THURSDAY. AUGUST 231h. 1955 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO - NTIC -Red Sox Defeat Acton 11-3, Take Series Campbellville Takes2- Lead on the Adtos bailiwirk te wrap Up mcd a drive la centre that netteit Campbeliviiie won their secaond the bases weee loaded. Iheir best-in-five series in four gama- him two bags. Leaveo 's fly into, deep orb G rl traight usmi- to abe a commard- Tie lB Up MILTOUN BOWLINGU ALLEYS ex and reserve tbe ctght tai advance right was caaglst but Sauth acorea îog 2-0 tead inotheir beal of seven On thexsqaeeze play, a sestd ie the OBA. Intermediate B play- the firsl une. Then Bill Vaagkanu W nFis a re ,arris mitb Walerdown as tkey throse 10 first lt in loraerus. wiII opn in Setemberdeim*edsesflue eîî reunder lx tiraI was muffed andt wonrst m5 -3 je Campbeliville on Sat- Campbellville lied il op withtk Io iloe inSpe brThe RdSxnvrre yhdayDoacette rame i hnumber Ima. ,Hornby girls' bail lease ulayed urday, Aagasl 20. runs in the bettom of tbe fourlh trouble in the surirasaîxtide o teAclen gol one bacb in the bxltom Ibheir tirsl fume of lbail jn tbe fixalRex Baileyvirent ail the e-ay for lu make the score 3-3. Henderson For League Reservations first game. Wken tbey mere low bal of the Ibird seben a malk andt suries against Hltenville girls the lasers, givîxa ap il bits aeîd singled and Early walked and bath PHONE - - TR.8-5592 ir. producing rans the Aclon club an error in rigbt field allomed the Tsesday nigtl, Aegust 23, wiceîxg sec malb. He slriick out four and men scored on eaccessive errprs ky ebligingly crme lbrougb witb er- ranner 10 go tbe enlire may. the game by aascoeeof 4-2. bit ose baller. - Buasb and Tindaîl. __________________________________________rers lii aid Ibuxi. Dosuette starîrd the fxurtb wilb a Tbe second lameiu 10 bu playuil. Haery Hamilton weebed aes n Campbellville teck a 4-3 leait in Manageur Lenxy Naylor pixked single. He serot le secondt as Leaver et Hltioville Fcîday. Augast 20 ivoiege fer Cempbcllile and garv. lbe eîxtb ex Elliott sngled axnd ______________________Dnîg Vughn tiiliri r the caxbhi ixlo a poîssible doubleuplaybutl ut 7 pi ii)hrrîkhits and tforin-rls cibiI-hirs crifcdicosedcoddscocod i l, , ba t i'd out t, lîîa ri..l î t f an ciiikeptlinn i ng t011 iii, lb 1d. ish, "o. bti , cl oth, ,il i Di ge sdoubleî. Tîh borne tam fastr. cl,îîciî iroc butonh li r aongut iiiilîic,,iîîc liciiiii oi the ii.. il iiîcîî.î,i ii, lobr, '1 ii îîîîlii l: icmeieîd tleîcorinîg inîthecîghll ra cArto clu wassouc booing on t c()Ie hme.pyThsle oyleami ryig to aic.wiliiigs, gave p a h'et in n liîtl'soerusever thue rad thk bii iorrthebuield. Vaagb- Acles scecd aaineîsîthkboîîem cpurethe sieuaurris s lby c iixg andsricleout irii dewsîkhe rigkl fieldirxe. W, T Y J as ccxl tbe distance fer Milton, al- lbait oethIe tcerlb wben Sbillixg wni h 15 esn Open Scoring Borne Run lescixg enly lkruu kilo, walbixg tir le ad, solle sucond and in the con- _______ Camphllvîllie oeud tbe suer- Forth deubled toc Watcrdewn axd srittîng eigkt, fusion irb e u ax trapped bui- îxg in the tiret irber Meoeuand Bures. Nesewortky, Tiedaîl assi Bis opposite. ex the hitI fer Au- tireux second and tibrd ob adoan- 1,,11,d,îîebted. ru leikrd ex ex îefîeld Baiiey sîxgied. Bilt Etliitt kit a tesithpcir Harry Laeisonx aes ltir et Bss oerthrke o m ei Oout D as eand scoedeonHenderse's sac- boiere usand aesinglefor Camp- HOP RIGHT Iku ritioimcf 10 its bfore lhe max beme. O a h B as rilîcu lly te cuxtre. Walerdeme liud heiteilie and Wisgrove, Dredge replaced ky Spîb- Scett ini the Frem ftajuelarcthecgamemwas *1in uthxe second witheut gel- and BiltLakixg eaubhila double A A TOsuruxîb. Scott iras nîced fer four necrr eves close. Milton ment oxnMiii g' a0 bit. Witb tire eut, a htbt n ige e or obe additoea1 bine og Milo 1cxcoesx utfffiveeits ie the t5V ~ - leun ee kmbelil l e n end sieg an. Kex eoee doubte TAKE ADVANTAGE Mlk n oass niittivenstheb. s'o mroikte bsTe f OnxWudvesdy, Augutl17Omeagk 1dhe si0e2eerr tohla i ftet on k ssrig fu h f t ive embe11runs. dfatîd Miigîîîue 6-4 in tke fîrel Walurdeirxooteche ed irbeMuPkait îiueed, Campbetivitte OFO R c sm eaxmkite, costit de lîtte gamu ut the O.R.S.A.îîîay-eîîs tbcy suoeuittioruces in the tep of prusaed Elmer Dredge ixto service Oith OUR ofringsof Vaughanxuatif Ceeoebreopedlkuescerixg in he fourh. Fixnaoreireikeud andaacatcherrandtbrccame trug telsoft eîxitk irbux Sbîllixg flic firl t leelîl es Mllitiroer-on.,g Tiedelidropprd e Texas eguc ilk fiyisg volers. torbsma icîgtcd,xstotcxsecond ia1-0irad. A.Jarv tidlhe sce sngeubuhdthird tkcîCampbell- RH E adacd kotird ex McCistats vik te seucond,. ixgliig aes lt - vitlle îîicd aruced iîikand eiiîîu -Waeedeire.. 10it200 50,00 3 533 S U M M E R pound-out scorinlas Towemiuc I m-igh'c lic ctrou cri Tskrcedlthe rocierscliend upin se- Crpkeviiie 10201 055lt6 SAV E N sigled o ccitre.doube.îed oeil Ihird. Beurlue ' lii apto Beterius--Walcrdown- Baîtey and - îîocet wocaec heeegk MeCannvledirthe G. iiiliie i ixdeue efFixuimrrueodndlueRoberts aed Drecitt. ru fot it n ietripe axit Bill -irird tke baucs wih a four- r PT IR ES j G ix a h( pae.Jhnn rvis bogiel led i dte ufi-t. a Open Best-of-Seven in 15-O W in eue i ca e u.h îuîl i ce ko ils in hum hum e r r mahe îitlh rus. ON COAL - DON'T DELAY Thet Iieu eio hetîgame was bhr '1ie rci.iCeylirg..VeJu IvH ' Fi NOWS HETIE T AT _e hoel die inlth tîirittamu Bruc Cae.yiii sllîîîf,,.Miii- Camph lileoeed tk rbue ýpesesdiftercastciheout, two __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _,'BF,îîring their lat threericOi v sret x khWaerdovîilîrit rrers and successive singles !Miton 020160200-ll14 ii jiehçýi a lii.e gaie il- Watro no neFriday, August i9 he Secoue anit MuPhaii. Tkey ___________________4!_ u e O2ililO ýti44ug si its.ltiiigioutlfour.and cm u ih a eeniesed ficr inthesecend lieb ___ icetheoti M ii01- 3 4 7M I)l iitîs î -0iîlîîj n agam hat w.cit9-0 oneenrrreratriplce yBill ViiI'II~ AV DINTV - ______if aeh .Elii, Sere. MPhit eai Dedg. 0I L in he ise nig. eve iaiiihîrd ishe Roherts metbcd, weunI lorPolice Launcli :xt(r kimefa h aei dh. toconud cen c eldurt, ad e- hitie!s ýý gievacedlel hiîdî(irapvcd hall f suf' -,, iI e ad scrd ce Hedeo sin igle. R..Adm SoesLd ' WS ~'4~Safety Program -r al o e f'Tlicy completi.d he scorîog in h S. A ani Sto es de lleloc, o rl 1P- > îcIi cxcc îni.. i. -ingeshe Eiîiot Srriican Phn R -44 MILTON Main St. i1, iî laning ii îîdîiiil stt i nIn otI eo ci î Brueh caîd iBurns sis-'ird toc Flo-takeHcxdcrciî. Elit. MuPheil ext W ant Ads Provide You W ith To0DILY SERVICE- LOW FAm i cchijn-lIuspotif RhiîOnprio Mce- tîib-is icca-ili i: h urPiio grili ccu ted nl xra basitee TOPALLWA CES TO LLCANDIA Plic niti sticie cilcfi- iii cirii- îîd 'ihi 'e- i! iii i fctheu lb.ciceebac ALLOWANES ~ M il lii lii- ii hue'yugree. i upcicportîl'y iii rr iîR R E A G ou o Iteestd rope tsMEAN AND U.S.A. POINTS ibTh-cisi.lloue cIkd Cevpbelille c 451 005 15 12i ROCK IOTTOM PRR S CHARTERED BUSES tors.IG i icm mit' c" u. eMrsCrbrlîi ATOFTER IDEAL SERVICL Caselrli uc luperd iel afeu., Fîssemucu, Lcbelle end Bers. AT ATTRACTIVE RATE$ lulurîcu sud Eteuior ce u ad invthi t rst ivu sg usnuà Frîlr. Li ehte l #.11110h11 OR Att GROUP TRAVrEIFRi EESTIMATES Johnson Bros. Garage MeM AVEL ldu Phone Omagh Downs MiIIg rave in ChMyler Plymoubta - Fargo MTR.LCA8efl-2350 1 Traynor's Store Jae E.CosToSrih, aks ers by Ri. e asdlaceK. BesseJames___E.__Cross___ On Muxdey. Augusi 22.Ibhe Ose- PoeT.8-5582 egk Suftihelilese luuceeyed 10 I B E RLO UtoWplacduirxgluvpiin Line BER OU uii-of-lkrercsrirs.. mii Omnaal Es e people ch.,.e -ý,, lr he iiiPrs have hvrbuer i hce ictolr ceorf 3-. tec izo -y.î c areica hi-r sco bu ndtetyte cclIvehrtà eli e h bueg hiir lne i îîlcî ,ib.îu ilcg-ig lb, leiua cc Williams, and hrid if cutl fic e Rlst hiaii tIvb u tigho ii euu gmu r iii a leurisscars. eîsllî îesîg. ivIn i isi iig Ose- I!, ý-,.ce htPari i. ,',l'iiibIdiiîr ofair H A R R Y NW .y' P R OI~B E R T STOPS M OTH rv oddtebss heno lî: h i aIi-,îeci,-,d o ib riîî. Theculiaircdthe A A E I sicîrd ball. Gllîrs ccrut. cg "fithie,,aiîuc hîîuu j PlM AI.jWlimuil ire. cbtule i) td Mil- lot xf pepr tbxsxbl tbe acculent rate sîsulitgoex se p.REAL ESTATE DBO E A E u-i ic( fi* tnr i if taiuinlige. lfutitci. itb borate koling. >oux atrait finro ss-hbib yu ! FOR 5 WM-OLE YEARS, OR PA YS Invhe u t ic .bîîc.i. ii ihiadcd iirasFOR THE DAMAGE blicsugcinai cd î,leMiiriavTas- -i, ci- ii, iîîinu, ii,- Afioî,uglli lli i. liil îîîr iii iig The- icel ruilwa as i I' ah o'tý;fi il ad i l h dume. - iii diusthie uane e wi eîî - iil,îh uiniliuiegiiîîci i d Be ut, ccv- CcîîîîîColin i hid. GrahamsGiiiic-.llut ~ V .. L~ ~ -i ii it. ilîiciitr - iiui oh proilu. . .1îcc"."ruing McCannian of . .--, d, ts--îî moitoeî,i iii i i -i liii, l bi ai hîno \Il ii-i,i(I-iiîi or i pay îuusry Jiikiid Winitiiw-iciihe micut- iiicodciihissc ciilucvless o- gcsoiig.m uiiîcliu-c..riiid be 1 ,c .,ih0,- ci b sineti-slclut cIrn siiultheirenh.oxdrr U U ad cooiicl li ath' îî.oîîîîîîes Wllü sui ror-I drsse uts. eicHyacil erurh iout six ced Ctrrtatnty. sista or ssed rare vosla eux lais-aerelis rm- HMERITMHDEEc*S it ighl bitsu i RTT H W . iBarrs ircuhl: i. îlclîxtt n pileis. on tbe brabing seetros. Theasone if the firet thîngo see 136 Main St.Milton IDrrtîîî: Mil igrîîe- Brait aed B. check before a rar gîtes ot on tbelsb for sale. 5's not a hing _____________Carry. ro an %ce wen ou seck thae iupalot and opboisbery. but il's vit- ahiy important, siteoftifheonerex extras of service tbat gors ino 1953 oe f OuRDars.PIK-UPBeautiful Fallingbrooke Estates S.L W E C THE SPECIAI. THIS WEEK ON OUR USED CAR LOT SA MILION'S MOST COMPLETEUY PLANNED AIEA FRUIT & GROCERY STORE witlî radio, heater and 15,000 original miles. Ted Stover trad- FREE DELIVERY DIAL TR. 8-6043 ed ibis in and me knom lie gave it the best oR cure. We are seTdltelhma al $1ntin o wn t no butI. utSieet Juicy Sunkist ORANGES, goood Si..._ 2 doz..for 49c giehi al.$ 0 j9 0 o $ 1r6 # COOKING ONIONS ........ 10 lb. bag 39c HERE ARE S0ME OTHER REAL VALUES: 1952 MERCURY 4 DOOR with automatic, signais, air con- WITH DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1357 ta$1450 Strawberry Jam 3 9c Jar ditiox, 32,000 original miles Ione owner>.___________________________ 1952 PONTIAC 4 DOOR DEIUXE, witb radio, air condition CARNATION MILK .. --------2Ig. tins for 27c heater, signais, 31,000 original miles (one ownerl. BUTTER, Hallon Brand Firsl Grade - _ý-- - .. - L59c 1951 FORD 2 DOOR wiil air condition beator, signais, Cmbl' OAOSU .... ..--- isfr2 31,000 original miles. * 3 BEDROOMS* HARDWOOD and TILECabl'sTMTSUF2tnfo21 195 PRFET 4DOR wth eâermoor ecetl ovr.FLOORS Brunswick SARDINES......... 3 lins for 25c 1951 PEFETD OO. ihhaemto eetyoe* * BUNGALOWS 6 OTLT 198aERURYd 2 DOOR wth radio, heaer, 43,000 * STOREY AND A HALF *6 OTLT PREM (Meat in Tins) 3 9c Tin original miles,. POURED CONCRETE ______________________ 1949 PLYMOUTH COUPE, radio, air condition heater, sig. * BRICK VENEER OR FOUNDATION CEMSYECR ni.SOLID MASONRY CR TL O N . ... ---- ---- --- 2 for 25c naI, ~DOO wih ir ~diion * LAWS SDDE *CLOSE TO SCHOOL Queensmay Hand Packed TOMATOES_ 2 28-on, lins for 45c 1951 CHEV 1-TON PICK-UP, heater, signais (on. ownerl.* MUNICIPAL SERVICES IN WE GUARANTEE OUR SERVICE ON ANY CAR OR TRUCK* AIR CONDITION OIL HEAT AND PAID FOR G iant Size CHEER 67c Any Brand CIGARETTES, 200's------------.. Carton $2.99 SALESMAN ON SITE .AT ALL TIMESRESTIVOS PAGE SEVEff 1 1 . -le m