PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th. ifOS BORN FO1 AE Cn. FOR RENT ILOST and FOUND RA SAT Cn) A FOR OSALE - Pricer piano. i rc n gisop NT FAGGION - M. and Mro, Amecir good Ceandiîoo. Phone TR 8-9788. o TIOREE CLEAN, comfoctablo FOUND rc dgls p FOR SALE lET Faggion are happy ta anounce-FoS EWlbrdHefd rotionu, avaîlable nom. Apply TE B- ply Hatton Co-O, TR 8-2391. c uoom brick home, surrounded by OFi the bieth o! a daugter, Susi Eon FOR SALEWl be ecfr 9928. e ohade lresîin quiet setîing in on Auguat 19. 1955 t Mlton Prn- bull, serviceble age. Apply TE 8- Rcwolvl an onvr nate bospital. 9830. e FOR RENT-Apartument. 2 roumo._______________ Rcmolueylmsnvr kitchenette and buthroom. reason- ahi, modernconen ieocms, Oft The MORTON-Mr. and Mcc. Everett FOR SALE -APPlms, peurs and able cent. Apply 436 Woodward MSELNO S wr o acohscoesi tut Morton ae happy a announce p____________W._A.__________St.,_Mlton.sceey oom, extra large hathraoum Mo rton areipyson, arvuoeproches5. Appy-WA.Boa -_ed S._Mltu oth lînen closet, nem furnace in To ecbtth cfSt.hese 500, HosayTl -33 FOR REET-3 room heated au- PHONE TR 8-9962 for Rîgoullbsmn.Dntsyyult1 Hamilton, on Aufut u3, 1955.* FOR SALE-Used G.E. stone, au- arîmeot, ocis 4 pie tîrrilîd bath- Tait Prompt service. b boorment., Dont you loleil t torraironcn, in excellent eosdt- mooin,bolou tre. I mile from Mt- _ _______ $» 900.00 fll pricer. l JAIS-M. and frs. William ion. Apply TER 8-4402. C ton. TE 8-9846. C FLOWERS loe aIl occasions. Hn- $1.000,dono, nen 4-rooci brick No. 7 James o! tise Baoe Lice, Rurnby. FOiXR SALE - Creulator heater FOR RENT-:3 roofifcird ortmrcit. (013. Hr, ilton. hoe R -lhomcsedrioicg al. y two ett. Co announce the birth o! a 1son, olo od e prc ptis hrebtron nun Paul, on Augut 3. 1955, ut Amer- frcuormu.eaoaepec0ptr.she shom.uoc- Guelph, Ontario and York Road tullun iran - Britioh - Coa dray hospînal. for guîch oale. Appîy TE -4419.c iahrd. Apply TE 8-6556 any day MONEY AVAILABLE for sotatl ora, close to schoot cnd shop- C0O Mesio Cty.FOR SALE -OGaham LachMc oI' p audy c fîrot morigage. Prîvate liuety would piog, busaut door, 6 room houue July; like tobuy smalt second mortgge.u.oith 3piece bath, on goud sccd brd GANDIN -M. and Mes. Armido plots, 6' nidlth. 5-ploa, practical't' FOR RENT-10 Miltoin 4 roomrd Ouyo VI 5-1689 colcet. b-11-4 lot.taitllrngth vrraodah, upecul- ecli, Ordîn. R R. 3. Mlon. arr happy nîs. H.J. Smith, Ookvillr Vtorsssslf-oobaioed flot. prîvale bath, atîveîy priord ai $5.900. Very ton Pot 10o nnounce the hrth .ot a5-1857. C heasy sesesof AIpl' Milto TE8- MARRIRD WOMAN nseuld rare doms payaient. plleu daughter. Christîna Mar ia pis.l RSAEdobeh9o 269 or Cal t 87 Miartin Si. c fssu pro-sehool child for nssrhing 5rsnom whiterclapsood cottage, 3 30o C on ugas 2. 933utMîto Oi-lete malehing dresseen, orître.o.p0 O E o- mother, cool end f Mlton. Aipply pimce bath, hot and cold mater, ready vat hopitl. OR ENT 3 rom apartnrîsl. Bso 59, Cuti odian ChampsioMlton. cssmpleîrly oosulatcd, tise aod oslav; dat hcpris. s iibcd. childs crib, hsgh chair. gsoussd floue, pisitr entrantei con- hardwood floors. front and hock HA' TE 8-9067. coroeoieces. heat and hydro, Chsld DEAISSTOCK remoned Iroin, your sonrooms. osl heat, septic tank, good DIDFOR SALF,-Comhinolioo Finit- om Nose onyPsî a ropl o sanitary dis- $5200 taxes. clu-e to shopping ând stean. ______________________lct cutan d coul rangr. ex- Office. Fi. Gitns. ornhy. r pasi.Tetephone Coîlet Mlton transportation, on iighnay near HOI cllent csoditisocool $300. rl_______________210 se Toronto EB 3-3636. Acton. f3.000 downo s ail required. field BLAKLCK A Brckill , $40. AIp NE 4-9209. r GORDON YOUNG LIMITED t 2 ocres on 25 Highnay, hall mite doulil BLACKLOCK Ast 1Boc955li n . 03-_____ WANTED RAWLEIO osnsonnspro rm Acton, corner lot. road lev-- Octr TiordaAuus 1,195,fu-FOR SALE-Hoisor mîsh 6Ocaninm M Hîbsinehaîf ruIpe belle Morrîson. oidom of the fate san si uorage raclaismodern kit- y rdewl s tego srieoko o oelhae Thomas . Blaeklork. ftaerly rso lu iti Ruaal, A TD S-tro erîetahlînhed. Exceletîrît spporloolty. 3, lok of Ottawa. l Mn,3 h c btd Os aI 8-93i5l05ApTy TE -8187. raco Fî im.Wîraocaunco ceres onn2 Hgwy afet Interment thse OId Cemeters ricer I rMus_______ Iut b iH-284-ffOff3 p.. plyT -66. ul ii. iM once'Ral 0.0 u mile front Ados. levet ground. range Camphellrîlte. Ont.. Salurdav at Il FOR SALE - Queher ruai stove WANTED - Clerl futIlfirme fur Residestial lots s .gnod locations top t a8..bIl nîth ohoît. ecelclent cornditisooeuy local storer. Apply Ilsx 61 Caîî,sslî,.îs DEADSTOCR SERVICE 1 in Acton. f operia1f180' frontage tables goo ovn fr bkin. 3 Mll i Campon.$5.0raeh for dd C d ua isled hy 60'n deep, mîth nere and DeFor -ETHETOE At lheu r s d- goIvnfrhkn.~ ~~5O 50hrsr oesoale.ersîsond luration. Datpur- tobh once, No. S Higliuay Burtingto, srrIl TMangle 8-9759 aller 9 cmaWir TD-Stan Korys orrh- 01.1>BOUSES 4rc LB tos lt210' frontage x 120'trues; oSuayAuot1.10.FOR SALE-Nw 2and 3 frroîs estra open forengagements.Osions For promptservice phone collect eduu1rsr ryusnsenient. lIrr. rookir Ftorence owdy Hutbmao, brlov- F:rîîrs truacter ploies, as lau as Miltson TE -9i00 oC-tf Freelton 22r23 or Hannon 203j .atahluoriss usotey or hssms- ruhhs ed ite o! Max Frathersrnisn $100.- Pouls avalabîrA îss A NTE Put r-urE- Slene Peconi Open fou offer.ect lise300h year. BramptoSales BarisetsWstui îim - rnsImhngss.craAts. 0mn Service muo brîsi from lbru rus--h-6-7 raphur tou- sus.offics. ApîlîsBoxiiCAR BUYERS I hvIa afhan.dy lu shopping:asîd TH] idence on Wednesday. Aucasl 24, _________________ 58, C,n,îdîasî ChaeîsnI C-I22 RbieoabyOsrnnscf t bu.snnrsitalnsv. roosî irst. and Il 2 fap.. ftermenf St. Patto rua.- FOR SALE-A rnslsrsetispusi - B I ss,îbyor e o lt wtrron top approximatetvncr- etey, elsn. redJereyhofers Setemer nd WANTED 2psegr itn mîîdul usud car sur lis about ou acre.$1.500. clo n. MORHArSdeivo sohurs.(ýhuntng, auouuuitdIlsto ~Mit.,on,.is 5ti d5 ,plat Lsi CoitFisaningbSrvice. Ar- m MOORE EAD.-uddrnv on Fi- soucuited OsGrdon Huîme i, s h,i i s. Ap)Iit . sTIt o-iou88> taillahle frtis e r Daler sic Prîiate II b day, Auguot 19. 1955-.aut Ramît- TO 8-9074.h ATO Rlîîs s..sîtI. Ramsî,aw tnsrn-e Agencie ton. Ont. Thomas Henry Moosre- WA.. lu isabe oniot head. helosedsi h nad tof hil ' FOR' SAlIE 12-14 sousk Hs-Lîssu t..îsh iî s s 5i.yvaiss &. ll. P 5TE 89201, Mlon, . u, -t J C H L E Filman. andsi dr a l o cf Gs - iuiîrt. ocsderoftil lasrs. heslthy .Itii si Apiily .TE 8-5508.JA K sL don o! Brampton; Jaoh ut Hanstoc,b r.sîsnsslu susce. f1iisn, nI NîOOIC LA-RIPhoer308m, 84 Cburch St., Actant ston; Harvry of Brumptoo B1NEtIuis 4-2245. bbc Fsher Ouohars% Nr' OBYA go,ý,siiiiP. s, E 1N o St. Jrome Quebr. aadonailouii.oti iiaiu 'ri.tvst.I Iossfoalire. -h Bryansssot Brampton -quarte.oî i s ilii iv lI'0il -559 c1 Bepiro a Speesatty Afe etn iteDvdFree Estîmaten _______________ SI Aftersbng t he u i A FOR SALE 1 28- tlit(sru W TESanhm., it hsît s; BOB-ATKINS McClure Fanrral Home. Bramptosn,. mi n e l.u Iiih sgrin :s..uss sîmosîs iîEt-stiisi B y O B IIu-W MlM Fec a- hel i n ther oiaprl Miss- 555 s trIdrto. attsteelsI li ils lis StîHttu TOblMiltonLEGAL day tS2 pm tntrrmrvt Brampto-n .Il huarings in sr l a i l .îi ehc-Il u remeteuy. Ib ApsIs TE 8-62.57.O~ NF Ii h . .'i NORTHWOOD-Abthuhomet hi ýFOR SALE -Sosîîssî.î \h..d.ian(b Qssij.ui NOTIC E daugher. Mns. John Outdtsic.tli.siland 505 .îstusuou.îts.sssnîf9îat-tI. First Lssr. Dxir, on Thsusdusi i inccmachins.ramutbiansiiiltuirit s bý.fn rt8-65it8.siThe BIofcTrustees of the Rcoan S Authc 8.3, lav Jmu a-gains.Rau Allen,. MiotrnAi!t-HALTON POULTRY PROD- - ~.~ Catholie beparate Sehoossfor f ugost18.15, a Drvtid amtu' to t. t ,or, REAL ESTATE thse Town cf Miltes. nnid.Tronof75ansi ivumîs- - utýcrCS- Polbry adsansduui _______________ TARE NOTICE THAT the abosiu d lyis Pai S. iI,,. utss f FOR SALE -B, ..p itry cusiompsiukd,.Ioa,,,tu1dn. tiusississii,.io Tuateon 'lie hîuscand o! be isr tuu loiSt ouIet sind isîn. su u.s Ph it o ne Mt i li t.y ,f iAugit. 195. a5 ss.od B - ti. Laaghlîs. dere athurr, ri t Fs-uo tn ts s; ail_- Claîtîs lI.s a 5 1 Nisuubr2 t, atoie te ch Eiiabh ri s .Mn F. yubIss ;and Cîsîsl tie Ph,ne Ceiî,îîts. WANTFD Shu;i 5. .1 bhî,î'-id sî -:v ss of th ini Nacisel Mus. J GodlIiris.and TO -4793. Mitss. ,stos . ivîî.sî,s . I..i t ,i!ii. FOR 11 A4Tsf iti. n ftlesu ruîsîîîîsl brother ut Ms. Florencer ,ru- its i.Oi.FttiORrtti-SERVICE isttEOlti roue. Weyhurn. Alto; alz i sr- SAL Fîtn Mîto u lili i Msio.t Eil vivrdhbyrigsberandukild but and n i 7 r,îîm tim 1 . Ti pîîrîîou tc s i>hîisouîro 13geltgancidrn n i, 811h pirtism onte,.3 domý,k'h j4-9466, INî At, oo. sîîrl o u Ls lîcratgrschari ibîboîltbn cuîîysarsa usîd ustur WANTFO Inlisolsn , o,, i iindido , iw te îrtil. snd oqosi- Srirwsi PotCoi on ix 2 .LR eEden Mîi.1 eoi ' 'TYPES OF lping5 iO ýt addtsion ,n sHuIt Ens- diaiand interuest ln Esi-ronoi FR SALF'uiohsnýt ApîîîiyMs-.îii, Iiosi:7 RA STT The asssîssta bchssorredsj, cmetery. Miltbon. Commercial No, t1 . -,(ý f'*1Fram.( , Est. GLi.ui,h (SiI tsIII EO.slst ibEA Lusisoil ît î sis s sso n TFo 73777 34m ollFi I ENT H1s,, ofus s wi ssi obca cr ,,(-as CARD 0F HANS Dar on, f-sn 'nu AsotitiJohn M !t__tiTRANSACTIONS usrt ss _______________________-12-21__11,__l'rit__itîi. l t I ti i th, 1totih tsi tbanh mn tssond ," FORSALEH is. otlh4 î,rîst (us l o Iilsi. .i..tiCuit oossl rites. SE nighbtacs and rltives anti .3 piec.bath, modernfson eIh ý,pI, sýC l 1 55 Tî- deut. O , . ti o h -ni M nh. dosng msaf o I Mlto i unAcîn Mm wîîa. a. - l 5. -2-2'1...1s,5,aitiii us ni ni h iî 'r VK hitu Th he ateof IýEer ent Pcutr huspia or tter kb0s h ,- r)(jriyarOu.b 1sQueti -l, C tEDtiis 1ilhu -,i .W.uiG0LDSTRAdVsu 1o.5ss..iu FakJohnsotIil tuttir ont-I tsil-1.REAL ESTATE BROKER iisitssfalisîî notmtt Mm Esiurit Fosih uit sn'.5.ii-12-2 h,1 lts tu Iti d Maie St, Miltan f a.,îî n d u lot I ofî$2.767.n- f bbanh oil hor iosfi trrod colas- Mî.hînuMachive Sales andsi Ilt s Esit sussuîs h o.îi 1 i ivsmiandn honiitrsssUnSucmlliers.acum pnups OntaruoststI Pldusî. Mtn. her i ahAteyas1 e gltt., luoe, avd saruset.- n t. srn ru ocu. , nitizeu aend i mus IATCiI\uEGOSWANTED su Office -TR. 8-9921 1 A N. Rut,, Oru -T rus.. pilaI. Hamilton. Oprosol tha's' i i n nsrtisu sniu m . trctis siH IiMltî.t.. hedotrsn cîanhsptalJstaf ceTmabvo i ostu aiuWstititi sut h ýils ,sin Evcos bu Res, TR. 8-2233, 1IBrampton, phosne 1872.n it si.s.-,ttfîi 1___________ SINGER SEWING MACHINE Co. os-lisJ.A.ELIT Il!) MAIN ST, MHTONILccsedAutiae i COM IN E ITS Phonee TR t-4483 WANTFI3 M.,bu hebits1,1 _______________________ C~.MII.1.,- L'4I lcîi machins$94509and "r1) issn d~ usils.ilîiBrhaB rw EL- ,, truaght nouîtt. sant r-n sîW a ntudtist ni, rh .Bo nRAaESTATE Dance o o c, fitd is KîlIsussis r ni dli ihuitt55 .sI5i1s% Hails Mo bisumull.u ina su an 01pReal Estate - General Insuesnce Pan1T. -93 H01o ito orhasMrtin i aastte sulîssu . Frcs t, tsi t j""i ls-tPhoessii8923 suohsir. 510- aisaisonit I s stitisi hatoe an extensive listîno ila Chld Helth Cocus i I. iOn B t OUSEFO S1FNio NE s O u4-2ofnmo, -IolcohosMiltoons tr Msîuday Augusoî29.lits tIti si, a olsussn.tî tifoiotsst,. 17 of hodu sc iie a nsi losn P.m.sla hreUnitediCu.sihbhl'S.irot.St hreeoth.loai Typisis ndus_____sitsand_____i týilla- tI und in ,,u lt o t I sr, 2 satied prpcsnrabnges.ilà Hoisn Caotely f-Islth Unî i sîs s,ît ifissu tsaircnsitisti 1 TonluutOtohinîsinforiusi.Cii55 oa Ituniloi.lsFust ii T.SengapesConsait WELLS BORED : offticopn aftsisnuassiuis li.SI i i ut E0Sttil. Oc t .i~is ss 0 s Bertha B. Brown IE rotions dursng Atigo, - C-1lit OR SAIE -Neuw ititltis jiît ienti, h s &TLEf FLOWER SHOW CANCFI 15 tss t.195s4 cu.ssl-.Os5t t sîss inistnu55 .î snS.Mlo DEEPENING AND oriin md sisi Istust i e n ht u,s. n tt.y itti tii I . s55s...tuo Wîî isu tCLEANING ttouhtsmregrettl nolinl 55.5 -i thrbhuu. cth 10 PERSO>NNELttBR.Phoane TE. 89702FuiScsc M hoiuyiuo lsinitorthetbu IOidlokisliP.s,tsi. M,hcif Ontasrio Brl sltet 27h oC Aoooct hsha s b nnu utustio. .sti,illy ratotl. nsscth Oi.1t000,Esiar tisE195fIs lenStrtt4y, ont- Maurice Babiuk Roour bcu 14Tyt Csn fist, Tsi *mn s u littibî polt, FarsStraSsptssniss u17, A *-SOilsI i Oa.omplest,sîsîo a> Tender s Wanted t 590 Ssrnhamthorpe Rd. DOssirspen f pm.Bingo 8pm 0 ae m b t . r Il hiii i uil mli su, .. sBoc 215 Toronto 18 Vaionbslhiieldnuli .tt sl O Phone BE. 1-9777 Coonry Stor. Fre Omltin- FOR SALE Stîsi iuts s taslier t tlt thuu St i - i ____________ Sponsn..îcdby HaissssChaner28) u-t at isiui~SbiPsîîsu ts.Buying or Sellung ? Odro th atr.Sa. _1 1 lis v o n soppty y uscaiPefi. p - ssîssatndI,-%e500 , Orde iCtb Ratrr it brand, urass n d onrlci t mintuilsds5stItssstis i5- t11t13t11tM111i3:111tUti31ÂtUjq Nelson Federossîn ofI .hîuolîuor.- p. tur landsm.trico. sîch- cd TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F are holding ansopensair Cbuush arss lamnus sihssss t indc%, utolf Apphciisss t ,, besi isitn su AIIctt Service Sunday. Aaîîut 2830 7155tuu-.satheuîisct prc. R-. 1sttTHE SERVICES 0Fa pm. n Hatcs Csîmmunsty Cenotre, utunrd fuît ryl, nsso Verna al t MSE. FMREADHIIAD, T muSO JacBfennett be a If yssînetfquscb poofunu e trSuttfia.iltoMn Pic lS, ',IBd. n charge coflbhe sercvic oth Bor-n. mssh îc impcntc istior ncm sus-ingsn Milton, Oct.N Jefanes. St. George's Anglican îtî1;phIssscru csllct rit l8 Sri-et--J . E e . G I chuech. Lomnilie. nbc nîli hring oste. William Couse asndSons im-REALTORS LIMITED MA I EVC the mesage.Speciai music 5y ited. b-6-5I~>I Farie irs eil TîsWin- ~ Fiee Offices Drawing Clients nns authbieHNotion Buste Festsial. Fo ahTrnaad In rase o! ain thenereiccmîilbcermBt ornoadb hel i n Lonvîlte Ustitedi riurcis. c If It's Printing REQUIRED Suburban AreanRu. R N IFYOtt HAVE A SUCCESSFUL BForWprompt, "ào -Cal. SELLI NO RECORD AND WAET uîosauc BEspoNSCDILITY. THEN CON- on selling your home, vacant PHONE ACTON 594 Collect FO AETe cniin TACT US. DEVELO YOUR TEB- land or farmc al ______________ he an Ian RITOOY OR A COMMISSION MM 19 EATH OOS Smersc I*L~~SSO AND OVENRI DING BASIS, UN-. Locafesi aI od. Appfy TE 8-9318. aIr~. OFF SEASON. GROGPOS' <. Mr. Bradley, FOR SALE-fsdsCe.d-DlsPitn olsigC.AIjIZATION BENEFITS, MUST W A SONY E-'1 edn hev d- ils Pinin &Pubisin Ci-HAVE CAR. FOR CONFf-DENTIAL MLTNE.894 f inery, nom tires. rerentfy nver- Limited INTERVIEW, APPLY 310W STAT- ITNT.894 iautesi, -perfect condition, $600r nenf G AGE, ýEXIPERIENCE AND or EM. 3-5661 - CR. 8-2711 MUI ST R teade-in on smaler cor. Appty TE Phone TR, 8-9511 miltan 3101E NUSOBER TO 9E "137.BOX 5 CANAIAN CAMPIO CLEARING foi ,,l îîibtto a s,!v Èu. U TION SA LE onîhprollOses soece ain- lE TWP. 0F NASSAGAWEYA lortable inoul brick bouoe, buok baro SOolO osth good stableos, ceeu- LIVESTOCK, PARAS, BOUSE- cnt silo. Orilled well mater in HOLD GOODS, ETC. b aro. There lu 54 ocres of workable -- land, balance bush und pasture. ýe ndesinedha reeied n-For further information apply to uodeoîged ao rcesrd o oner or auclioseer. :t000 from TERMS ON REAL ESTATE - FR100 HETZEL 10 per cent. on day of sale. Balaoce oeIl by auclîoo ut bis farm, up nu $2.500 tu be paid when pos- rusco. 5. oituated on the àth seusion isugiven on or before Oct- above là sideruad, adjuînisg ober 1f, 1955. Balance may remairi 7uchool, on os morîgage for 5 yeacs wifh Inter- ,TURUAY, SEPTEMBER 3 eut at 5 pcr cent. Per Annum. mcnciog at 1..30 o'clock, the TERSOS ON CHATTELS--Cash ,win: w esycith clerb on day of sale. )WS - esycuw. lreoh i WM. A. GIBSON. Auctioneer. Jeroey cow, milking wcll, L. W. MeMillan, Clerk. b-7-2 July 1; Jersey cow, milkiog bred May 11. _______________ IJLTRY - 150 Barcef Ruck .s, 4 motho old, achoicelIo,- Phonerinyour itemsufor the per- Capoo cockerels, tully grownsonal columo 10 TR 8-9511. y0 tro e; lectrir bruoder cfeeders; louons. etc. ýY ANI) STRAW - 5 tons o! SEE BOB EARLY 1 W modbay and aquanlity of if you want areal buy onaà UNTEHOLD OOODS-Cfhester- ,suaye liedrop leaf tables; USED CAR e a ed;C.A. Victor rab- radio; Goud Cbeer circulatur 52 METEOR SEDAN er; Singer orwîng niachine; 52F DTDR 2floue lacopo; McClary ci- 52FRTUO irange; ldcClary coohîng 50 FORD TUDOR *e bîtchen cabinet; Icurcetaio 49 MERCURY SEDAN tabIe; hitchen chuirs; sciaIt 2:Muffat etectric rerigecator; 49 ANGLIA rostrîerc mhiof machine; 42 DODGE SEDAN ilrbedstrad, opriof and mat-* amn slarge quactily o! dishes; Aiso Plows, Discse a mi ng utesls; 2-whrcl traiter; yaur awn price er tired nhs.rlbarrc, ; OLavat lA I ie crcam urparator. Oea. and B s, thcr articles. 10 A L E FARM-At the oamne lime CAMPBELLVILLE pace the tasm otill bu offered~ COUNTY OF HALTON TENDER FOR COAL EALED TENDERS, addressed f0 Mr. Mmt Deans, Coucty Clerk, ilIon, Oct. and marked "Tender foc Coal" will be roeeoed ip t 5 o' dock P.M. on Wednesday, August 31, 1955 co the supplying of appcooîmalely f170-200 Tons of Southern Jomesticsisokcr coul Io the Counfy Buildings. Furîher informa- n muy ho hosi fcom the Cound7 Engîneet, Milton, Ont. The lowest tender flot necessaruly accepted. Halton Centennial Manor Tenders For Cool. SEAIED TENDERS, addresîed ta the undersigned, and plainly marked "Tender for coal" wmIllb. received up ta 12 o'clock noon, Friday, September 2nd, 1955, for the supplying of ap- roximatety 260 tons of higli grade commercial stoker coal Fr delivery as required to Halton Centennial Manor, Milton, for season 1955-1956. An analysis of thse coal must be sabmitted wîth tender. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. WM. DEANS, Secretary-Treasurer, Box 216, Milton, Ontario. ARCHDEKIN&MOLOY: INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS Farm Equipment and Ref rigerator: Bargain Sale USED TRACTORS UNDER $1500 Sf model IHC MOS 5f Model UNDER $500 Ford SN 47 Model1 Chaimers WC 46 Model UNDER $1000 îHC MOS 45 Model Case DC 4 St Model IHC W6 45 Model These Tractors have been regonditioned_ and are guaranteed I ta give satisfaction à USED MACHINES IHC No. 45 Baler IHC No. 50 Saler I WHC Side Rake on Rubber Cockshutt Side Rake, 6 IHC 3-Furroci Ploms I Discs, Culfivafors, I Hayloaders, Momers I Wesleyan Streetj GEORGETOWN - TR. 7-3640 E P HON E FOR BEST RESULTS READ and USE WANT AD RATES Ne chargc for announcement of Bilhs, Marriagea , Deaths, A Dses Articleo for ole, reot, etc.-2c a word. Minimum cash 35e. Box No. f0 this office 15e additional. Comlog events-iboc per count line; 50ec minimum. Carda cf thanks 5Oc. Billiog charge of 15e added to all accoonts if eut paid TRiaingle 8 L I S ooE util affer insertion aod added for cach bill ceodered. 95 1LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 1 PM ENSA THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ON TARIO PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, i9M