FOR DEST RESULTS... CAN ADI AN CHAMPION W AD RATES JR 6 Noarg o anuiements of Biribhs, Marriages, Deatha andEnggemnts InMemoriam 50e plus l0e per lUne for a. Artiles fo salerefit, etc -2c a word. Minimum cas-35.-ox o. tiis office 15e additional. Coming enO*1,,8 - 1 e1 eve- I10- er coait Une; 50e minimumo. Corda of thanka .m 50c. BillLnu chargeiof 15e added to ail accouimsiaBflotpld AD & USE -u Billtrinseriohargedfadded for each bill rendered. LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 1IlPM WEDNESDAT COMIG EENT (Cnt.) FORSAL (Cnt.)REA ESATEJOINT BORN CMN VNS(ol O AE(ol FOR RENTREL ST E AUCTION SALE - SPECIALS - Mui e neai by popisofutMe- FOR SALE - Conrtespi MARTN-To Mr. and Mc. Dn non ToIgmann, Wedneoday ern- tanks $2100 aad up, corn nid ROOM AND BOARD availabie HUEODEFCS JHSNOTOR,2 Mtartin (nceGordon) ut Camp- 10f, Jonc 22, t Knlox Preabylerian enS drains: large stock of weli ui Kennedy Hoiel. Milton. Phonne _______________ IOaHLTRFECS JIN4O5 OUBOAReD, 2 bllvile, a daughiec on Juiie 7. Sunday chool hal.Publie weI- and esiveri tules. Pricc0 eason- 669. c-4-0S h.HENRY D 4.5 hours. Raduc- 1955. ai the Guephi Generailics- corne. Semer colection. c able. ErnaTilewoeks. Main Si.tORM a.MnETdEVA dbor pitl. rin. Emil Jensen. c-- FOR RENT-2 roon aftice. oew O SERVICE LAT RacdOTTRIE Reglar monthly meeting of MesI- building on Min Si. Apiy MiltainEEEST E. HARROP iBA RIE nRLLA-Keith and Lorne, 0o0s of ton and Diaticet Anociation for FOR SALE-190 Pontiace8OSsed- Sale ta be heid ai 25 Main St. N.. 50 FOOT Coupled leoghs Ken and Velaia l of HoenbY Retaeded Chiidren in the Fire- an. This car han ýbren sltp nnered IN Al. Acton. PLASTIC HOSE, 5.00 value, are appy ta annoancetUer bîrth mesRoom. Towno Hellon Thars- soece non. 'HanS 5nea' iresnand is FOR RENT Baenent aast- In thec ment aI cin, salewiii hoaet $425. f hie baby olter, Vaiecie Ana, day. Jonc 23 ai .15 pcm. A cordial in food condition. Pciced tao ;liv. ea eboMiroon. 41 cMueTYPES 0F brld sodcr cavr in the rbureh ai Miltan Private hsiall on ivtton xene eail. -4-2 Teena arranged if desired. C FORIl R V ENT 3spninShnedA ~ T T iis aS, orne o COULsOF-Me87ad9M5. Ven îaerr oiîîonyO 'di dr'eiibe, STRA.lN lMcKIM COIO-radMS ennHoenby C.G.I.T. arr holding aFOR SALE -.îryavy t oodaa be., abot 6 miletre tee HARDWAREE 1 Cousnnarr happy ta annieunce Sr J ry o i to 830 i,.L the: rompicte iciet vod-tîî niter Milton.e Aipiy 7M6r2i Miton. cAt 1.00 p.m. H R W R ibm arrivai of their daughler. Pal- an0eiaP one' Vn cisi rie'8" wo hpr i nax ,i T A S C I N riaisLyon, i Moant Hailto ie,' rel sow b ientcrndithin. Alsi e ara'ilie- FURNISHED COTTAGE cVi TRA SACTONS Sialrachr; 1sp ore ceater 2 ERE YURI Ju'e 3 955Snreîa'iand mulc hy local tairai , es eetiemtr.A 1 Auguît i-cîiieir4 eea'ueee rrsandao t rs;ch; i eLcBotcairTEEe;U RI hoapital on Fiday. - '3.195.Adultse Oc hidrre 25. Evereone- ue iihere irren ler A1eplo ' aed t t Salei andterfieid table v__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ e rcane. cMi. Saah Hanitone. 316 Pearl Se. oliei dill erSite al ie Cou i 1table isnp' S ali ampa; 1i eirt Phoe 28 Sue;pieeieliari'd iloie' ie', afidrawce snaînirdi; 2 hede. lo ieIi 1, iet ticiiiiii'd nele'nia p go mati ro sine re Orieg); D lED a. Jcceul C-27i HIPe rtWdiol l' re eI.1 Cr G. W. GOLDSTRAW îmodal irael it enît1o;i htahon BR WN taLiîday Giaenre' . ir o illr o ore Lî i . Sui__ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ote 5piecen i engttr. Fore; Ceii'.Loreeieopo'oîd ie'i. ANTED' REAL ESTATE BROKER eandry deiser 1 iîroeing board; BROWe'-do InJa n, ont licen h Anica h rIm oe ne À c I Akr lct itre, t1 letri c on; undri' Tuesiy Jne14 I55 i le B ad ev tisdaeYpeICEL-NEO~US main S. itn tey are ol;canninte lr titi etraitu 900h yrar. AnnierBrowen. de.î ;foea îî,derfuîl eenin of voter- ,WANTED--Atie cu n000. e.go..l__ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ t 1asrtl'y grea toe; tp t graneoiher o aI e M -iiionnie Pie gor e.îe - icead kthn hle'lien r ie teiMLO Stanley May), Hrnhy. iMeide cil \\ )(,ruli5 ale s O fie - e3i49eriC nn ioe RR Ai rc vrt ut, T îî[ n' 'î croret B a Thrti- 91ATF1. Mereoiea. A, irrc1 ilii el ry780 fi 4 leserfeldsuit e tablneand greeni;a Weiiaae WemaJaeetar' ee'rrai le ~ NDBOISOla cle FOWRS acahaocnlcrH-2R2 - 9R 1 draInra: baei dtab ; radi;3l MAKR anatrigere r i'teRr.e e - ute.rc.KIhde Phae-r392-Ri.3 mrene: 2 ingle lied. Seniofand Miton. Sîîadoa Jeeîîr 19 i lin om nd 7 30 MelaOaifAND__BOARD_______rmattrenor: ii2rc-doubeerinhand0MOUET TRANSGM At Sannybranh ho' -, sK. Cmerca. Toronto.ienc- home,-fodiS' lil - __________3______ doble hedn. 1pinge uad0MONMETS ETR pi île nJuee14, 1955. Ececîe;ere rn liy tie Rer. DO'M ' ~WILL TAKE tN homne eoecg. enitte: 2hrîn rer:i oantCE Tanon. hsanad on' Brrtlio snèr . BD. M P.L.. mninte- r Aiiîy îir2 Mlton. .eîîe*îcîîîîîî . etc. Mca. Edar A.ed tble: 2 n care oars' 3ETRY LETEI Re so ofM MayTrac )i ,lil Arnuercheirh. Teorontoi »NT D-tn n e's acc-ISm1111, Mlle )n 54iri3. -t v chaai r alice:edd cha1 n:arnioa i I b6" Q o rta s by Appirîmoît Fuyera. Kereice .ill bc hchaiac:bianpn:liongepad MiiOi"' 342. c the J. B. Malat toneratliaone.,Ml1 ef arm pi amntly lac sanitary dis- tn. cently decorated. ba ail awilo itelien cabinet; 2 boo a s or Hamitton, on Fiday. Jane 17 ai 2 WANTED Exenir erd t rieranoeai. Telephase ClecI: Miton o ncellierence, an large lot. very 'mo: i Aemevre na dan c I re Pmrs. terect Ecegcen cermet-! airvecra far Regal Traeîaaeaetd L le rTrants EM 3-3636. enenraîrcîy loaaîd. ccparaict e sepe: naids ic r cr, Mloa. F RPh i liiafiere6 p. r c GORDON YOUNG LIMITED tg garigi'Thas nverome o me banc chair: carnet tripe: eetric BENLE A hi hmeFOR W tSALE WR reoCompirte mîi tT amiais. 'oc2tuneritnheead _______________hme,_111 WAsTED-Job p lier Sean lie r. LAWNMOWERS ch.irpenrii aud ivashtub. Mary St , Milton, Onit.. on Mon-~ ind f lîruit fr nSom e i,,2 IiOih aoirltint,.ea.ew ri oc ii.i h ri y lte a e. rnateaDnELITT day. Jane 13. 1955 Berteane lie' HAY nte fieild. J- Sîc cil Sheo irlse, Plione 394r12. cae ede clr rceeee o leliei. lortreand -iy i uce IIDEY ADoLnOI toved linohand of Catherine Ca-7- 21. c gc e ..For servire e Wîîdîe lid tuerlos Atosnd eun atia nay. dear lather of Ena (Mes.W1W Aî'1FD -T< IJJ-UY OR RENT griveler leegea on 16neJamasActan, heoc J Baydl, Haraow. Oct. and Se- iFOR SALE-Waodenti,1110 Mltonv Bielercemal tarot. Mio il i>- r3-7 dey 'a-n ertr snm. EXECUTORS'CLEARING tha oM euh Ans Mltne an Joac. e tinn Apîiy Waicrdoîe e.625r,1> 'SEVCE eer ow te.eatr foertcash S L fth Mca. iAlitin. and D2li. __IEADSTOCK VreleERVnICCEcn aceuS AUCTION SL and Stailyn Soyd. FOR SALE-10 pie, , 6 eeaS îd. WANTED -lghScholt Ljoed-it, $500 ec o r feede-ad.or deaahiod l'ail c convdition 4 omn bick Iteted ai tbm MeKemeer aSdi729r22. c ii len nrh lir eonrr. cen star!' lisesmnor n s tbungailowin sGue-lph.i. n iairiy IN TWP. 0F NASSAGAWEYA Tha cher fanerai liane. Mltnlmi'uilairle Place Millen 106. c L IRSES ie LB. oetee om aidr n F LVSTC, TATR nt Wedcnday, a heme tibmtIa- FOR ImALE-Uord G. E. hli.eY ' 1F rrmp ervc oeoolc eral servce n'aa heid at :2 p ranga. MeKn Hardweare. Ml. WANTEI) R 011 -mFtrîen a hndmboordlee t ro'iet i l inmon l..eevdryFull T0F CKIRTOCK. ST COR ernent Evegrea ceneteryv Mi- ion 28.O..ieciî. eethie3. alle' ,> o Mi:22r23 îîrHaon 20telt aiees al he. F i RUCt .io s f LEm eNTEx utC.xf ion. FOR Stell- Btllding ha,. 1v0. I39,rer15$7.350tTrime.1lirEsandeofen dir cidla- lot 11,vc. .Trafligar 11.1 voeu:, 1 WANTED- -A ae ieeuuch- , CARteVERS omos ti-Brkes l E Am nI S MA PIe',er29î Mlton. iic in e,î"î l iteoteva ycraa ' ecuýauloir1 olloî roee TE MbvaRt AiIMaN h a IN______FORSAL_-________ie Lo iele ceem a- JCK HOLMES lot 21. roc.'4. TowsnshipnofNasaa livling, ron table and Se_ tn ailbel.r ithe'eD ea r rPriein e yscn eieîetrd an Guelph and WILON-n le'îg o ofeta bonrd.Apili'329w' Miltoen. 1'l WANTED' Heu,a ceenrt in .1- mhw tosa Ae s Phone 308m, 84 Chsrrh St,. Actas Conpbrllaulie rond ai Danhyvilie dermson adord iuther Hecrb i'ert e yr-puu:.i p ccl Ciervor . nuire nonti af Rori- Veor uie. aa sn cue iFOR SALE-'D.3 Plymaut ih lO Bn 24 M liui Peltu l"r cica.Ot i .eced. er Vr ae W2sn9. oI,1954 I\r. ,ehieveaII'. dLcci. huilerAI ralOCoe n L lWEDNESDAY, lUNE 129 Wr cannai. LorfTyncov r uluece. SSueii,.rAI,1,e 3221.ec3-2t Wci'li ho YOU LIRE tu e ec. Bertha B. Brow n C .meniian t 13 'ta i (a. NOn'Ol'P 'Lerd, e c'a""eue'a 'e'i c t'u o r-e.ue-1 c enu. ut'1.30 oerecg' Bt ail elnIthal' o dnce hTero FOR SALE-3 lub.r I -d e lico ' tutiG C IItO UPLE Lz, evl eek nte R- stt ooal Isiseancê s H ERe FORD Ci LE ue CaaingyrnnmbmnmdhMoth 'h B xaS31, o'chvg M alice ' -',îcoeI i a hoice ed ofHeeford attle brotbec and iters. ite, bl l h ia 'rotPhon eaelurn lsel seuiuMrlin emorcn 1siq iO HILSO la ocecaMimltonn.mertfoi44 ll e W9, .If euî,îcin av netesv lsiq cunrute f riçee eR rford oî lis 'INTlovng m moi ofiI ve 51r4.u3-3friJ1e- l> iW"lirI.eil iOu "-. of homeschoieebnilding lots, nue uruS cait ai tidr; 14 evunaz dean tatbrr. Janes Heo. ' ei FOR SALE--AriaFntral le' l'eauD Ci. ut i ,là lt.s iou crr Ale: dsrai ceen aad fa -I ml I hcd Hereford roue u'iil wati alled Home. Jane 19. 1950' uet foe r tee r. tig i iIve ntsudc 3 ceea-. durevnJnic: ol.onuelreis ur eepske.ce- , 'ce i le-e Vie lin lie X N, c30> lec.Cli.emî oaied prieranges. 2 hifrtn;lrtrm 1 innrold ar'l founsn Fa'emrmacyuolesnbrsnnalim nmoilrlunul 64bol-lac -4-4, bred Hereford bl, iit.ceg 2 year Wtb ahih a ml arsen part. î .aeo387r.32. Gnd lia5 Ps n Hie heepene.OINO T 113 2, u tMILTON AR ad. Lavingle rnmenbmrcd lieLa'av- lrpaid A 'ecc- Ct oneP e<Siee'r uml tifr ar'icantr' rTRACTOR. TRUCK.MLE-Raitnwoste ce Wchae a ee mat HiCtEd UR- ERV STO ( .é m 1iePheeu. el Oac Ar y-eeubobne or niahn NT IS nrnastional 19)52 'eion SaMryfor years, once you've Docatliy. telcountry.'eeetruckteahastocru.aRATTENTIONc PilSO I rer ocenooner tac . 45 ai S. in.,r -1247.heroe e ytieeg you w t-u-ieal ah pret -hue w I5e5 Il lF3 Main St.TVI, Cedr Springc ditrui t4 roomn Fn rcar 99ndm: ps d your h uewt at SOsr d eftr anan Hl FR CLE Ye pie M bic- picer 00< TOERS - DNEST eliîiîSuiegnle,- .111Drcrliomn hydraulue 2-furoed Endurance House Pait Jan 19 150.ulue A L- . o rkea PheevIle 5V PO Sien otih liu. Era TATE SALE -ail freshy decrcuii ul Fa ic tue ur tcac lou: nublimn tined Onnrtnt ST. N.9. e'50 e.uDflotaboy7roc]loia fmyHen- Endurance (s the painterr Father. ibis doy brna e mn.,ia 3Sh4,i,. M J. Croda i -ce îte 5 r 35 DUNN S .N. FRcAEuc mnbulin n l1eu uc. S fira i: Jgo n d rà ew:c hoeI iv sbte Ot happy tiemnlit home. - bAL TON lcWLTBV lîRCit) OAKVILLE MFORSi.SuiALEOlb ldu e eo., ia dc' Stcl aeramarabe. m1-d te eclchic gve ete IethatdronnaUIe1.alieilIta11acoesvl1 roo - rnaSns. mar.ibrttabel IneetI.IliobeeueaduteStoe eat Inftb eur aclytb n.inetruckdioaîl F raE ks golDe cdgr U ilet1uil el -ee c u.til Suceîccul iueueeda1I2 in u enemvCae.ll-ccOci ler: celein: be lei: 2etriat: a g ta o da CodS nS you theoge thr e alLey Apply HarvfyE e. 240 Gcu cîîîîl, î.ert.cvîeMilld l'r oe,.l e-I 2.1 .tl e'iec.Iý. - , ',a'Cii ilc: lceaugF-e Iutilc.e îcer : hel erici tr ue lt2 aim- Y u21e a oo , tý ataptunes cane gren; et Avc. Mlteca allen S P.m Ml u iutr ue u- Srt-u eece11 c ctma tile meuh I Bertha B lccdr:cancaenln22 Ne ld yn aiiia bedl harl. cii ui me ..e:lelec. lu cec n le ue. altorn n.(hialc er lcice. 3120111 f ii n chanS round point job withu Veut' ufferrng Be badSe nr eFOR SALE -50 tcns occlfalatf, ANFO10V01îrc eutelerTm pc.e:bareeo efMa IreeViai Endurance-the paint ehat Roasaciaaoenmmeceanleir le Bye ,e lcaraese Al neie-in Mitoni andîimcl cucul îccîlcte rcla de'reec'l iiio 1 -ConutI- nue: beg ruecl. c a:îSr fvce and Likhe Ohmtars ohen tornneare na,t --nmovr Tu lc iede offilthe Il 1 et mcil e netee -!i ilenperio i it Ve- il TEMou oCaýthcierIivespooncnam Pintiu uniethat hiccred Sanei1fe ldiSordePleine GukeuhirVIdime Cue.îlî, C -4-3i ea a'pumeeem c neil n Berha2. B own of ale Wber e hope tal smrct ai last. 5-403'4. c32 ien411 Tuma eî llec'.encu Forvr laingy ernemnlrrd bv -WANTED Ri-bimie lueyoulie eue mîýto.p,' I 4-5(1, amie BerhaLB .Rwn 0IMSCrah d Mary. FOR SALE- Cohen trader 'c' v«ýlue-n.c. euuredu. ulce ileum'V Asii oe t ELTR\M A Aectiier . M r.4. Ilrauird us ti incne pi eI e l i îî*îman ,îe.eiyTuJe.hArsstrong 1Mais St., Milton Phonoe 237. Phone Guelmphi 7d31, EDEN-ta iooucg nmarY cf MY ceurnt. pcpe a s co kn "_ _t,_ _ _ _ $ 7Milcro naroRa Eit ,.W ,ila.cer, b3 da bnlieThoaon Wali"n.uilà- c o ul. reaonabîr Phoe Sen' ';i t , trfe r 1'-M.cltre eae riEit h .MMha.dci lSS Eden,.waoaans~sedanse Jane 19. Caaullcc. .5611 Acier, C-23 l i u CluuîMol AIOBoard __________ 1953.. -CEAIN Ot anS ou itbcathghi do nandue FOR SALEF- De.muveeucRatt'eWANTRD3 -Fornme.,te .liiiAUCTION SALE ACIN SL Tu a grave 4 n se, 'e hrce. Roovi ne a n d pCole lu ta1 unn.a le orchiecl a Siien l a W'0 AS A EA -T P 0 R M S Wbe-e t a r a'a e.Sac1. EINcrh.ealcocrc TRE Johure yar mýat s. c ent-. euce e .M 1c I;r 'ýh;ýIlJ-uc Alilteu .Se'tee-e , ri.'T ET I I 1 1 1 Fana-nIl. ean aobouSy. ie-'eîe S.rmtHCcl c uer.hmu me li(celi.nPeluerfloucebe X) 15 0W en A M Tc. IMPI.EM- BSeEîîRmnT Farewll, ear u.,brdthy .olk Har Phoe 49, Mi """r Il 01"FARN SI uyin gYssgd Pî,Youn Mile Mi ave. 'ev (tuJil le te r phonoeheu h'Fia, i F'TS FUITIV E CuyngorBsod Young CoutleREcR li 0er tn rraiCîhi Fmînthîr, reulin- IHARDW ARE Tue a llng hareL et .11* deil vo mn l'e E Olb nr j:,hv A E A V N A E O A locvin uandaS, amandoSte mv FOtas elF u eea -.1me en in'am AK OAT F Tha eadu'rcege(h,bo eceau S an- Phone 499 MILTON 136 Main 5t- N crie oeartblt ind llbcea u-tiebeen. eert-neteW NTFI eu'iae'lu eccuesne TOo derly ocad tu e rre be hu-f o in- a le, Ce.,n o r turcitac' dulie,. Auteli FGORGE lTYLER THE SERVICES 0F - JOHN ('OLE gotica. aile Dcbbhuc. (lie 'ccll g edchenl-na uni'e-ile ler21. tiuile enue i u cua..tgi.etNi Eu LteeaP 10h ie Exeu-mtuee- ,rere'ee ieue loie1Il, cnie 2, to iel f f - t 1tu 2 n. Î,r iluatced n ____________________cliiailt.îC.meeeeTuercuîieee i cucu, 1 l - e' telf Mccl lA E. LePA GE itm,1e cn 101mialenie miof Ne 7 CARDS 0F THANKS' PROPERTV FOR SAf E Cor- 1 Am0tieilelu Oe' lini. " ... 3 AUleeA un LaS5 14ee, LMITD l m lie. 3 mtile, murtiof Accuei. ____________________ri dut maeh on ly aoibinell Oud JtîtSSiTSAI0RAYREATOR LI TE Mc. vS Ma' Georne' Peel - e rSiieha:n dvisone Geretonlca O ORO Wl i cec-l le f I u Ie eems Da i Clients iTID IlN 5K O i uEDERStW,1DbamiIv Commncing nd2 ,'cl,,ck corde ST RONE R ea ly fKîIhreel' e .!hS l ýie -mealccuee f r aeuint o a .i c ilrine-c fl eî eu u-' i dii len reulll F o Bth Trants and tele liueeine, Miltomn and Rirlentaln t' hrleearil Vhe.oeTR 7-5001. b-50-3 i-, et55 loc ha idl'ieueaoil 'lua ceeu lueleil e, froc aS ci einhheer ticrther 1 se ian .st. luuuIlulue ail ?,1 miI i eAen !,lme ec Suborbas Areas RROOD SOWS i -- b iel9 FULL LENGTH Pr" Ia rucci uin t l, fa-ae.aeua' i,,tîeele>1e Fr oweu. d fre.»e Apei'115;ViYork hurýt M rdsy. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Co.: c Me E. M l la1 ý j,- i nt MaR-diyl i. .il8;poccl cetloc dur mle c cdsoe/ 23. ailSreelir o SMOOTHER i ceh h e li..btheJn a Ni'- 219 MAIN ST , MIL.TON 1ci meut ' m ie Mllier Puulelen Sm e-î., l e-e-h ileu-mue e 1ui onI e ClleaS (ont-hore vacan tal iSSue 2 .ebca rre Il ra ii Ch u .eDaa10 F.. leeau ;dla a ii .:1 IPhoe426w'a42 lcai e e t u-l.adlorfarce.eall YOSUNe em r S-0IiiIl ltns li.ea lue tht-Ioul,,ly feuce miii Ne'ei i $915(uea Oi) c TENcl ERS1, 'cuellb.-Vel:3 OUN ol F160hidltaclShoots:**8 'cocu eýi e c(Iiiann eîcec-i i le. ce IoOFIS 5.11 lrnoeo'u'm l e- ie lei lne iS luet' Oii cil cu i i ue e-oaca-leui m iva- - 1iooiu .).. ca olii. 12 yCuecut opert.iioamr e., e i u itl 'e ln 27, c i,, eua eu.fl" ii-ietil ii loa ile.mui. M .B a l y7 ,,.od okba Se leceile nîeue n b51V 5I SIFM N'TS, E'TC. Ili ou. ic tel,oneru. Tue etc I i -eh le thonk mc cluuc t e g,,' .i ' o i ha .1. M D-e e O e t-, 2 -fi miai l ince l MILTON 418J cime ol!ielepe ri,.tlia.F SRiotadema' fac- ui'ii rlid lrCend .fl ne(l -sîîîîî' i1 4 COWS - Rean ceeue, Suei)'u P. Le o 4910 1cmion ce rcl.'.muc uel M U uA M M * ii i.m NiliF ibM. 1 ci .10.11 5M11 g l iluc e rul 7 orEM3-5661 -CR. 8-27-11 uey: brieudie crai n luthlieue. trou,4 muaSfr. M fiwe-e's q-,1;-.eOiMuo ivc eeemfiuc'V.lii I ici el My'20: rodrueee.i ulllflnea biaul aidu-eluca dueuv[3-M 4lieueMilton.e-1-lue , m ' wo I _______________ icc aulMy 27: epaicd e imet e liI fr eeundDr hci doile I lieu.h'd Mey 29: nid couic. n full~ kid ttnton d rFo IE I A TE - EsvLeim ;c f' mue *;o,I m leli ',l heur. ciS May 17'uwhieceee. ou - - aly ii Mat cem l la c 1 T L V I I N -, tyl . tuti t- le r T l-;Y111 liIiIliiliw eue liaSApn 22: ciro ue'. -- * *e umeu va ue, nicipael levitluvie 2 fiMM s'Jn..Ddfilic.lobcd Marali1i.'ea td AND Weelpd -liueîeum ltt n me n t,,I c iif luerS, an 0,M o er Ium bing clerlrSFl,2:budacc a c,' l-ec-na ai l i' l of ouie i f OM ITF F053 AR HE T fuil low1c. liceS Anc. S; rocn O Ov'.l, e itý, Iiiniv f efl' u lluiiflou, e. imS May 17: mcci, 23.A MluLvEi.i- OM HOM R E e '. ý) brecSMay 30. is fuili flow: part, COMING VENTS RADIO ERVICE ce cuul eî~ tue 1 ceeue0e Tbeuauleîi, an,:4 deteouf bl d ING SYSTEM F0 WA FIVE-HectladJcm ai'ntî- CO IG VNceAIOaRVCMleemr.un11.2caenacF0 e UNI1ItStheieli r$55Pb'rlec aî t id 81k eHOMEhos amehs23.1959. qgair, 9A. FaJue 1,.v a, k, eru-ete.ancmle'e.SM.cabd4erseycoe.-tiS a9