THRSDAY, OCTOBER 13h. 195 A-Peers Bad "Pe ers are your equat," replied A man was about ta be tried in the iodge. 'Tey are men of your court for stealing an automobile. uwýn ciass-your omo lind." Afier the charge had been stated, yYu ao tIis case by your- ithe Judge turned to the priaoner self," repird the prisoner. 1I alIn' and said: canna ba tried by no bunch o auto- "You cao have your choice o mobile thieveo." Oaving your case tried by me. oe by a juey of your peer.' Ssnre 1900 the area of ocrupied 'What's peers?" aked the prison- frmiond in Canada bas almosl er. tripled. D ANC E SATURDAY, OCT. 15 Couples Only AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGUT LEGION HALL 9 P.M. STAN KNISLEY'S ORCHESTRA $100..............PER COUPLE 'ru tdAl CiANA I OM hlTtt NTARIO PAE N f PLEABURE OR HOCKEY OUT- SEM-PRO HOCKEY OUTFIT- FIT- Eoc*pt5ls"dtbs 851. SisshIps - imii, l bteIIgti . t iltad do.55 Ttsdsa .-topa,s. las so.cap.s .s-a iîe. Otforas ti.. Cstttnd, taira tsupot. ';tamisIIat bliaai tt padd.dtd Soosot ,tord, btok pobîs a 1.trbe Waitterproof s..a..;aIIs Tas .1is paddsstcqsPEO.tIiai qsalisy tube skiie iastta tudon Guardi. HsttGradstO atin eraiepsoosî mbbas toit.. ftinishTube Sisatbasa bssd- Boys .15. 51Ss bledMst..Wost 12tu Q 6.50 YsIand .5555'tta t 7.98 P R I-HOCKEY STICKs--ToplO.&lîty ai pskmt.,tsM"sstop ta .%. 38"-38"; as-feT tht .9 AMATEIIIS - >.,betdit. t.h Sataaated 5b or-W ln. a 4 te 1 7*los d. .99 5554.; stIsslst gain Rob ad.. CRAJSPIOSS - L=rsdRosek strat ratsaSah b..Stdi., 1,05 b..sdiat Saqilastd tasaetd BPECIAL PRO - Ale-.masad shis. 5.là Sadl. t tiniseltsl.ct Rsek MI- bld., laq.rd ad i re"o, ..Se.Isbht, saes.Oly -B0YS' HOCKEY OLOVE--F.r t t10 yte, esa tlt l.stbs 4 35"011 p.dd.d ssI. as btS. .assas0. tbbPair 3,93 i-IS5TERIEDSAT M HOCKXE Y OLOVE - Fsr Il to Statars. Lare att.,moilO IadiI Itîbt 4Shp.dd.55 slIe.»asbtob and52 tt baà Slibrae ot inas $Ilt cui.05,Fla-gele. 4" seatl, Ptis 4 -MlEWS "i-STAR" HOCKEY Isttts sOwtS 4 eai-ptad "Fleas-Esîl" asnbaebt Sti ttasd.d libre . aobpesteos; 8m.' r aIl 10h.. lait-ialtISes esatetoss. Pair 795 t-SEIN AND 1515E PAD-Caas 5.01 sait., ldtd snla.-otsis.i. Pr s-- 3.29 SPECIAL "DAOU5T LALO5IOE" HOCKEY OOTFIT Wtb .&U tt fi. Intarat of thi. tap-rtc makas. B1.ackpgaltatsberboaS .0555 r.ot-.tltebtd l..ther lltstap Sus-ta Tnd-sard.; Latbts sosLargo p.dd.d taspot., oseahsed .tb.rtri=5s Rlvtttd lin exellettt Tube ttl U PAIR IV"PIE-WE£" HOCKEY OUTFIT FO AOES 5 Sa &--Real'po- style" p-est. .. Leatlssstte SBslder @msd Clsst Ossd . O p dd.d-Leather Hce.y HisS- Btdy 55555 Gad.. cope»o2u 3-98 "SmaII Fry" SKATES and BIOOTS ror 3i10 7Y.a. ]De.îs.d ta bts. Star .W«51,fi-a 'Ppo to.9 5 55511-la 5a5n *ps. si s .Id stma ad bsekl. 9 ta .t.a-tb. skates. et. 7 ta Il. Esy.-blark hasts. s - e MAIN ST., Milton Phone TR. 8-5552A.Dsrdn SATISFACTION GUARA TEEDJUST HEAT AND SERVE- LIBBYS IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PORK Deep Brown BEANS 1 DEICIOUS FRUIT-SERVE WITH ICE CREAM-AYLMER CHOICE ,FRUIT COCKTAIL 15 oz. lin REAL VALUE - AYLMER UNGRADEO CHOICE PEAS 15 oz. tin2Ifor CUT BREADS COSTS-CARRY IT HOME ANIS SAVE-WHITE ORBROWN SLICEIS OR UNSLICEIS RICHMELLO BREAD 24 SERVE FOUR IN A JIFFY 7 1 , oz. pkg. KRAFT DINNER 2 for 27c TREMENDOUS VALUE-DELICIOUS DESSERT CLUB BRANO SITE)20o. tin HALVES P EA CH ES 2 for 33c ADDS ZEST TO ANY MEAL-AYLMER TOMATO c A T sUP 11 oz. bottIe 19C AUSTORTEIN SU L TAN A S 15ozpkgll21c 'uIIh A wida telaction of Cul Miaed Peel, Glace Cherries, Cut Maed Fruits, Pineapple, eta -Alwavsoan Display Ail meahandise sold at your Dominion Stares o guaranteed ta gise vas 100%s satisfaation. Ail Values effeative in Milton Thurs.,Fri. Sat. Oct. 1,14 15. DOMINION STORES LIMITE-D "PRO-STYLE"9 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 1050 PAD- 515e. 5ae asp exta a bbs-ddtd 0. Sle, km*a. Fo. as gsta Ili-.. Par--------------- s FaI-It., Pair -- .-----3, spr, torils se. Pi -- $5,7 WitS Colîabaat pats: ailded Libra 5455 thieS tit ltinsgt 1.0.5 Fit padd.55 1.1htat.115houlder.Md eîebas P tit 5padd.55 fire cbsldet po - Bit2 PANSO Osîtthie t-d thlsb paddtas cthlbre ,.tbîsb pso-- ,d MIlt trep. , 5.5.si33ta 44. Pair - . _ .-_- 498 SOYS' HOCKEY PONTs - si.-, 26tu 38tti. PaUirssal.7Rs s10-HOCKEY5 SOta.G-- Ma..,.et olon.9a MMat. Pair ---- - -- 180 21 C rI5 c if c . 1 m - - - - - - - - - - - - -MU" 1 JLà6à.j.ý/ -Iql ýAGE MN£ 1 m THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO ý _____ ____ ____ __ ITeeners Set P OE es Halton W. 1. Members Prominent, CORNER At Area Convention HeId at OAC THsE MAPLE TREE Altogether 400 delegates attended travelîrd abroad and always has a bulding io New York. Canada's -8 the Womeo Institute convention of fond of inlarestioz aiorieo 10 tell contribation wos even door An veymoan Iawknd ArcluriClaeOep.tayherale sain fbrce n noterreteFore eah h language Isuaside my bedroom window. te Guelph rea on Septemiber UQ gatherings acroos the country. The En FenhSash Chnese satalmaplle tree, and Seplember 3t at the Ontarlo urgent need in Asia and. Europe sa and Russian are spoken. There is By birds singing mrrily. from the district were among thooe es. esch seat has a dial and s number They seem to be telling me somns- present. She hadt only praise for whal the for each language. The listener thing Mes. Alex Hammond of Moore- women of Canada are doing for dials the number for the language In their own inimitable way. field, the chairman of the Guelph Korea, India and Grerca. When abe haeoishes ta hear. Then hie heas MOyb- o lteinsbrse, ars-o cuve uunoftherfivsladdesrs ld (if the crs-at nerd of the peuplaeuvt the speaksrrsays-in aforeign . Oî ott uv the-y'rî' giiîîg ltraay. -î1îti.' th,' itei,ngs ,vsll do, that itit,'" t'îivtrii',.oneîîu'slsgtesid togu tut two, u's ebrind tbe Tbycudotbliutr csd ll," sbr sid. "Itre'st inuor s tuîgohonte andustuit setinfuand The ladies ut Badenogfoeran es- Wbrit n atteyae ta de at dy, unrk is the grealast factor in hum- hotting righl away. hibil af club umngiof Mes. Ulrich , The oiti theyall evr e gao . entreprise." Displays and talks by 4-H clubs Harpe displayed bier collection of Ths lonoa hy'ni t oneyrhahssgy I ofteo tbinh the fineot heroas mare watt receverd. The general silhooettes. She told of starling 10 Asr inoog t as i arud , and heroines can lie faund an the opinion was that the girls of today do them whîte ta a concentration Theres food uon the ground. bach 5-otruggling ta mare a home, have a monderfot apportunity coam- camp. Io 'm glad I hava that mala. raîsing their families and meeting pareid tu their mothers and grand- Genieral impressions of the con- OuSd ybueyusc the rares and aoietirs of lite wilh Mthers. Milton Junior Institute baid vention? Tling 10 a reporter for CaulseIle y oulsenYoutoea. i a steadfastness of parpase." a mitiner gîve a demonstration on Iis paper, one of the district de- t Singis! endlrssty. Rer. W, A. Younf, chaplasnouf the mabîng bats, gales said, 'Everyone eetuened home _Mrs. Edîlh Sharpe. O.A.C, uvlcomrd the ladies frum The oticris for 1955-5f mere ap- tirrd bat gladtby eeabetal Ibi aea 'îh at beothrsaI hepunted. Ms-s. Norman Smith Of tend. ta the mordu aI the Institata s coventian Io bis osual jovial man- Shbllom Lake lit vhairman. Mes. Ode, 'a goodty thing it is to meat in NO ESCAPE uer Ibat is su mel bouma ere. bie Bllentîve ut Atos was rroamed friendsbip's circle bright; each saab- Hanovere Ont. tCPt-A cemetery prrisrd the WlI. for the splendid Publivîty chais-mon. Mrs. Frank toc the commun weai, the goad af "As youuare'nuuv,,oee t masAs "tus-Hume andcouontry." tirouscunvner'.______ I amvns.o yu iutieto peepara Mental heuth wrsoneiof the in- At Early Convetion to futtuu'Ille." tretig tapes.J. D. Parboîvu, M,,. FranksRrînhart ut Campbell- *,, the-speaker t this sruuiun. viletts- uo outthree husured or 'British C55t5 sadtt Mrs. MPbtterr.the ocsdent ut bovîoc otendrd conventionsevues-y i", FWIO .rs-rreldlber actîvîties year since 1939 urben the fîrut cuit- Opens vvînter Fi ~~s-u~s X~/ of, the pot yeor. voî't,,tîu'îî place.'Tbe otheis wr Freedosa of Ciy Mi u L.Alaint fR.H. . Guelph, and Ste Ruer AMohinu. OCMO. KCB,ýi f ~ ~ ~ ~ A bauquet onte Ruyal Hulet.MîuPI,-, )irn hehsieuv-tbe Bs-its, abotde uWua" Oi0l À Gueilph. , s une Aîfthe ihligtauus iiu !t,, i'oy. ,îtv'WellinonO,,ugiîîv, woui ttcîally upeu the P011 6 ,î Il u-b-sthe usligtes and b,,vur- Brure oud Et-'nsvounitisu 1955 Royalu ulurlW (tt lU ,ci t ueuts mt.rt t-is Wrship Mayo r sM'. Wiliam Bleteos. uaiunem-I .t r 1- liîsy Wol-tîîn wtv auongu thoue at'tberioftAction and Ge'enourbWiiens F ur obc eldi h oie il,,' bsadtalbe.In wetvomioc thetInstituitesond thebais-manuofppb- Toronto,inv emeN l a n- ucyTeeuesoAdd soo-o any Wîîîîî,'s 'u1lsttut,', to Guelph,.ie lies-lis-ti,iufor tireGuelpîh os-sa niovnerd by the Noyai's Orserul smart changes lu y ous chol- brutuiedtbceft'eedtîittf the city on Wt"1.gav'iue bs-i ual rep',orttbe Mnager, C.S. Mere. ' tsevs-eb.ltheeol ilî-st,,lh's-iv-ivîiiî'"tuesyiii Fidaytseutiion.u In r'ieo'rti eet- A gal.aud cs-ul o prnio ses-- to,-matvb tyles! Bttou-trunt srogrnî nyî he"b-uiniei Jîutandiîuu'-tndhsoueulttst- muny os bseunpîoooedîtuiluus-bblouse, faoris-te ebîun, lareukirt prîcîaî i te uiîîuhî't on ti'îti,îi"îsdiiioiuiivitti0iutu iîuys-or'.BRoyal. uhîeh uit ut- -turi lff-s-u in gay cuntiootiig thr is-s uil be icîparkingti'brh." ,îtioerti',- i'tîni andlo se the'prs tract more tbol1.000 eutisro.m otton and ooitobricu Th ibeaeiitthe bainqi.uetaus-nîcuier ofiînliîs abî sh aid. oailioarssutfCanada. Tahîug port 9h evo ie t Mlit',Anuslu Aeiiitt, îoi's- îo,îî M,îhe is-eitits bris-t. Leaus- out ., officialpesisgs-eeemîoîoo Potterno01: - ag ie 0 iii. tîiui i,î, h,' b-pth us i-i, 1s-- tst,in-,'sietlasti, anii iisditir dues inbhi Rcss-M.bvu'il be L t-.12, 14, 16. hizer12 rebît, une and idav. îis-',i thii ciîts- . tb'iis-sO-ta uroriîdos-euînuf ii tarC. Bte. 1îes-identufthtbe e-erighhb yausdu 54-inrb; sirt 3.95n eBui,î vl Ag,îs-ultus-olWts-Fi and, eqires 1lz vyids 35-in.ubfobric. t'S-iDi Lotleî itis-îîiîniiov s-cis- î's- bib tore pgtl', i',. ), liîiti ttios-titi,îiîiu,î uîtes,,. ls- is-ileiîer-ctih' ) Wu MayîoirM Nathan Phîl- This es-o-u. potterna gîvos ou'd tus-ladiesu hb s utheereuctise'The t,, ,iads-s- otiii,btbs- creatîve l1,, dl is-s-s-iiis-ofthUiailoSi1i' ,,b Ilthes-,-iii--iveuspiritoand eretfit. Cumnpete. illutrated Ieis-lstognizaitin uvivb was found- suaningii îulitîîs wroasmesnbes, \.,îloîme Io tam, from heUited sdiv 145 trbs-ltîu'istinius a or tiiiiîu.,iit inltheîigts ofulbhers Stts. Mesico. Irriuud aod Cou- Seud Tbty-fîve Cents (35c)lti ,îîd îtiîes-rcatastruohes. and surtht eveis hointv othe ida thot uvli ruspete in tbe Inter- coius iuompu con,t be as-erptedt Shis gadiate-i th unve s- c'liiitvîîisîntioenred byî,o'o-nvnationaol Jumt'pinig Comtuitions uttueortbîu liatteren.Pint tloituli hbet o.îdî,tî u th unirriîî,,î isif itliving and ideal f ut 0Inla-thii',year'u Royal. IZE. NAME, ADDhEhO. STYLÉ teut,;of'ragueis andîitbhe oronei uut. r lnieis card.NUMBER. f'it huie o,,t. s-îiiiice ls-s- eEuropet, e ."MBuleîits ueur. TbheEaei uot Dlbs-th. MFH, ot duiîit,'tis-siand c'arne t,, Canada Sire rrs'-ti'd ii on ay priusets. Dl Bos-eilu. Rt,.buechhbireerteo- end ypuros-udes- b MARIAN in 1942. IMstR.BD. ttî'rif uGalt's i.t- indu. the.',ulyson and hei ofths-MARTIN, creofCitodiuComp- Tranahi F.aeh Tear pressuiu ion fthes-Unîied Natioînus-tee Dîke il Bueceus-b. us-utbe oe otion, Pattes-tDetît.. 60 Front hi. W., Fuot theisit tor u'iini sisrebos i,t,iit'reutiog, hbs-des-ibd tes-ihei'1955 Royal Hore Showiîuudgeo TTorouto.