PAGE T E N T H E CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 'FHURSDAY, OCToeER iStis, 1955 HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR Explains Origin 0f Thanksgiving The pecideut', cf RaionanMiacc acere uiccîcurd t attcend 1c-r trcii.c' vapici ut Tiuzuh'g viib risuech erc'isc icchdciicii' cf theMNcaniiriua Sicidar cir.-: ,.c.u Ocit"cbcr 9. De oi thicun tct15 that altecutccvc ccrec brîng madce in the Cicipef, che iccife .c z bri Thecsecice a>ciii. cii cnid Oc Rec . cOc chicnc. miaicr cii Ki, p'L> ccrti coichucch. Mifton. If. the hemc ccf Tccaukcociug,_hicun hi- 'ccii ciP cciv 13. t Offbr a ca caiiueil the iciginic Tlcuokagcvsug ini the tîme of the Pîlgrîse Fa there ci hcn ta hicuti harcest ccac es-eu iai Scitheir lit,' iu the New.c Stad. Hc'cc thoasanodocf îeaea zgcc thcc caiuc- i decbed z brîader Tbackc- giccingi Pacm 135 and ci. dc-- ceipticoilutthaktcucc ,iv ,asci.- plirabie tuduy .usilc! au-insthci Puoimit' ossnitime. If wus a pieciarc tfcrthc ru' d- cata tcuiecccmc aîn Mi,'. W. E Robeton o scpiurd the co. pasimrutc fcrte ic ymsr Ou Thanusi gccogO.y cthe r'- id rois c d a dcficici.i irhc'c1 paedbythechefct'.d hiý this ad may be worth eextr'a miles every time you say, 'Ofu1'erup j Notfing oon hnmis ise boston me soge fson1 tahon a ed ha As mach os ne gallonsoe! gos ouf of every egisI oua bopmail e hich .i a eesde hengii oo o!aut. S, tf yuore noufgefing fise mile- age poua fiinis yau sisofld, if may ise due tofa tutty carisoreflue. Hobumtaistftfing us houe a fouis- see' SIf 'atise crcrefor, tise sac- ng8 ic gas-fise added miteage yas gref ouf ut earis gaiun aifi mure thon eay tue tisewours me do tnr you. We are regici erd H VORA DE rarisuretor Repaie and Rrisuifdîeg Speeilts. Wr do ait ouse usn mues us tise premises. Whther oi imple cempltfe rbie tf g joyusron be sace Sof a tisorogi job. lookyiand ase n Allan Clements & Son BRONTE ST. MILTON Phone TR. 86402 World Traveller Writing in B.C. VANCOUVER CPi -Veez Knc- ccc. authcce of ahbokoanitc,îbaii. Red Ricvcrand 12 cchcc tuae ccd mnsaîeu'y voccmces itoacci ci- ah Coliiimhc.. ccii gag desrciclicc binai,, ctherince andc id cs pc ni ui Tic dycnccc lîif i ccii mcv, 1: slcp ia lccgcng c. mp mcin g, chaci,.icîcc c orin tci. ccv ccair T,, cutcci f c hccc Cuaédca lcc.c.chc.lIdsbiu' Shr hiu.dci it aiiicctiirc in'ci-r, tciicis.' -'S ee uc rcc lecii in i i icacr S il, tr!ein B.Ctifr.- acr shc s id'My liiog-ttilci cc . hn a,'i,. i'. c'c.dig her i ci inithviccleior tAChiiciit. Iii, 'ii..iii.itniif c, ue.le'ai ht- aas fa T .cics îtclic ,.ciii Che.,c I1 d1k-] ha1 ada i i n a r . Tilic > ci ,ir I GET DMY STROG' U)Big cas C Vveii i ii fd ' TEETH BY DRINKING 11iver liXY c Iiicnncl iii. îi iitc1 PLENTY OF MILK FROM ind .iaz c-1, 1 fimi IA potý.Tý,, 'ý ýr 1 " v hing u--- SA. FAY and SONS LIMITED Plumbing and Heating i Sheet Metal WorkDRN V-O PHONE TR. 8-6533 MILTON, ONT. THE SETTER CHOCOLATE ________________________________________ DRINK PROCESSED BY HALTON & PEELà94 TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY PhnoT. -97 SHARES ARE A GOOD INVESIMENI ýjh *a*aa*aa*a**a*a*z* Extract f rom THE FINANCIAL POST. Jane il, 1955. Thn risc in price of Trust and: BRIGHTEN LoaCompany stocks is one meauoî of thn growth of the esscntilservices they octr: By Weari form. And, in the pust 1cur, hic qioup of stocks has boandcd hcghcr than stocks in general." HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY l SHARES AT $11 PER SHARE OFFER AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST IN A TRUST COM- PANY WHICH S ALREADY MAKING VERY SUS- STANTIAL PROGRESS, WITH ASSETS IN EXCESS 0F $780,000, JUNE $499,000, MARCH $315,000. Tiese. shares mnay now be purchased on the easy payment plan - 100 SHARES COST $1100 pay down $220 and $44 a month for 20 months (No Intercst Churge) WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRY CALL O. E. MANNING Victor 4-3216M HALTON &P E EL TRUST & SAVINGS COMPANY 97 COLSORNE ST. E., OAKVILLE, ONT. E. B. CLEMENTS, INSURANCE* Authorized to accept applications for shares and guarantecdM îsvestment certîfîcates of the Haton and Peel Trust* and. Savings Co. ~ 070 I anw nn . JVýJ KscneI. C 1 O M - Roads were Rough 1 In Pioneer North Edmoanton tOPi-Crificsofutpre- secs-day Canadian higiswayo may taieseoume cumtfort tram tise tact fhey serre wor in 1905. Bus travefers tisen didn't comptais tee maris. A story outa trip tram Edmonton ta thse Prare River cousntry, about 2fR mites ta the sorfismest, iltuofrat- es thse ditticulttîa at travet early in the 2tth crrstaey. Thertrip mas mode by a rumpany outhtie Rayai North- Wc'clMoit,iiii ( ice icijrira Sirc' i clias y. in az iv ftrom Lrsicci Slave Lakc Aprili1i, 1905, ftd tise Catary Hrratd: 1 'Wr toaistour days to cross avec ta Prare River, wif isegist tour- isaoremagons prrfty metS toaded. Tis rcoud is a terecr, mad ap fo tise axtro for mites,isut tise trost ceas not qaîtr 0uf ot tise ground, so tise wag- ans did 00f attogetiser go out et stgisf." "I uoerstusd tisaS in serfseasot fis ricad is comefimes impassaiste ftfismiotisai ta limr, and IS dont in tis e taut doubf if." Botthfirrr mccc no morcico in tise Cueudian West tisesabsout graves base ooiurses and isruuy btaoisfop. Or rsegineresad outhtie maris- tr ietîd Cuitai y-Edruonoo trait ti,'t"a ittirditcitriiat. alluîtra- veri. a ciobi ciii.or o ticsbracesr thrccu'on u i îcti spot-" mccc alttf mccc iiccdcd tfi iuistfiscoud paos- aibic' 1Sir Cccci'poi'tcd "Tis rcoud tram Lcanc' Stuc', ahi' ccutd, mitîfitte enls.iscimadeia oodoneuas e ecis arue a iiiirdgcd. St aomr ut theccaaepscc'ccedocccd and cor- lduoicd.u ceryour!dcad otd bel 'madc. Tise coud eaac o trunctird, bat cac scctiîos iere ccpared "rougis ccid maddy" sn Sric c. * SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT à I Canadian Legion Branch 136 c f à * MILTON, ONTARIO ANNOUNCES THAT THEY ARE SPONSORING A à iSubscription Campaign j p à - FOR THE PURPOSE 0F PURCHASING ru SICK ROOM EQUIPMENT MThis equipmenf wiII consist of hospital beds, wheel chairs, *invalid walkers, crutche-, and miscellaneous smali equipment * a Equipment wiII be available to any resident of Milton area and *Halton County free of charge for home use. *Your magazine order (new or renewal) wiii heip further thîs* *community proiect. Every resident is urded to co-operate. Residents when called upon should request f0 see the repro MV t0sentative letter of introduction signed by Branch 136 officers. à *This is f0 eliminute any misrepresenfution by unauthorized ü !perscns. * WM. FRED JOHNSON, President. e- FRANK A. SHANNON, Vice President. à * A. E. WOOD, Sec.-Treas. Ph IlfiIlllllfiMl OC TOBE R 1948 Citevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1949 Pontiac Fordor Sedan 1951 Monarch Sedan Radio and Overdrive 1952 Pontiac One Owner Car - 5 New Tires 1953 Ford Coachi Radio 1953 Chevrolet Coach, Radio, Two Tone, One Owner BELL BRý TR. 8-6380 CLMIRANCI 1953 Chevrolet Coach Two Tone - One Owner 1953 CIievrolet Coach One Ocener TRUCKS 1948 Chev. Panel 1949 Chev. Pick-up Rehut Motor 1952 CIiev. Pick-up New Tires - Motor Completely Overbsauled C-SALES O>Se-AND SERVICE MILTON, ONT. UP THE DUIL, COOL DAYS in ng Something Smart and Cosy. LOVELY SWEATERS in Orlon, Nylon, or Wool, in beautif ul fall shades. NEWEST BLOUSES, in cotton or jersey. Perfection in styling. AND SKIRTS THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE. The very besi styling, beautif ully tailored. SEE our NEW RANGE of Attractive ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Dainty Decorations for every occasion. From 49c to $1.3 5 MAIN ST. TR. 8-6021 MILTONI, ONT. TlMER-o-, rute, h.eoroodeon aboya heoh.etherof .bs p.or S1 horvesinag ao ae s rmthe polp .end poPao iodaorY Proooaoath. MaWoe àshmm a b -p«es bath aeh th air end croash« ta eoopl. lsatrioof dm hfore ources n d gad a0tes oba b oba th gounad. of the onatioal inosao. F.litiioogla th fiet néeop in th puipwo.d bumeur oend th. boginnioof Lowemo oglot SIxteen.o ots lengthsof 0pulpesod oruohe a bg plooh dioidahiol oprton h00 beotfie, .vey Canadeno. et hey amdumopd .00.o alob ta begintoir o urney ta t0h mille Fm 1tomalb. lhin, aveu tloo hmtwe,.gr*a to n W j, lambe, -heile, appo, right, a hbueboom, of pulpwosd l48 doesoot h.u Mol 0th" do mokae aood poer. p..lit dwn *a sa.lymoooiog river. iPhcla bu MALAK, Ottawa)f PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THMSDAY, OCTOBER l.-th, 1955