& ia b a u flrnpio MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER fnl, f955 Twive ,u rges-bix uCr. Expect Almnost 12,000 Back Inl Halton Classrooms Tues. *Hry. kids! fln back tu school for Holy ftosary school wil be lump- O f You. That freedî,o Ihat fr11l nor, ted before Toesday and it is ex- ~' p s n G s F r s q a eyour handn 1001 -June bas ta bc gîcen pected that approximately 120 op agai. Trdai, norning, tLI tudents will le rgistered there. a ~ ~bck "' the li llered dhoohouse Ooty to'o of the lbrerw class- ad therbtoplaygroood.Tencin- vrccttas hetwo roomo ooed last In Clash At Local Çouncil Session dek n lcbad te etTonwtaces isPtil HtuaentCooitrtoty publie r bort nhrtrt- ar and Sîrters Magrttaan veralclshtht awcoplx isusio. niedSuuranGus er- Su e t List 'en 'vil retuoo taothei sholsAs Caudia, bolo agtlast yerrwil snticd by eeaino ieofcas vihT .Iicada pks , A tcmplete ist of publie ochool anotîolhereg- ar lrhei-o her, rirmaioon the trachtng staff. The expaind t morirwhyth firitshold e ganeila harig o a al- studients ithe tBruce Si.ansdtt th Ilbcabo t 25 r wtrorbo lri onbusfrom Milto Heights o-ilop- ag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~this weeks issue lsdlratiîsg the odto01 nntt oot . oot, rra a Comcilin astweks as ive t- jadig.stu byla iiiei- crornmeach tttdenst wnul r- th325 cntrrooo . 0f fbrnn claso- Nofirgure for the Hîgb School 40 ar re i%!clao(ims orn- e nrotmrol o-an ovailable Ibis o-erk niet, -aingfi anapearncebeme heOntri FL-1Boiid o ,,)tur-n te Parents and pupils are ttOtonc r!,,,tlclroelot Juno, bul if o xcteîd tattbe figure firsHatonNaull lasan Athn% asan Ol Eplraios Ld. urdta smot-ythe laiot tu nd ar- ibo- eMilton o ootr350 tod-oit reacb250. Approximatety 90 A tthefaet let-m m nt-etorntbeBruce SlrmGrad 9nludents are xpoled. A tage ofUr. ed aburan as il)-jul til inthe ruc Si scho 1 -hI),Ihih u bbo' nolfy rnoo..parilittnofîrtex books witt be era1,00 droo' Iuna close, Solio florin %tlutrhrEom a St r uoot _aia__ f bu 200.Tesupidfo h rde9ad1 Brooks, rcpreoenting the HrtcltobI,borcfol.tn'tnogît ' 1 L L - luldril, iIIoutilosonnebguet swsdn eo n Nlorsi Gun, ogbt penriso o h, a orIl milyThe CmiOter h cbangs in the rppeic-roforoc i bthebobus service wojîlbe at-ont tbe qbuesinrîrMro ona lroo Trr otton poon, f $ dt.so;il tty octning Tberrrotmro firgure for lte the Unitd Gus wa the CoursesTh,(ifa$C.%Afih -J. M. Ocryeso o, 192 Robinson Bocinesn Coltîge is fot refîodlounsvr on thebas tbortIl'fplacnt ,lierold pump hnous nts lnocen.Ai ptc rot. rrl availabr, but Mr.Robinonooex- MrBrobbotrfortntortt c ~cpiedroFed Olan and O ý ontbrncontouinsoon thelbr rrprtlarger doy canslbantarî t' t- ncndd tB UV' xecul ive torro-dlootcrdb rrol oIrgtoot on fblhbo n oGeorgrtc,înoMayco, Bn rîcolton a lot norOh of iloto lroo.hed, vomertoor btf-o Sogt t thlIbo c-ooot-bogn ood wHrtMi-.trnîrmrd' iblInt bwtotîolntrora A tolntoto,,o-lCt ouldn rtclssescoîotrisiro pot ao-oy tbheoarbtes aod Ibe .oyorntnt ttooo ortotttooîrrvotrd, Irfonda ncîoototbofin",.,b. lbhelfrn theBruceSreettchcI. mer,bridYoor vacation isalmoot rira in rIýo byarudei f o l îi- 14 fi s- rr cne, . , t, . cj11 r , o i l st lb trc rr gbîscooot Tbr lbroo-roo addtonoo i , e ovîr. fil aisfirm hui euficint g,, roerrb orfC A Marton aor- Frsi He Beadtoftl Mair t. br bomlo-0 t, -, SI il -O Tfhe coursesrr, Frst Ard.Et,-- Mr.Pchsr-clrood ouiroth- riondrrh,n the lzof thn-1 nurnt.rrîIttoll, "lrtrnsClob lint nnsp s-cti rff r and the a-wa rnidcrc-d oard te po no-ct: oc rorrrrg.Mrtt trt n. b to - irtadhe eadîtif-lr-,,;ift t (iff trolrrcn- taso!r Mrti Si. -1<1otPiting, fitt,-c--do O orgu Iellowshin Is Vveanon meeo- ing or, Trafalgar 0lu o-meeting0 t-tlfrd.,rooto. aolci rt to, l r J r' hedb nr, n fahlto-.or r-rtr,u,-to an.-r insý,ùItr F r Peace - District Governor th lttng(i fanhi- grervrl, bcrbtnstudtr-O in the fbrrgroLrr ncf. L bbnt > Adnccrd fîrtr. and o,-nntton t- ttcortotorb,.onb Oîntr ctot îte fe , eacb M mld f b heRotr Cttrooombasodoos fortheîfree o-oy of Cd o vl eron a n. ntsr-go n, cth 7.!h,..l t i-rntoV ýusstr rooon or,;]] toc fo:r dolars.oTh i',f Mitn in Tuertoootmoni ltrie. Mm. Lorcb rtedIthe 211Rotary itdS brfc- b ostro.orrtgIorr . s-o 1%mb ot.ifcoes set.-,mln , tV a rienrlirnmtdeOr, în brorc b b cgotoo r v ot. filo iobpn ob a cool of $1,750,000 prse ertta ,iujn hqefr$.7 v. o io-c ,lrOorrootcrnî,crt PreidntGord M Inobrctcroo-d asoaoaluabt parlof otary's in- -Sultbtsbom a mîfresetatveifba hanB1 te rnanntsotu ora rrte orl,- n tidthrngrbontheb-dintrict bt.oco-brmrf theBuffalocN.Y clb. Foiloo-ng tbe meeting membems CONSTRUCTION STARTED tIm oeeb on the 10-ncb o-aloI main bcîrcpcd wu., annnlblcc c bobt1r-or'e1fitmcanl d. 10 sOOrît- ton S,îrlo-b,-oSOlb fn bef addrrnî 10 wtbre dg- on mito-el p ortsooem an d ncaes sitonn hee being laid op the easî nde of Marin Sîe t. The work-firo- ,n5orng aboutnrlguscoorroîr A ilor r ,, ro- Dtrb Dcb sni Ihplonnstntbnld a courne for farmo- Igblsofn te Laite Piacrd anemb it-iheIboDstrict Governor. mer hem arc workîng aI tce mittrace, wombote bhbge poo-p eaIho, Hoeoracbrsd i bonfro-ooo McWittro-cnnrrinned the pfor -mero--ttnt bcsuooni ,l nsbhenigt 1 o Drt nrictGover,,.,, and the Goid- righî pao-ps the mater frono Martinn pond inIa the o-ntracn pant the' suPPIY Or f tetlhyotd let o fo cllcio o lx rea, i- ) chbool n n for tt-l In bclîb-rbc-,enoAnier Covton t point wohem fhey are worknng. The lovne seopectedIobebocoo-plted ' r'mnupply ounf r1îount *:0f-(-,,.Cids înplarned in ltetransportation 10tlb classes. CbioagsaCon.ro li3 dy.te franchise. Cri Werm prntfonv trcnntîot $180110 wonng. The'M.n hsgese htweeSt. John's Hold otabot îf mmyi o îcorîii,.1triiztri-aer 111f) he reveu-dMoo Scoarh ewascpossible tu, brrng togeber deciion oftha tye udMedal, Scn acionplarship ofdiffeenlorrmds inrsant0- Ann ual Picnic caol 1ju01 bc givn ve r tbe pbroroc [Ercrn rt if' mort0 B i-hî ForRobert Lucas înrdiatly earl ins ospirit of goon tS. John Anglican chut-chitcld Steals Fence, Iv~~oMayor Radio, em-onderd thion 100 nnnt rnýdts o b rrî Tolnro tnooro fMofrteruno,ý ifond failli. Poynng lrbaîr 10 the beirmannoal Sooday Sciool picole i'nairwud bavoe-suîîotirnd Sto-hsi-asappo-nd by cror T ornohsjsa,,y lt onlt lCnt Wer'frm limitd roffic- nr-Iqrrmrlîf Miltlon Paubir itîr t f toonînbr os e oot cpubrliten f tbe prrsrdenî of os Salorday. Aagust 2f at Milea Three Esca pees Stea I Ca r Too0 1 ont g:n., ilble. Col.Weir oo Boatcd rrmr os Lccotc tî ob îtrîIlry inîcntoa.AZ abr oboi An unusu-al titeit oan repnrlcd Ontamno St. andidcunlten1-e ofr1 ls oarolotoblb rrnin tapton-of nangrketch Ireboft-hn-mierofbrObtarioimbG90de IVbo pm, or-heerdo amrontbîho-cr aces and laes olo-ceg eroc lut o-k byContabe Gunof tbn 'gravît ino te nde of Jonno Be attc explirnîdthelb rirfconorer - of thet-Tmbesloftort-irtifobîcb nile in brtuînrhe Con-, rcoamcen 'sby il.nd ieinloins-e dînrctlpoimicobrIocTerolobooooîtcîr oasrm- e-îmrg rratorry SotvrMîcrfedalainobr D f Im theesgirls 6and under, Jouisse On Satan-day. Augusl 20. a tule t u n-bo bmtr-r onIr ouig aotroadrr- adhal ibenFrtrcbBorri tcldorip threbundemîteo-r m for devrîoprng 6an J7ya htnie Maîbcu ilu eausaUfy pald up in front roof ahciedrbcio. $50damaogeor TP-eetD-f rrd orîm tonthetoodnoîcî,aflroobrîthnrrfil rcoin-resoumeen. IbmDitrict Govemor 6and7eatChstn aila Gooel tsBHrdw-arein Georgrlroidonc tu tbe trckbat So-îîbîocarc The drnco sonn 00 nirorit rrt îrorlc deedtldtrrlbmtoo-n andnt ciLuyann Jeffares; boys6 ad andamanpclscdapbonrotialrrc noborto-so .n Adom emoir Ianbon b-ct lort7c orlO on imyeesfîmo-eçu andcBdernard an-La ikdu w al freieod $300 da10oge 1tulbhergnt egmccdlbbc fln rt, orth, mrove maobrosourcecultciiaîing andeestirnd- Fedng il n erLi fencere o-rm te srdo h iolfder.trbt. in lordon aoba uo rrdbn-,-tfirto -rfcann-îflrt rainar o-nr) rmn f T c oio.McMgtrTio- Fîldilg- githan 9 front niflthe store- He ioaded titeno radiabor. lot- prenetoadmaft greemen 1tmri, twbm inoc efb! -. Ib rn-oid -Jckonan W c at-ls;boy Tbetbnoerdcnmun-mSt. cs îr, o-r-atrt01 Escithmnoe for bce pipt- "bk A o0t-d elloo-sbp revolving 8 and 9 pear. David Jcîams and intotahie track and dmoc off.2,F- Teale ciin ur a-Thte agreeo-ent o-rtb Beaverl uOt-OW'!uacnd 8800 cono-unîites oib te Blilie Carnie and Fredericit Col- tari mintels laler be inlopped aI rday rgt ailthe cornBr Ro- Mm. Pinehord. in moorîg Ibcng theRdvMion C rr insrotlltiîon of' tamhmsg in Guelpb, be ort"olrid s te beot0capon for thebabliseofFloyd Do-ns aHorn- rrand elliîts.A r riven ry oroiries of hirin in thnebr oo-i. te Matn tr . SIineeo-onappmrmvcd dmggy Bîo-rrand00Ibesricoeao-rd-. to.Bot n akil ra etpeae - the speabro eoph,,a iad e MTioan idrdJet hy. o-albed mb ite shed and casr Walter Balrp o-as pmrcds o eneaQhr ociaai, oblornîng 93 mars in a viorn oî sne exî uaaiy cao-ted oui a po-t-omooer. soatit on Bell St. and coiidd oro ionird outthtrelt dbmrnr,t-i - tt1 mnt tex-. InToronto, Mrcbael Mai- oludenîs 10 Ibis coninnt since Womnens are, Edna StoitesJoan MrDownso-aoitanmngoabatthabhtebe ftritear renie and ituprefclerneaîeîumîn tae rondsbrnMahetinrmysui 'tIl ute rao-on o nStokes;obdas o-mbnd timoea ao-the act occur batlof acar dmieen catitnRobert Sr pas- 5b -ar.MHe eyandSasdma2rmmrks-inet-min could do notiting about il- An boio by Lloyd Eoiy. caosrtog $125cdamr- te irmo- badtan adrsiaole sopplo oooî îîto tomsMiss Teigo-ann and Mrilonare 13 peurs. Bert Tatnr, Clair Matit- lter thesao-eoman wabedint. tbe aloi the lEaeiy car and$250 t, of natuamogan assuredby a lette. Tb MerrittmlHardwadeorertly nry pocorfibisnodded uccess.lsadDnl Mtis heb theta sn mBort y car. frota oser' G-os that snoOrc- haiils face- hfted an~d shosto ober isthesnof Dm. a i rrwracemMiito Rik es ad nnad al;o-iceban- farnihouBiloieMCorne;EtadiesrieuroMilton sir rying a mante! radio.Ttc riodmri npMlatong ibeit- nter rtnl-n o-cntma lte trukmacb.0 oalm îAlm bo-spîîrootMî-r c magnrmocW~V inners JoansMoekiy an Jan -Biactioch Tt oano-n pp "'ndd Lb- a l C hldren tan haci been nctîmdnsurno-y, and Ren Jeifarea; woooenrî prize ioloti-ng Monday ity Contnablo r On boalidg Jut 27sieeedloct film Pattmutg pegu in bottier Mru. Tunadamtec en rno ee Film O n a'oràa5og0e faon hooeingthekarrivaedifJim DeFomest; mes. Bilt De9'nmst- Iba nibt.Bemasronictd n t, nlarl as moo Alera Im b -Streefaviteir n onod Ireitirs.A woaens aildrivmngEdna Stoes: tha niht.He as onvcte on naura ga frm Abera. he f -ronit sbrpped by Frrddir Douglasn ttre iggcd racm. Bert Turner und yh e nsoteandnw esdyiti at c taining of gusfrtoithe loircal Ansîb oas ao-ong Ibm priear nmnore. Biifie CurrneMilderd Jacksonano-d tened eserdy ledesdly,)t.irafic Saety ony Gusand Oil. thegod rcrd pay 100and our coss sno ig 1Thetee -r uintmsession on thr Edna Stokes. payofiUnitnd crumlrosI0 omcrmodlangloca rai a w ttnre tu $40 and o-as piacrd on probationi Thte rcal obldrecn it lIrnoie lrfiltn l tSubmpoo- mil cm - Pea gureeo mn-on o-rit olleîran pplliiiioin10 mo-piml Ameercandfocc-d- Brbm nner - firtMro mhe feing ened o-itp andal frtoyas ir eiwdRoisnand Jarb Elioît; osccondhl I-lortet cure n uu t tpcevcslrocobrslbrmheoutsand- ucrsbcrrt o-r - tutr rilMrsC.Andeonoad Gmar Sinclair:fao-e. 27 nhen tirer convicts ecapo ho obîsascide tc vetinncfilmtb vil!trcoItI anyoaliatiorr uyhtid.Ms vrmnadFe trmo-Guelpb Beforo-alory andntl- b0 c-ýan-thloalSnptrc-r A coriclb o-o, ', mlpmorr.cn eMitto; eonîrltos r-Mr. Rodeil and car omdity Kesnrî M-Nabrr! m-brIb m iteoo cal acbo-crttof - lmrmby porarLead 0f N . 1,Cno-pbeltviio .Tbhe 0tbmosbrrProrooitofo r uppty wromo srom l"OM-ri. MmPiririMm. MNivrs. Wa rtr ike o y rlla l- ieOnaioPovnca PIce tld cmonmrt -- Ttmcmr roîbo mf Iebiri ire j ..i.ljeI ead o-eandlatereiei te op b y ectr rtdtIv -c presnn t albhe SaitorctomcafIn- Clos n TwoltMoths eigt ale fnr enIi Kingston Prnrloolîary for cootIou:- grosl s OOlm 9.lrrrttnrom Itlo -mthner m -oSoatry. Sittcrober 3, o torrc Lisorî--ILegronnaîren. taît pesos titnît. Whmte the trrm OmOOtin Mfthedfgi-n,otomont ImontoUroctSom - lutoofbO-odOmtbcvnt(It0ttî1(n0Ilb-y mmcc r bunaresintoim on r-ifrpthc comn t -oxrd!brbIlstobrooflut, B champs, lobok afieriomo prsoerwh hd scpe fo 1,,h lita. rachýe nbmy brmcbeers reelvrd. BA. pio-offso-îbb thr Milton Red Bn-amptonîmofoeormt-. ,aIbttO r ocoot-t -otmtoAi Ibm coral 0000 'bo c mth ehlm-crc ______ temrcak.root ot ou prîJýTi lorrofi" 0b'bno-h ts m da fi,m- brrr 5mrr, id t h L troice ro they Redt IL, pir.Sos o-bmnbR. -airom ifcei,,bitexNet ottl tbr tomcsirmoth-rac. ad moetocal o- tro.1tun-tîommomrc trs iI ml Nine Farmerettes Miltonmc vbooo rîttIre mfecto of sot On Augusl 26. acc r omnord tIo. bolon ofthlb-tc af-t b c fsria o udcr o mme , h~ avng tocot onmethIe troîbto and Lorocrcoofcont00-cb-t co 1ttotbeoonmaeivaltcl-o oo m-ocoot-oroo ompltee rolect or jrttc-cp-Red Sos rrfmr-ttconmit- aathe -auct rf i houllh,-l ,,,,t -ors 1 a e Io ne ca th te n Iý aou tre w ek. ineioIrc lt,mcimlrno ol hObo Lirol fo i mt fir mo-o On Ibc ao-pbtmat imiin o ,tr.o9ch anotluth Ibcf St ttomotr Grattfur Sehoul .: Ctmb theGaden Cah enïNonborsentDont' Augo.tr28.Itotruk OmOoriTotoJEA graotrrft$2t0tt as apoplocooctlubotroto, eoIliornm,tl lrcc auhntotemurtad h i Stokcob 0cimdedn t o-tb a SSbctbom Usoct t ll mloItît- i mgtmon ib-teMilon Disritrornmnt non- ntmtrcoyor eniersinl-,trghohaibotterreda fat flr pcny oînt by Cbhares MeAi bcoro Caltot,c o r ottot i c rîmo toc lb, rf-mrtttCtcotctcîo tmp coot cmi,:to cm M c lctîroInoi icr o o.r r ad it t hlit hbrd of RN-S3,MoltIon. TbheBgbo y otrr loro-tg tbî opranbrofpm molegnm.co Entith Rot.uloth Niordentandit milfIb theRdSos inobit dfr11 killd.tiomo of Mro. Branrt, Mm-Etoo.,- Oaot Cmoîlsonî. Seondoît par girl lo oarît dfire Lrfonmoneoooormd bIlag untyf lubee-anP.K let.s. ormoJean, Grîby, Diane Biscock love îooa. Tbry Ottet sx0 or00 criircabie o-on fouît ubondool ,IPrize ta be Given Titi- ctlgatioospoîor oted ouf lTbdron covrodm0o-n o,,î C al- Vodixt ni o be iso aIike MiltIonBrckYard on Aoo- picital gruol o- ao ucoiutbt Thî rd ergrc a anC.-Pounded raughan an l ucress- usî 26 Constable Gunn -tollit n.-For Naming School tlo-os ocut pomod onîrl thbrno Oct ttc.Leamde rcm eMmc T. -bo r ip Germvaiis.for frbiltun- Wo-e mcofDuovotr at ic The- Mlton and District Assoica- flmolterni."As ct- r bweave: asa ldn ahieci n he Wm. Eve of Dnnvill had 1 tionfor Ntatdet Cbîldren areo0f- certain rî-nprncîblîly tb Iboseir cbdott. oer .trpls car slolen o-itee bt 0au inNoroat ofrrg a prrocltuthercitizrnsof the rnMr. Eltntoldconnrrîi. D -eIt Wrrse, former Inle-rounly on Wedetay, August 17. Ttc car district for a sanor for tite oitool, Couiem o- notifret of a o-roI- ANGEROUit GAME Seniar star, picked up the mis for w o-ncated 1in an accdest atio-bcbniiemopcned ooetimmcining ofo-rîonipsitisirthmîbaîîtrHALIFAX rCPt - Teactens ut Lialomel. Thc Bcd Sou nirted tiai Soithillir ast Robet HartnsnnSepttrmb-m. Bîgit Sobool Board ontdo-t-o-homo smaby Timberîra bat to rescue for nt-e kits. Art Melunon, kuck ai Dansviile wo-a ummted and Attyoniron Iints oi s gond of Miltos Pubie Sobool lourd Io Lammy Dos 1,aftem te placed is ln-upar t i cbsrgrd o-it crmteit. Be o-onclame for ttc scitool la asked to srnd dinscite possiblt-sale-pu-can- strit bt-et-n te s el ind roe ~Miltonlneu aasth ucntenced 1tbmthee mosîhu bard la- îkeim sume ln a letten to te secre- of te eosing bîgit scitoni for a -s ta of a scitool swing andt lies olhed i o-m a trBilteadtouihnglep ber in St.Catharinstcoumrt it-ryofte Association, Mms. Ales Miltos publie scitool. To-o members HURRICANE HAZEL took out titis bridge aust esn of Hornby ornte uesusd n circîrs anîillite aînmosttDoufceteipnioutBmll Vaug h- ke Twooaccidest nore eported in Boward, ut Box 302, Miltos. wo-t-melie appointet au spohesmes. Base Lire lest October. Just Ibis meek, o-orko-er banc started Io s _____________ u. n and John y Beipel picted up tawts luo-et .Ttc fimt necorrmd et -EIsrsUihle rDamage eetanwbigwhl nteiatm, ashv npste stber Milton bits. aS 630 us Frlday nigitt o-ber a Coomdas smaileat province mu Ttc Public Scitool Boamd nolif- eel8so bigroblentematie1asbnclcrpsig --lTe ciidrrs banc bers rnjoy-RMEo car drives by EIo-er Smith of Not-- Pisce Edo-ird Ilandand Qaebec led fousacil ttc toms o-ouid kie telt sratoprrybig hoegoe r iebge pits wbinig tkemseives 1 inte ading pool Milton-.......102 000 120 (1 9 5 val lailed ta stop ul a stop sign on te lrgestt respossible for damage toiîreslîy o-hI bold the piles for the rom bridge. uithta Rotary ParkthIis sommer. Lintomel-100 5M6 020 14 11 2 voltime 96 -Mý 1 A volume Yb.-No. 14. Twelve Paaes-Six Cents. m '0004tit