THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONTARIO TB-URSDAY, OCTOBER stis, 1555 j pv g Georgian Bay'1s Teachers Thumb te ~ ~ ' ~ Island Mystery Quaint Records From Halton's Farm Lands Stili Unsolved 0f Pioneer Days e Owen Sond, Ont. (CPI - Locali TRURN.S (CPI The Nova *arcachair detectites sitl are lrying Scotli a la Coitege b ere reren - tn alnteOne oattise iiggest rmyteries Iy ceiiNoatd tie Otsnnir- Esquesing Pioneers CouldPride Rockwood Plowmen oftGeorgian Bay oisere ftie otenayofisfonigan esh n Themnselves on Georgetown Fair Win in Specials atTise "Wiite Coud tsland Mysi- tise days ietore tise catiege open- Tisp crsa Eno dSrgoooh BohatooR RvveulnuOf ers', as oidtimers base namntisate ing. TepocrofEqeig town-Edwr ert.Brao gon ÂI l a Ân atch-L tory.,iapprard 87 years agaoin a Ornerai asant racnditions ai tisai abip s,!dIho *ebenhgly 2 jos ýhto' ,0 The ,~ largo'.t ost-ro eo(sos w .0 ouofpotsands Offthie tiof sners- tae ocre rcodererd deplorable. es il Il l h to 'Cud tois s Chue son 1'îsîon and the '. ss of' u ali i' Gerogetowsnoo onStoodot. October Molton RNR. 5, ErstAiexandses . f ooooiRobert uei abo ratooi l sols w l tee ht heoo i ldo's 2,001).sd is " "'t1ostt . Nrrai R..t1:George G "bosSes i onPuloorh towenship. An s saaoo ihe ai ais 200tracisera Presdnt Hardng Preand Sec- Cmpbelilvde RR. 3. G trieotmatrd 2,000 peuple watrhed tise pnyrnil. The trot books, perisaps, wcrent octtirs oatie day nous prfert Terorotisrewas pieosantnand theran gond an tiscy sisoldhvboreio. retary Garfied MrGileray and thicr ta commercial ieet raiera: Bois orather conditimns. raptin inrird tan men ta join im. A xrr rmGenit r ieiiaw ffces adliorces mY oxeaMldo' discaires ils tneof hesy Coarens o tM Tetoa; GorBersw, O eWAnsrrlrrfrm GeHoie'sa- oeii isr praud ai tis ressuts Oisorgis.DoDtcMoifti.Cacattoriviir 0r itsoprtrr ci at S unTi s m arr eorgeanBrohnaRoci- ie ti rend: ther efots.Faore wih ben-RN : Sucdy Hepburni, Wateo'- day 000 a t actor botte ietorce" ro. a Sontisern tandacaner sisa Wisenfiovt tise marroage bnci tul clonwie eret prs nm; Bois MerrMiltona RN oe e ir5o.ri itno cli ame to Canada atter tise United rus tord. ietwrea my wotransd t, andisirasedo\ithis del seatser. ta siowmaasi o eon " l. Sdeisy sde,isardiing Il) tatescivil ar.Chares Kenndy,lir agr to minedidifarcrarrd as the r ellbalnce shw rouht udg Brce eet hrPa bel frne pions set art irstison 10 on ovahid sair, e. lpcd mon tishe sertomes tseer dots noce. Bul out ageot crr'd. Truc. the eres tough aogcmetTheryouosglpeopleich derre oerea.Gry tesoclsaisot. wiscfora, ycars ond tour score mnayihavecieedosccoinoseiesect' rompetoa badl aithtie pose and . roc ofmBrosa.BuCFresuood- 'Tisrboatct OweOOnOSodnon the soers or man and aile iad brrr. iansiut at ic au,. t wasa elayuos ityofaIprifesirnaus. I I raju- wn i r' isrc rer nd O o etmerStra er agccamrorund asnneor tosmine ilatucci srorn1oco toJim Mcçuo. Hey M..uternol cimsrStdaasogsosasats.ioîce hwadara rdtt ro-su etion open to young 5 ss~torou ateioosu h oS ti 10150 lis Occupns eencrer tsrorgr s o stteym Wa t eord thectownsipofrtEsosocong.Tisesscdeto16yes, Doee S ooetar of waso0 - ugoowaseenuioeen he marid haltooinioocnrreo r otedBooointontRcRt 1toiste edoto.eooooesteoOb patcuoroooteeest. gi ee lv.Freescisrntsdid mil cme toNova, briierad o-s tird noto hisO' bon aond ostto ot tise BLIoa WIosoo't NRooooods. Dore Graoy i Wool~ ioeso tish et wsu ovedue, etau il16,n eyar af qurtty erhtooisln ions ore oetaoei koeiis ieGooglsso tos h 1e 000toi) oooo'o ooond thse-0$2. lecds set oot wro siooeurcc pacty. tNe oa e otot ii64 . sn er i aecuaged. bioochothie Cuoosoiooo Bans orý. 1(hoetse soyons otlisthe Cosd iotand I ltise o htiee tosundo c holi Ovece uttise couic cocngs soc oooteot Commooece. I Atoo so so i(s'ssssi %,I,> eo sorortise bodsyeofthe saiorKen- spetors Choarles Rancotosut ss "h Hostetn tcntrs fotram E. R. heur' Otishe, oosuoti)a ar o\%r s o'o o'o vs: ' Iosoroot f tise Essos CiOO0050,5' 1ol.goosrdd oroosoi totroor'a- traciser doo~s ot lrooese s to c tibreryE o00 N.K IlWla i tee Gru.(-r i vthe ios tnio t eto oss ch l ke o ti e nt i l) hcor Ns."eaci non towsiop; T. J, Broosiieo d ooiAexanderoDossoMfti't. aW ltrG y.sth pryapocedth treR'" Wiltcd LeAieandu o n of rEsque4" "Ooolitssbsomss filli, A ,ceto' Is' Aishisoogis ati ohigl' n son a( h.tahra ingo or Jerseys. Ken Fla and Socsn s lo. soe sor . 16 ce.iosRlbhe -,%.iltise E-os i.'o.oscibos o k w." s out 5'o,ocooto ii' cone' eosoir e kntueber oss and GerodNR. Grahannam fEsotrev osooldsoo'. the lscsoiesois..ed LIh for(se PlbosBow pcooifor 1955. t(oIs iscone tsaasodtee.coib o uîsrrte, ic t as ol o theoc alo igtwsian GereH cr-fBarbere'Golt Ssoocteos.oe î oootottacsooeotf.cdBtertiootoorchoioheosidotscso, Moa its n Gureocîr oosa i s'tiste Otososenior 000050. ,00505 v oson frd(iseMoi oeoslt0t1. ss %vs rd 0dt.osooterc e th(Alris r- io17 io oruoo coio ierds ofWmG.Boot nd Joye bto KayMetoy. Inosesessiooo T'avpwiyteNlinicdtrsloooococtt0etshori otee ofotecreo t177t1w EuyoaoActtoros Bro.rfMitnancdJ. M.Bow'n-e.005e Bert Wheelec. Bob Co5.iTsdpy utire es,hslan po%%ctnonmnibes f heg ossa eretclrgymaonîofees t rodge on Brampton. Torio Hosotr aod Elic.o yce. 10e aui,,ýteOis ntw sipa a .n.iýu ecig lcecst no istiseiseeieong.CF.Puttcoooothescat h ssoolsebss I ll so1898. thiesk eetosns ocre uno. b ex'moard uosd lisoogist qsaab Inte e igAC . atesnExNG f o sootrsiud ctlcth 0 Gltis i ct adatro ored.Il siosclegmoacnus avaotubie wor eut rts hissHeefordostrng A C LERIG ie driv w riis a osole'misles osi oi White Cloud Island.tsjstcoliep cerdlo Dr. W FJames uad JohnosWilotîAU TI ON SALE divngcme Osionoen il) We- Theoesw,-- oosos of ci ttioroou se utisees ofheng. odd ss'th Aguos . . Meeey, Me.I A S G W Y T W S I igo cus sesoieOsr At isoiss a'ruticles sowi c auisi haro, ceamnig JacksonanudbS.EGeotîrsad So n N S G W YA T Sb Po..oo.o"tbsos1i'ot(oo1o'(o" 'i(oioo Bo.s oardsofvOvscoot o msinr othSobrtisorseos This Ovioo u Oa LîesncT rvpe.enile Osisst leosss il)"sso Ootei o nt no( i dia styl ise aoio cOtO are crts cosoptete it of t he t iserb tosr ho Hay, Grain, Husmehlnd Ettectsaetc 5Il09'esosi "sii'eos b S acy meuoos but'o fioociont tooscdse ' Ro s isse sl. oft toi ()Xl.p soisoa sos nan Wrto s airu axelltent dospltoofcalle. Tiooossl('a, efhoossslist- Guelh, a 0.- jiseîsos i Il.otil 1of stloi, BiIl, ad Rbrsn ConiruierciaClnStioln s.ocusselosoootovoc cisosel-,snon ot 11- lsol' 'ils. 000000 h l ws f dd p--RO N Whiietcvi o. t.sge sas u 5eir g .o.'. ARNOLD JENSEN. rb . .1 toss'.'siis h Il,- ort i o nO ands . ,tif,, cnd ih he brulittoehe heeJiy flo 0.b t. Nssga0is"wo5o'o to 005 BFEATHERSIONE th o)4-H Huttoos CutI Clu i Muae 1-, tls uh ofE n memberes.Ietise Holsteinsescetiont VE)NIISDAY.OCTOBER 19, 155 ar judgc BruceS. Brrr of Bruapton Coornsnclit 1 t oclosharuopPlem om uiy alElectrician baid 0 cuicessiom hoeh too robe thse î'ng. aeroCrruiyHl is seector Tise top ber acre HORSES AND HARNES O-P-NBN, aýlo. s rtrsamcos.gosoosi aso u it bus; e t f0 PEN 1N G 1:Tr ee onct.oe Boosi R ocRN4;orssf hyhirn boess oaro . etPHONE MILTON TR. 8-6378 t.TsrLso.sou'sso O13 COWS -tReg. Arhso EUCHRE & DA N CE PROMPT SERVICh Don Tayors. BscurlntsoosN S S.-A' sou, sri Nosv .: 1 .Arih tee Beso soig, e.*get,-iss R Rb 2: dl, s" De, N esd Ssrl nsfllsisc,,;e os BlOctober l4th, 1955 R. Jardine to TaIk Ill ull il)%,>ssibicot M os.24;t' i KEN MIULER'S ORCHESTRA To Cream Producers l'i..s. -.i V ica'f ' 0000PRIZES ADMISSION SOc aie' te. tt11-1. r5e tifi" , il thsse s.oos111('1 . tsiD go' asý 0.0*- ' -1 to. u ' ). 2 il . i Os Id oTie to 'o'. od.a10 r 1dt W, J W5o55 oý, I o Oll io 0 ltl. s o -iobo i,,> r soe rors il-. fa 'e, :, 005 .s.t-1utu .: T is oh(',tsa rneaolnn 7enIl Tod Itern itatio na 0V: OOhSl vi at IHon ptrosce I ts i -ltoi b 510vctt IatrcesosoottL'uO stso't.c T iso osoyt'sot (tsa Ot , h,2 o; roovrs B y t is e Oc ýtro-e ' - slorv' boorDAI bose FQtiiPM e, r rn f ayetno u itooff l'o th-oos iUSE to o et: ,D Itrn is oot a e src o ss.i-w o r, o br i.i-t andAod cla n h iI e-tosse . 1,5oi vri.s r i1,Iý rletHI oan he itie'r-cunbiue D~I;t-ri e CooiME V A indBsdu l a ehN oa -o. Wsr5 2 rs i th 0 ,0 1 a o e s ois ctoois Dîa OOO e 5 Ossc Tuyt ei e ri re, yo n-t --ts'0oe l00cr'r Arnsc tiersecoeodr.Stscool ot(etil, he.I 'tseti :'on , 'sso' Lo tt i Mois Kotis Mo-cT a gris sc o- es cc ot : i king. ou eossa' otsro r at îio-' o-oavls jiso.lor havesocto.Pis0te HOOtGlenn teb,'i chc0rearn ar i ole to-Di: Pilosy and Bll pckt. orHjt. on ,R WiO eos oorh. rhomrs'a1 2 r bel" isotri-en - Jalo H. Tal re.'.trus o d tsîisîheae:oi kose 2q-ri ...esL A R G( Tsm Hondoc. are tith' t re rd o va fbe sio-rt arrocdygeit~~bortot lis 1001 1.1 "ho0etot.o yîî1-1 Oaa 1211C. tasPir'.cc'Haro"d(Pik china cabtnet anotdest: stuti etoad Lse, pntrWl on. o t o: rurets il' brc s J. H TayorChares Iwin and oTENMS i s ovhit:.2 i flck anfis WorHwen.Wortimoste atter k ot 'r ati1Sovn 'clt e-(utie a Oun c geut, t tooco trof thoe toi 'soco' Go h e:20 fiofs i 3v tinniaetar2 tftom vO isc t eM llo ga siHocieaeot.zsir h awordy boome cItise ourtre cOcas Cres'heur< o ftjs wirt lors oisurmsoAsoctbp(No iii ohsutst totîler - - cf ta. Hem ocfiAtisero. havea3e4 y tIn e t rcappeHar os aoi t nerdhome Guelpfor'3, tersubl o- pr aise mnaose 1 .Mefla ý 1 utrLk upuseY nics e 'omftise oeayOOe MARGARINE MARGARINEn shortII eytu an ofc eedttioc ise g er Sy ugo d few fiels atassIs bior on.d o O C Aated cnyortrit redwoores aoe eaaco papahe2SOLb. 35c lb. . uCaada Sairi laIt re csncdttaotan arc oti RAULA G RIE MA G RIEINGStl m o tlonnger ooutpeso ing n ther busis aashotios tforanigîrop SUREoi ual edcswieWr h oua- PO Ci29clb.E3cTO aCanad asB tieartres nSepwtemre nndt lie ocenoiltîis rw ha e o p I thiittatout, tina noca nayano onaieatin theiseting aI o path B l e On e oca ettmeadid 10 tiri a -B SU ET S tiseirce tiraseastembanc oanu French's Spillll t' ro OR CONe H rbOFR AScO insecides socse ryns Lood anc.A h 888 drbin. Salie ealmntixsedtaird ta ilKel gire bautn 9Mpyr eai.ranto _aa__à_______PAU_____R in 1826 ta examine and lorensel tegisia ture in i108M estabiisising tise earhers and in 1820 the tirot sup- normal1 rotiege. erintendent ai edacation, Sir Wil- Three crars inter tise tirai prin- lam Dawson, was aiointed. ripai. Dr. Alexander Forester, op- He set about tise task af argon- ened tise caliege doors. Sinre tisen coing and improving tise edacation theee have been four principals system. It mas due ta his infu- and 20,658 tenriser candidates bave arce thai an acit mas passed in 1h- gradaated tram thse railege. 'of'ÇVoftit' wîtfhi Éf& kLot- L.V. Kwickwork Enamel dries quickly to a hard, porcelain. lîke finish. It is tough! stands- np co repeaced washings and scrnbbings. One cool s usually ail thn's nceded to hide an oid surface. I.V. Kwickwo'rA is a -red hot" faronrite with home decorators t0 benutify and pro- tect batbrooms, kitchens, breakfast nicoces, furniture and toys. Corne ix, jets tlk-over your next home paintingi pcoject. - ha. prepacsdao PAINT ae ibd for Home Dop inPca ~~. ENAM0' yaa py. C L E M E N T'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 197 MAIN ST. PHONE MILTON TE. 8-9282 ,ou o-tti't, bave 'C ((ourtse oti roti! And a lot more ',lin yo000 ug'stg(unsBîni ' vtbitik idmi Smving itg oote? rIlters ytur ansver! -ei v Ls'î ictîuali jî-uentage-of your weekly tgs jntts 'e-t. It*scary. Have it donc automatically ltv "Dlii Batnk. oIl hesu îrpsed htts' '-suc sas-ings pile upo tut-ko-il tî vss'afe ft-otîîyttur oto-il 'easy spending'.. 1stemdit ntt'îvst, AntI any time ytRi n'nt or il ttlpîsrtutttvt oc tait rentsig'c', ings Bonîds arec ashable right off for full face (itteisot! c atit rave! easîily, regulrtrly, safely-titih Bns ig od 101h Seuis pays RON EASY INSTALMENTS 3/4% PAGE EIGHT -v VTe-ulp p