THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONTAPIO TRUI1SDAY, APRIL Sth. 1898 CAMPELLVLLIet Church Attendance on Easter Sunday P Girl's Group of " Exceeds Past Records for Milton Area St. David's Hear a WlContlnued frum Page Onar faith. Thcy rie Mrsa J. E.Baver- heid inthemarning wih speclily. Mia Wm. Damait ,David musc the chi Mrs. Ada Rab- Green, Mca Davd Gieen, Miand OMAGH M issionary TaIk 'B ertaon o Hamiltan aaauted wth Mia. Eirneat Jeraus, Mia. Mary Gîl- The St. Davuda' Gicl' Groap helidP mi. played eacarpta from Wagners Tbîîse jonigby ltler or ceilif. ia the Sunduy echoal raamni eihe Paraufat. Mi. rîbaîn naied ha I."ic ll ner th, direciion of Eider ii~Jo Jcbarch . The preoident, Sandea0 Gala ia the firt yeaaethat ibis uer- .ield on unday Tosrarediemtngwh "_Arehîr Curas, anre Mia JaohaK. CmaaîusTursnerahidierCali iv Watheip.eAng iu ih vice wa held and ha anas '"'aY EllssaudMia W.Fard, MsW. P. omno e-ie eehiteCi oWrhp nt nhP Ci,,if1,1v W ý P. M i iGeiiiflP'i in inahiii-aw! iaîiiretheipird On au' li i thinamis' tetadasch Jaioa r B;i 'i ue îîîaîss tuîii ii i,îs il.îk I'i i lsiui.'v ia ai V, ý Il tiî'î t,,. Kîis i si s i1 iîi'a, v ts. î'sî l liy ie iu' iw as tr s'i vic e*i ' N'ttiii ii isu tt' .is i l' . Georeuc iee, tielicual ai h aîyi Mîîi îd Lnr yeus focrlithe li1 fi1suilii'cPilîîi'îîi Mis Ceci Ruute. Mi>ýb ailnMoeaniLn The chair saf The Rive,,Christ ahRseîtuî. brtlbeiwîSiet ai Knoax Cllie. e, authe vis- EiiieMaWalrHvbyi and iha ahsîreb ma baallihna Mr.Charlas Wellsnuad, . iing11sf arispeaiker. Ail caîvyrd tridetbgaauahfata decaraîrd ailh Ealar Ellesa. Sui-CalsWlw M.H ais- 5lits ispiiogiiteieavageaereorth a day evenîng the chiar, ander the Chalas elladiRcsVs direction ai Dr. Zankan. preaenled zîfrea si. Haras Vanzegera. Y.P.S. Meeting ihi utl.Msidi' Penit- Spacial miusic sias fieca by the The Younîg Prapla's Sii.tWIBRD anar Padaoaad rai" 5î,Jîîaîîr Chirîaîndthe SeniorîChoairgalerid i hua hume iof Mr. and mvere rridered by MsC. S Lock- i lr ilbii.Mis.C. Irin, iaGen d Mailles. e ~s le. Miss Lais Agneai, Caiierus' Services ai Emiisaiiliel Baptiiui ast wek wkth 200sa=bairs prac asier v isitors W Wlonand NaîlM. McPhail.A rai- rîsarel, begaîî ailFriday. oiih a edu. lfii ihiiriililiar meeing. H ai film dapictiof the trial ai Jasas Fiida. iiiarinserviace. "Gi,' 1the Thameetinîg apeard muitha P seso mller eve feisih- borneuanglduriiifthis seice. as byMritMrsll.iiA slady andsI ew manis. Wil s theis iiSîîday îîsîîîîîfin ro-. discussio ofliiethema. Chîrist the M,'îîîiMis. Robert Sauit calle- NIr.Orsbrti.coirientng o thegrai-ai lîsftheNaios, as. sed rd bruislsd Iheir 3lb îwddisg.innivais- gad atliadaciautsries. sad.Ghssoriadicssed iiihe Jauniurs Mrs ColiniMarshalltl-Y loniSaiiiiayevesîsînaiuthc 'la tuetast lieyîars iaccasiisg NsIiîsi'Mtiiss AidreL.isiieiici poeofsi Fiiaig u îeîn iiiithii, iuighiei aîîd srn-- Iioeiuces «s mesiiiliiihihsagle oniisiRs E Fnsteh %%,sisnjyidhiall iiiest tiicîsiî'îfîtlii aiîîily and arigh- ta the lii,, has ilc'iiisca.ius'iii Esser îîssîîîîîg Tise SînlisLitr Eicheub- itIdi iilsliiilso Tbesissiuiuisitilliatusiisaliîci 'liPsii'fsR'tiiir Phrty on iisMsrcls28 eih a v plsn ashressiiîticstu i u d icsil "iads îiiii'EsiigfiiililiaiscPies ilas, tts iiieMiiii-daslha tbaIt'sss'licic lises 'e fili * i 'ic lstic sice is'riii asiils'.aiitIlil M'a. C.F'îls ais n d sii Arnoldt i nda fi Tor'oniito rsii' e pndinf added. .' Ais EassiciTheiicii " dNaid MeStad, i hu is, , teia a ut iss u', das wiilliMi. ,and At St. P.iis Unsied îhssch. faic il- s' îcsge, A s 'ssî ionîsî'ss $islisîiststis Th, finali.iil.l'aill i s Mi tiaitiiiî.sî.rî Rai. J. Bai teprtd raisi tiisuuI ais isiidalut 30ltli,,c1-b hil'i cul, .slicc andiiilii. Mrtiti siian i.ith silhad ri- tendnceut it ervies. A G od g. itrets.I;i i\( s isK,, iantd Lakea suit Fîîday se-rv ic ws l îd Fridaiy Ai tieh, uiL11s a.,,,' iîî.îîCath- tiss Aidis l..issiciciii,iicnd ii is i ',lise s"hcî msrning.sssith speialtmeusic bhI')suc chisici. Falci iS hvice egnt L,,,,,, on*Siiidayslirii istaoldiiî (si,,ofiiCalîsti Mis.aArduie Cairns. Stindaiy. iSul,,,, il iiSîlsidave ie,,sîu asili th s ticihlidîe sîlîii hi, aji.îîîy guva' -iii si ioniiial talh os Service cas hetd ai th, chueci, 'cil Cadti. sud liie Buptismnal Witt-[ Wliic's Assuciti meetingfLut the Wiliam Riddrt taive asîstin The fîrsl Easlii Mass wasishetl h iirds in tire ~aria wsie suiy issu.' if Mis.Lloyd Raahîrry. On Sunda noîrin.a ne' rec- 1u 12pm.,utida *vd tw'iîii rtuileri0iitheisssiingiinMsna.î Tisterusici hsieni odforitheaihicli.'asstalihd Masnss 'ciihed at nine and 1) issuningil Peel Memiii1isssintal u on ii'isedîSunsday aflcrnaan whrn 510itaahuparttriitheicomuin- a'clsch iiiSsnday'iiiraing "i Di ereFiaihrlsî.>Iul tera a lus iHiCiiiie i ei tdheF.uaier filleS the chîseel, and 55 na iau,--Faibei J .1 rt1îsiied go ohssseMis. Edwasaicls.ii ber seeili,îslîî At ahi Sunduyý bers lisiS the UasteS Ciiiucb u tenilanceî sîbsîsîJackhHianl il ofCarisl Caaada. Ofthiuit5ti a essai.'eis. Osgiifieidsiiiiilsesitsis aloSIsI'i ilidi'aiithie astî o'iasiy 16 îained ha letai iOri iiiitil. LOWVIL.E hi e lbltti s Ja esa lbrDith i,, i ,tiis li ui i lsf i Rssi.H sevrnhsyre-atsrmatisi s i l,,ih -Patsientisi .i a iltonii (iiei'aitis-is 5al1,iiinf son- e tuai. sas ..i.b. r Thoaaîsse hai pî.stassîîîîss f ha-%j1.ruwaIe5 SI e'ts tisitlon S ti gti sinsM'sWeoitFiidand failli,. ss'th Fidir E. W.'taalîs tiiCho'iri., iides .sîî,es'eeîal utlar iandîyssiu'ilb amttuordands charge, seei Clisilrd V.Harnsilluan lav-i.Th-- fiiy iie nH mi io a- Jennifer A Charîtun. FaraesJ.isPhulsiri h,, 1.5lo'n s',t.is1stss tuithie.î of uMr.anS'i Clare. Maiy E. Claie, . B lradfsrd Specil iM usic eov id uftisitlyIitsi rets-Iii tii tNil t.iristes'Fi.rd. Clemeals. taise E. Ciesats. Kath- The tMiîssinil i,lsuiaies', h,. l FR1 STT1R rua J. Ford. Donna,îG.Hamîiton, C issitdchiîeh ii us s'il%,l, aîuisa Giu.iings 15. Dosaald Piaocu. uuci'RoSTSy Gi iCiS Ts M. Anar Jeruis. titruis E. Johnson, ta t ih,îse ,tttsslssu ri. cî t ire Is whu hadt i hrlhdav onîîApîi 1 i.,uv'STiastih lie ts. P, Diii. Charles N. Kerr. Jaases N. Kerr. îsîsne sg adsiu i e îî i usseras eivîeîthhe ,,t, ilia ii Angala J. Ksdd. Fîra M. Kosss Douaglas Diii lisn liesi nsh %aiel 'usd, lfsissl ite ltdd ou a r Wuia MFetes.Riehard L 1titi W, forsssh is haslirding uanirsasv,lnri l,'î5. e.lofdiscenîdantsflther Issus Pîcecl. MichaetE.Rasherry. Dn ii.tusli titise. Wlst-sisithe. a R-sisi.tett nu E. C. Raid. NI. CaoliSargent, aiii ..i Thiechoisr îîrssdjunîrgiadetl Jean E.Shieelds, James Vadeî. F.,ase rAntisii h ttrves is sehau. LîndsîA. Whewertt Geî F . o kii hé. tsesis)Tequ WilsoînDalereuvJ. Aichrîsesa. a ss erîsdeied une ibr Fred Juoson. Carences Kemp, Ait tcspîr ut ,sVî Mis. Clarence Kemp,. Angusa t- -itai issîssiabees alieh ils Doalud, Thamaus DGTsaylor. Mt insastoef r tasS N n la m r ThamasOD.Taylor KrillsG. WIal. aviai pssded siecu.m-,tm r & N n Fa m r ey. John E Beerlie Eider Jàshn Hal lssh rbcarge ,of Miss aJ.i.' i itanu .1o1 haha ihaehsiighvyreafsimaiinuof si'(Isst is tFiates lYs tBUY INSURANCE WITH A Mrtiasd tiis Dîîs u ls i n The ren Is d la >tls at-5 oht s an m RECORD O F P ERFORMANCE To Chiropractic Se ud ~1~s Fa Do You Know ? et--end susiBufaosad f Co-Operators Insurance W tit ltncousnter maypol tmens Compeinsatiosn Boad Gn taris paya itautisa forCiorci car, ovinjicsees due to ciet c nauît saf un ltie. tutu. hrpat hase beeu licsninrd tro o ý30 yeaes. and theCopesato Board haveeusuned h aleo Chiropracieiiftisa lktsh .Fr hý pasl lb, reueau . the Bordhspi itasms foi, X-itys lake yCi standauds.un insrane ompni, r., i-ýcgilzeILTON C fi i resperaciseDISTRICT hi,'atth Caisson- { PTL dur the Heaitb OPIA anS Aersddent abea.d Iiisseanersehiish t hey serte. Ho o ptueao r foi-t -i oserai heuth' isiancu- pan, O tesil nctadeasi ; I Chrîprartic if' W Riddell. DC.pus or yoia trospaortiursvunnaeinthemar- ket for heuith insiraer. reasambers hefore pas i nu atinurtigata' Whairierueisî heaiih pobtam may bh a lth tose r mulh yauelocal' Chiropeuctvi Yoa iii find hlm wel-tratard. campeteol and ap-ta- date, and îeady ta fiver su the rare or counsel needrd tlisoslve yaua prticulai probluas Chiropractie la TWentiilh Crntary Hiaith Cure; go moadernmih Chiropractie!l ALKYD ALKYD INTERIOR GLOSS SANI-FLAT DULAMEL ENAMEL INTERIOR PLAT PAINT SEMI-GLOSS HIGH GLOSS OT. $2,25 OT. $2,40 OT. $240 GAL .$7.50 GAL $7,80 GAL. $7.80 Moreai gpIVNiICAI COIOtf. MILTON CORNER MAIN, MARTIN MI '19 MAE r-Af4»MT ÇAt3 HARDWARE MILTONI TR. 8-6502 vening, Mies Geruidine Greer of auslinch, a mieaionaiy ret.urned frm Formoau. Miss Greer gave an iliaoirated talk an the work done la aormosa and the olides ohown were iath bruifua nd informative. Lais Greenlera ihunked Mina Greer for addressing the meeting. Glanida Purdy dediruted the af- fering wiih prayer and Margaret iaalrh nlaaed the meeting wiih Cangratulatians are eatended ta Mi. and Rs. Wilfîed Thompkine on tha arrivai af a ivuby girl et the Oahs'ille-Tiufalgui MemorlHos- itai. Mis. William Walliuce ai Guelph la l a'ii f-î . i'ulues u'lh Mir,.and NI,îean, tt,îîî' Mîltîlî' Roi Mî'îîcs i s spending .,îsiî ineek wîth hier brother, Me. and Mrs. William Gruham, ut Grimvsby. Daugluas Ingls ia caliaed ta lied eth un injaicd bc. Ail wîah her .a peedy reu5nciy. Fanerai arciesafor the loti Juam- esA. Mofalt, ufTarante, aanaof Jias W., Mfalt and tbi luir Mia. Flora dîîlmea. mere held in St. Duvidus vl.iîbytraa îhaich, Campbellviiie, 5 YEAR GUAJIANTE ED IN V ES'I E N'1 $100 t0 $1 00,000 Insurîuce Cmîîaaiev. Mai- îuîpasttes, Ssui,'is aid ila'iy piilisîr ilrisrs su ',' issi i t Us ss 0. E. Maning Manager HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINOS Oasuhiit'l ')i O taio a n Thursday, Mardi 29, 1956. In- Stermeni wseauin the adjoinlaf cerne- itery. TIME TABLE CHANGES Sympathy la extended ta Mr. and effective Mrs. Ralson Howard on the death af Mca. Howard's mother, Mrs. Ed. Sunday, April 29,1956 rAllen. Full Informtation, tram agents Several from the comnmunlty ai- tended the fanerai servie in Antan fawr the laie Joe Frank of Naeaaga- .a I.L weya. Symnpathy le extended ta Mr. aand Min. John Giajnoar and family a n this bereavemnent._______ STll. LAWRENCE Fruit & Grocery Store Swo.t Juicy Crisp Greon ORANGES CLR Good sizeSteike doz. 27c 2 for 19C Interlake A Real Suy osn TOILET TISSUE BOLOGNA lic roli22c lb. Gold Modal Fresh Roasted PEANUT BUTTER PEANUTS 29c (in ahelin) 19. 16 oz. jar 29c lb. PLUM JAM Rose Brand Extra Spocial MARGARINE 25c29lb Large 2 lb. je!2 c b BREEZE Frenh Sale Pric. EGG PLANT 72c Gt. Box 15c En. IEIER RESTrIVO'S"I DIAL TR 8-6043 S41eL I N S T EP WI1T H s c malurisn w in euery detail. Beati- islly taturd by exapert uraftasen. Mis- ses' asd umen's saev 12 tb d4 i 16V2 lu 24/,2. $19.95 to $39.50 COATS ... Prplly styles, bauutiully w eevfubîiss Yoa Il se Ibese ail sn thîs ecti aîg collection of Sprîag coas tn gensîve tas-- poiled twseedsamoisi- eda, f lu eeaesahasres mids flaies fitîvil andI bsuuy styles. $19.95 ta $39.50 Prieed to Save Yoaa Dollors SHOP HERE Shortie Coats AND SAVE Outslatini n every SATISFACTION riss. is beautîfal stylisg e and expertlorknslip GUARANTEED OR in seasons moal popuau YOUR MONEY saesad aWis REFUNDED PRICED PROM Best Selections $12.95 to NOW $29.50 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE Phione TR 8-9261 MILTON 200 Main St. uI1T s STYLE orFEATURING QUALITY ýOATS PRICE A extensive vaiety af eacitimg ew fashioma, esi fabnicm Association Claieis serviceea unexeîeled Our rates are cou petîlsue Most Insurance Companien raine your premiams if yau have a laim. This in mat aur Poiicy. Vea do mot have ta pay nmall caimn yournelf ta keep from raiinm yoar raton. SAMPLE QUOTATION - Others on roquos liaiion i tenuer. age 35. papuar ee adr. u, ue modd. 1 Psîiry Fer n li 'î'îa iî.,e..hi O ince illl t, upt,.,$200l.0(x) is'ii.s.s'up to$i,000uua si $ la s.a .'ab- lss.iZ scîsil ;n 'i t î'sts,ds"lî'cv 'r.lgî'$;!,)(J$2 $1. $50l D'îlaîiil,'C,ttA,su , $91 $3ý $25 i)'dîlîsI'(.1su,. $1(XSI l 'a C. i l su l ' 'si lids los, of u- ., th.uIt $S3 $1. SIX IIONTIIS' PREIIUNM $24 9 William Hume, R.R. 1 Milton - Ph. TR 8-9892 R. S. Heatheringien, R.R. 2, Milton - Ph. TR 8-48SS Mrs. D. Donaîdmon, 18 Seneca St. Surlimgton - Ph. NE 4-7255 - h THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ,"IMMIW PAGE FOUR TMMSDAY, APRM M. 1M iew