THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO CL EME NTS PAINT & WALLPAPER MILTON, ONT. PHONE TR 8-92322 Anglican Archdeacon W. G. Thompson Dies Anglican Arohdcacoo of Hoton ond Wellintgton, W. G. 0. Thonop- non. 72, dtod Toooday, Morot, 20 in St. Catttartoeo Genrra't Hospital. A Trinnty Cottogo groduato of 1912. ho n-no opponnted orohdeocoo on 1943. He n-no the rotor in Georgetownn and Gteo Witttto o bn-19322on- ttt hto rottromnot in1954. Hoetotrro a n-,der r,, of , tr,C-,do t, tlt,, diotrict. ttronal EarotSwno o!St. G,,oro'. St. Catharineo. Ho n-nlo toAngicans rh tpton for On-o hoopitoto in ihat City. Fotoral servicern-,nttd inSt. Catharines os Thoroday )f t,,nt nooh. Want Ad Page: Where '..,î Friends Mveet,,en-r prdtion iiooo al ROTARY POWER MWE OUTS CLOSELGWEST PRICE WE'VE RanTiaos UILTROTARY MGWER irsA CANDIAN IREG ANTIC PRESEîON AVINGSI Tateilcyt isUN u..FOR A Q isuA ll- i, ,fuat-pouaered Rotary Peu., Laten Moter . . . Cota toaghest grau anad tai weedsa Tri.§,.ta othîs Va"oftreestoeredad a.eliinatei tdiuhand ri.,i,g.Cide asily under overhanging thruha aw uo.. ttaDiretive action.,,eans no hain or graua taotog or jane, ns boit*ta slip or near ont. Laadod ath performance tMatures,.etaaprise natt beton sthe maret; frulytrth ebargain af the poar. t4aad- »oauy tyted and ii,hed in, beautifai durs-gtaau enam el ia-th 2-spat. Power, Produnin angine; Direct Drive wst" slip-type oltcth ta prnnait dameage ta engins and hardened chrome m.nangaaoe saientbtade; Reseribta iubaatao steet ha,de--ouin foriards or bakwards; Qinh adiasiabte rin.g height; Btg 6"aas-pu.a-. aetit: nabber-tioad uheeta. Paîtlt t-inch st. 1h. quan tity la ttattd-so whpnot 00comedovra.toatght, bu- Sor Satardap. 7 Power Lawn Mowes in the Conodian Tire line-up this yeur-both Rotary and IRoui Type. 18 ta 2 1-inch cut. 2-cycle aend 4-cy cie models. Scave Saiely 1 SAVE ON GARDEN NEEDS PLASTIC ROSE 50Oftn-th cooptongs W»1a be aati M u Fmaus.iS mc ao-wta G.p- liOSO tOZZL - ,- My eaitaihia79t LAWN ROLLER LAWN RAKE Prieau iitio d. ta.. t*gthtu hauy W-flu, q O iïda =-,a . ., 2;0 îî 24.; tuna . ,d a.. D-u lelVo ILL METAL WNEELBARROW hiooe.t12tat&t. aieu10" ,,pnna,,io ohhoito taun0a.. S amr , Ieuproo 14C oared iathl. Losa hunoita .truareiot. haOb. o -- ------- 1.59 et.1. ' Iy 3i12 . c«da. Long TURtO tGER-Sroot blud. hoodia-1-----I.55 %'*4.4-0e. hnudl*._ RUootoa sOtÂRS-Caitl., -------- -.Ï. ai*sih4.1 el.d. u . traoaoi 80 AE", 3-POGCLIAOcTIPATtes WttOtR - 3 ,oi-otl. l- Me- ---*if- iagd csu toa.,saI;n- 40- ý nt, sare ----- 1.98 eoda hua off00 ms e t.-GARDEN - dil -------------- -- 1.54 h.l i h.da., Eio,,O h«.dt.* DorcaH Ho£ .7... hor iet S"titode 7".htunl hacde. Loa .,dtu .09 .44 1.54 23-. Las.undin. 7.65 101b~. «y-----5.25 GARDEN SAE7 o12 "D ., ons honsdto 3Me SPADIOiO 005K - 4 insus ene- piee argnn-. "D" hOa-.od __~~9~v~4dyê MAIN ST., Milton ,Modem Farming Is'1 Annual Halton Seed Dr. Don Hunnley, head of the field hnshondry deportn-ent of the Ontorio Agoneltuool Coltege ot ý Guelph,, told 200 formero Sotoodoy otteonoon ihot forn-ing on oery, nory con-pIon. Faomng n-ll never hecooe no si-pie ihot itnilhe o ook-hook forn-olo, the none on o yotor lotoot atoyolr nr-ghbors Yo Gr. Hunotrey n-ononeof two f00000 speakers ai the annoot Hol- ton Coooty Seod Fair hetd on the Moltion ton-n hall Froday ond Sot- orday. tnt hos haif-hoor n-eosoge, Dr. f iltooty rooion-ed vorioun aspects o!orn- hife, enprsing oncsrn abottihe-non-er of faon-s in Soothomo Ontario heing nold for int- dosiry. Whiteoson-O ink t'ter - . ri,.oso think iFs n-onderfot' " liesr id,,.notn!og ihat n-heron0,ce § . stond a toorty f,,rso, ihoro n-onnon- -,- notthin t g h! onpoteef ogly hricko. Bott t,.t i o !etrnand t100up00ose t %vllhave'rto 100ot p n-ih t. hr iddrd. Or. Hoottry trod the noedodf hrt!err managen-ent and oduootion if,, n- rrrlen othon ho statod. Ednrotio dorootndt ood bchotr- o, i!to nhot s gotof on n roor Addnogaioooh ofttnnor ta ht n-rs,.hr n-trnod the frn-orsot, ho prrpared f,,rconnfrotntnng hog oaornooh asnhoeoooedhysot promnotionmnsronsong aroond JUNIOR FARMER participation no!!tog fertttoero and ehen-oos Miltonown Hall. Con-petito Contacttfor Buyer, Srtters Lawrene,Daviod Griffes, Ho, Ross Sofsooorth of Froemnnn-n te hay eotroes. cttttrn-on for the afternoon pro- goran-.le n-rntioned ihot if the ir n-or,ld h"-ring togothoë' thn-n- n-ho oaeso-d for sale n ttooew an- tuson oporcha oo d o nored frn- n-thot the roonir, t- t-dfa.od have,,tf, r vef Cooo (ho,- i ,, rr,dthr)ftjt, RAY OLAN Builders 0 NEW HOUSES 0 RENOVATIONS 0 CARPENTRY 19 Miles st. TR. 8-9763 For Your S Convenienc WE WILI THIS THURSDAY CLOSED ALL Open Satur, Ross Stori 228 MAIN ST. 'No Cook-Book Formula' Fair Audience Assured sn bogan in the moro:og at the annual Seed Fair bld os Satorday in tors n-ore rnqoired to udge onriono (topo and hero Bob Ruddell, Bilt loard Chester, Allas Brownridgo annd Broce Coolsos ar0 soeo judging erthe pastt16yrsof the Ontaroooson ilgoornîodoooough fond highest score0in crroo grains. d HPndo-s oAssoiaton.s for the popeof Coa. Ho ong- ot_ Goy ofM^coe m Mi. rlclriot,,ng ,n to big dlf-Igr,trd tOtaIoy orptnts oto,,od honn-orded the Strathoooo Orohord he terrnre oin themaagemnt oo - not d fo otherr ootnto,-. thon pro- trophy, tho htghost on on-oit seedo. its i,,otr ' vndt oo,,oottnro-. drclar,.dn-!,Uootoood-winthen-ootd n-od andtforage ploot nn-ong. tir farre r e,,-n -,,ot g0,0,0 thelSfattr'yvHaltl, M.P.P. for Htttto Sonody Bochananton the Ralti san,,, ,o,,-,f tr, . tional o,,o- eCtv, o, mnpimnrted teIlilto nCroan- andBotter Co. trnphy for th tr, , îront d,,,io t,,- Croi) :.,,d Soit tl,,rooiro ! tAn- ho-ntg thohghot score in jodging t t,..g, tin, ,r,.- o ,t ri,,,, th,ý -t o,,ir,.-t, an,,d t,,htto ,o tt,,o hay and tntntoes. k- ýth- othe ,-:zrstfintooii,,,ootootrd tt,.t Sstdolourhananon567 points, ---o n s,, no,.hettradct O,o,tttord r ortfitallehtop honors inthe senior o,,,!,,,,!,,,!n,, ,rht,,, oti1,Iizttfof lt(-,,,,,,,to ,;ni,,î ions.(ther wn-,oorsooere:John ;oidý,n, 1 l, ;p,-im--ci h,! tther'7Iinstv f ,!Prhoff and GotoJohnsoonti,.565; c Itýii- 11-t ,arhrk-too '%rlctil!t,,tii(,fr t,,th,,,,,,nrr. ethtJohn Wtlttf5f57: Marh Mor- t, t lip- ,nf,,r,;os ,*io, tl- ,,, Davi.,d Wilsn o 542. tr 0:0 ,,,ý , , ,,mo, r ueon ti r, It t ,e,r tý, , ,, t, ,b- ltermediate Class n,;rko,, )rý -o ýjn 'l,-to tir lrt ott,!t,, (,,,,t 4 -t,,!,it, he-,,to-rn-rdatr cIao,, Morte ;ý>-lI, te ouinttoýjo' vi) on,tOn sn,,,!Gotob \vashghet onth 577; Lynoe t ,nt covuing t1,- i gt,,, . t:,î-,rtý, an,od n-,,Coolttr 538: Bill Rohinono529: ha, rio! fra ,!in ftr,'r ,,,,h,, ,o,.,,- Wiltlia-mtOtarhall 526 and Pool rt,,, -l-t-,t Oýh,!,- the to,.t ; ,-o J.ttEr h,!Whte-trFord 520. Ii*,l",ý clas Art B.t,trtf,Fothejuoorrotrr non to 58point; ran alga, fr r.* g,i.iJacrhoItt Ge-orre Honte,537; Goto Taylor 532; ;'ýt"no1ýff o ( -,!or nt,,(-hbts.P!,,,p Shrthrrd 527; Boh Morre trges Mtore Surpioses t!,,(-Md!,,, on Junir Ftrr. ,o,,r- 524: Rons Auotin 522 and David - , i,~,i*!, ,, ints to ,-, in j, a ,i,- vatpnfots in wf,,int oo-:rri-tHume517.r , t, -,inotso ( !o,!h,-ilt,,,of At-,,,n speo- EFors: ,,nFrrd Norse, Goorgo- plt,!,,fr hison rd rhamion,,oo r! torrro. Con-phottrotto Modoon- ilti ;tn yJoho Crtrr. dstrt oats Caltvin AiOhon. Arton; S. E. ,lr(fý fthreOtario od Grf!,o, and Sons, Arton. Bnrloy, g ,tp ,nmrn-,-of Ans. ,,:,,fo,, Catovi, Aithoo Ervon Gonhy and hop ingMont Entries Trophies Sonso, Mtgroor t10 hon.oato: Cal- ;hloppin Milon NI 'nror E.ttRosPerr in 00Aithos: Gordon A. Leslie. Aco prvtdthe T. Etootoph ',ytfr ton; Caltvin Aithon. 10 hon. Bor- 0,0!,xibto wth he lrgent tn- try Eron Gnhs-and Sons, Motl- bihrrfrentor oSn-ith Grfn Jr.,gr,,ro. Bos, otSoya Broons: Leon- n-ho rerrn-d theupr0,0on0 hhoof ard Shophord. Moltion. HoU bus. Gofn :4 Soo. -Ton-othy: Gordono A. Lonîte, Aoton; Foo SE rnd Gohn-no [Cavin Afhen. HotI hon. Alfatfa: ottto, t -theft7rT Etons 0eOOOOto,- V F. Brnnnridge, Georgeton. Bons. phy for lts erhbt otf a seon eut ' oats: Gordon A.Leslie; S. E. t'go a n theoopettolos Thon lGrffo and Sons. Gordon A. Les- aadwsorenotod t,, Arthu,r t, L BEIurtN fOirtt,,trr-tr of t!,,-1 Fàrld More Winnees ootothGr:,tn Bus. ttt of Fa It Wheot: John M. Aort trzno h eprie tt,3rd. Georgrtown; T.F. tBrown-- W EEK InlinJunior F,,rn-r jldg,,g 'ridge. Getrgto-n;t.S E. Griffon 'ope tons C rýgo GroOles l td Sus. 10 crs ofCorn:Russellt won teO iton Seed(troors ro tttrrot, Catophottrtlo: Harvey phyfo tie ontstnt n-oîng theNutrse, Grorgtowon. t0 ponndn of hotd ortoooeltay (firnlonuttongt: tronard Shophord. Milton; Fred r TO 9 P.M . Nurgse. Georgton o r ron Nrid. Georgefownot0 Wodsoro-o SEE ttatod trlooso hay (secondA sf50- --THE GREAT Cutr apelil:Ade DAY FIDAY Shea, Miltono. Bs. ohoptttd May: NS.WE. Grffin and Sons; Robert A. E. Griffin and Sonn; Calvi Aitken. day ta p. uBuSs. Potatoes loorlyt, S. E. rfi rdayto 6p.m. F 0 D ond Son: Calvin Aittien. Ino the Jonior Formers' section- Xfor ootn, Hofrvey Pelt, Miltsn; Douglas Starreit, Glen Williamns; S I X Ernest Alexonder. Bartey: Kart Wilson, Nnrvot: Thon-an Monter. now on dispîay at Georgeton-n. Winlnr n-heatt Don Toylor, Borlington: Sondy Bornes, ('pi 141 STON HOUSE al: Thon-on Hunier. George- ,es Cou. LtUO SALES LTD. CowHICGG.TIMI, Q e. (CPt - Thec 409 Main st. noth Chan-br de Con-neroe in thte MILTON TR 8I02 M I L T0ON Saguenoy district n-no founded tn Chicoutiemi North. Augustin Girard ----n----e--o-ed president. MILTON CORNER MAIN, MARTIN HARDWARE MILTON TR. 8-6502 ALKYD ALKYD INTERIOR GLOSSN( SANI-FLAT DULAMEL ENAMEL INTERiORT1' FAT PAINT SEMI-GLOSS 111G14GLOSS i OT. $2.25 QT. $240 OT. $240 GAL. $7.50 GAL. $780 GAL. $7 .80 L MAE ~Benjami A Moorpants IDENTICA ~ AC#I? M ~7Ait3 rAUE; Tuur. PAGE THRIM M TR. 8-5552 A. Desjardine