Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CAN/ 6DIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 'I1HURSDAYO NOVEMBER if, 1955. WeII To Remember Make It Clear With lire protection available le nuch a This week cifizens wilI be observing Remem- district in this county ltis impevativn that in brance Day. le Milton the day for hese services iîog a rail for assistance with the local br of remembrance wili be on Sunday Novembre 13,yugv eitinrcioasothlcti It is 000W 37 yrars sinon the close of tl ionfrsl world pour popet hntiv ofooo osrco s to lionloa] war aed 10 ynars have passed siece a Second rocitement and confusion. Minutes couel in Worid War ended. Both of fhem ieft scars which tigassac".svelf n rpry have nof been eelireiy healed. Both of them ileft t Besita tsure pou know dyo rrty.d o memories that many wouid like te forget. Both aesre in Ie disrictortside te tond bil cf tem e hpe mde mprssins o ai pepie ries gise the number cf the lof, concession that miii prenent furîher wars from starting. the township. There are many changes in oAt rhe Remembrance Day services me wil1 ship of properties boîh le town and on thef have parades, hear messages and join le soeog that Offen a name as a means cf identifying Io< wiil sîle the hearts, and bring back lboughts of is asless. those who gave their ail in a cause for worid free- On occasions the fire brigade Oias gcr dom. several places n an effort te locale a fire PAGE TWO Some may wonder if Ihose who made the 1il means deiay in polling out the blaze. BesI 00w supreme sacrofice died le vain. Thon rmaybe t0 purtrnar your tlephone the number te cail in those who pondre if freedom bas been won and case of lire aood woîh il placr the location of your if havong been won aI such coOlst ruly apprecial- horne farm s0 Ibat anyonr, rvrn ac bilci, can pst ed. There are as many lboaghls and emolions n a fre coullat cari troog lion brigade wioaaî sltirred on Remembrance Day as îhnre arn manY delaa ogbt 10 pour door. people nor onyparlaking n tbn servicns bol mbo ide their emoloons and memorins awayirom the Eclir public. E Onsir! bo oo ag cpol no Bot as me approacb Rnr'oooolrance Day agaoo Olcnesnllooi sotloooage 000 ls woloc must0 me con ail gian lbonbs, tbonks foc thn pensent wn ncvn s omencntly aoluo roîic'cy acr loocoocu are enjoyioog pnocn1 tbat men and wocrnen arn at 1, ~colOyH a.00 1 01coCoo 00 morb tenndnanor te fond mnans cf snttllng 000 d O 00000 gtlooaHeoaood ooa-.',0 iicon Il 1 ocar.l. dfferencns moîbout destructiono and slaugliteandd'i nach r adcloko a n ,rseoSlOo carsoj(611 000 cf we con makne ue prayers nach iv caour o Nay bac ar) a r iocogaaono.ohiio'.q 600 Fo' that mars shah 6be no morn. cîaocn r ,air.oTr oaca a 0000 i I Remnmbrancn Day ochers m any cippcr Oo.oOitis Nowsn.00 II 010000visiont, 00 ,, f., t000looc for retînclion and a lome la rnnonw car rnpnoonnc- nnvt 50 pears Tiosr wh cioaoldontioc.'40 .111 n es of the oasl and mabn osolans for thn future. Irl housao.c ioospow.e r cars driaa o i y Ci0000an s well toi remecober. .....,î..ink00 .,,,0, 0of00,.. o.,,. o, o,,ihv If You Want To Share You'll fond notices eveep meek in thn poper wbich are piaced there foc yoar convenience ovd guidance. An important one, for instance, aI the moment is thoe one wbîcb collis our attention t0 municipal votees' lisîs. Mostli blp po u Il1niant to parlicipate n the municipal electoons. Tierniore 'loue attention is deonun f0 the lad that pour name sbould 6e on the noteos sbt. Whnn yoa 30 10 the pollong booth on electico dop the reîucnîng oflocer ia oblogd o in id 0',,a came on the aotees' ltbelote 6e con ban I pcv cveryuglitIobe Canacloais to e.v.s ol d sbiop.Neiýlher nonor the poopiiel ai 1955 aoreic y taIo b ece 10 oloonrso lh o Caoo 'oolan ao o'.' o 0o motîlnaecersh p but .0 soooalolo t blo oa croano cd for then mm sucaavooo 10 go- t Oiouooo10oth, liocone of asotîcileadenrsip ot î ioreotns, o, hu'.ano reclaje that vAUl c 000.00 o t0 oapcemac o' llosure wll b a sgloroooton.0if th,:,b'5( ynars arn any evami le, Brief Comment Thepriao itation tlc'so ciays o iS 1' 'o .Oao 0 ra v5 000000- ' TIhe tareho be Vouaîohld it hj If ye break tetth with us aho die We shal fl t leep. shaagh pappi te Fandee. Fielods. The Bible liENI t. p 1AW N. tttotrict seu relon t .1 ' a ballot paper. Il doesn't maller if pou have boned 1 '" . . . . . . . . . t 'l le fomn for 50 pnes and pour narnn lias foc 49 olf 0 00 00i . Ihose years been corctly enlered. r doen'nt !. , mater if pou have casf a ballot foc nanep one of 1 ocaotI J10000000iO.O.iiD those years. The onlp lb ng thal covins s lion cor- ce o rjOSîlo aoîl. .'aOcoII . 0O00 rect entrp of pour namn orfOc lb o ear c000the o 00 00 .c .ia O. 00.0Canada Year Book er'list. Last naiOk The PiIgeto r)Domî. ifý,iilviFull 0f Figures Il's 000 the fault of anpone if the correct entop,000soeo00Scibol0ii 100 0000O . . 00 ,1 0 , s net mode. Mistakes moîî happer. an d tbsaf l ainoas of thal disrict. Brlocclpvoiquituatirti, o O 00 "O lo gu ard a gainsI Ibese mistobns the thon g 10 do n g hî ., .., O1lls fine comucn'nity represeootatoa v .,, 00 nom s to seIbat your name is corcecllp entnrnd. q 0 .li.000 Do it sot ond 6e reody 10 'bore in the rightscof Terike icpc00 u. ornii oo,,. o., o citizensbop. counmnnis of îuoîoovrc o .cases 000 i000 t o L- li, i -------- - --po ccss th laI s lotiorsome and Ilo dO ncrcea', li'I , oi.00 a 0,,,10,0 I00 E, 00.. '10 1I ll0, IoO 0 l.o1 ul o .05 ," fa fa, t1,0la0l':.il 1.- o 1'oo .. f... o I.. r,0 i 00,00 Ta es! Taxes! i~~~ s adlds a bogber oces ta tie coosoomer _______ _____ There s no questonabcut the set sus hovano r Ine aery plontioilcom 00000 py . lI pligbt of many musbrooro' ng mon npolol-s bposition ofaheioompaotien'rt fboa 1osoul o boned wilh provodong the nom scoass, 05,0 strents lc aunpanso io uooooa o and cîber local services that gc woîb a hast clomb- înssion.uî oî oners mii o are n odcangero hnig 2o ing pepulation. Bul onn gels oalle mcary vvith boat man mas mode for the tswn olnneoth Ihese cveriustong comporisans cf municipal, pro- plan for tbe mon, them sihosld 6e a menoîog plaico KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH GRACE CHURCH voncial and federai gevenmont revenue, sapo The Oi compromise. Koloooat lbCi Nc.rlioeeooSeo irre ion I 011V l. tRltR, Maae A I itn nGL i Fnaccial Post.. . O *C C'01 000,0 andooolClo.,, M1000 ic 0, Il,-s'.OD A t.,.l Back in the for-off days oh 1930, says The On oo'aeop bond mn snI theooahosmnqO aS0105.01 '0050MII I1:1001,0195, OIIONIO o, N0OVE'Mit th, lc.195a. Fnanciai Post, the previncoal gevernmosls gaI 20 leeneeonînerosîoin local h.slory, Pnohops mv arce imou000" , Sl.,, uiloSUNDA.'Y AFTEH ItINITY per cent cf the total Ion lobe oh Canada, the mono-pperoacbocg the age mhc'n vmncon blo aclion000 It J'a", oM.. 'O "0010 0000000ro 1 500000000.o cipal gevernmenls got a sbado ns thon 40 per 0cr early heginnongs mollo proolo, or perioaps mc10100 000T .i..iîcc11;)*,1,!,1 ' Il, th-, 0000 O1 Io.ioy cîo cent. and Ontawa lusl a fractoon more. Today the oare becomong more omore tbalt rtorealioors I S .1.0 1.01. 111tt"' 700 po .oii.oiioîoooo.o provinces arc taking about t17 per cccl., the mun- lefI us a 9meaI beritagn Sanstead (Qun.I Jour-1",7o.30.,s'sîoI t 0 ________________ icipalilies abcut f2 per cent. and the federai cal. Tueltc s,.o.lN,,tml,,-i 15. O810 m ' S. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH autheroîns over 70 pet cent. C a aooooo, Oooo' , M sMlater-RRV. J. L. BLAIR. BA. C. Ol raoiot. Mrs. Harold Magee, At firsf glance thal may lock like a preîîy eam il is a sad lbicg Ibat courlesy should be sol A.T.C.M. deal for the junior parîniers. But mucb bas hap- uceopecîrd on motor îeaffic, fcr courfesy is com- CALVARY TABERNACLE PtJOYNO MBR01.95 pened sicce 1930, pincipaliy the mosf eopensine mon ecough n mosi other phases of Canadian Peaterestat l oeaa 9. 145 "oi'Senior Sebooi. P mer this morid bas ener milnessed. And the line,says the Peterborough Examiner. "But vme 'sîoI'3 BRONTE S. N 1109) oaond Wîooshîp SCooe'.a n,, majer eopense for that war and the enormously monder mhaî the effecl on our accident rate 7.301v ion--Ytung era'sîîl" Serv'ie" Vrffl.o l'o, o'iil, ' 1,mO omVunoog e'.Film, Wvrku'm Toocieter mtb beany defense onea surns that bave follosord comne lnuld 6e if drivers mould IusItep 16te elerlentary t. îosSoai c,' Iis' ,A. 1, codl ouf cf federai îlot provincial or municipal re- but uceopected pion oh behovong os poliily as ohif oooi'oooooIl l shoow afolm, Mooday. Noestiere14--4.15. po., venues. tbey mere on foot.0' totI l, als "'bor. Soap lon ' eo.m tc _________________________________ __________________________ 1'INOAY, NOVEMBEOO t19155 Oi.T. wlmou cet i îtIhe S S. l0.txS ,.on tldzy Schboî. I roo 1100a.. M enn 'osbop. Toout-.op. Norobe 15- The Me. 7,11 ~~~~~~lot to so,'ý ;i r.C u w l tat, 10 S, boro'ilJaue). and Bi-ly Thoili'- r a a -t n 1: a M obl- oluy anod f'oz.y(io> Frîda ooy v)eobe180-8 pis.0,et PAWarin teIoeAmotts Yooo lieChoiot. Pubttshed ln teanret aI allon NI U D Pabiunhed eseey Thursday ai Maie St., Mltoîn, Ont, Memnber ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA EMMANUEL BAPTIST CN&JRCN q qof the Audut Bareau nf Cirrulations, the C.W.N.A. and tise and 215 Commerctal SIreet Oetaruo-Quebec Divusion C.W.N.A. Adverrtling rates one T ERES OVLE Paîtoîr. Rnbt.F. Onydre rernart. Subscriptions payable in advance, $2,50 le Canada, S.GOG',LWIL $3,50 in thte U.S.A. Aathorized as Second Clans Mail, Posts(Angican) SUNOAY, NOVEMBER i3Olu, 1955 OfIlion Depatrenat, Otawa. Oen R. P. &. Jerlri'.B.A. iv10.0u0 . ubchbool. * s O A.BileRdtorieChif.Rectoor 1.1.00 a on. -Mvesng Wooevhop."Lrst1 G. A DilsEditr-i-Chet.W,' Forgrt.", LJames Dlte, Managing Editor SUNDAY. POOVEMOOFR 110h. 195.5 7.30 S ooglte rvee. Davud R. BitOs, Production Manager TRINOTY XXIII 8.5pm-TeLr' ue. 1 Publnbed by tn Dlii.Prtntlng aed Publmhlng Co. Llnslted 11.100 a.m-St. Georgeu's. M'ttinos, pm. h orsSpe. 11 Seemoon and Cboeeh Scbotti. 'WrnSdoîpMeeting y.rcdBut- 8USINESS AND EDITORIAt OFFICE TELEPHONE T R. 8 - 9 511 2.00lpo.-St Jouhn's. Hoip C -Won roMcht'1io.re . r Sebon. emo ndCm'h But Christ Jeou ltetLored.- PROFESSIONA AND TRAVEI %L DIRECTORY .LERS' GUIDE MEDICAL DENTAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING Pbionv'c DENTAL SURGEON '01t1 , t, Nuoct, r TII 8-23 3 Otfioeon efoyaf Building, Milton ln. C. 1K. S'tevesn aHoors 9-5 Dr. R. Fitz-Gerald Evrnîngs by Appoittment Dr, W. 3. Hasseaa X-Ras Service Tet. TR 8-97Ml Dr. A. T. 4unter______ lfie H iouet Or. N. F. GALLOWAY A M.-By appoitotment onîn ODental Surgeon IlM- 1-4 710 la,5Main St. on sv'eert loor S1JNDAYS-Erergenciertouty. Hnarc 9 tnt6 po. MILTON PRO VATE HOSPtTAL I C eciogn by appointimen. X-RAY X-Ray Service Coroiner, ('PR.and Oaci Surgeon TeI. 011,cr TII 8-9201 LEGAL DR. G. E. SYER Phystrtananad Surgen DICK,, DICK & McWILLIAM Ottoce Joovio Street W. 1. DICK. Q.C. 0'0 .oo . TR f-531 K.Y. DICK cOllie Hoooet. 9 a et, 1-3 P. K. McWSLLIAMS 7-8.30 pon Bareuters. Solicitors Coroeor Broun Street, opposite Arena Tcliionr TII 8-4491 DR. J. W. McCUTChEON T.A HUCNSN . 157 Moto Steet .A.HIHISNiC Offie Hurs:11-, 7- PM Barrtater, Soltlter, RE. Ott e,, tiur t-O 7 Op m131 Thaomas Street Toel)hoosr TR 89223 Milton SRsîolencr TII 8-029f Telciboce TH 8-551 CHIiROI'RACTOR GEORGE E. ELLIOTT O.C. Barristr.onlliciter, Notary Publia' A. M. NIELSEN, D.C., N.D. Ofticer On Farmeen' Building Dactr o tf Chiropractie and Otatn Street. Multn Nataropathy Telautîtone TR 8-902 42n ed r ofvOPractoco - _ ; Otiotrs 2-5 p un ('bord Thora DAVIS AND BALDWIN Lady Attendat I Barristrs. Solieltors, etc. bhone TRiangle- 7-3612 1181 Mais Si., Milton 1614 Guelph St. Georeownctu PHONE TI t-9772 HENRY R. HOWITT -WM. G. -R-IDDELL, D. C.- Hare-tee, Solicutor, ete. DenIer ef Chiropractie 225 Main St. oser Milton Hardware: Beonte Si.. Milton TE 8-t523 Bp Appoipitoent PfONE TB 8-5523 X-RAY OPTOMETIST ACCOLINTINO ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Main St.. Milton LEVER & NOSKIN iloyd Davis' Jeoneiiey) Chartered Acreantanta Phone TS 8-9972 Res. TR 8-9678 51 Mjn t. N 44VictriaSt. Tttiodav and Fridoymnornisgs 51 aoifoSn. Tortaooi t Eveoungs by appointiment l'htoues: 2478 EM 4-9030 FUNRRAL DIRRCTORS JAMES & WANDABENSE McKERSIE-THATCHER OURVEYORS FUNERAL HOME Oatario Laad Stirveyars Fsarrat Berne, Ambatanee Servi«s PORT CREDIT - Crescent 8-234 PHONE TII 0-4452 NIGHT or DAI Miltont clientso pleate cati Sunceee, Conetenos Service D. Waoodubrc'e, O.LOS.. ___ _________ Claekson - TAylor 2-0544 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS CANADOAN PACIFIC RAILWAT FOR ADULTS Standard Tirne Mondayto 5 P Gobag East-7.51 a.m.; 1.44 p.m.t Monay .. , 'ttt 8t 39 pun.daiy except Sunday. SunS- Taenday 1.0-5 3m. and 7-9 P.o ayionlyt.24 p.n. e Wrdnesday._. 11 30 a.m.-I2eer. GonolWest-9.24 a.m.l 6.40 p.m.;. Thuursday .. tL301-5 p m. and 7.9 p.y 11ia ana Daiiy encepi Sunday. Feiday . 1.30-5 pon. and 7-9 p.r Saioeday ................. 1.30-0 p.er CANADIAN NATIONAL Pabie Holiday* fnot lncluded RAILWAY Ochaiolîidren have separate Going North-7.l0 ana. heure Ooing Sooth-7.O p.rn. a ide il piac- rigade ion of always n gel- nber, If )ounda- nr and farms. loation one la e.Thi$ TRiURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1955. -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - J THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMEID BETTER Fi'ty Yers Ago Twenty Years Ago Imueof he mad"Chapieii. sg ofthre Canadian ChampioaL aI The new Bank of Hamilton ermtetosn fltesr- buildin, is rtcaing completion oand Frsm Obetho ano t etee otruaohan seoetstruchereoiks Canao'y Loy- W. 0. V Guestof ,,toon a bogoo "I Btha, yorgeot daugh- efoeeH. P.Mooroe, J.P..for as-ter fMr. and MrsABaton,mw auttg Charlie Lee Solz, theroe of thIe 100sucesstolootsflrn. Chnee laondry man, and fined wboe called foran essay on'Ws $355 I would tikt no on a canary". the A blind man named Lippertffenm peobinaraat.Cnrt Beriretnba been making the rounds ulations. of Milton selling a prepartons for Only tbose ratepayers in thse pity for thse man bas led people f0 aid the necensary $10 fee will re- buy his produot. i for no nîher ceive thse benefit of lire protection reason.from ftse Oakville tire brigade after B0.Hooperswho habern for lfovember0, it was decided at a tbe branch office of tbe Banb if held os Monday nigbt. Hamilton. was transrrrrd last wrek tbrheeastrnd brachbatHam il- At tbe ann ual conventonsn oftbe teahrtsr' insftitte ofEast imcoe. to. Mn dmto'oba a io-t osas annoonord Ibat al final iVow srrta ib aeîs en ations for the public sebool h iu.Wbolo' plosrro.ng anuil br nfaounated. Tbe popils wili Igh. f-ilig. sorirîla.o.lw fr11and filedbc assed on 0,0Onr tanding for hi ý A portion of the plaýtte the yrar. lests being brld every oooold ;f on0ebot oonero as ooolb. the ebangeft 10 m pieogrow 1n;jný l nithe os, ;dl nioooal TO oIeffroI 1fr year. teagean. Slme nîoolloat.iog ofthe ,c.' Sonnen ,,l Moons boodlomand il ov 0-i o 00oi (loof, , maocoaloloodod oon-olvablroldam- '. " ' 11 oloa 1 1 t., i o 0f oiata.âg lb"(-Soutoh W.oool o Holloos. f ffitollohas oid is o boooo. .n. ooo.oo.asaviecbin omalf build- Oý oo.,n -vfo, l0, ngs , ,ting oloonlens, allof MiîoGriffitho oî MO cbk1e1 .of1Halls nPeel .on o' .ooî o,'no ops vmlto,,lbthe'Mc- bu GIti.b00 b on fl0,0 10,ote n Georogetowonoon O '01100,' il,, ~0 '0100001 o'o ng la,t.TO(-ce os aa a ... zlio attncanod a Sucessfll 90. - insoocneraloos di-ouored N.o 0000 1 : KA' - osoiostandarod loroceor obrcad t'1upcr (tosdu Ititbeeocety , m,11-ool,',,Oio I W.A. :01,sfý;- atln. to'lepîhooorbellk. o000 f",,ooo., Iotin,ooand.oo'olo.ooaoo.g in gotsonb'a 1 'c"oooOo 0000' ,oonî,oo'l s doos olono 'i000,o.o 00 ,0 , ilîooo.t aro,,o ooooooîc'olî'.oodoot eîarly Fruday o, 0oiloooo-o, .0M,' o'o o ,,oio' I bt otco %%haoîcd oooil Ibrol] t' jný oolî,,oo'-dobî', Wnn' 101'0ooloîolthe zep oflion 'ol .00 L' Nl,o T,- lan0 t 11,Im'o'oîsl.ooîoosolo'o*,,boy ,oolo 'o'ee f-lol.The damaerin lb,. 1' . ý h.PX, ,, i 1lool oos ,.1'olrn .0, olooodisrict .0, oefligi lvotte ex- oopt'-i'ooo f aI 'o 100.0 obsok rd Cc THE CANA ADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO

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