THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO AETI -. Displays Are Praised By Judges P 0 E T'S Paensm aion 111110 ----- In Society's June Flower Show CORNER Th Iraeli lc ew2 .uumnuEm Th JneFioser Show of the tars n syen rhrMe. and Mes. John Gosld Gillies ANDVIRV Miton and District Metcsttural iith hoth hie corsage and goxio. SOLILOQUY 0F A FLOWEB o! iton snd Ronetti Arhur Da-1 CAA$V Society tooh place on Satseday in je. LOVER 'vis 0f Meadowvaie, on Msy 26.1 AC VyVL SRthe Agrcultual Hall with many Trio chittrens arrangemsentes eeroemwigfr ei h The cereeony was sotemnized in1 rIStCpEFE is shhisThresec agit eeegood thot the judge decided Each one hiait a needt t diselose Boston Preohyterian church, witis seSmICEFOR '%OLj icentdîsplays of peonies. oriental they ehould each hie givn a srize And pictsring oses a sniform Rer. G. W. Rose of Guelph ertie- afe r. poppies. rses sed other pere- and ihey weee awarded je the foi- bloom iaiing. Me. Rose sso morrieti the nasas en as maesy heastiful iowisg order. Lynne Rehertsoon, I sensed the true eesy te, compose hides apretsis the same chsrch. house plants On accoset of the Peggy MoPhail, Joyce Rahob e hnerse sttshowond he woit sesCresfr erir emoos this pe. ,there were Donald Clemenîs, Jase Clements, Th rs gesses te or d ]ýTeoog isd thesoos Ms R. _______________ etsdew s. ieRuth Robertson. rcm gfts the gondLord granted ou ,chiesThrough theYes FOR BETTER USED CARS , ho M c 1cfcî.... i i le ,1e INTERRUPTION mOlie , lii iiin y ier hi ,i. And Relable A tomotiv Repais 1 ""Aadel icici lsles "'clssèreeotibai Tise. egolarserccii, Pages of the Thinsi prsinlrd Ibeir lsvecy yosg th(-e aride maie c a olut lbgoseil And Relmabte Automotandivenig.ReheairsoPsst, mhich lhas bren puhlîehed a eiinlncts aecc You Can't Go Wrong winnes w eceved finecspecî weOhtYtfor manymrOee sinter- lae.ltafftaseîlh long sleeves ending in mens of ergreenssecre Ibis seeki. evirai more ThehîitîtyI ehased ft ommtolpoinsscrthe hands.Her fnger- loy Robertson, Mes. E. R. Ciements, cîlomne miii appear teter this serra-A shoots tip ccii mac of tuile ilusion and1 ait Mr.J, E. Crose. Mes. Franh Chic- mer betore 1hecacconte are iocon- Asnd thse hods o! thcesctus plants; lace and she eserird a cascade hilm. Mrs.PW. CoiibeMrs. Gc. tinud. The stands Icî.iiesisosf the faens -b ouque of amauvei.iishidseWhite BaleRamodArhe ndMr. Paeso te atineei c rs biots catios, baby mun ind îlph-1 Sasiy, ayessd rche on Mrs Paes c th ~ ntc's g aeti- And the boishilesaci sepsaying anis; aisîsie Helese Robcsck. The ecs a dram cles on the early daye o! HaltesRo sin dm cets 0egac c Bibî ii so h a r te nIt wo riz s hich ccisty iassisssictd much interest Wirsoiî ci h. -c is e aar a as i ste pick1 - .anîd Mr.Frank Pva.iics sc. Dl-ater thei cncuionsofthe seres And fseling tht orer hcad nsmw lie- ,liiiioiiicphccsif1cse becs Docisii bcîng the loec. - ilft , ciîl hc hcnifeo asb - Boit in ic secitioniiiscceMr.J. GASIMPORT 1latiisliii estelî.isîssy ,î. iîji T urner, as.imilariy guiii S . - ECre i:as Oketif Ipeý,I VANCOUVER îCPc.Cclicoo iMis. . OAi Thilia A. Rocihjs z iilBialcd1tci he ini rtn il oqe foa a rn h ntd Sa- NEW FOR Zoo iiiid eiiooionii. dycd iii match Mia E. .Cleiis,ýt.,t ai ilsci saliy ivcli Viancover l- MOOSE JAW. Sask ci )- tl d iSi.i ce Want Ad Page: Where OId FriendsMet i Readit,i la iii î gle. eci cdth3 iliC c Ci T iiec zvdii hcite 1 osvrl aninsal sicioding e.- i i uile a n , f tTo ccci. acied ., Ciillina eiiingtli drec es if yciiiise av oes cffa I aclidiof yiie cc ufItic cnd the - alton Romantîc fIl cccii thevcareo.d wcre ic Somethung for FATHER on His Day FrJnorFres iiiî piof hatte ndbeIan V sucs t Jusnir Farecc îîîsb 1h aches icere McClure Chcyne May we suggest that you buy something useful for J une l9th, 1955. The big t ),centheîmreoan ea aRbertDav~eis.bociof1h- day of the year for the man of the house. Molonc V fvr are.dduccg ail to vsh-di twrt iart ofiHltli cii cccall wchl lis decocaied o'ith A inc ýesii i ei te. -i il iciecci Thce liideseesher SHIRTS, PYJAM AS, TIES, SOCKS ýýr.nridinS.Iue igh cýoe afeawt ln ,il hu"I', n May . c, - ie e-ndil corsge i c i TSHIRTS, ste ideianir- a) -s andiithe ""O* ohr T S IT , SHORTS, ETC. li li'ic. clcrI lisaiiaie. i , iiiieiii *îscc uhuiiiiiiiei iicce ,Ie ii cecpsoiilae,cssik has t'ciiece.i i l i Po i il',lak oce cc ii. ih a o r DON'T FORGET --TREAT FATHER WELL THIS YEAR Cccî. Pilicf .11 5 lpil iil i. cci ils,.l iasîc lsîento e.h ei-isi tcc i l t,,I i.ilideoand I it lessii iccui e ltiî lule. i ,jm..î , i i , t,îiW hite Fc w, -h ilna-l.Iliiiîl.'.ie* i. fic Mi;-ithc h cliii iii M l-ýiJ Fii h lises sCrochet Bedspread FREE SUN COT FRIGIDAIRE ý"THRIFTY THIRTY" miss Faye Cleëments' With Every Refrigerator, Range or AND FREP SUN COI PAN(F Honored aSowers i R A G hi r_'. 11-1 aIIli Vi1.c1..a1.1_ Washing Machine (Roil Anysehere Alaminam Sac Cet) THIS$ Frigidaire Ref rigerator ONLY 69c A DAY AND FREE SUN COT You pay only $2.00 DOWN and the balance of the clown paymenl in thre. equal instalments - Se. our big window display 1 1'%P% 1 %J 1 ONLY 45c A DAY 7444;; THOI 0 ~ Asi ONLY 3 S AND FR1 Reqular ONLPY YOU PY REMEMBER: AND GET A rPrice $249.00 $209-00 RYOU SAVE $40 A SUN COT FREE 1 TELVISO - Drasic Reductions Some modem s i with FREE SUN COT ;ý ý ý thý Ju. , o n tits.ic M filCl 5551 ii ha Fis,, CIsc!- i Jt, M G .c I tici'ý J 1 Se10 551 H cciiR ci' il ccii a s i i ci eiise e g l- dec i r t Ot, if tit.i.ktesb.d, Norm Gild Motors, Neig . 0Hlh, Mile 0',i iONE 239las Id_ CAMPBELLVILLE Ladies' Aid Plans Summer Activities Mes. J. K. Mahon waa heatesa te tise Ladies' Auj on Woedsy ev- coing. The peident. Mes. Craw- ford, eopeneti the meeting with a readin9, Tese Rcligion. Thse derot- ions seere tahes hy Mes. E. D. Me- hon anti Mes. C. A. Elsley. Dsring tise husiness peeiod il was defîniiely decided 10 have 1he congeegatiseal picnic in Julti. A commitîcee as appsinted te amigt csmisecttees fecis silier sgsse.cst- cci icîhikigalier tiesupe liiei hu c.clîs citee lac the siOt to seccils seul ho Mcc. A. T. Mocre, Mes. W. Greeniece, Mes. L. Crawford and Mes. R. Parke. A donation has hecengicen le 1belp the Vacatisn Bihle Rehool. The ladies of the congeegatien haee offeeed 10 peovide the ireat foe the childes tieng the meet- ingc. Il wsease tecîded 1t e siet the Deace Mission Rond seioseli lic ceiehcotisg their 501h anniccro- aiy in Joiy. ieveral silier items ofi husincsc sere ticssed andtisel bebc aencre cfincethe ocar fut- ore. The secectuicy-tres.iee asti cher s cecelail' cadi. gaie týheir ,,.especive report,. Miss Ethel Simpsconloch char-e cfithe pccgccmcsadrad arery îîcteeesîceg aeticee seecten by Rev. Pîdgcon. The Socle Amaheeîsg. MusSimpson inteoducet Mec. Neciel. i, bic face s ceey loey ernonHome, wsens y Etigar Dcc.l. Mrs. Croseforti accompasieti ai the piano. Thiîs ac iciloseti y a hoseercue nuseher. The Mostacti Piactr. The bîettisay song was 1acngfo1r tbsmeees of the soc- ectc. The meeting seas cice t i prayer by the presîdent. A scocilhall hcoc ioiioseed, ohîcli ail enîcycti. Omnagh Continues Winning Streak Toccday, Jonc 10, Dmsgh oofthsci tise playetiancexchibition gane ogaici t the St. Thcmas leces cf tHamiltce, wilb Tîger Cale' Crn Fiazer if fîccibail lime, .hoo'ceg à icicc stylerfci pcching. Murray Taches. Claence M- Carin cd Jolie Eces cotd Ici a Ionsecaich.îcvitb singlcesgoief la Jolie Jorvis, Dcaham Gîllîces Jobsi Wiisecii. Vou LeRiche snd Rose TziI.ce.oo ad ahomecocloteA.Jar-. cî-Rîci icforitS.Thomas tesos c lied by Fraser 15db tse0, %ci iiiiclllio..and singlesgoing t,, Nicols, Ahhcclî. Cooper. Labcng. Dciiiy, Si cciiand Voeby. The fliaol zcilice e ,cc 12-il for Omagi. Bisseese-Hamclli:cQeoenFea- i) an1 d Deîîcc Dmsgh: Taser, Wiilnicel i5s and Decie. De Tuac d, Jonc 14, Locerîlle lae a Omagi sati sece tiefealei 10-.ensblcng OVmagh t oninuîse their o innîng otreai. Lowvie t obk the ccad in tise ficol cneings on cons by Readsesti est Shîrpe. Dmsgh ecenedth ia c vis cou ting. Thc second innîngs i liIcoicille 0p agalo cois esns hoN R Bernos-an, Readiseati anti D. IBic toeonc iîlbGDahams GLliiti sceas g foc Omogis, making tise coe5-3. I Ibhetird Dsnagh bacnedt 1 thi tront ccth singles 10 A. Jsecîo, J avsîcd Wîllimct, anti a home r t illico, mabîog the aco-e 75 mgli coeerd iee m,,e ini Ile iii hI eege. Gises. Tab-e cdd htiicis. Finaol 'ccci10-5. Ba3cciLices lieu V. BRocas- ch Klg l1,1sdSlcacîe. Vmaghc WlioianOcd Vevice. LeRice( 4). Fuue a000cr Vn cci'aiMltas 15000 Attend Farm, Home Week il .c lscî.cu0b)ll fi Dltaîýio, l"Ii l iccc'd i use Foras :IdHne Weei cel ococoaI the Ottii- Ageiccîli licl Cailege. C ieliii luise i Jni 1.5 Jonc 10, 575 Til' PleLideliciof tic V.AC,Dr. tJ V D, oarlcain jelong W~Vk .A ch. s ceîsîccscbeicîce te cien of tise 1 etr.Facm oacd Haine Weeb bas Gr cili icili "ccii i'l iiin oitco n.cccscoirs.rcst .bioî c.: uc il elui l'iiiicbl Dîcitoaio fam people ta> iuulu flic rlieCc e. kec1 cuist.c dite" oitb the latest P.Iiieic 57-5:Jilis Crocet.sinlîcîli-m etices andt reeach ie- i cciim ccii tI ccii cliii iiformintilitli.lih demonetrations icîcîl ci icof ei4 lii cts c «i.Ic ciidi.eie...iiacce cciii staofmens- nitiiiig dressercceaci of bcdspre adliers. cit.n liThe hi cieoso . e s-etiiiaiic the SundlTcicc ic Cuet5.ilcoCinsisaine cocu dos. iccidia olice- ciitîecIicccih ceeiielfci tckebeeiiic eatiocoo animais tliii icîtteel i cariscl ccCcccîcaclpowi celeti le os tieco iliege bei-do anti NvdIccli il Vi1i5 itsecFrontSt. W_ 1icotcancdti cety cdemaioscratios T cciii t ciiiloePATTERN toged hy the Dopai Iment oi Agric- NLIMIOE0 cl NAME accd AV-citise.iiEnsginering. These tiemoti- D13020. staions ic o wceut tacttragic cec- ch (k tic1, mcccit ieaýIicidentseausoften resoii feom te Nelcîcii ccii LccccoWheelI iliieceofiieimple.cirety pecaeiiores C.uli.i or.19e55.crokchest kit-aýhIcI sisg maeiery antiais- ticcg. -sic lcecidey adcciiiicel ubîtîg s picaces illiu %ýIte.ctio-iius. ouilt. apeonsu. Tiseday wit oghgit to a Close cîcceluces cc.iccfncîicînalie. Scsd sth vsitobyhbusîoDîhe arooui 25 ceit.. tforyiice che aitof ti eîs.ctments. csb eexohîhite cosid book nocm Ycî i i li ant ILIociec eostietianti problis5dîscoseati ecry1n-\designisncii.t cth clatf mo hor Costs Increase Over Estimai-es On Police and Court Building Enlias, pluis an i neaso in bildtt- tise hoardi sot anti approredth ie ing nis t37 per cent. sinre ccli- I$87.000 figure.,cithoat objections mates e ueenteti. haee hubeti teom tanpsycrs and tise construction theuccuet ici Bscingion sproposeti by-lam mas givecn morecadingn. police-asti court building to almost Tisece fieme ocre amactiet con- $100,000R. Tentirso penet i a a re- tracti on tise building, J. Earl Smith cent tseesrîocrl meetingcnveaîed ConstucutioCo. Ld. of Hamilton, o cosmploîedctrosi totailing $90,041 gcttiîîg tise generai testes miti tise cosspseeti mils $07.000 an estimateti iosest hiti o! $75,414, plus $1742 for oc.t asteunon by DGeorgc T.Evans. stsuefacing; BroemesPiumhingeand arcciitet. Hcatcng, Berlîngton, tise beatng, As a i ecoit sftise- tenders, cosncil plonehing. rentiation anti drainage c otedt ta essnt tise Ontario Muni- rsstîrt ai $11.637, and Niagara En- cipal Bosard to inre-ase thc amouînt gcoeeccssg. Hamiltont the electeicel 10 ait een $i0,0Oli . Sonte titre ago 1ai $5.980. SEE OUR BIG WINDOW DISPLAY McCLURE'S HOME FURNISHINGS Main St. GEORGETOWN Phone TR. 7-2522 PAGE TIIERTEM 1 a