Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 1955, p. 2

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'i.'.,' -~ -' ,~II PAGE TWO Pla nned Growth in Halton Building regalations and the need for plan- nnd dnvsîopment have corne 10 the mhoîs of Hal- ton Coanty. This month Nassagaweya township lias founal t eapedient 10 pals a by-bm cfcscanat- icg aa occo of subdivisicocarai. A plinccg board mili be namnal. 0f course, sach sîsps mers taken noms lime ago in ths tomes and the sooti'ern tomnships of the coanty. Traler camps anal temporary bud- lngs mhich become more or less permanent be- came a nuisance. Oece sach sections are esîab- lisheal, they are difficoit bo eradicate. The squeeze of regulatiens ie the soath forced small holdings and the type of ondesirable construction te sesk location farher corth. Nasagaweya han nom taken a step temard control cf ifs development. The moee s anther icdication cf lice gromîth hils being roperirncal throghot ail of Halten. Wr presume that otccc monicipalilies ohiccliarc furîher north mcli Sean fcnd themselaca compelclidta take scmlar actcon if ticcy have nt aready donc se Tie populatcon citcwth figurcs glae ce ancticcr articoct thia page point the trendl of growth ticat a bcccg ca- perieceal ie Canada anal gîcoatslaiCeltaioa. Keep That Friendly Attitude The efforts cf omalier araires ta attîcat in dustry thîogli adaertislng acad specali nlace- menîs uppear te lie bearing fruit. Wbie there is ne likelihocal thut Mentreai and Tronto w il stop grcmcng, mediumn szed cetrcs may cacocfater rates cf growth, and sucic a dceiopmcnt moulai certainiy lie a heaitliy cee," tcr monthiy îccccoc cf lice Banki cf Neva Scella reperts. Frem thts desk in one cf the soulier centres whsrs groli s predîcateal t is sometimes diffc- cut te tee adaantages lnexrpansion that lrings wi ti increaseal dfficcltes from troffic and maey osier spieres. Peciaps it'a a sese of fear that flic grcmcng menster of dcclopmcaî mii aa1 cm al the ndvccialcity, lice passcbiity aoflinovi- ing neghbers anal the rescalets i te Cammanccy le gcing to and from lihe post offiar. Tiean are al lttie îhings that malt lic etained troagh effort if lice tcmns are te groca andal ase Itace their frimai9y smaiilcrnon atreospiccre. Il sccms beycnal doalat thec oea mii grec. Hem fast anal liw large arc fieds for botc epri. misrn anal pesscmism mitlimirngnation cane ng a gecal lhiral. If seems important le as Iliat as ceca rescaents mccc inIe a cernmancîy they arc meicomeal anal biendea cto thie cemmnnty 1fr. New sabdibi- sions springcng ap proccale ample cpportancty for extensions cf meicome anal cerîainiy îlicî gromcng ccMmnnity lias an abondance cf epporloncty for cernrnnify service. Enflisiasm anal the atitade teward any cern- rnncy are ccntagos analf lice present ctîzens display a iiiitcness le serve en municipal boardls anad ce local crganizations thce cemmenaf- able attitude mii carry ever. il's lost lice same as sntering a Store te mahe a parchase anal fndcng thie mercliant in a friendly, cemmnccy-blaalg spirit. If catches on. Atracfing indosîry, boilding ccmmoncîy spirit and thlicotiook femard llic falte arc al part cf building ons itc commonclcl. When Or How The meaflier is aimays a ficclce lob ecaf ledis- cusn. Scvcrail imes il mas predîcîcal lie recel lia mave meulal be broken ana lcf aInt. Tien mthoot any forecast aiong came a coing pcrced ever tics meek-end tiat mas moîl refreslicng nvene if nef prealicteal. Jaît as lie mcaticer dicuavsicen s torîcdal aing corne the prealcalcons for neat mnlcr. Some cf licer arc boanal le be cocrnat siace tliey arc oel assorteal. Joît wchhof tliem milsitad 9evshoolal ie flicene cer yea la select. There's ne doabt flic licat mave rnii cerne anal go. In Canada liraI mac eanal colal speils lave alwaya aornc la an ed. le lic e nacme, Ilicre is ictie aause ilolicng tac fat nIe the ftutre conccrncnq lice ceallier. If 90cr vacation pcrcod or yoar markcag lime ha, bec, rrangeal Ileres 1111e con lie donc aboat lia meather ticat eccars aI ony specficd lime. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO Une of Fire Every task lias ifs occopationailihazards bat fem crafsmsn arsin thli ne of ire as often os cahiers anal reporters. The danger of typographi- ci erroîl cisocca'ncne have yetc ocpleteiy ove, Deonle Lot Angeles oliere Mr. Sam Sciai- mac, a candidats for city cooncil, is sing a nems- papcr, thie editors of the paper mont nom recog- nize milli speciai sliarpness tlie perils tliolIurk behinal flicprinîsal moral. Mr. Schloman liad piaceal an adccrtiscment in flic newspaper mhicli mas sapposeal te read, "You eceal a frieal in flic cify councîl." il came eut, "You neeal a fienal in flic city cooncil." Mr. Sahol- mans irrtation s analerîtanalable. Homever, flic caltor aise deserves syrnpatliy. Ticeet coarse, tiere s lice eticer complict tical liere's nothcng cnlice paper about il."Onee mccli reaectiy rie Chcampcocc ccc ocal pctvccs aComeai 72ciffecc t ccivcaais aieariy avisible. Taking lhe picccaîs, kcomccg aboatthficeeents, eai reprtg on lice carcoas acîcaties arc taken foc ganccrea s part of te acmafapel s job. But iaoeyooecao caoperate by cfotacng lice nemI f pct offian of ececcltley ncay chavecastnoiceal Thce caitocci atoff of ary neccla pel can cal be al rcacsat ail tcmcsaai ica c mpsibetbca c'Oc, tbccl scclesss acc nce tubes lice roabie Io Tiecacllsareacecicya aîpîrciateai icasa il ey are iccifauivn cf lice cacce of eaceIoîs î lnik the lcaolpapfer ccc Lestnccc c am of local1 cama For o cecaapapec 10 c isa rcportclnq cci an cc'portoîct icm 's as scîccas 10 il us lice piagocng t9pograpicaa c'rcs arc c theeoffeccaeai lnbohncases reaa la taccar)mlaya la ,îasrc ccc staff cf tics apet is alcaoya sîrco laj forthie Fmostilcaliccms, mostao catccycccfotei Canada's Population 15,601,000 cCanodd a po;plotýr asasse'accl15,00,MO000, The Bateau of Stoat, a cseorter]"c ,Jcc e i populccc,, cscate w.sa156011C00,cp 27 pr' cet lccc Juc 1, 195-i. The ~ poulton rose l1i592,000,cor1i1.-:per cent. ance lice Jaccc, 1951, cecsas, ancai iy 3,529,- 000, or 29.2 per t c., s'yc Jane, 1945. Tice c loreau c"tJ cal4-cposa't "ar tc'.'c d r"c irt raie, fa icc ac, alitlcanal eaoy cimmigratioc Annoal iccacse l Jon, 1955, Oc 406000,j camparea mic gaccs cf 414,000, 351,000 anald 421,000 cnlice tiree repîcos yeurs. Cf lice pro- viceas, Cntarcoio al lic eviccocrt icaesscc ast year, risceg by 137000 la 5,183.'000 Popuaionc of tice cicer proicec-, otl 12c moclhic cearse inbrochets' Caelbeca4,520000 f(132,000); BrtihCîl Oian bu 1,305,000 (39,000); Albertoai1.066.000 27.- 000); Manitobia 849,000 (21,000); Nccaloaecliancl 412,000 Il14,000); Saskiatccman 889,000(1 1,- 0001; Nec Brunswaic 558000I l1,000)c Nova Scolca 683.000 f10000);Pince Edward Islanad 108,000 3000). Populatcon cf lic Norîlimeat Tcrclocccs rose :,000 ta f8,000 anal Yulon populatcon mas ce- ciangea t t10,000. Tics bocaus cstcmalcs foc ceercensai ycars aie obtaineal by addcng orîba analimmrarnts ofl tic rcolaus bIais, anal dedcicng deollis andana a'lcrnale of cncgratice. Brief Comment le Most respects lice average bayer ml agrer mi tlichemalicrs licol lie modern automoblioca meclaiacaa i rac, sale, arnacilianal camiort able. Wict puzzlcs 0cm liaoccer, 's tlicolhin- c laslry lias C010e icm all ic, seema unobie la proocic battcrics anîl mafIersa lIcol iireal i aI Camplltan (N.B.) Tiunec Foty ilcousandccaanal as are att',ctg encva,- ious pobica boardsa, cocncics analcoc'missaioaa, pociasoctthlie Nelsocc 1 C.i Noms. -"lficolac large 'body lirn.ng lice mecaicscaanal pîcncc1iea of damoaratc gccvcccirg. andci ici ad ircable tlicnq becasa' Ceanpecle ctlcýco ancci suc ipriclinccthe prcca.lcol thtmcca o rmcci, s 1 '., weii oî eapc'tt'ce inllie importantcifonda- j mentais. CiabauQI4riu Published in the Heart eof liton * 0~~~'~54 * iuluij * x~.iIii~i a o C<0 Lb'5 Pahlcshed eceey Thuesday at Main St.c Bilton. Ont. Memher of the Audit Bureau oI Circulations, the C.W.N.A. and the Ontario-Quehec Division C.W..A. Advrrtioing rates on request. Suhseriptionu payable in adoance, $250 in Canada, $2.580ointeUSA. Authria,-d us Seosd Class Mailt, Poat Ofies spartment, Ottama. O. A. Dilîs, Editor-in-Chiet James Dilîs, Managing Editnr David R. Dilîs, Productiun Manager Pnhbiaed by the DiNha Printlng and rubliahlng Ca. Llmied POWER IN THE MAKING Menaci maahicnes at mark duîing con- struction of a 4,500 foot long aofferaiam calicafnom spons flicnorîli aceccai 1oflice St. Larce Rivcer fcom o poicnt oc theCacalan n acniocc i Ccc ornmall o Barcclarî llaaca, or) lie United States ""a, W" cf, lIce aapie'cor, in Jonc of lice struature aliomwa abace, te- gecfiet c, ccc aisecond aoffercaic'c ome fao miea aptrc am brîelýe n Sfecb ccclBaccciartt lirciacis e NotetcccJof ticr ecaloseda ao asý cuble to i îoaec, Sone 650,000,000 gllonsaof mater cias bren' pupan1eciout ta perittcocnstraction'cof 14- CanaaJicaapocaenioase 10 pocaeacinctlie aly. INORTH ~ EAST W EST S OUTH 9.etrîînir l'uni lie '-,ý,, ,, ,jm,,c c i ls cc ta cc c' m ficl I' . . . 11cc cc'1 , "., "I c' 1 cccilding c, , bi lf c..c c c l ', Thither the rc dccc' ,Itur' ;.sd ,ca d,,cccc c 'b 'I c3 il'c' ccc' c,,,,t . cc tcc ,' b lcc>cSob ccccclp, f, l'ccIIocc lccA c.,,, ccc c c 'c'. c 'c'h" "i' hS cc, Mc, .b cllac'b T cci"',. ~ .. c..~ 11 .,h cc,'c~ ' cc' ' ch' i cc c c h c cc c I:ck ',.'j; 'ch T" l PROFESSIONA c cc",. ~The Ne% -ief rTrled ki cî, cl'c c cc ,, cAND TRAVEL c 'c,'cc " c.c'c 'c."cgl t'Idl 'c ;MEDICAL Soper l'eddier,' lShort (uts ciii c'c,'-! t,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :Jjl -c' ,cc cc , . ý"c THE STEVENSON CLINIC cccl t'onesc cc',.c c, c' Dr. C. K. Stevnono c, cc, h,,' b'cc , ~ c..,, ccc,.. lc c'c, ", r. R. Fitz-Geraîd lcct.c"hccc'Uccl c ri, dl Dr. A. T.Hunter 'c Yc ,.ba ,'ric l,,,c ;-l, c Shsrtagr mof Bashelsirs Office Houes, c'I1,o î laccc .c c, 't: 1 Ic, lccccccc' lt> c ccl ,I., th t AM.-Bpappointmesl onlp. ccc a ccl ' d.c.ccc ccl, . c c ',' r ccth"ccP.cbM.-1 -4 7.9. c"c c lcc 'c'cctcId ci,, c. ic, c choc 1j" shý-i ,ý NDAYS-Emeegencies only. No Fathm SngI t5", 11 padca c,,i 1, v MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL NIn Feather s cigd clk ccI, ccc. 'a 21X-RAY 'ttlc, .ccc l, 'ck"Iqc ,,, .tc ;accc ,,l.!bccitCorone, CPRand Caol Su-rgen dccc ý.Ii h lc I t"l b, ;i,, DR. G.E. SYER 1 ai'i nh. 111, _I t. cctoc, th;,', Physician and Surgeon tictîce , c t'cOcc ccc 't,"I lcc,î',i îî,1, l j Officc-Jameo Street b', cc,,',1cr, b'cccc cc cc,,'c " -Pb cc, No. TO 8-5531 '.,cca'd'l,,îc.,c',cccc Tap lnIReve iýr 4IlOffice Hours9 am.;1-3 ccc'- cicc'c - .c,ltcd ,l,,n, ca , c I, At,.. tecc i o it _j7830 p.m. Building b l liisming c 'c1i, la Whlc i, rn,o cc clCo sr thcc 1,,,ll ,, l i.cc -.chacri ,ccccdc.ca ih c l, dl DR. J. W. McCUTCI-EON 1cm, cc lc..bcccccccicc cc, h.d,dlc idtccthccmainscac'cc'ca ilcc , , cc ' II lc'c c,llcic15olccl7 Main Street bclt clc. c, bt.fciictl.l c, ,cc't. ulcc,cl,cl,, 1'f.tM cc-cc Ofce Hor: 1-4. 79 p.m. II e l ill;lrcii _c Il ccc c cc, cc ' cccct ,lc,î',l .ccccct tc,, Telepbcne TO 8-9223 licli ccc,-1- ctdc.fall ,ldccd lcri. c'c. escdccccTR 8-9298 ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH Mnite-REV, J L. BLAIR. BA. dcccl,. i Mcc Harold Macc, 'cîNI)Ai' AtIGLISl' 10,195Ii,., CALVARY TABERNACLE Pe-utrsit'aIl 1toresoI 13RONTE ST. CHIROPRACTOR A. M. NIELSEN, DC., N.D. Dodtos af Chiropractie and Naturopathy 42ccd VeercorPeactîce eloors 2-5 p.m. Closed Thurs. K(NOX PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCHc Ladn Attendant REV. F. ORSHORN. Ministrer Phoner TOcucle - 7-3612 Dr, Z.cîîbîP. Zlccscb ------MA -.- 1I164 Guelph St. Geor'getowno M M-ccO0ao, gutNd MC,,,,,Ms,' _________ SI'NIicm'> AiilGUS'l 195 ca, WM. G. RIDDEIL, D. C. Knx cc mi Il c-cc-cc.ncand the,' Dot of Chiropr-actie cccl St.Paw'c Bocnîr St, Mlton ,'1ccl cc ilc'cc,î -1n dc Oc Apcccntment 01 I clDav, -î îacN TO 08-5523 N'Octi1d 1,U0 11 Ml.,,cccL ' "c. . cc 'In IIcccl ,, il, 1cc Ic a ACCOIiNTING LEVER & HOSKIN GRACE CHURCH Cflarterrd Accoontania ANGLICAN i c,,.cs.rs to SLcNiIAY. AlclIl2c'411ccci,715.c f ;cO,, nt c cc 11111 ,cccc c.' c'c mo1 .UNI)AV AdfitiT l4tld 15. T,0 c, cc cvangc'ccc,tic S, acce '1ENTH SUNI)AY AFTEROTOINITY a,()() cm. l8cIy Communion.n EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 10 .. NrigPae 215 Commerial Street Paclor. RobI. F. OSyder ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and SUNDAY. AULIUST 141h. 1015 ST. GEORGE'S, LOWNVILLE 10.00 a.m.--Sîcnday Schîccl mand Ad- Anglican) . ait Bhle Clann. Oee. B. P. E. Jcffcreo. B.A. 1100dc m.-Mcencg Woecldcc. Mr.' Occor .Jack Bectocc. 730 l1cm.-Eoi-ccictia Servce. Me. SUNDAY, AUGUST 141h. 1955 Robîert Slesir. 101h Scîodcy aftereTe,,,, y Wî'dnscnclay, 8tîs Peiner mel-ti 0.(i ;lIi.m.--St. Jctn'tc HclY Ccm- and Bible Slody at 15echîreh occîdîcce and Stincly SehîcîcI î*epc'oet icirarlnîr - . - 11.15 cm.-t Giccte*,e. Chîldcccc' Bct Christ Jc'sîcIl, he ccl' Sel Vice. JENKINS & HARDY 1305I Meteopoîtan Bldg.. 44-i Vctoria St., Toronto Em. 4-9131 JAMES & WANDABENSE SUR VEYORS Ontario Land Surveyos PORT CREDIT - Crescent 8-2034 Milton clients please eaU D. Wandaheccse. OLS., Clarkson - TAylor 2-0544 OPTOMERIIST ARTHUR A. JOHNSON 184 Malts SI., Millon Lloyd Oavis' Jemellery) P1,0cr TO 8-9972 rs. TR 8-9678 Tîeday and Friday mornfiflta Ececongs hy appoîsîment. c, ng R,,cxî lcepac, thoc ec ccc t,'lbcC.NE. Thcea 'ac'- 1 ' Il hMa' cad ea'cc,' ,flcooc cand l!,cng h,cUgbccclice h ,Ex- Morb ne ineccae.en e hvered ic Halio a, ,,cly tha lb,,,, c, in hýlbsbt flcorc,jx --a,,s cccacbccd. Thtc daco a,', me; thederessccaacccc,c'r.but ccd,' Oc die,' cthebcl ha 1aithc çrop c c'cî ' e Oandled ccc,acd bidc. IL DIRECTORY .LERS' GUIDE DENTAL DR, G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office n stoyal Building.,9Milton Huars 9-5 Evenings Sp Appeinîment N-Roc Sercice Tel. TR 8-9762 Dr. H. F. GALLOWAY Dental Surgeon 155 Main St. on tIre et flous Hor 9 to6p.m. Eceoc ngo by appocolment, X-Oay Sersicee Te,. Office TO 8-9201 LEGAL DICK, DICK & McWILLIAMS W, . 1CK,Q.C. K. Y. DICK P. K. McWILLIAMS Barecoler, Solicitors Beomn Street, epposite Arene Tîlephone TR 8-4491 T. A. NUTCHINSON, Q.C. Barrister. Solleltor. Etc. 131 Thomas Street Milton Trîrpicone TR 8-6551 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Q.C. Bariclars, Soliior. Notai-y FaiMS Ofice-In Farmers' Building Main Street, Millon Telepicor FTR 8-9202 DAVIS AND BALDWIN Barrloters. Solicitors, eic. 181 Main St, Billon PHONE TR 8-9772 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE-THATCHER FUNERAL 1HOME Fanerai Home, Ambulance Sevie PHbONE' TO 8-4452 NIGHT ce DAY Ocncec e. Mortos Service PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Moncuay ....... ...c1; tuI5p.m- Taesday L130-5 pm and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday ......-9.38 a.m.-12 nome Thîîesday .. 13- p.m. and 7-9 pm. Fecdoc 1.30-S p.m. und 7-9 pan. Solaeday ................... 130-5 P.m. PublileHoliday. ual iocloded Sooul ehîldeen haveseoporate hour TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT Standard Time Oocng East-7.41 a.m.c 2.0)4 p.m.; 820 p.m, duîly excepl Sunday, Sun- day cnly 9.01 p.m. Cîcîng West-9.94 a.m. 636 p.m.; 1.10 a.m. Oily enoept Susday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Goung North-758 a.m. Oocng Soth-7.tO p.m, BUSINESS A ND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR. 8-951 1 -,ï-. -. ý;- TI.RSDAY, A-UGUST 111h, 1955. THE GQOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED 1 9 rBETTER Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago raken frei the Augoot 105h Issus Taken freim the issue of ithe Can- of the Canadian Champion, 1905. adiant Champion, Thuroday. Aug- Burlington ocill soon hase ils ust 8, 1935. local telcyhîo' osystrinm corkcinuLast Thursday. Ontario cul about cc,,Thei' tet alco ng nstlle(]d.500 ingle moen off the relief) MC ndlui.s ove '100ic ab,-crbera. lacd dcsupport l hemcOn theslb, Th,,il, be ir ,' c'rt iceece fil day. the i'lquoc stores, a provincial the fritmnin tha neigharhood monopoly,i-educcd the price cof and is an indication of pciigresn liquor. being made in Halton . William Wallace oas granlcd Albert McCurdy, Trafalgar. was $45.00 by the Naasagacceya counecil theshing lait Tuesiiay. Worko'as for the loss of acow on the high- timn oirsohe oas scen intOalif John Hardy. fruit farmer, treat- from the harn. The barn mas soon ed bis berry pickers 10 ice cem ia blaze and wan totally con- on Tacsday afteenoon. They ceport sned along cith a ta"' yraco hacîng had an enjoyable lime. crop of wheat. Adrcccgished wac hacîng had all the ce ceamîbtey ai-o loorned and the thrcobiog could cal. machine. beîccaîso 10 Oscar Thc Glen Williams hotel hao idThrl,,A] ',llbcacs r e a vcM'. porcaad by R.D.Robson ed.Thelos uil b sejou tuMî.ofBrampton. lccm the rococo cîthe McCucdy. loIr Thomas Hill. L.astMonascbvcogh alc'arn ai- Thrv'arst partlfaacaton'c'. c,,,'hed cfi, a l p ,tgaa nd,,,lthe efftl'cctc'c arY 'lcccclbackltc b,'togin' t', Mc. .cý,Idci l,,, ,, 1,, alcler !c bcclcday timc i ccli, tcccb Iccat abcle staininvl fio-uaif Mc'Kzi\s go-racc oe tfoi-bhome. Tbec'c OlpiFrd cc. b, a uchcacd th,? 1 1 in, C, , ison cc - b ,shoppi n lbthe , co c(in 'Sa'- cccl Sual p c I cc' ri abtii,c',c on cc ,dcî ob'cctz abeicang mocre and 11c, rltibc'lheacc'cccc',ccedl'f) ore occf ac,'blcmeach week foi driveato , 'ca ldu o 'fieacrin bacm l'a lcAcclrcccnt. Oncbatrday -j'v'L -sý t\r10,foccd tai tac ccopen 1il1 U )cn t(-bc,ccccda y."f at cdnght and stacaoenSun- Engc,ie i ' Mccc. c,,Acio u ac(11 oigin c 'dc, la accao- Kb h- 0'(~.cdch ccht b;ý , a cc,, bper acc cf ,cbacn unil, cc1rci h eein.butc acd fillcd lbe ma ccc bbit',cb c ilc eMencc'c'ccc' bac ,ilcic ccalcote.*- andcth, tb-' cco' (i, A,'o c ou. 1ih frieods. Nat uctil the -loirtion. hact a too , cr hopcping "befaira d'-1h tc,", 14 ccl ,c,î)9 iz,ilbct' Istoresdccl ca coa

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