THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1955. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN DA N CE' SATURDAY, AUG. 6 Couples 0niy AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT LEGION HALL 9 P.M. SIAN KN LEYS C-fiCti If.A $1.00- - - - - -ER COUPLE Want Ad Page: Where Old Friends Meei AI= SPEOIAL PEICES EFFECTIVE TO BAT., AUG. 6, ONLY. MARGARIN E KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP jA 73c PUNCH CALIFORNIA FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 INO. 37c ORANGE JUICE From Fllnda FO 48 0E TINS59 McLARENS ASSORTED JELLY Powders 4 Ks29c FOR COOL SUMMR DRINKS - FROSTADE 6 PKGS- 27c CATARAC DRY GINGER ALE 2 BTLS.25c PLUS DEPOSIT Scotch MINTS Mc2rOZ. BA, 25JC Instant Coffee R-OM.A6c CASHMERE TOILET Tissue 2 ROLL 21c Made f rom Virginia Peanuts - FRESHPAK PEANUT BUTTER jAR41c, 57c SLICED CHEESE SLICED BREAD >,/1Lb. Plcg.Ce PIoncer 15C OLD SOUTH FROZEN GRAPEFRUIT JUIC. 60IN 10C FRESHPAK DELICIOUS ICE CREAM PINT 25c C AN TE LO0UP E EAM INGTON 20 QT. BASKET $125 CaifSeedfes lb., 25c Caffoinia dIoz. 29c LETTUCE Large, Fîrm Heads 2 forl19c TOMATOES HRedRe on3 Ibs. 25c 1C U C UMBER S MILTON PHONE TR. 8-9261 Hontegnome 4 for 19c 20MI T Weather Forecasting With Superstitions Be yeu ns nt eather fonssaster! It's sare to bccotd ifpign grunt oneasily or boddle; il eaterpillarst banc bread bands; ifttiere are pIon- ty ef carnets: if gesse tty fate mit negtan d if yoo tmrget t,, take atong a beany ceat. Look for fair treattier if nnîîws fly n pairs, cats wasb beind their crs, tbessnet glowts ted, birdn fly bîoh. and esu tabe sfong a tainctiat. En pect sttîtseitnseys rfe tir 1 camedotnfnt tstcern.catnnsilt itb theit' hachn b îte tiit(-bitenîtto bi-- ,tdait anif i. u h hi ai: om,1i. a Yatt aln 'Itargite n iti a lf iu. mstiti.S hie manuacturl.ertittof igb tîeîgbt tiIad t[ei.ti t Sinceimtîtite -ii ai cas, is îîîîîtîdîirer sltititif t-, tiosîtjilîs,,tttiiintiitt iii îtîtt and inccwp>] i tt titios-fit- ii.ti t i iiii a biîatnaiiritmtii,-tiitfuiitek. AI,1 I INIse 1, i'h\îrî CANAD-A, LI1). fALItAN) Sleep-Time -Styles 9385i M-i- 12,1i i-ti t -f,,, Iii Lk-, titi, ilth, N Ct, f t , I ii(", tStI li!t - I l t t C CANIF \ , ltflll'I P, r i S et 'it 'Sî,lui - ,I ( IIIf MAIlI Pollock and Campbell fCtt uGRADE ME1MORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wafer St., North GALT Telephone 2048 Bears Raid Camps In Search of Food PORT A-RTHUIR, Ont.iCIP) -f Lach 0 f berrnes in thisnforth- wenten Ontarin0 d stsict han sent ht as on the compote, na idina camps fattod and Isseitia cîtia- es. tht Ontario depantment af lttnda and forenîn sepotsn. Enevenal campent banc reportedi encoanlesîng hatgty heans in cot- sot trenho. A dcpantmenl emplycte BerttShore, sailltwiiheaa invadeni hie Lake Nipigon cohît, od td îl] cdîhle atte-in . Het aithed Cr11,- tessin tro-t a t, irîe ta-et. Tii, iii 'ttîd t'tt, tiî1 i-toi K.,iiii iti iii 5l,-gi-i Atît,,tiid uit-g it-A -(i ti f titi i iii tutu'I iiý thtaaah ft,-dîtot Hi' gi',t'îd titi,- ana ýhîl thetrtttdtc Hoe-er -atb tnctdettare ait cisa. thù îaînitsait Bý;1 Il e-îlot dia B.C. Railroader Talented Artist NHAtON, ,,t C itt - A C,ni t ! - - i-i re -Ir t-t,--i'nt-d, 'fi . '.. et' t-i,11 t- tii - tii, ,uicioi vtatiut i,ý and ,-panf' tîttîtît,-, For, o-etht,20 Att, ,- *t,,k- I- ttth,, C,în,,eîn Pîtîtît Rtfi Ilà at Etm[ltot) aei ,nd te cteintý 1-c«I î,,î- în , t1w-l., ino t il -ta , i tt ii me ,1 t tîttgi tîn,,ift i of ti-ln a-nfiiîti t- R , s-i a,( C-lti . ., n iiIl tii'nttt - i t' A t Il iý,itt-M0I. it 1,- >uq - - ' " !A- Nir- vu Gi- -n -- - - it i if i'--- - i- MRS. MAY BOOTH, Ctf Te' - h-ýe s tief taper.tee i 'CtDrn, te- ceiestle rtitent', tI, et fiee F. P.Lincsy, the ccm-eansey man- cgee for the Toronîto aiea, on tht occasion cf Cer e tt e net affer ,more than 28 pears' service. PRETTY PEGGY BROOKS get some help in tuning a fcfdle feom two .i aecbvrf hppy abouett lMss Brooks, popular TV and racfo songsttes Sdide 't enter the ffth annual Canadan champion- shy f dtftttts cet tsbut te mnade a peisonal appearance at the contest triSeclîtjurne on) Satîecfay, August 6. Don Fairbatre fright) ctf tee of CBCs Ncg' f tly Newts' progtatot mas agaie master of eetnet of flic Stuîday etpcî festieres. Reid Forsee (Ieft), was tr c atce fof te tcecfî,îst. mtt) '5Am TOO CLOSE P: tttGu t t? c .'CI,, Wiltft . l. Ct t, ft't tftl, ClI-a Tint Kelly, b- o' r Ftt-itl ,,tte tted faiu\-t aten a? Cî,es. Tint'lybat', .,trîi Zr itt it 0ii ilesIhad aef,,t,.lookhsati frikY moe t.f Fr , tidC ,,fttaî t- hente anittalf-,tue a haof tiltcîtt t, te, fetîtt *îthtb lltîîgh lunear itdote Mr.Kelly Allan Clements & Son NASH -- ALLIS CHALMERS SALES AND SERVICE New De Lavai Equipment and Parts ALWAYS AVAILABLE New OTACO WAGON, Iess tires $1 39.50 John Deere Forage Harvester AND JOHN DEERE BLOWER6 5, Gond condition. JUST$6 50 1953 VANGUARD Otigintal tifeage 10700. AH ECONOMICAL BUY 1949 AUSTIN 1951 FORD CONVERTIBLE Customîzed, radio, heater, dîrecttonaf signais, excel lent condition. A TERRI1FIC BUY Massey-Harris 120 Junior Tractor A real bargain $575 .00 WE HAVE other Iow.pticed, used nsachinery on our lot. Why don't pou corneout f0 seê fhern foday? Dresses, Reg. 14.95 2 for $14.95 Dresses, Reg. 12.95 2 for $12.95 Dresses, Reg. 8.95 2 for $8.95 Dresses, Reg. 6.95 2 for $6.95 2 for$ M. 2 for $2.98 2 for $3.98 TrWO DRESSES For the PRICE of ONE lb Dresses you'lI wear 0 Dresses that were top right now and through in- quality values at their to the faîl. Driginal prices. Choose from a gond selection of Caftons, Lisent,, Spuns, Jerseys, Shantungs, Prinfed SifIts, Nylons, Taffetas acd Crislcay. Sions 12 te 52 including haIt sizes. DRESSES Reg. $498 - 2 for $498 GRAPES LIMES GIRILS' Reg. 1.98 Reg. 2.98 Reg. 3.98 NJDRESSES Milton Dept. Store 1 M mmmýw THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVICN THIMSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1955. 200 MAIN ST.