TCNADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO NEW~S SPOTLIGHT By the Canadian PressB By HAXRET ECCLES flot aggrasive andt will oot be ah- seriea of attacks on thoe clergy, Cmaiutan Press Stof Wrtter andoned. He made a stiriteit reply which began laot Novenaher, afler Bi te, chargea hy Molotov that such Peron accoord tome chorehmen of a Control of the 723-man Vancouv- parts as NATO, to which Canada seehing to undermine his regime, . er police farce was turned over to helongs, are apearheoads for ag- Al priests arreoted duroog the froitm a junior inapector laost Saterday as greaaiott. nona have heen releaaed. ti the deparlanent awatjîd the flood- Mr. Pearson told the delegatrrn Ship Staike Ended a light of investigation. -Or onily in thia regard cannt t A year in which the force has he shohen loy anIme and onoar- The witdrat nrihe of seamen L oned feoan one criata 10 another ranted attegations that sorh r- ohieh tied ap many trans-Attanton came toortcimatlat worrln nr rgenent are aggressiveeand Pl.- lnrin thrlattfooeneehernol- e veirdtotratoer nocoîative. Wr homo \thit thcy -art, onsd Satnnoday akthe tee .affecotr id jd Poice Chcf tnitoMUel1,tan ,, I1ýI I--i- ontSnnthampinnt nlai ligannn-1.,nil-ni n-tnt- Ili N nni n M ner ','-n Treffor Sueprrintendent Allen Argentine Mavesa May 31 in deroeod f ottr n et o Rossiter ona named acting chief nf Argeotine officiais aerrerprted ng conditionns. Mort ofth1e to-ohron the force h01 hon hemn haoassed trying te paîrh ap differences hb-_oere tewtards aod htchen hete o hy gangland torfare and bank toeen Preidet Juin Pron' otoge Inbdefanonof thenstorik oovrrolG robheriesaned rtoerd hy a Sen- eroiment and the Roman Catholin tooit-loade linrs n onluding the ti ste rommitter for ita handln ofrhoirch in the nake or theounson gent Penetrier QuerroElizeerti the worat nrrotiro prnhemilm , tnoofl revolt agetot Prn. Of- cleered Southamptono and Lvei- Canada. ficilt ereoeoed te hcetedyn pool durg last eOotResait Detertive Leoard Cthhert. 54 terme of a posileconordet ho- ther cre%ahoard the 83.000-tnt E- h former head of the anti-oenthltng ttenethergoerrrnît d therVat- abhitte jainvthe ctrik nioore, aquad. thot himselfpolicersetd aI- cnnifeand wînraoontttinn onf sailionfnr NeYrhIatotThtoos- eca confroree ith bht enior aseoothy, leedy cthorizrd By day bhonhothe benh nf the- nîne- na Officir. The bhlert frem hbisarserice cngr cotes ri not nvCathol- page. T revolver mised hie heart hy a icsnn taten a.nAingottizi* tte Anothon hinno Onte iretoîikvrs u-an frectioofanncrh. Cthhrrtheail nhuiroh.he British nnrton o tri leen named lestfterinithe Ter- Thon- \ert- tht-otenant t iI todrafttvonttgost.ihota ente tehlid FiaI es an officerrnho tngstttend itedtipute. Th(,- bohtarddtn-n lveIItel told the BC. ttonc-n-tcidoe-tono vt rnodoti its o ing tt tn tniîtt n partent aiegrd corruonteN the Vancouerorce.onThno To ontiý norey farotes ithol stiti hnenn;it I M MW M M e hirMne- hktsbný t i , ii ', ho Chirt MaI]ilor Chont Molligo eari as tint ýo l int ni et tite o in cia in o iIý,Inti ýI E I NSt.i i i t1- ber Bnne a nion eion B Lcoi- IR-. xNe t -- misiont\nilhobehoedrdionBy Ronti' Tutptor. 6Il orond NEnW S rOtO mdtmm O ltnt.oerrandltoandz nîn o S Cli -l .1boli ; rs Tnppoo -tone ,fii mo te o (,t niý n - i confetird otinon.W z li ,0 th ti i fiev n ý: 1 Thero %errosi-ttoinotinoVin,-Asn ni Zton Cntttteitni ,il t t1 - 195.altnotncrhnganodtnvhtbani-d mmi itnttit uil ; nior fI. nre oehdinonei othonnaeomnt. ittrninis UC.ýIt- ndil - 'dn i -r1onitifid titeOln Ailottrrr erp nredthBnohl136> tn itlookttîti, uli h, 1. waeo rg iln a dati t i,- not. iiîo11t1totiejý!I-to n, i i ch bmmm to n oton,,n cd îtîinogo oad bho ltint a ,în t utninî, tin en-i nI orrentnn Onont (tnt-i Minint oanqueto a, tO i ll.t M a.tio n nvonadmîte ther heet tho i AnatBnar i, îth hemn -snoonre nnîn no n u it0 jý _- T ti nt tig, (ont i titi n-t o ii t n -i t nt partmeot. .tnoOiitlti tt t t0iti Cttonii tondt the policre onnmniisn Ths nf- s ni , !ii I.- ett ektý ont drîrreoinor cn on l trl t t n In tien 111Min tnt 'at to ils aent ý,lL te the po vn cial ino tinnt ni tj:ot11andinn it te i1 i Bn itheliOn nit rnndurt thetnqnry. The i On Sinniolune 25. 15[ ,- e commission lBit cli ihe o upn.n ". ilrrb n ei tri n-o Oittint i esa y te heid aei nonît : inint IIIit n. nd h, ot : But v i hoingit thit vIi;o b, attt o tit Tino ni t an OC tantItnand t Rulan Attack CAC~TUS-, O?(Il-R Thr UntedriStatesni tii a tntFoi .t ms-Ilndi n FASiT tp S that an npooedinkttanhhnîntionîîînnn - t t'.Utu i Att- COnIt o BOtOtOOlOitet igOter rIOda nIl totand ailt Oit titi. F States navy-n-ioto planeint no pecto:- niotihel.J p t tlCn i- i craehlBieonogntn thninn-ry t> On ( i rf non rr-no tnatoeo"feut h nnrgBo--tnotti-t US. nnfinone t mt ac in ttthe 'ni iti n tino aend neoori Te Nm oto j,- i pro t;l n it i nO i tit ntiî~n tnn lune torlahett - -tn' ti le t , nI; nI t 1 l I ltt ~ ti itt i i edon t hîh.rc ne h r NîtI- (n i. Onil ln i n l tmhe B i ot iloo -t t b, i ttt t- i tf t Ou iExtract from F otan dlaord 000 dano onhie ,-(, b, t , ,1 deot En-ncýheýer, outittotto Juneion Eteland ontorrd Bn tn.Ophnn Atîttottot,ý(tiiîi lo-mnt J il11 entin ,talc and defenconnio-yal-m 11 h,ý e l(o tii l n i l i ottîortai and Statodo-ono-oon ,%,Dullesnjt toni i tttiitt Im id tl ,j ,, dtnoeaOdnîenwthnSovitForeignothe nnnînf,îîtzkonv iinnt MiitooMMoloto nohan Fransit itttihttny lottt Aito nonni l vn otni Mltoovanqetrd asoaynohn toih nnkt a ini t non coriinn ientont harwno vthingo fettheo iet iBott on îth- nonI n nok ,e ncâ,eo nvoneidoovrntngateoaniooynnihooak. o.oocta ficl-etcoo per Thr ilacOt , a lnooid noi _______________ eerthiis gronu of stecks hnnns r-scrtrropntnooî-o tonc Pollock and i- ignoe Hageoty. Shadow oaver U Campbell HALTON AND PEEL TtI The Retonan ichitert itMteatoo n CMAYSAE U.h. planeo(,ver tnBo nn e, .aufto-t orCOPAYnHAnA n thedoo oro tintUcnidNit.(- ni HîOHGRADE MEMORIAinS ltth con trir n -on 'a t 'Sh'oq MEMOROAL ENGRAVîNG Orýiuuuj pot Froono a o tii tionnn ti TosCompaînoy whc s Inn hjmo. Soni ftiý nottii â62 Water St.,North GALT-rooa Oqt ai V M MM,,tot,- ni'nhl n t-dlbph-n12048 MnCi f-ti Vin - pioggingeacotent-na. in i î eepom 04 non ottnnneaitSa , Oint,ý- o t i tino Id inon ____________________ PHONE VIcto ah doa,,og Satra te n n tn cOný,RO ha udor innth nt tnt or t nHALTON and mer0000 dtenît r-TrLn-oý, FA H R T ordtnated c toii' and SAVING totito o i ii Electrician 97 Caîhorne Sa. East tndaiOfltt ioO O f fi d,(HO SC- aroonog t' T HONE MILTON 63BR22 On ConuPROMPT SERVICE E F f itr -r i n- i lard -1, Busy ees Ejoy lst Stop wasat Jordan ta visit lthe Busy Bes Enrnoaueam, then on 10 Niagara for Bus rup O î'ilaara Nent came a vieil la the Shred- The Jane meeting of the Busy ded Wheat Ca., thon nver ta Ehe Bees Waanen'a Inatitate waa held Ameroran site of the balla for an It the home of Mra. A. Allen, mith Saur or Imo. hack again ta Canada nisitors frona the Dublin Wl1. The for a whtle, then sappr at the meeting opened wtth the Mary United ehurc-.aI Niagara, a href tewoart Colleel. The rall raIl mat omsit at Brochas Monument aond t household hOnt. The thoaghl fnr Ihen home-liret Sot happy. the day waa givet -hy Ms. 0.'- nehker. 10 waa derited to fargo the loto Fult Line of trip and acceptthreoter nf Nis- CONCETE. CINDER A& RLAG o-on t t tojtoitnthot on trip toi, E'ýt'BLOCKS and t 'Po ti. ,aton in e toî-înll Di n..i othvii o et. inî nohot Stiin Rbnon wao uabt JACK HALL to hld te metingowin to MILTON 28BR3 George and Dori eiBrocon tfinit Agent for tthr home with merasies. J. COOKE (Concrets Blocks) A deinontrtonn 00givnot y LTD. don. GlennBritton. won nOt0-_____________ odorrot ly Mon Petr MLean hoenon nanot rotootr. It e t -njînynd hy tit ont the mainn if andmnoren red rno nho on. UPHOLSTERING Ther toortnng e-an, roned %eth th-- COMMERCIAL & DOMtESTIC anrd*inPrcyr od a ery nnotatîn Add looht and camfart wih toto %%: notstnto-er thno inii ailird re-slyling. Voar far- ,ýt tihe Dnbhin nladies. titarr can Se handname an nent afain Tinobuslip 1.nleNinzi,tino Lont Cont tFree Estomates W.I 1on nnoon Wt n-t e 10 n Ono Wrrh Service monoe-s Thtontrito on,1 ~Phone 259 lio Bn-n noont Mr-i. AlooMo C Nfilliia.Mr, tn n Mi n S ENTRAL RADIO REPAIR I-- ou fo ttonlnt-in ( OAILY SERVICE - - LOW FARDS To ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUtES 001ER IOEAL SERVICE AT ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR Att G0000 OaA VEL Traynor's Store Phone 404 Gray Coach Uines :inancial Post 1,1955n f ino growth o fie neroiiAnt i n ti poot o no Fiasnnoudrd iîqi rRUST AND SAVINGS ýT $11.00 FER SHARE ts aieeiy mal. jnq f iu eocOhtrntot or 4-3216 1PEEL TRUST COMPANY Oabaville r A MAT/hIN kV ninoîîn YOU CAN COUNT ON FINE FOOD VAL.UES înA r~ FOOD MARKET ora PHONE 158R1S MILTON TD STOVIR NEW HOMES, ALTERATIONS - CUPBOARDS Fre. Estimates - Prompt Servie DANàC E SATURDAY, JULY 2 AND EVERY SATURDAY NIGI4T LEGION HALL 9 P.M. STAN KNISLEY'S ORCHESTRA $1.00-- -- - PER COUPLE PHONE 89r2 *1939 Packard Sedan $95 TRUCKS *1952 GMC '/2-ton, 15,000 miles, one owner - $750 *1952 Chev 1/2 - ton Pick-up, one owner, new tires and motor completely over- hauled - $750 MILTON .îm on I * 1954 Chev Tudor, 4 * 1951 Pontiac Fordor, new tires, radio, and Sun visor - $945 heater, etc. - $1495 * 1950 Mercury Fordor * 1953 Chev 4 door, radio> heater, etc. - real family car, one $695 owner - $1250 * 1946 Pontiac - $195 * 1953 Chev Coach, It.* 1941 Chev Club blue, one owner - Coupe --$55 $1195 *1953 CIîev Coach dk. green, one owner - $1175 * 1953 Chev Coach, ra- dia> heater, etc. - $1175 * 1953 Ford Coach, ra- dio, heater, etc. - $1175 * 1952 Chev Fordor, radio, heater, etc. - $1045 THESE PRICES THREE DAYS ONLY Friday, Saturday, Monday Att CARRY 30-DAY, 50-50 WARRANTY BELL BROS. Sales and Service v THE CAPU PAGE WGHr THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 19"