PAP.5t SIICIIOT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO TMURSDAY. MARCH 2Rth, 1016 MILTON HIGH SCHQOL NEWS fly At Conibeek and Donna Clament Bowling: On Tuesday. Marris 20, Nancy Moyoes bowlrd agaanst Mary Wood and Wood cron. Lynne Bundy 'oas his'tt icîcaro for Woods troni ad Nainct' bd lier tram. Tise oticr toassbowling were Bonta Trimle and Faye Thoma. Tisoman won mtis Rany Rigs hsgh bowter. Judy Thoman wan high bomier for Trimble. Berause tise bowling aleyn are closiog aion, two stherogimme stre played thkm meeis. Donna Weston played againt Catherine Wicess and Weston won with Gloria Psrdy heing iigis bowler. Dee Pope ran iigis kowler for Wickens. Trimiste played gaîmst Lesta Davis. and Trîmste n'on. Mos. Gillespie mas higis bocler for Trimiste. Sandra Turner for Davis. On Thnrsday. Mrris 22 Mnynos ptayod Helen Lacsson and Lacson w'on witis Lenoro Chesteros' abkgla kowler. MilIe Goîn cran kîgi for Moynoc Also. Davis kowltsd agant Woodtîarys tram wnanad she wa higlckoclercsitlascrof 209. tiilro Wison n'as hîchrot hoclor for Davis Thero citt hoetwonmors' aocr playod. and ins race of a tir. finals cilI ho piayrd 1cm o wokc train Noon Hoom Dancing: Ws'tl, tise responsce trns'tise hoys han hoon hîgiser nf taleibut a tocs'mors' routd thoieoced on tise tlnor. t sti thînis the Pol Jones in the het csay to getboycnutonethe floor. Il should hie ucod mare ften mstoad nI h se numorous hingos. Personaity of the Week: For everal oooks nown, t have iad a collahorator ranis ceois on the nrcrs. a girl nancod Donna Clrnc' enta Sho han riten ticocoine reports on hockey and hocwing, as or rîspiees ocf osip.r.moanks about t'arcoerc, and rrrascabouct tis e sdtos' ot is.. oîuninall ccf chshavs' hs'rvthos'nighlo n nordi. In thin rotucon. t hicesaiid sm enthîîgc abhoutDna lier hokey pt,' ing siing. orci co tlisc cckisI an' doinga pcl feator or hier Tiitirgir Donnais 1. iif r irs' froc tait. unigico Ilà mný haniluoriro andhs'on arFo a short lne is' ,r u un cO.îcaihfiiiitiiif shidcifreib ilnsoiin w.icdcrdlc.iok tuiatc ia.t oral ihade. lierers' ornliniciv saturai Shr tulsi ste h rd hccc tu dr-cSc statîrd coi cc, cliîdons ois a,-hk,, Diicra . liiii -fitiircii shcrsail, heitocbierc,,, dii laang pictcrsacd bho, tWii,, r oid rraitrcoficrirs'ittandkii rodcrmagaziine. Sheisaocrciiivic acapraorccviroor Shn h.aooni Milton Fais'in prevs Yeîc nrs to, liser art and iardwrs'tîng cicreic,îd- criting poolt Idor't bhntîrorSi cran onroe an'el nwsnerirn'.uh se olîrrird lier at prizer 1c yeaen agc Sico onterrd ir tsi iccc pitlIpots'r ortett h cicrddu cis Berauco Evlonn postins' w. Bshe it oas'rry hucy girl arciand Hilton His .Hrr favorie ubîroi iPT Sicr cl he n the tacmtlin clasr ai Open Nîgisl, Aprîl 27 Laci yer shecrmto'cirGrad9A toi lise Yrar Boaok. This y..or ch0 ha dmîigned thrrr crersîs.the Stodeni Counonl, racle 10A and thiss hockey t aîkrd Dornao c isc er favorite teanhesnarr. *Ms' Begir and Ms' Woter,' siss' swre AndchOc "Ms. Bogin, hnaar h( kicks me ot torncougising . anc tatkîng. And Ms. Wotise r ais",I, impudn." Strange girl. csnet icr And chat cs Donna planningfuti tise future? Sis ouold lics' a sa reri ocrmercial art Suis'hh en studyingat hocrecritlc li Art Instructiocn Ss'iool for ayer Net yors' Donna planstIcidrvoi alklier imes'to tic s' 't (ifth cr a cus.Oticos'narrersccihec s's' thisnhîng about corIae iangcro ts' craîts to hang hyti, coaris i a fotballîtha lo n m cctair St sayc chi cgriiirf tu hoecrrrird ii 196. Wos'nîngi Dont go tuaîoseu rtý Donnat ary tîcrýS' 91ll1ts'y t clt cou a Nas Sos' youontcrmrh LO W ILLE Jack, Jili Club Tour Ford Plant LostI crek tsthJarisand J2,11 no of thes'Unted rhums nnînyrd trip tirougisth1cr Fsd pant Oakivlir. cricîriprovrd istoroctîs' as crit an edaratîonnl. Lat Meeting Tise tat meetiîng ot the Lmc lînnetrs fnrum cran tic have hec etd ut tise iscme of Ms. and Ms Leonnaod Coulcon, but dur to ti fireon Sanday atternoon chie deslroyed tise Cnlonn haro. Il farm forucr cac licld ut Frathi tone Cllîng's crti 42 stocks' prescrnt. Floyd rîies. hnation. farm tors'nm crs'tery, ceois tic th croup and Hugli Mreucîn o! tas' aira anscrrrd masy tiarclin about tlitcounntry. Thes'Locrvît l e ros' iurtetI rendord 1cm muial numicni Teen'nd-phanuet itohre in Faîrs'îewcriol dnrng Easc Ms' Wite in rontînaîng km s'e ies ofsercrnnconnthe Croson a tat Sunday lhe cpîîisnabout il Chisîtîanîty othtie Crs,s. Tlîn Lsîcvlle and Zimmermr Young People met eithtie home J. Thompson, Hornby Takes Honors at College in New York Joseph Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiimer J. Thompnon of Horn- by, sas one of the members of thse Clarisson College of Technology hockey team which just compleled an undefeated season with 21 inter- collegiate wns and two exhibition victorien. A senior, Joe wiii receive a bacheor of civil engineering de- gre in Jane from this colrge in P'otsdamn, Ne on'Yk. While cammending the eniors on kms squad. Coach Bilt Harrison Lowv l e Mi nister said recentiy. *Joe Thompson is a great teamt man and an A tudent. Elected Pres ident He han keen a major fater i0n or Cîuîford Waite wan unanimousty hockey succefoos over the pot four rtrrtsd president nf the Emnmnanuel years. Able to pay itiser wing or College Students' Society nf Vict- ceoser, he has heen a reai fireman." oria University, Toronto, for the Indicative et his scholatie ail- net choot yeor. ity are his memkernhip in Chi Ep- Mr. Waite, pastor of Lowville silon, civil engineering honorary. and Zimmerman ehurchen, is ai and Tau Beta Pi, engineering hon- present in is second year of Theo- or society. He in also a mnemher of togy and is proceeding ta a B.D. Phatanx. tise colrges highest rec- degree and ordination in the Unit- ogniion ocity, nd as pesie d Ckorch o Canada. Educated at ogntiosonety an ma prsidntMeMaster University, Hamilton, oftkrt.rccîv Houseistiidrot niioniand Acadîi Unverrsity io Nova - à PICK YOUR POWER- 4 VVS AND A NUSKY 6 rIn issîlis' 11l.1."Siraii.Sis ts ilir tlriîliîîg 27 I.p. Srt tsera1 'V8, I'siliial- cuti-rslirs' ferai eni'ine5 for nesr. safer power erahie experiEnce in aduit odorat- (ADVEIITISEMENT) of sending in hua pouitry or tive- ion and mas formeriy oerretary-Bak' n a* stock cheques for deosmit un hia manager of the Otario Farmn Rad- B n ing Dy Mvail savingo acesunt. along mith his is Forum. pashook, whirh the B of M people Nom living in the parsoage at Saves Farmers' Time mark up and returo ky the follow- Lowviiie, the Waiten have tw5 Nowadays. farmern are sften tas ing psst. children. isusy to spore time for trips into If yos find il inconvenient te, gel toms. Thato mwhy many find tise into town during hanking houes, S Banis of Montrealo "ianling-hy- write or cati Bob Bei], acrouritass Ladies'Guild eets mail" service partirul'arty usefut. of MitIons B of M, telephone nom- The Ladies' Guild of St. Steph- They sver lime and trouble by ber TR 64011. He will giadiy pro- ens rhurrh, Hornby, hetd their having the pontmnan do tiseir bank- vide you mith full details about meeting t the home of Mms. Har- ing for them. hanking hy mail. Otherwise, you rop tat meek. Tise crmiog Ira as Banking ky mail is quiris, 100. might drop loto the B of M next discusord and more materials mere Deposits and hasking instructions lime you'reintwad lkua distrîkaîrd for tise annuat hazoar. received y thse Bof M trougisthe i ooadpc p The olmît aIl for tke neot mot' Pool clie immediate attention. ropy of the kanks teaflet about încc,îc,îîî,cogrcl atrccc'rs'akrc.aprcticithi ufu, tirn-avng service, HERES WHERE YOU BELONG!l 5 TRANSMISSIONS-13 POWER TEAMS -PONTIAC'S EEG CHOICE FOR '56 lInsîprsss'I 5.s1551.ocr ltisi Range 0v<)1i'riersern- t.psin miiatinai trasîsicissîs. I Do~~ît.haI. Range lEtýila-MIais' sor unm iratl- I"igit lIn îra-Moî i t irs' s'sîî lie snstîtiarît, lieliion t icîîsîis' 'gii" TURNS ON A EA-IEARING- WITN NEW BAIL-RACE STEERING Ii'ngs sne. lisigîs'. iji-atm' le, oiinys'sriig-cîtn ilus' siglit einrais. YI si bi'Iîiiip ils a one 51-5isriis- îî voui c s'Isîî. Irsin theil s i' î'î'îîîîîî'1I i iIîsiir rîll up tol'on>iiiiaii'v vîlîtrîsStair Clijîf, 'iiiiiac 'otr 'Dgi v oii u ti'iirrNli -mo tre'un m-osîtres riîng pesrfosrmiances, moîre-s'îîîîr andssityNlue, Andi 1<55gi-t ,more- ch eî,iN% t i dls îslltini 6igreai ovni-v. Y'oiuui filnd oir ns car puzze suve jitef tile momenîi t >1ou e r r otacit .dealer! Put yourself in the PGNTIAC picture - today ! NEW SMOOTHNESS AND COMFORT-WITH 4-WAY EALANCED RIDE Spirclj iiýand eqil i .p iti nfo,. c m iv t CUSHIONED FRONT SUSPENSION AND ERAKING DIVE CONTEOL Briikiiîg lstiiiitaik- iie îîîîsnsops. iAnd ui Cisîioili'risiilt iiris'siri miano groats'r tabiiity on roeglis roads, sans, P-t156C MILTON MOTOR SALES PHONE TR. 8-2355 MILTON, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1056 PAGE BIGHT à