceai caif prgan ttes;2desr; IMPLEMENTS Fuiord iisciir, Oîict ai drawerii:wariirsbe, codar 1949. w h 11 _(fl, ion iîi i . : di l es; i cha.' i ., i o ni cu Illti 15 10 h "'1 1 1 ii 'iih ' i.d sand Cacksiiai tîiier, .: i iiirriitissnai 'rýItMS:sh ay ui>iisale. 3-facciiwed Piow;McCiureiick Dor- Nithiig it,iîocrusîvdstiiaset- ing moisro, 6 fi. ut Masscy Har- iilir risisido rahcisetif drag citivat- Nrsrcasathecfarm bas bccn sc-tlus:Miasy arisrrii îrîsalai.A. P. CiEYNE. Aactiiiiai'r, huichiît iliînî pi -Oîî'der; ipost PboîîoBramptoin 546j2. iiaciiiiaî v Frd siotv, F H1K MeMiiisn, cioch b-39 w5Vuv: i ýbk I-.tc;-rack;d îîilch Piain fo; ,Floi-l tlcuctiir; Geraii cici otr:1 A1;re snalHusbands! Wives! graii (ih ig iine 1 tith ipe,:ii i Weak, Run-down, 01d? ý withMTbool sl assoi, s.ksnd foc i 100l iiiaiiifi. dc-ivo boit, 7' .,.w md osdpe; t»Yl -!;,; id Wodht aaîd iiiicia.îc. lder:ii;casi fan- se bo.it. "i 1oslt 40 50 60Trr cic .ic ia lciîc sc iicc. plii offloaei, ohs MisCei.t f1ANE(iiS Quiiticii y Ys a Ii. em" ,V bcits. : ' cl f; ci-ici~sd.is s.l&dii. SPRING SPECIALS GOoD;;f V-EARIImo- MARATHONS c (Tube-Type)Sio g Goadyearaa od bohdy.. ah ioC d>-oarguaaane sizenoý cLýtý uq.._.SOW MRTHCOMMIENCE -HARVEST WITH PRICDE &ARAP$ N UBLISmAND t r oo Halton Co-Operative Supplies Phillips Motors MILTON FeeS) eliy GOGTW TR 8-347 MILTON Portrays graclous living i-n bright spring colours.. Chrytler WindsaoriNeport Accident costs automobile insurance rates Aaiomoblse iesuace roats eset ndect rulatinta te nomber and cost ai sccidents of Cstsdiss drivers. tsst year, for eaample, aatomobie insetasce caim s moosied ta store then one hasdred million dsiiars -cimtior roas smsshede eery two metes od someane was iîured or kiled every 12 mnutes. When the lotis of automoblie acidents decresse, so do auoobile bsronce ratesfiai,,sahen the samber andcoast of accidents icresse, ties insarance rates inresse tao. Drive carelallyl * 'ALL CANADA INSURANCE IrEDERATION Ca ssss a VI0i . Beat fhis tonic foîr that "auddenly-it'-siiigu" feeling! Take tsi the roed ini e 1956 Chrysier! Could anythiîsg be eamier ta drive! Those push buttons et yaur finger tip contrai Chrysler's PowerFlite automnatic trananieian. Press D for drive... etep on fthc gas... and you go! Chrysler's fiaabing V-8 pawer lsaet yasîr command! Maybe yot're in tbe habit of buying thie sane meke car year efter year. If ssc, this is a good time ta find out wbetber that car yoii buy 1MAIN slTUEU î; a s gîîsd as you think. Sa befare yau buy, (onîîp:re yoîîr present make witb Chryeler for lîlli perfosrmance and looks. You'Il find Clirysier pravides mare fine-car features thon ony competing make! Yen ..titis is thse time stus try a Chrysier! Tiieres nus tanic like it. Your dealer cen prove it is the firot mile ... end lied like ta, He'd lke ta show yau, fao, thet owning e Chryaier io eaier then you tbink. Sasese hlm soon. CISRYSI h B tS)tPS)IAi ION 0F CANADA, LIMITED Cioh"duNew Parlo 4-door iodas Se Chrysir . . .timt of the Forward Look" _ .. ai your dealer's now WATCH CtIMAX-SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CH-ECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND 'rIME. JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE MILTON PHONE TR. 8-9942 FOR SUMPER CROPS SOW CouoP 1

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