THURSDAY, APItIL 5th, 1956 SATURDAY, APRIL 7Th Couples Only To lot 23 AND EVERY SATURDAY NIONT ohip, fat, 4 LEGION HALL W Con 9 P.M. RF(e STAN KNISLEYS ORCHESTRA bt cd No.3 $100..............PER COUPLE befor( 453M. JanB, Dec. Want Ads Are Your Community Iý:7 Market Place No. E STELCC HISTORI began osth incorporatison ie1910. tIn the d6 yeir then Sîcîco han MADE 28,000,000 tons of stet,; PAID $717000000 ta esnployecs; PAID $179000000 Sa gaaass s as-, ssios' SPENT $1,365,000,000 for iiaterrarid rics INVESTED $232.000.000 n.rplans Thse ala,,: s io. S a.'. as a,aoitris sai sialisi d cfa aiaado. THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD T 50 MENS SPOR SHIRTfS Son ooc neos selectson of mec s spor shirs. Choose from plaies, checks and tartans. $298 te $695 MEN'S Dress Pants 228 MAIN ST. s8.95 CLEAJNMG 1999; becs> sire: AeaWunu Corpruto A1 Actor. No. 15107. ,UCTON S LE YUNGCATTLE -Sbortbor INJCTION S0 TW. .. biter, brdD .0Hoses> orn N NASSGAWEYA fer, puoture bes; ti0 yearling bei- lntredandG ae Gerneygers'î2young caîves. -e Lateretoandratteensy HRSES ANRD MARNESS--Roan etr.By Grva n, teopteeto, mare, 13 yrs. uts>, gotetin att bar- ot. a.G ran, t eod ncss;' grey borse, 14 yrt. otd, os Gonds, tc. itoatt barnss; set of breeching - Ream haeness; collars .s ndersgnest hos receivet PIGS-Yorksou, witbl11pigs ats actions front siste; York suse, uith 13 pis reanty1 MES. ALF TAYLOR tu wean ut sale tiie, soît hy auctios at the tarm, GRADE CATTLE-Ga>e Guers-t 3, con, t, Nsssagaoseya toson- sey, in fuît flow, bhes Nov. 8; situate> 3 mitetsusentof Mot- grade Gsceoucy, due Apeil 28; miles sooth of Edten Milîs, on grade Guerosey, is fuît flowe, bhe EDNESDAY, APREIl h't1956 Muc 20; grade Gserosey, trs i sossenesot ot 12.30 oltk FeblB1.usithttusîoetfer calves ats p, the foltoussog' foot; gradse Goessey, soskingt CG GIiEIINSEY CATtLF ssII. bes>Der. 9; gadeisis Cîta-oac i, u . 1 ik 1Wa. s,,issu isss 55 ýr'sy.s duo ' May ' tJDe. 30; ,Jo lniot;ltscs's cow, insdbog %seti. bec> Jansu 6; e sale day; Rose Bud, No. Dec. 3: Sisocîbars cous, due betoce h1 ors Sept. 5, 1917, due Jone sale day; Short arn cous, sitking wvertey Brook Essîses Juy, No.usIl, bced Nov. 22; Shorîbors cous,t 9boen Dec. Il, 1949. fresh in cssilwktsig. bers> Gel. 13; Sboetbocn bre> Maecb 6; Daiseys Bu> c ou.silking usetI, bes Marcb 2; 8929, hues Dec. 4, 1953, hred tbns sa choce berd ofttairy Cat- 10; Kates Beaty, No. 70,tl.allacciated and> nofullpro. tOtO,. born Aug. 23, 1953; palt' TRACTOR AND SMPLEMENTSs tPriscees Mue, No. 75745 borsco ergosos tesictor, osodet 85, nousr 7, 1955; Pateint'as Besis.tifutt tn '53; Frgosos 2-fuoos ydrasie 0294. bore Jan. 7. 1954' Lady plous; 3-nection spring tosth s>rag I nans>, No. 75q44, bues Jas. 12, coltinsilse, sesiria seus;2-eîo drag csstsnstoe, Gtssco essbhrties naueserr(adtcc; McCocsosckbibn- de. 7 f1 eut; MisssyHarrsom.-n cc6 t t;l.Minscy lars ha loader: Mansey Ilareto osde detiery rak:Obecrt, csscisnor' 1ste lantd rîstîce, Mssscs.Harrs 1t3-ru ses> drsttintseonatonat onbn ds'c; hsrse dise; i7'toostb coltitns 0 ea]ortsssbsass' doosp rabe-2r 6,,se eatr nth stock ro ; slopssîsesghs; 1aabbcc tsred t' wasgsflast lssy ersck; usatbog boagyV: notce,; 2 King Tovit slc1 ivi eits. 70 ,snstM Si ; puîsssipson bsttts'; extession id- sa.1cords ofs'stod 4 stel bar c11s is. t issugis; absakenfas stacîtrsc riers; 2000 lb. sas îaossdcer sisîn:a; fssîîî g sîi'; sharîs nf steel rs,1n;1L', ngsttedan>sssy onîbse strticles. ItIc sndba;30bnoAY AND GRAIN - 10 ton ofe ver fsor sces>, att ecane> bssggcdd s>esdy 1t.noo%, 10 bas usiest:I(; t o f s'stge.' 'AUTOMOBIL, DAIItY EQUI. ýs sv ce MENT. FUtRNITURE -Ford coach, OUIý - ed t,' 0, RDA TORO NTO I -A TtC neT ITW0000T WOUtoBE.i STELAIEST PLUMBENO Lr4STALE0 tocME) M AK E THE ROSS STORES YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR * Men's Jeans * Men's Work Shirts MILTON1 Your FamiIy Shopping Headquarters Dump Expected Ladies' Broombail, Boys' Hockey To Be Filed Fulli Highlights of Community Night Horntsly Community Night ina kA L Milton Areoo wao a great oucceas e a a i n Where Actons dump 00W okating and fun. The junior boys e an ,0 1 opreadsovoer noery foue ocres Zo- tages> a hockey gosse with tome hins> the Glenlea subdivision, an outotondiog ployo, with o gceat B c m i eut-end prk maystons eplcedeal of credit going to the esper e. e itizens Ibis refuse urcu 00w fttted to noe lience derives> from the mincir hock- The foltowing New Canadiens in cupoctty. ey gosesans> couches of Miton. Moton Cossty received theje citiz- Couneit toyed with thit suggest- The =eamcouches> by Billy Thomp- enohip certifictetsauet week: ton whes it was learoed thut ason won over Dave Leoies team George Sturt Atkino, Beonte; Pet- ton, Gtestea conteactoes, haus> Oc The ladies' beooosbatt, atoas a Maria Aulhnskas. Dakvitte; Erw'in plosstci Mayor Tylb't on the sdeas soss'(if g. ty' rstted ]n a Asbss'hlitR 4, Georsge'town;oAldo Asssosdbng bu Il,, ncs) ,the bsssli isgbi tt1w ihs' ,soaccides nd BiNg]ieisi, (asbaibe; KasssIy Chartes> ers sîssabi bs' osibos> tu boy tise no ssor. Tban came tise highightNodo. N R. 2, Bus'tsogtos; Ntkolaj doosip for a rcononabto stoount, lev- of the eventog, a hockey gosse1 ENeki Bohuotoosoki, Buetinglon; et ans> deesost ans> eeect prutective with Mucrees Mesns. Single Men, Mrs Guitia Biglieri, Oakvilte; fesctog, then deed the tond bock reSulttng in o 2-3 tie. Floyd Brig- Eygebusoz tEygebel Czoenubaj, ts the tows as o park. des netminded toc the Marries> Borintogon; Mes. Francioka (Fran- It was pointes> out that Bradley Mes and Harols> Bobson for the ses> Cestnik. Borliogton; Guiseppe ans> Roughton cassot gct osns on Singles. Peizes socre eteen att Gioaccbioo Ctsci, Milton; Mes. Car- somne 30 bosses until the dussp is players. metu Crisci, Milton; Mes. Teresa closes>. Arrangements have becs Chocotate cokes were the ce- Czoenobaj, Bsrtisgton; Mes. Maria stiering for serre tese to acqoice osardo to the citdreo for thete part Magdatene de Boer, R..t, Miton; moedomp tond, stoce it is antici- in. mabseg the oight scb a sec- Petus Hendrikus Deenteru, potes> the preent dump witt be cis tee ceeam aod cake was the Georgetowno; Meo. Hendeika Jacoba fittes> by this spiso. treat for Art Higgtns, aresa mas- Drentees. Georgetowns; Jan Doman- Cosorîttor R. N. Brownobas> bis ager. ands> bs eteers. owsoki, RNR. 2, Bsrtington; Peteus doobto if the area wults eve ec Somne of the otstandtsg figures Jobuosos de Graaf, R.R. 4, Acton; mchuseeifit were'ecaedesasnthe tce were Claude PieketMr.Jsef 'Jozefi Fedoeok, N.R. 2, il paek. Hsseee.sostocile court-and Mcs.FankbCto m, tao and>Butington; ucl s wccc etbustaotic about the Ltoyd Moy, Carise Featbeestune, Mes. Matya Fedoruk, RNR. 2, posshttttes JoooooNeeoodoasdssao otersBuettoglos; Maria Girardone, Oak- A committee was nosord te o n- reeinsg the fun they bas> twss'vitle; Mes. Anna Juger, RNR. 2, Bue- tact Bradtey adood t-to t byeites 00tgnn;JoisJoaGaeie mabe fortber oegotiatos os the Mr. ans> Mes. Howard Bradtey Ngeton ija Jzenas, u keite; fun dca sercc oabe to attens> as tbey 055j Krauscbub.Burlîngtos' Rer- 'ereebosy pscbsg for teirîtrip ons otsJ. Koosek, Ookvitte; Sasislase Peutplicboa the Champio to cead Satsrday to vstit theie dooghtee, Kousat, Oukeite; Edmnuns> Kieser, ans> ccad the Chamspion ta boyý Edna and sos-os-tan' Bttt Brook ito R.R. 2. Bortingtos; Nudzieja Sie- Pesesa. Itlioiso. ner 'Mrs., R.R. 2, Buetington; An- --Att usho atteodes> the nigbto tpro- as 5 Lioubss, GObvitte; Svend gt amn bas>fos. Get-togethers of tbissa 938 essdet. omatt miteage; Woods' kind bostd strooger bonds of Larsen, Georgetown; Mes. Krysty- 2-sst ssttbing msachine. pipes, igbryrset a Mttek, Boetssgton; Geerit M. pussp, etc.; s. h.p. etectese motor; nctbocyrspc.Meere. R.R. t. Borttngton; Adam Stcsnact eteÀct osbctkppIsMuseczconohi, Burington; Mes. An- Wsogbam cossbsng raoge; Yusbevd .R .Okile ak csoking range; 2 Qsebec bheatees, Georgetown Banquet "a Nes>eed. R. . 1obkieuSe; bîtchen forottre; dtnsng esnm an Nrsvd . R. t, Ouit ; d fîseetture: buffet; tsnoieum ;totO, Oela Prszd RR 1 B chesteried sitenew seiale Wtiî. EndsruszccakRRCtouBue haoms pianos; hatt seat; beds; dress,- The Hottos Cossnîy Mutoat Ats> linglon; t o are antiquoe sardeohe ans> Ftcc Services Asocatoeecentty 1Mes. Loossa Repo, R..t, Oak- ssssto other arties. hetd ittsnoat banquet in the vitte: StabuskaW Rybueki . R. 2, TERMB: Cash s'ith ciecb ton sac tGeoretownstLegsonshait. The htgb- Boetiogtoe; Rarats Rssmsssan, ofsaee ,' see lss ight of the esseosit usas tbe pees- Georgetousn: Ebaterine RusanoW Bosotth un grsouds. ttiseom.eesonttatssn ,f tire ist«tctsescetsf- Mes. ,Boetssgton: Cceotous F. Rot- on te. Alltiles inu sssthb nc l trailes tte't22tsccooaen hsodrtbes.oecbs Boctington; Mes. teena Rot- isi Aeesti 1. tabsog the cscoreoinMiton or atisa ecbt, Broetsgton; Anootds Sedmats, WNM A. IBSON. Asselsosece, past 20 mecho Boetssgsse: Erna Budmats (irs.), Phso' Gsuelph 743w'. Tiseesusae c sscsas> ho'Wsiliam Brneington.Mes. Abba Soestak. W.' .1. Hsnte. L W, MeMilan, O'Sssis'sn tsf the Ontario Fsre Bsseiiogtnn: Jan teetieb, Bseting- t.'icb', b-39 Mifsiit o siffice readsad the Isco'ton: Mes. Ana Steetjcb. Borting- o hre o nin fros ech Hsstos tso: Stafan Basostz. Oakcttte; Mes. ___________________ R d o he thers io Otga Scdasoscicb, Boetssgtoo; Roet- iisesetsssss.ssi'nsars sspectot oTrip. ActonJacob van der Voort, tisea fssitss andi tsacentssss, Georeatowns: Jas R. vos Locbess. Guaranteed Gerg2U;>ýo avr .ak A o se Bsntoe, s.Ogavo Deer R sicsss l <5ltissss 'ais 55Stanico At-t. Miltson: Gecordus Wttteos. Mit- ts'ss, OntasrsosFss s'Mss shst W .ton: Daes H.Zootera, Buctinglon; hat 'ssssa;l('ssDatasss.Co-srsJs,hsnnasMZtra, urttng- Fs't.i'sFBs'ss ss1.iasossai1C,11 ton. U SED i L ol oh . abe.Re ligious Table au is CARS :temluiahiorsi iss2l2won, Sev-. eof :the Bible AND TRUCKS T>,h:o s .ssasssn et ii"ates ' ai Lssss cttiprs te a relgi tis anqu fon itosn stre tabteaus. WmnoftheBsble, in the _____________ t3sissta' i'sss' Caesge ssnd* . Msse- Pas is ltsHall n Wednesdayeestng .Csssss' andJohsn Casnnn. Fsre isf tstscccb. S PR IN G ' %))ýiiiaey4 ebr e nien\'h gav uptiwr wi ti, . d he arios caratees. The P EU R S Jetfaresread the script for the ____ ____ ____ ___ News Testassent. 1954 DDOE Ryosns ocre sang ut vairous 194DDEP ollock and poitstotboughoot the tableaux and t.sittscs's attra ans> the final scroe as tbey gatheres> cusons ssss.ssss. sîhsssteey J J arosos> the cross with Mary, the îssst lish n- A reat Cam pbell ýIMother of Jesos. Mary Magdatene ond Batosse. beougbt to a close a Masofotrescof 'very impeesoive ans> educationat 1952 DODGE CORONET HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS Bsbtieal eveestg. SEDA MEORIA ENRAVIG b the aus>tence seer sosse of the SEDA MEMREAL ENGRVINO sscsbees tram the Dtocesanrnxen. itasî, ssssassiati s>sccc- 62 Water St., North GALT stee of Hamsiton ans> sany WA. t ass sgns. t An A-1 cari Telephone 2048 esembers fross assittaries front aIilsteouns> ___. _______ 1____nearby posnts 1950 MERCURY CUSTOM SEDAN A. s,bla i ,s ssi sas i,is',st s'ssn. csstsotsar - s, si'itsi1 stsis, top 1952 FORD CUSTOMLINE TUDOR Cusniiradios mac air biatat. A bt-a'ttiilitan fitsssbansd raiya osît aesses>fssr auomsobile. Sec tEls o itasyý 1949 AUSTIN SEDAN MAROON SPECIAL uitI becs> dtu the HIGHEST BIDDER Ait bsds t1 Scie hy t Satueday Atacît 7, 1956 1951 FORD 1ý'-TON PICK-UP 1953 FORD ý,2TOW PICK-UP Extrssy owmilgeo thstpick-upans> ts inocos cons>tion troughout Stonehouse SALES 409 Main St. MLON E I PoN'r mAKE ME LAU(GH I »I know what Im talking about. No wose max or woman would ho ukhoue the sevices ofa meut company in mamanr conccoalog theor esae-otas fat tue imporram So, tare my advice, wudt. for bookiet, "Blueprant For Youw Puaiy.'*t ulilten yau a Wloenu ldu know about carat. administratioo.» VIE STERUN.G TRUStTS COR POR A TIO N HUAD OM *R AM Ioý W2 "sy Sf.Tom-#* 1l3 D Ip 4end - - .. MADE-TO-MEASuRE S UIT S A large variety of materials and styles awuit Tous selection. PRICED PROM $49.9 5 *Men's Coverails *Men's Smocks *Men's Work Sox * Men's Work Pants THE CANADIAIJ CHAMPION, MlLTON, ONTARIO PAGE TItREZ ITHE ROSS STORES CO. LTDJ