PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPiON, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 2510, 1MB Closer Than You Think in the midst of summer heat it seemx hard to realize thaf this cceek the Catadian National Ex- hibition starin off the anaal neasen of faîl fuies. Nesi scostSeptember. miii scou., loaaifatro the centreofai tttactinfat loaatitîities. tse prîze uiss gise promise of making it moi-lt hiie for local eshibitors te plan their entres anal pro- pare tce make oui- fait et September 23-24 one of the best in a long histery of veey saccensfal enents, Officees anal directcet have put macy monts of planning since the fir of tat year, into mak- ing improvements in the fir cf 1955. Experience cf other yoacs han bren aseal to make each failein keepîng citt the imes anda amoder nhow in- 6cm cf agiculture. t in atayn a tank for ttc fellom mho maken Christmas cari-lein the bot cays cf nammer tc bo enthuniastic about is mork. But aimays Christ- mas comnesuval the peodcalclmust be îeady te ment the eassn. Jant an nore the fal easen is aust abeaci anal fali fair time is clcnee than yoa tbiink, Get ycar pize lit anal plan yaur entries nom fer the big eseat in a fem meehn. Canadians Greater Visitors Canadians heae se mach about United States tcurens brînging a flow cf alolars ittc Canala that tbey selclom tbiek abcut the ttaffic scutt- mural aicens the international bcanclary. Thats mhy a rncnt Cavadiatt Ptess story fi-cm Washington mas partlcalaely tarting. It qactecl the US. Chamber cf Commerce un sayîng Cao- adian touriets spenal mote mcnep annuaaly in ttc U.S. that Amerecannnsprnd in Canai-a. Ibe figures fci- 1954 plucal Canalian spenal- ing et the US. t $311t,000,000, mie Ameri-an vsiirlceeft $284,000,000. Canai-an Buteau ai Staîistics etimaleal Amori-an spnsalisg it Canada as scmemhat iess, $278,000,C00 Lat pear mas te tîralsaicssiv e yoat alrinp vîhict Canaltans otaspenl Ametoansoin leassi brîmeen tht Io icantInes. Wbei one consiacirs tal the papulation cfte US. is roaghly i0 times thut of Canada, Casadit tant shape ap as freo-spenalnrs mt poi-ksstsiul cf iast. Pethaps weme bntcn oae-ealîepsar loaritl Itale from tbe scat As neîpttoel i ior Can- aciacts are appaeeniy mai-t bellt aI aî s.lng tsi- npenalîsg than Amori-uts. Wc 6 hoglal toavua ten imes more cf tem con-c op anal sne us tny lime. SmaIl Town Background Artcoico îh dale inta slalislîos i-oree p us-uItsome tathet îatctesîîng stortes. As tflei-- ample of Iis Liberty magazine tas faand tbat ttc malcrtîpof Canalan 330 mîllitonaîres gaI Itoît ntel n smali tomns. Wtie tavtgpaar tîrt placein a smal lamon mup gias te backgroand for a top flîghî monop makîng lite il appetes tat cIter reqaîcemenîs are nsoessucy 10 teaotîng ttc mllionaire categotp. Amcng ttc reqoisîles ta mîllitosaîre stalas taral mort anal enttasîasm seem tobehoprincipal points anal ceunI for more Ibun cnes brtpiace Local heaveebroot Points cal Ihat il's the i-st $50,000 thut coonts. Whether that umeant can be acqi-potcaln a smalil omn te aoesnî specofp bul many cf an mto chose lttc n smalil omns arc still morting on the initiai amoant. Not eseepons pals ttc acqaisition cf grsnt amunarts oaIîe asa Inn goal of lfo. Some faits lite ta lias a lits that tas cter fratares tat are equtiiy satîotpîng ai-s are foasalin omailltoimno. Il is noîrd in thIe ai-tii-e tat mont cfte mlîtonaîres 6,6 soit smtîn ic tne Iamns in mtiot tney mecbacs 6! G. Ift aid and New Wbile isiting citt frenals in ancîber section cf Ontario tte conversation turneal te changes in Ontario bcosgbt about by the influx cf Nom Can- adiano fromn otter lands. Me mece greulp soi- tibm graap establîshtralinr vn i-tacot, but ttey more 0cm in the eaely stagen cf buildling their emn scbecl. It meatl, me ndeestocal, be main- tainsealscety by this one gessap mbe moala bave tIis extra financial tsi-dec in addcition to eicg taaed fer oui-pi-sent scteol systom n Ontario. t mas refeesbing te oui-n that many cf these fokIh mbc ere being selicitoualfoc bolp in etat- listing hm nom schot o-eestrongly ebjectisg. t mas regrettable to leten that theocbjectccs wore being snabbeal by theit fellom coontrymon for manting t e bome Canaians anal have ther chili-I-n ealacatedi-n Canaiat mays in the stihools alreaalp establîsheal bote. Canaians mbo base boot bortn Ib tis ico- trp meicome nemi-omets 10 Canala. There arc opportarîtirs anal eoomn for ail in thoecevelop- ment of Iis vst coantry. Bat if Nom Canaians are tteîam ap citt olalet Canadians in Ibis de- seopmenî thoco n-ast ho unîtp of effort. Sogerga- ion cf saicus gi-caps mbîch come 10 car shors undi-singing te casîcmn fi-cm ttelanal mbîchthtey have oift bebîta lli not bcbng snîty analanale-- standing. Thero castoms are aifflouit for aclls to drop. Sarely, tomesor,te chîldren cf oitcol age, the citizons of tte future, stoalal oct te com- peileuf ta attenal sebools trtral dbp te patents mho hase broagt thIem to Iis ni-m lunc. Me do no1t nom mtat tne attitude cf ttc gaornmentsmiii te in te establishment cf GETTING THE GOAT is no trouble Kingston, mbere Rayai Militai-yC muni-at bîllite ta a iaw point ai dec toms ta te camera aust ta show hi Fart Hetry is t favorite nammer anal Ameri-ans alite. INOT 1 v E AST si-toch'. crvarousgeoups from othet lands;, at tin titi ticoll în 1a mcthopeîtl ibcesaeh tatmîiio top tcte i t,ttitheiuiu-tt uldhing- feam fulilment anal tond ta mats ail wto rte I l~~ali i, tit ---t ii- il)i Canada, teai Cunti-îi s.Thte si-itois arce tc -th %j,, 1i ar tti and îîîa tti t ita t tf i place tastaet in tiending n ni-mtii-ciiCta'udiaa' î-ttls i inb ansei-omman grcap cf pacel itizens. 11--, l th, îîuttlt., l;.- ultt 195 i - i l Bises r and irttrt Canadian Bacon i lfrlpg Fotrsverui peara lits quaýtp oe Cai ad ti ops:t - I ft, ut'lt tsltut 'it Ii, . t has et estt lintnp acot-tinp to ilecs stetl in- i tit i uttîît rtitil, î.îuul u n uai repart cf Canacla Fui-tersSu-si 150e it- I l l *i Iliit tt, tsiN , -- ii ti tlt ll i ttl.t, ut tt1 I* tpgs nad bsennunnispmsiiloast 30 per-ent. c-î. ,urrla i, l r A" qaiitp hogsarue teose ,nîi-lt peoitiae (tntlmlet sus Ip tpe tuian for u'aeîîh botist e eFpcet id Il -t i l,ttt li , ll . Itih - iti-'z 1,i damesticmarktet tave lsngpaïcia prec u r ii î uti , t-ttli Il assttis qaitaaiic'cuiltupanva bleatu In-lthatil, esuattanairesputttaon for Lunaclian lacsn and11ii ..tî, t-'t s theonip tinal me-tus seertap- to si-lit "1 tiuiin on T, ut-il ft-t il;,»- î. m artelt, i.- i 1 ...i,- tl s tretrial mn ara' te siti s eIusiilesl- t titi tGIatt of tOtîtats ast nom Ucfottunutel- a v pis lîca-1s p tuttIlt -ktutu titu o ursesaouI of the mariol. Ali o.,e i-en, tutii u l-i u bao t-oatpart is go59 10tote Uniteal States.l-i t The userage Amettoun top is ledaon i-arn analtd t-ut -tuîîîîî ut ? s bîgger anal latter thus the test type cf Casa a lt l itt ;.l"tututilul'i dian. Ttcetai-an fîamthese tîpper ted latter tIli li ii itt t Amstîi-an animais tries atapIotaulmcst i-att tcp I tlIl- iiIinltsu .t t Il twen put in thepus. If me folica the U.S.putl- Ton Mai-h Irsirl tenia'mrare oaipgotng to geltteaaerage US li,, îîîîîtî,î C titi, i rie tii-,ss cfaîpandaliîper froît. On tc th thet ItItît titittt-t-c Iuîstini-t b ard, if me gise teAmei-ti- n consmets lcas li:lILI NIt mî. i. ri JI îgh quuiit tac-os, me gi-t a peemîam prise ftilt liiiIutl ttiui utili.bu e %ti-t miii permit asIc i-ompete an ilite Amneetcneu-tittîttttttîuuîyAiiu- lamarkt e as utîtclatp anal hugluer frecpt. Il s, otkCastaefuemiers 25-50 pi-uts tIole- asieop andlptodac nnaolumeIlleilongp.isaritpec d ci toips utuct ptsdcla-sttcitptst qua ",pn' e bacon. We moula te stostsîtsnif tas e-tlita t foandcation watt crîua'bis. Tte Siuittî ci SPoi-I i T. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Photo is ttc thougit tac thut 5ib tis prrsst fCo m n sy aces tube a tig bite ftom the millonites. Brief o m n arfuelal Wesîos, osle cf the milionites mus once Sarelp bthehet oh the pressinI sommer ti-tOIt tqui-eal 10 puy $6,000,000 intxes alose. To .tîsit blum fos atecpcftaittl 1050 mto basent te fîrtî$50,000 guItoeei-cl "noa-ahomnI t mu cosLk nu ýet, consolationu muy te tuten is ttheIesstresu t i as lite that tas toto enjopsal. Ones birttplmc, hese hartui-uncs tut tsrenc beousnp lusses smweoer, s iertuîlno d50 dctcttsîto i foal ca t.mTrnrplace sem nta toliam aasrp uspreict acces Neittor is il anasasurani-e cf lfe' sai-ccnss able i-tarse. tesuit tas bi-en that meaîter fore ,r tte im of lfe. casting tas bs-tom e ai-tp nreltable. ~UrQEba n QIia pit SI US * * '-s, * p '11'IIIh~. o NI~IPI'J/ a .e&s~iO O L Puhilshed ln 1he Heurt ni Ballon Pshlusbrd eerey Tharsduy ut Mais St., Mitoin, Ost. Membre cf thr Audit Hue-usci Circuslations, the C.W.N A. asd tbe Ostario-Qsrhec Dvisisn CW.NA. Adveising ratosone OOutfsS. Sahecripticss payable in adnancr, $2.30in Canada, $3.50 in the U.S.A. Aathorized as Secosd Clas Mail, Pont Office DepartmesS, Ottacca. G. A. Dilis, Editor-in-Chief James Dilis, Managing Edîtce David R. Diis, Production Masager Pebliabei by the DIII. Prting and Publishing Cn. Lmmiied Mnistr-REV. J L. BLAIR, B.A. Gi-gar i ýMes .H.îeîîid Mugi-c A T.C M Iý 1n ,-t -gtt,tttl'ý tiill i-i -ut tutihKit,, ii-bl'a t 1îtt u f t s n a u t CALVARY TABERNACLE l'enti'rsstsl nI en SUNISAY. AlIilTl 21.19.5 10lut a,m l ui îîul,î' Sc httoutul ibleii-Cii-t- 111111 tus Motiii tu Mtta'tip 7 00h m.Es cîtituliittia'S-uie EMMANUEL BAPTIST CUC 21 5 Commiercial Oui-idRC Punlor, HohI F. Scynici- SUNDAY. AUGUOT20t. 10S lb0t0l an - Sandtuy Sebueti tantAtt- u it Bible Clats-. 11.00 aun- Mornetig Wuusip. 7.30 pm.-EvnigSeri-ise' Weieintu, Augast 31. 8.IS Peay i-rn-ctise and Bibi- sîady aS et aich. 'We preart notouîrsl es- But Christ Ji-nus the Lîud' THE GQOD OLD DAYS BETTER Twenty Years Ago Fifty Vears Ago Taken from the August 2lisue of Tatien fromthe August 24 ssue 02 the -Canadian Champion, 1935. theC(anadian Champion, 1905. Town clr-hHemstreet laetow An agitation has been started to enoiîghiseaul vaation, haveThanksgng fixed lor- th- Jothn Icocqiof Milton thi belits]ot itondua' niOctobt-I li offi- f,, titiiîlhttitti l I peti- Ilalttî sîta ii hioing led- sons o hiîave thr ee day-t-tiiththeis mrai l, sceed Jamfamîlesa'ho oid net bcable to Houso.mwho eigned deto ill- gethome aial forTansgiving ness. Day if it more held on Tbsrsday as Reduction of the marathon swim assai. Representations have been, d istance to fivemiles a te Canad- made tothe government and tbey ian National Exhibition cciii prove will recee due consideration. e trmely populsi- cith the spectat- <)n the 101h, the day o the Nassa- o, vntbougb the male natators gameya Old Boys' ression, a bi- Ioud pi-nIer a mach longer course. cycle belonging le Malcolm Holmes Have you tried tbe 12-inch hot was stolen fi-sm Campbellville.. dog? It's omething nem and youal Jerry O'Bien, a Hamilton man,. it.I Try one ai Feed'sseevice was saspectrd. He mas aerested ai station. Guelph and the bicycle mas fosmsd William Gîlby bas heem uppoînled in bis possession. The prisaner- etaker of Milton pablie school. swore that be bad boagbt the whbel sceedisg Robert Erwin. leom a steosge- for $1.25, between bhis ts Milles Cormmanity Web the Campbellvîlle boteI and the- andbaSothern OntaioiBOY ScOt ailmay station. The echeel oas Jaîmboi-i- Bai-gaine ai-e brins af- valard ai $35.00. cýrd ta thi- bayinc P ublie ut every On Tuesday, mbile atteodîngthe- Boy iai in g J. n ambra-rexmi Magisteaie's Court, Andeew Hors- _______thi-ById î s igaJa-oree i-oasciy of Kîîbide, le-t bis borne and, _______________________ t sîshi. thi-re i- beatoel-ris uithe stables of te MeGibhaa iitislight seie, mîai,îýi cs, all Hiiio. When about touSai-t fo t no tabing pai-t. acOesiîaie t' home, hi- tssed that tome persan* aI Qeacio 016FortHrr tbtaindand ttc Legiso. On Sos.acheta-c bad est bit hurerssantd College cadets have traiord day atteroon tbere cciii be a maso- storen a eu-tise. Appareetly bis lolîty-for a goal. Hece billir adi pirade, al] teoos tahing part, troubles bave made tîcc unpopular' h0w civilized te rrally is.Old beuîied h1 ttc Milton Citizenswt on fhsnihos u tutti. Thee wccîî ss trc a pen- tOitwas a meus i-cerneanid ýtoacîng spot, for Catadtavs ai-ri-i-liusstriire n Victoiat ccocer o-as guîlty nf it deserves tPai-h. Ttejamb ioee m illtbc one4acseverepunishmrent ty ayorîtGeorge E. Elliail M500 Os Tusday. an employer nf the sco tsiesepecedttihb esi-ci-c iohWorbs gat helplrssly drunk ler fr te ambre, wthlptand fclln tecpavement,snahle to iieiTorntoi,Geoi-gitows H,îmîl- gloAn tie i, a bavy-mrigbt, to.Guli. Acton. Ouhsîllc and Bue- Chiel Constable Bradley dîd est AIE ST a'gonertabe ttecsont-set of earryisg Shlt-lati mpe biht tn im Os juil and laadrd tîm intu ai-ný isI delîîcd luaiit we hat wagon. Ho sas paradrd brise J. ni- icicis$1.2501 aa-ieekhettc - ehc, J.P.,yetrday, plradecd so u TH t1tgbsiualarieicerpatd aetild gailta' af deasheonenssand mas stir.cbtI O mIa'eceses $4.25 a fiiacd $1.00 and easts-otal $7.50, t.g Io a.P C oeiclt..iTbîîip\tItIse ektil. cpisi-Ihi-ee'l f O t.,inelading herytie. t hi-lacet01-51 t t orltsmouth, Ecgland, bat pattrdi f-nmltbrLulsisatlntîss-lce $.5 i tshn rdnn fith upresin f The La's '.%outliwh i eakb kcolitegThie hichen fanriers ln it tui tttie r a nesi--titem in thresilcnaIh apeaid a loa i il 1 iittît tt thti la, ill GOO0SE HAVEN tt Lîondîtn News says thut a par- ha,tatitt tttit,,llea ohtcn CtiHATHAXMOn CPJ-di tt tial e edy eansitain theplacig. il tiol th- ittuIt cýTv- iti, -\cliii t tu as tescca' t;I ofthe echahece theeaebkromsts Yi '--tilla titittiti - "tlc t.tttttt tinand --j tigt-it wne tands p Io t -1'lId n, lit i 'Mil., t on I-Il t t î' hl o-l o,- - - o, I ,I;,o I I s ibord(,v it ad anatoca the I' AIl. us i- IIlfo l Ilal "Il ">aga'.iirsPROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ,l dîtaî tîttlI iti ii îîî itis t AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 1 obllai t MEDICAL DENTAL 6 li i, -ld THE STEVENSON CUINIC DR. G, A, KING Bildingiiin Jais Phanes. DENTAL SURGEON t X h l l tliti l ttt I itti M.t 51ii- Nîmhcc TE 8-2323 Officinersoyal Building, 0Milton -tIi-I ill >,tttitt ttitlI t- 1 Dr.C.K. Stevenson Houes 9-5 oLfop- Dr. E. Fitz-Geraid Esestins s y Appsîntment t-t--Il\mie ttti r.W.J,.iansah X-Rat Sei-estr Tel.TR 8-9762 t tttIStltltîititl,- Sitiltlli Dr. &.T Hanter- Il1 tItI1t 1 outtttu ttîtlIr, 11111Office Hotters. DOrH. F. GALLOWAY 9--Îltttttîtli4 Mttot(Ifîthe A M -Hyappi-tmetssly. Dental Surgeon ii, t,.îyi.,tiii it PM -1-4 7-9. 155 Main Si. ansaleet flose lý.it no., eoa--ti y iiSUNDAYS-Emeegestrirs snly. Heuara 9 tlaip.m. MILTON PHIVATE HOSPITAL Ecesîngs by uppaîstmest, Ceconce.INDAN X-RAY X-Ruy Servie DUiAN, \Il(', Croner C PRH and Gsol Surgexn Te.Office TE 8-0201 ilii i i - -DR. G. E, SYER LEGAL ti to:iti A c-Xîlî- Physirian and Surgen DICK, DICK& A MWILLIAMS tit 1 s!i, Office-James Streetw.i 5CQC t 111V-îî.,dI II Ilh îi- hI-t î.cNa. TE 8-5531 K.. . 11CK nolt,-olilact;o tt- ltî:ý,iog Office Hors 9 am.l-3 P. K. MeWILLIAMS h. c - 1p tYo llI.,t tl ,7 8.30 pos. Hartera, Solicitors CoronrHi-own Street, opposite Arena Tilt-stase TE 8-4491 (05STY VA NDA1LeSt DR. J. W. McCUTChEON CAI.i-fiiY Ai-I 157 Maiîn Street T, A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. YOonice--Hutuentd1-4, 7-9 pr itarrister, Solicitor, Etc. f , , YIl i > ', I, -,131 Ttomas Street P ým llt l ti-t, ad lh ITa-e tîtîtît e TE 8-9223 Milton Il ttLth o\ 1: I I I 0,- t11 RvilttdeeTE 8-980 nhne c 8655 CHIROPRACTOR iGEORiff;GE E. i ifTT n r A. M. NIELSEN, D.C., N.D. 15si-iir of Chiriopractir and Nainroathy t2îti Ya'a ofPraetie i-t tils 2-5 pm Clancd Thuri, XNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHUIRCH Ltady Attensdant liEV' F. ORSISUEN, Ministcre Shunt- Tiuîgl - 7-Sf12 Du, Zîtîtît1'. ZtIui-id MA,, Ll 1i4iGut-lui t.SI Georgetowcn i-.I Oti-,chotrtM - WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. SUhNDA. A IMUStlXl2liî, ii Derme nofChiropractie Il~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~Bot li uutMtut ut t1tiu-ue H St..5 Milton A lu, tt Ai nitu Itit- -Bs Appoutmect tii-uit-t Att-t I 0.I il0lii lt-tt 1t0NE TE 8-5523 X-EAY iii MuIl, ilJtu AC(OUNTING GRACE CHURCH LEVER A&I4OSKIN ANGLICAN Chartered Acenanitanin MilttiOn, tla, tut -Saucei-se-5sat lSItNAY, AIIIII'il281h.I1955 1211),.SUNODAYAFI'E TiINITY Motutini- 'stune Mu. U J. ii ,l. iii u -i-e9, ST, JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE (Anglicani) R,Ris 0P. E, Ji-lcues, 0.A* Hi-i-tuc SUNDAY, AUGUOT 28t. 195 1210 Saeduy aue Truuity 10.00 a.mi.-St. John's Mrsins Preper and Stedue Sebuuul. l.S St. George's Mîicig Pi-tyci-and Suedup Ophotut. JENKINS & HARDY 1305 Metrapulîtan BIde., 4Victo ria Si., Toronto Em. 4-9131 JAMES A WANDABENSE SUS VEVORS Ontario Land Surveynrs PORT CREDIT - Crescest 8-2034 Milton cluenbs pli-anec ial D. Wandabeese. OLS., Cîsebson - TAylor 2-0544 OPTOMETISST ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Mais St., Milton iLleyd Davis' Jeccelleryt Phone TE 8-9972 Rot, TE 8-9678 Tuesday and Fiday mcrings Evesines by appointment. Barrinter. Snoicitee. Nalary _Pub&W Offi-is Foi-mecs' Building Msain Strt. Miltcn Tlphanr TE 0-9202 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Barristrs, Solicitors, etc. 181 MaisnS, Milton PHONE TE 8-9772 FUNERAL DIRECTOIRS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL HOME Fnnerai Beone, Ambuliance Serviesi PHONE TE 8-4452 NIGiT ai- DAN' binece, Coacteous Service PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Monetay _ ...........t;So 5 pm, Taenday 130-S p.m. and 7-9 pm. Wrdneday -_9.30 a.m.-12 nec Tbsrsday ..130-S p.m. asd 7-9 pn. Fiidat ý130-S pm. and 7-9 pu.- Salai-day- - -i..... 130-5 p,.-ý Publie Belidaye nni inetndd Scbooei ebldren bave separae heurs TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT Standard Time Gains East-7.41 a-:2.04pm. 8.20 pm tý aîly encet Susoay.Ss- day îsly 9.05 p.m. Geine Wrst-9.04 asm.;6.36 pm,.. 1.10 a.m. Daily escrpt Sasdsy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Geise Norih-7.55 s.m, coing Saatb 7,19 p.m. B lUSINESS A ND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TO. 8-9511 PAGIC TWO a THURSDAY, AUGUST 2.5th, 1955 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ýl