PAGE stx THE ..ANADIAII CHAMPION, Forums Agree Farmer Needs Low Cost Workmen's Compensation Farmrraahoutd use Workrara'a* Reports and articles from Hlaltons Frmiands and Farm Organizations Compa ttionasaroton thr- . seve.Th bgdiadatae aMobile School t, tThrostarthe raatot Acton Exhibitors Stand Ontario and Peel cilos fth 62Onra.""fý'- Tan Fih r High aut H aàltoni Seed Fair County Groups sainfrArclur. taeadidstydprmn a o M al aTim yR p rs Visits ta Halton J , oti titilitt, k -,uiek FrdyadSta. l h on Dittittuthe pat t,, wtkitî I itti tt i liîîti ttti inart'ra section, ttdgtte rathO ~ * fotis tt - tiftrontt Ottar c ttfoyttht wiiltttttuttOiWd l attîoltu gireNuIt Krgaa oterfietdhlusbaadýy dr' OnM arketing satttîtothr fatanPeel toutyttot sfford tba attittaut Worttb it ittfhatutau ptfracti ain partarat. Otarto Agrruttorot hav patd vistts to lton ta arr tarotCotmpnaton.Sonnr truatons intheahsadtag ofdires- Cttttrgr. aad Douglas Krrr ot the Whra To Srtt aad Bot, 55the uhat a ite a tet itis op and ittaoutdlbcttuitr bOtitattif the aI snd gaoinr ragiars. ftrtdsacropsht'sttal. Otatio De- titt of the Mach 1 saueof thta aatang cooaty. Tha ftast group, aot soutd tbacaintat.tith whtt Opratoauoftevrchirtatosbrinf ouaattutsart tjrrchapoaalp tth etry of of %hichcarietteatosr dakt'rarat- Ubridg vtattty.tîtattpaid a vt statythoud btt'tdtif the ratsfdrlgvrmts reiserd o 1Beve lis.exty through the aouteay ofGaorf",to the Ford tslat.Fotttwig this, veratintprîoortionîtotarine STroaeMnitrDaphiara of hibitrd by Cavia Atkatt of Artta Hunttari httîta'ttTrafalgar ttosn-thryauxprrtrd t dsra ta vsittthaetinane.NoaiSlardt tsafsthr raiataraf- RR 3.sitfrrd daler. 'fartaaof Frrd ndttHary Nurse Fortirtsectnd questottetfoi- 'ttrrîtd totra aaa."toenin n- Afrd Forduof Otaafttook the Ths reportasetvicerofttmatkettngttarrAhtarottraattdtrthadaatttti' uarIand taiteanc,îtraaina futisat ttu tourddtafor tre arhanae a se hs sl ufce n ahapioststata theopensecationan5dtnaeent5O5 edtvieAt the it arthaîotttr a-an~îdttîtîtataso kin' silsi ariiintdîg t ohsuf lits onstistaattrtfaseodastttsayS.tothy adta.tttooapinio.theatiaaturtyttttrtgtad wththeaam-Coma esaastio. Oveattr tuatars E. Griffaaand Sonof Aatott. RH aot u tetthatîtinuterviteaof il', ratftoors intheaastputtry ut the frtus tî thet 'tttartf'ratîthîîorotatdaaat 2. laon the thisrd apecatu. hicih .s kd th't'attiaiatttttttOttdttattaf tt15îttaadtîtthartirthatîaavuaa eonpiv om ihîratattaststrahip"to aardad lu thaleshibitot' taskîtîg tagad tir parîua ,Tatî. t i. putb- ottd tthe îmodenat'î,thiaary stoaigeansd emtuot r, int a se acidnt thatostastrîu tttttd lttthte UtttedStttets.tttut d rhhttAttt }sottTt"tdtiftrttt t tt t "ttîuaseQurî'a" tad arl- thair trîr Futarsitut a'utt i lt tratttat l att ndtaa orttttthîýA'ttire usar vT heta tu tt i t att' îtutao aa fa i ttt( a'u 1 d i t tutsaa a tuad the hîglit outahar of poins formttiostttt aspptîrsibtr tu, thi o ayyasorPe red lyabte ve i ao hnpisiodgr a theut at 'fttr charg and thrrahy asot the Rîtati Btatk attltntl'y Foantdttgyrru tuaPat ftat(litest httrrt ta t! sbta wî Seil oae Burtttîgtîîîn "Iîr",'îa iaîtî uotytwaîttîa'filîosf tiltpJer- Arttit'a r tttt ittaîstfiletaprotetaion tata'at brarch.The a lttst'Jtuator Fsr -ý"l. i-"-rta dclns fr e hrs OtrotAttlasatasentet'Itftheaf.ta î',î atîai ttu.og sîîî.iî tetî Th4tunit ufattftur rosprcaot. thîh iîawt',rdd tottia i îîrttttuîîad tu î,Theîîu aîf,îî' 1stiaareer tttt, afh JsaioFuî'taaîtîh asktag l ui kitatt a'tît onatîdtite tr tîtîîftîa rrat of 3tîtsîtîgîîttîîî.îî.,î'î..,uî fa ccidentta nadtu t'tt.theî'a f aa 1t2arî'atîî'a ud tadtata ibute a ayvr goCo nnieruMoCtattîî'îîaatteratn ra.tufrhttff.îatne'rvradatiîtiraitt îttr îrîîrîurris 19v6 Atîka. Rah A Hîaaaa Gasffsua t ttttparttsu ttrotat anu Robertson, J C. Mrshall. fttthar drttpttanîliotsn,"et-,paatî' d otspîtttataaiyexedatthbutîuh tt'tttt butttht'rtîataaaoturallthrr Oîaay thedeasd iu ia. Mdtut at-Ciais Atkatt. S Fard watîtcontittatabharasonb- tuprattatiba tttr quattty utf.lit hîihOteafîîtinagiesîbu atîliîf rauag'foraaupadîg casses 'ta t.GifnadSn "ýl edt o ur taîJat(hra!tai tra'a rtrt't t i tathe îtauh tarîrd auhirats as the handl- and Sua. Gordont A. Latie J Naa- larouîîtîa ttp Itatoun a safaad- And ttî'ttthay stuiha s Itera atttId bhamatt rasuaîîtîhf'Atneth- tsfif nes and navitationa ma BrdMTMeabanuhîd Snîîaîîafafsutrpluas rîîfhtoal rutasa ii. rautYeuainasîti sîthrraaityarthuîhtîtht-'ditdattai tht Barta atritai A i tt t- ilbih,îf hlt rititrtistat t I tr ttrtir a tine f Otntao t t i attilvsotthriiur.tuusftttt.and ken. ErwtiGittiy ad Sonst aattttffortteaitaplus part'c lha fbu h uit .aîrb i*ds ota'tid ba itd"itp ttat ittono>f theattitr liai 10 bu Ots _ Cttti atttî xi iito iiiatttitttaitfalvunit' t t-îtittît thirit frtit' a t ir' t, Your localtsituationi ai it titi t ,q Gordo A. 1 lie, Cai i rn kt icotiutit' iii tîtîttitî *,irflitiahti r iiîî I I I D N I Robhrat A, H ttît. Fadi rîrîd ii att'TradeNui ,vîtî'd ta il, "It'a:tut lit foftitt and Soit, J Nîîîîî.îîî ird S r d Iglaîî hou ii itirit Titi t t 14) bats .ii.' hti ii(îîîlîî CIl('ttiattitif.titi I id,'In Footiiis Town <CEIt OC TROENDt t'taýshei d Au'.ruy aid Saus. S arii Lîttaaifd itAfltiiicl, ii i. t ...g t. na I t titi Aithaît 'eetitiWtitilla ii i ~bvoiItîfii ii'tt ulî ,ittut:ot~f atiiit tttiii ii'u ltR. R. FORD Ilii S F, ant tîd S At Social Nu ht ý,1 ;InMIlitONi ertso, %V E Il (ic(Iii1,titia tîtî....-I A Phone TRtangle 8-6357 W trtt. W E u bt ît I IM tii tit i l , h 111 ii X i it, t ittl. t , l t-lii tQ t1 tilt iIl t -ttk.t.Iil- titIllt11t(0t sol ia (tii i, . i i ii12 '1' , t îl îtt lc iti 'utt, ' 'il,. aa u SHrpiîrd fi a -t i t' Vt' ittilîi t tltlit000ît. tiidFrd. F l îui at IVI 1fIiii-- t It tl oî,.,rt. ptut fiot sudgSît. Jtitittrt A fiit" I f,,, ,, o "f, t , ii tt i i it. . Su ' s. ,,citIAithat t titisî of theit vti -titi If 1 ' oi 1' aahiyPt.ttetird SF. C,,îtc i, it ii. ottt1ittLiia t I .tttt ,î Fiettld Fit ui I.StiE G, if tai ', II.,igi , t tti b -E-R- RY goGO lita. G ata S , ttriF i rt tt T.fodîî taîaîý ftti ndi i ngtltf a iiii tl , tt su aataHaîAta. utttt ba ira îî1-î tt fi ,î,,rdaaîdiîfîtt I t ui t I it tut i,,i ht atit DusTsy Ptî-, Sndyo and TIttttfttirtfrti ît-.ttttiut Hunta. lnAiutt'stdg. i t(îîî,tiltki, ff.îi t -n îoîitîî iri ta tt h ut i t ii H aveyTPet].titilla httretuiiEîta'i't tatII- 19 I l fiit îî .ta Ili,îîîîî f.'tîî tiib ut îtil' Do atIor4H asit Can ,ti N itraut umantha fr h iti tn it - -I t ttoiSO 'tîtîttt ttrtt Ftal Fa ïa,îîdîîga Oxaiocp"ncmptoyment comabna wîttt vauabte exp riecaned train- ing in Canada'. egutar Array. The pay la gond. You lcr new ekilis, prr ap an trade, or train tettc a reader. Yoa get a tastr of rrat adae-i tare, have a chancr to make ifr-tong i 9-frirads with fine mrn... young1 enthaniastic, a cut above avrrage. for tthr Aftcr threc yrars yoa make yoar 1 choior to teave, or stay and make a greatost olars carccr wt dacmntann 9 ~and varty. Find ost aboat onr of O OU e Canada'. hrtt or uarcrr o j Arsey Informaatiorn Centre. t84 Kinr Stret East B CANADIAN ARMY I famittan, Otarte. 184 Kng Street ast I~ HAMILTON, ONT. ................ Telephonec2-8708 c,........ or write jt Yeet.TI . ____--------------- GUESTS pÇEt" EAp LO' tfs Unifor,. q. ' WE mus-r &!"if von are t, BRECAUSE 'o1VUPR OU'SE ter comfoei IS COLO. YOU VJJOW OW,\VEMUT/ O soimlives up to - "~ pectatioes. eality ta a must, to have real win- t. Our fuel oul your highe« ex. A I in~ Haidlops! *Joyous Easter» Mixed Pans Hydrangeas Potted Roses Chrysanthemum Pots Daffodils Lilies Tulps The BIG buy is EREURY FI 1' ,Md'at q4ee%/%ouleÀ ?Watoh THE EU SULLIVAN OHOW »on TVveerySueday night. 8.ti tii 'tLT C î 9,tit .Tîtaonto, looks BIG... .feels BIG acts BIG... is BIG THE PRIf.F ISN"r NEARLY AS BIGC AS T'l'l CAR! .ELT YOUIEWI)EAI T.Esow yout NORM GUILD MOTORS LTD. No. 25 High way at No. 10 Sideroad Phone Milton TR. 8-2393 d29 MAfN ST MfLTON PHONE TR 8950f u l é 1 1 1 1 ý 1 ý ý ý 1 ý ý ý 1 ý ý ý 1 ý 1 ý ý ý il ý 1 1 il N, MiLTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH 2fth. 1M 429 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE TR. 8-9501