TiIURSDAY. HASCH 29ta, sali THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTN FREE $3.oo FREE IN CASH OR MERCHANDISE TO OUR CUSTOMER of the WEEK Lasi Saturdaya Lucky Cu. o..er was MRS. CLIFFORD PAUL 75 Miles li, Milton YOU may ba the ose 10 ie this Salai-day. Ail yoa have t0 do t0 min Ihis Content i5 parchane lise MYSTERY ARTICLE. Customers mont cdais PRIZES mithi onea meek of minning. Gerry s Pure Food Bckery, Tae Advanlage of our FREE DELIVERY Main St., M Iton Phono TE 8-9713 ACTOIHONE10 YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WILL ENJOY TIS HASTER ENTERTAINMENT 1 Mon.-Tues.-Wed. April 2-3-4 900 Watch Milton Square Orillia Here, Victors in O1 Tise Hilton Pontiacs squas-ed 4-2 tead t tise il minute marki buth theicisest of satan Senior Bquas-- taeaboas saurged iigist lIse and t tes- isais aItmo games aacis mies Ast Helansan talliad the tying goal s taey cama ieom bhiind ta doms ils laun tison five minutes ni play i tae Orillia Pontiacs 5-4 in a tensa semaining ta farce tise overlime l ovactime baIlle ai tise Hilton arasa sansion. t Friday nigist. Hilton, misa iuilt sP Fooey Scattalon. mho played a9 a tmo goal eaod ai tise end of tise bs-sint game on dessa for tised seond period,a tieir lead van-mîsnners sotîthemînnîsg goalîaiî is ai thi- tisities i-alluma iiitsi-me 2W of tise vetivii perîcd Toms-t goali i--ina etîî ll'Vi-liiuiliiil--, cl,y giiî:ani.i--iii ,il te play> sioc. AI Sliemelîtii-5, vte-i 1-ci Miillon lîusgnî ceîly despîte c illia s-arguai-d, gave fisc visiloîn c bof ditei stuand isy fisclosesn mo yanked goalie Bob Shsropsirse ish ________________________a mnute and 10 seconds bo play. ii Red Gilbes-t came up mIsh some I~...-iramas-hable saves inlise extra sen- Esion, stopping Imo hreahamays NEW s now on disploy ut 9STONEHOUISE s SALES LTD. 1 409 Main i, MILTON m OLEA 84/,'N R SALS-SERVI 04 T/oUa IO sON, BUTasni Joisnny Botter, Crochas- Evans, fosse Tomnnlay Art Melanson and Seattalon's minner laaked aller tise Hilton sccrisg. Aihans, Bruebston. Sinclai- and Shemeiscseisioed tise losar'n goals. Os-illia sisof mbo a quicis leod in tise lis-st peiîd mises foi-mer Bai- rie Flyr star, Rssty Aihens, bois a pois fcom Payne and bhatGOu- bas-t cleanly from close in. Tisce minutes lofer tise mocis improvcd Joissay Botte- continued bis seoi- isg puce mben hae ilstned ose by Shriopsiîre ut 8.20. Tise middlcoi-nsion mas mootty Mîltons on tiey cecisd tise vînîf- ns lot tise ce. Tomsley broise tise I-I tir onsasma-t passinf play mîish Metnson and MeNaîl ut 16.00. Ci-aicbe-Evasn astise ouof f0 83-1 coneilg Moretand's pans f. cii briîd lise seltIct a ps-etty goal. Grito afoosif thisas-scoi-ing ryrs in tise final period and st-adi foi- tisea nieS goals in tise space ni sevan minutes, 10 set tise stage fo- a lhicllîng finishb auaIel ptyed fume. Ira Chips: Tiseeeeng mc noce ltrisali . . over 900i:fans lee iseth i-tonds . . . Big Ied Seodersoti, Oeilî. iaeiisemus. gît tire gîte utnthe vsecosApeiîd. hic gaie ciiivodoet ri-c-c an-sis at, mclii- $10 f ui . . tise civil-i- tii-bd ip fi-eiifthbelune pielat- ir 3iiehie Cti-mens, Keit titiN,-t :iandlJîîinny Bolt--siic- thei pi h iii lis:Milton fiiemuid- , i tir,- t,lîîe titi:.-.- .ltîîvlty Aîisî-îî. andî îî: îîlBravist,,s e:îieî .Kene, *Tii-cm' McNeîiltîî,-r tlhin thelMidlelî-- Pollock and Campbell Ms oti- f HIGH GRADE MEMOfIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING î 62 WslaterSi, Harthb GALT Tolophane 2048 ~Isn1IY ~AT c~'~9MEN'S WEAR Ir uw c E r% THE MOST POPULAR SOCKS FOR EASTER KROYDON and "ose ize' strelcisea nylon socks by Harvey Woods ... faeorites for Eanlec wiîis mecneerymisere. Guaravîaed vot le nhrîsk .- SEE THE MANY NEW ITALIAN-INSPIEED SPORT SHIRTS Mode firn quality lenîed washable fabrics en the latent international lovas, stipet and checks. $5.95-$6.95 REVOLUTION N JEWELLERY 1 Tise short spave of a 1cm mosthn has i-yen an almosl compiete vwing uway fsoie the large, colorfulI cm- ellery oI fulto ornai cascal lI es fo Sprisg-by Havi-aik and Weber TOPCOATS C by FASHION CRAFI T Featurîsg a solîd collection aI topi-outsi i itweed. bei-yi-eut featores really C smart stylisg and the rcih colos- allaitv gicing tise couIatis aI etra nome- . thivg that nets yoa aparl from the i-sowd. Stop iv today. $49.50 -$55.00 THERES A GREAT ARRAY, TOO, OF TOPCOATS IN GABARDINE, CASH. MÉRE AND OTHERS LIGHTER SPRING SUITINGS point 10 BRIGHTER NECKWEAR Featos-îsg tise in- creased ose of cottos, nl: and mool blevded SHOP NOW fabrics. FOR BEST $1.50- $200 SPRING SELECTIONS OPEN THURSDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. y MEN'S KNIGHT'S WA 202 Main St. MILTON TR 8-4472 PETE McMULLEN of Milton wav namned fis-st vce -pir---esiui of tise Ostatio Basebail As- si-aiont :wlîî HaIt-m Cousty piayad hosto te the G B.A convenstionsie Oakoîlie ast meetis Tise osiy othai- Haiton mon nomed to the ececotîve wav Deug Wisn of Gakoilie. Tise cnven tien begas Thurnday eoevivg atnd lcted thi-ougis ontîl Salai-day. Masy fi-omieMlton attended Mr.Mi-Mulie mun pi-evîdeet oi tise G t A . ast yeas-. TOP VOUCHER DRAW Every purchase of $2 or avec antitles you ta a FREESticket on aur weekîy $10 Voucher Draw. Draw wilI be held Every Friday at 8 p.m. LAST WEEK'S WINNERt Mrs. C. Wickens RER. 1 MILTON QUALITY are assured when you shop here with confidence GOVERNMENT INSPECTED HOME KILLED MEATS Aged with the modern Pasteur-Ray Meat Tenderizer RANDELL'S MEAT MARKET 219 MAIN ST. PHONE TE, 8-9221 FOR DELIVERY 1- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTý TRURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1956 e Series withHALTO N AO ~ ~&ie WIIDHandicraft Class Plans Social 'vertime 5-4 Decide to Cniu Activities the s e bentdmeof this , sec s . ae ,r and students, 12 in numenies, of these tmo momen and Hilda tisa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i ataadn ierigSrp aeî o rsne Park College ta Marcy wan appomnted ta look aflir sbire badl a busy night ... aggres- hold their cegular n thly meeting these purchases. sive.Joe McCann carried the pucis mith tise residenla ni t'he Manar. Plan Soceial Evenlng an eyerai dangerassesen. . vM.MNtt i.drprsna- Paswr aefrasca tise tmoteanisclash tn the sixtis e.H eut il ersnt Paswr aefrasca gaseatts itnAa Str tive of the College, mas cisairman evenhng an Wednesday, March M ta day nigist.eGamettnsse 8.30 p.m. fortise evening and Allas Kay led miielthse men residents of lhe Reservadsrafa-enoimossal0ea in the singing of the isymnn. A Manar mauld ha invitad. Tise Wo- teeedsatarfe iosae aiscequarte-t af four young smen, Mr-. Me- men'n Auniliary of St. John's Unit- thearea cfffe sop, Nuit. Atlas Kuy, Rayeiond Goheen edcd i-oth, Oakville, has cffared tu SUMMARY ;cil Weldnc iheiiUesang tien fine tise charge of the anlectainnst Flast Perliod velecions, Wonderfal Story of Love, and refreshments. At this meeting. 0: Ailses, Paynea ......... 5A&and 'Wisan 1Gat Home. Thcy mai-e a film depieting tise heauty spots nf M: Botter, Haddlelsn ........ . 20 aýcoepaaied by Joan Elliat at tise Hawaii, takan isy Miss Whlte an he Pans.: MeCrone piSa. vacation tisera wlll ha shasin. Thae Seond PrlidBible Quiz miii alan ha an exibiit cf tisa andi- M: Tomnsley, Melansan, Me- E. Kay gàva tisa prayer and Buth cits mpeed hyotieela men Neil.....................16.04 Hickss condseted an interestn itetmeting a esusy8 M: Evans, Mnreland......110.47 Bible quiz. Lois Hicks sang a lovely WiII Cont5iue Meetings Pans.: Botter, MeNeil, Sanderson solo, tis musical version ni tisa Mcd Avl a asna omste Igame minenndsetl. Psalm. tise class mosld continue ils meet- Thîri erlaiFi-ad Buchsanan, miso in studylng ings tiscoogiout tisa mantis nf April 0: r Brn PtoRbrîon 1 foc tise minislry at tise Cllege am- and it mons nanimansly decided G: BrnSi obrsnclir.10ressed everyone ils his earnest- tisat sueis meetings shasld taire 0: Sisemehueis, Mcfonald 1104 es nd sincerîly misen giving an place. address on "si- Future Home - Delicios refresismants mera ses- M: Melanoon, Tomnsley .3 Hovn. ed by Mca. Cloche, tise Matran, andl Pans: Tonsly Eans Robnt- Tise cbrceh ses-vice in the cisapel Mary Shsam. The meeting adjauro- son. on Sunday afles-noon, Marcis 18, mas ed at four oclocis. Ovartîme condscted hy 5ev. G. A. Powell, af Ashgesve W.l Entartaina M: Scattolon, Tommsley . 2.59Gi-sec Anglican ehnrcb, Hilton mita Il mas a motter of grant disap- Penn.: Evans, Sisaeicisc. Mes. Ray Waters ai tise piano. Those pointment ta your repas-etatsaie n attendance mece deeply isspis-ed mas absent irom tise Manor tiseougis if in eslimoted tisaI sînca 1951 by Mi-. Pomell tsermnion a theme ilînesmisen tise ladies ai tisa Asis- farm income in Canada bas di-af- oppi-opriafe f0 Lent, gi-ove Women's Institute put an a pied M3pei- cent. mile farm coiti Hobby Clamsas Meet ens-ry enjoyable meeting attise Han- bave riscs 2 pei- cent. or far tise momen cesident. Glom- The sitismeting and thesev- iogirepors ofthe ottandingp-- colis meeting of tise Haltos Manor graim and tisa delicions refreos- hobby clans maeebeld on tise affer- mes.bomecer. as-e positive evil-. scons of Wcdnenday, Mas-ch 14 and ecca sa thin meeting mas an ex- Wednanday, Mas-ch 21 cespeclively, fsemrly enjoyablea ouais-. and tisat ils 1f ladies in attendance ut eaeis the momen cesidants oppsecioted it meeting. cry mors isdeed. i Tiese ints meeting 10usd tise Palm Suniay Service ladies mabing mai-led pi-ogresi an Palm SundnyMash 25,mwas Ob. neyserai bonifierait pcojeclu. îerved sntes-y apps-opsiata fasion U Tise sevistis meeting soie businessaut lise Masos- misn 5ev. J. L. Blair maltesi ensfcled andsd oll fustiser of St. Pols United Cissocis Milton, - peiîgiesn madein lise bndiiatame tothe cbapel toenndsettshe pi jccl. Aft tis meeting an ex- service. prei-onvief:1 ycpalisy mis pasoed He mas aecompasiad by tmo ae- for larao Scti iho isai i-coi-tly enmplissed mosieluni. Mes. K. Pas-. 4. ebi-iea-i.d f a sîlei-i-lam and ter-andGDonald Wilson. Donaldmis. I lMiMeil Thoepo wh bal n hson.sei-eial awars din mus f , diegoeuan ipietio n naGuelphs .i-impefifionssplayed a beaofifssl f licpiful. seil-dues, Romance. by tise composer f . , cciompnied Donald sithepiano in S-y cpible lasision and ployai alii- ici, the svîecîsgofbymnî. * Teen Easter Suit Attitudes Tomari Christ Teenst'Yo ew im Fsvei- suit Me Rh-ulai-rAd anisoSciiptore :is e miii fl:iîieiog fasihînîfo, ]Ii-výso lis:21st ehoples- of SI.Mat- is-i oce figii-ue oi--lbe the star iisi-:ev Gospe-l.In bis fisc ses-mon uulllithe risg pareili' Til:ed bicon-clitiisvi-:,of almhSunday and îae,:iscl::o.vbicî--pi-fie ortlh(ll, H,hi-Wii-biiseri- n , ]&, fu(p:pastel mccl. Cliivue blousie tuela:: ir îbi :iabot lise attitudes of - Pillii or oul'i-o:gii-,-i- . 2.l i,ff( r:1,e v classest ocipi-opteton- Patten 9«3: Tenage izes10, 1. ýit-Chi i t 1-, If. Suze 12 jaieeancd i-ief. 2 . The i- l is-love ociitsofopeople an hiý-eiîh ads 35 ioch tliseconid cluis-riegar-ds hm as an fihi-ie. lisi.:, al figuri-ecoparable 10 JsJ- 'G ohise,: iiý-o- cipatirni-i-c ivevimis Cii-ici. Alfredlise Gi-eut or pefctftColieu ls-ed iîe:ial but eomplctely mac. O j Sevi-CiatosîtO ou ii -ie, 11:1 aifigurie-vii-hilelise tiird clasi aons- f end tlisii-:-ivecn1,ci-ii ro- Te: . cii-Ifliuiui-evvoiegrdiimas forthîc îpattlen. Pi-it lliLordciand thsaiour ofmansind SIZE,' RAME, ADGRESS. STYL.E Iliv iv isî bisif d am 0of people NUMBER. i hatilmii Stîoday, Holy Weelt 9033 io-is Sesd yoceeerdes- le MARIAN Gecîl Feday and Eosfar Sunday Ian. IL.'11,el MARTIN, cure cf Casadias Chiam- icean sc mîîch. cnlminating as tisay u.usl<5.nn-n54 pies, Pattes-s Gepi., fI Frost Sf. doiinvtle glocîos Renus-section of W, Tor-onto. jourLLord.